4th and Inches said:
Jacques Strap said:
yeah it was.. just a glitch
Always in the same places and always favoring a certain party..
I mailed in my ballot. Received email from Sup of Elections that it was received and counted. It is harder to get a fake through than people think.
Most of these places have the trouble they have because everything is procured on low bid. The population is conditioned to think every vendor is the same and that anything over low bid is waste. I have had 30 years of successful projects because I don't go by low bid, quality costs. R&D costs. Service costs. People do not go into business to do work at cost.
We value engineer, cut costs and force Govts to use less qualified firms, different materials, cut parts out that Execs think isn't needed, and then wonder why we still have glitches. It is the same places because it is the same people using the same penny pinching processes, rather than paying to do it right. Guarantee their system was won by low bid and small business points, even though they do not have the bench strength to support it.
But, hey we saved money, right.