TWD 1974 said:
Waco1947 said:
Ghostrider said:
Waco1947 said:
Ghostrider said:
RMF5630 said:
haha, no way Biden got that many real votes
Conservatives keep saying that. Yet, no evidence that has held up. In addition, anyone that has pushed that has lost or had to settle, see Fox.
Until there is some defendable action by a commission, court, IG, GAO or someone outside of GOP world that the 2020 election was rigged GOP better go forward assuming Biden got those votes.
Run Trump be prepared for Dems to get 81illion...
There is a ton of evidence. You and the media choose to ignore it.
The media is not the issue. No court of law saw any evidence of vote tampering or massive fraud.
Why do you use the term "massive fraud"? Because you know there was fraud? No one knows to what degree though. What is considered massive? 1000 votes? 100k? 1mm?
Again, if it was massive than where is the evidence.
Republicans have lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections. "Of course, it can't be because of bad candidates, or politics, it must be Dems are cheating...except we just can't figure out how they're doing it, ... I mean, how with over 150mm votes cast, they knew to get an extra 12k in GA., 80k in PA....must be the Soros voting machines are connected to a time machine! That's it. Call Rudy, we got it figured now..."
Naive and clueless. Just speak the truth. An individual American vote means nothing in 2023. It is what it is. I have come to grips with that. My happiness in my last thirty years of life will not depend on who Democrats put in the Oval Office. My family is going to adjust, cope, and survive.
I agree with both of you.
My family's future will not be dictated by who is President. No argument.
However, the chism between the haves and have nots is creating a situation where the Conservatives are not going to be able to compete. Issues like Student Loans, Rent/Housing Cost, and others are pushing social conservatives into the Dem box because the Dems are the ones offering help, whether this Board thinks they deserve it or not it is happening.
The sooner we realize that not everyone is as financially disciplined and "did things right" like the Baylor Board group (yes, they all deserve gold stars for life, that is really the purpose of their posts on things like Student Loans and such.) the sooner Conservatives can start coming up with ways to even the playing field. Or, the GOP is done. When Corportate CEOS are getting multi-million dollar bonuses and new grads can't afford an apartment on their wages, something is wrong. I don't see the GOP solving it.
So, I see both sides.