Big12Fan2024 said:
IowaBear said:
Ashley Hodge is as good of a source as there is. Riach was cleared to play and chose not too. He than felt the need to go party it up that night.
Can Stuart this morning on locked on Baylor mentioned that multiple sources have told him Love isn't playing due to a $$ dispute over what he's owed.
Where there's smoke there's fire. Been a huge LL supporter maybe the biggest in here. But it's impossible to defend the dude. Same with Roach. Roach is making over a million dollars to quite frankly sucked for 3/4 season so far. Its fair to question both of them at this point
Ashley was simply relaying what Drew wanted him to relay, directly or indirectly. Anyone who has worked in the media for any time knows this how coaches use those media guys close to their programs to get out information. Even the media guys like Trilly, Goodman, Gary Parrish and Matt Norlander were joking about it, which is why I assume Ashley took it down. Coach K did it. Izzo does it. Calipari does it. Few does it. Hurley definitely does it. Every coach of every major program uses the media closest to them and who they can trust to get out a message from time to time without the coach ever having to say it publicly.
Those who don't believe by now are simply sticking their heads in the ground.
I respect Ashley, but his message set a land speed record for deletion, which suggest to me either he was incorrect in something he said, or Coaches or Administrators asked him to take it down. I don't see another conclusion from that. The fact hopefully is, that no one messaging anywhere has been privy to the medical reports: folks in the know may want to review HIPAA restrictions before messaging.
I was never an athlete, but I was making my way through HS football (about 100 years ago) when I got hurt. Trainer and Team Doc blew it. Said I was fine, good to go. I was a dumb kid but my entire body was screaming at me that something was wrong, despite the fact no one else could figure it out. I tried playing through it, but there were things I just couldn't do on the field. My position Coach treated me with contempt, said I was dogging it. My folks finally took action, sent me to get a second opinion. Coaches were a bit sheepish about it after they found out. When a player who clearly wants to play is feeling pain, he needs to be comfortable with knowing the pain is something he can play through and not risk further injury. If there is doubt in his mind, perhaps caused by confusing things being said to him, he is not going to get to that place.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9