I taught at UHS and at MHS, both within the last few years, and I would prefer my kids attend a small vocational welding school on the darkside of the moon then allow them to attend University High. I can't speak to Waco High personally, although I know we had a ton of WHS ex-pats at UHS who were elated to get out of there and over to UHS, so I can't even imagine, but having then taught at Midway, it was a dream in comparison. Waco ISD, at least in the older grades, is much more a survive-and-move-along attitude. "Hey, 53% is like passing, and they only missed 17 classes this semester, so a 53 is pretty good considering, we don't have space if they don't get this credit, so pass 'em and just move along". That was the case over...and over...and over.
There was zero recourse or discipline in WISD. Think about it, you are in a class and you tell your teacher to F-off, or steal a computer, or get in a fight. Or all of the above. In-school suspension? Likely don't have the space for it. Call parents? Good luck getting ahold of them, most of the numbers I called ended up just being the phone for Marshalls or Home Depot or City of Waco, totally bogus. And even if you do, it changes nothing. Out of school suspension? Great, no school! Alternative school? Sorry, can't, beyond capacity. And then there is zero hope to make up work if they are suspended.
So, you are told "dude, I know that kid just broke that girl's jaw and also left his weed in the art room, but we don't have anywhere to put him and we can't expel him because we need the state funding per enrolled student...so...just deal it, ok?" -- and then imagine having 6-7 classes of 35+ kids in that environment, with zero administrative support. I dealt with zero of that at Midway. Sure, it's not perfect, but Waco ISD is an absolute nightmarish affair. I can't speak to the elementary levels, but anything from Middle School and up, good luck.