ron.reagan said:
FLBear5630 said:
ron.reagan said:
Doc Holliday said:
The US should not be making foreign policy based on how Z acted today. We should have never asked a question we didn't know the answer to. We should have never explored new territory in front of the cameras. It shows a huge lack of wisdom and lack of foresight. The US has a huge interest in that region and Z is a small pawn. Putting him the spotlight like, acting like he influenced our policy, was a huge set back for our country. A total disgrace
Sorry, but this was Zelenski's fault. He is at the WH trying to get aid. He had it, Trump said that military aid will continue during the negotiations. I am not a fan of Zelenski, Trump or Vance, but Zelenski f-ed up. He is done. The proper response is to do whatever we can to get a fair peace agreement. He didn't have to agree to anything, just not do what he did. The US is the only thing keeping Ukraine alive. St3.5upid move.
It is just as likely he will get more support than he ever did the EU are celebrating him standing up to a tyrant
EU is great at applauding. Not so much at giving money and equipment. EU can barely take care of themselves, if that, without US help.
Have you looked at the NATO's composition and then look at a probable Order of Battle. How are they are now going to fill the US's 38% troop commitment, 22% financial commitment and US airpower? The airpower alone is problematic for the EU, the US has 13k aircraft dedicated to NATO (more than the other 31 Nations combined) AND then they are going to prop up Ukraine? The US air and naval power is crucial to NATO surviving. There is a reason that the US is training Marines in Finland and Army with Poland. Without the US Heavy Armor, they do not have the capabilities to hold back a Russian invasion. The fact that the US Armor and Infantry Div have their own Air Troops is huge. Without those attack and transport helicopter units, you are not holding back 13k Russian tanks. It goes on and on. Intel, logistics, space, comms... This is a well played out scenario, there is no guess work. We used to practice with REFORGER, the politics have changed, but what it takes to support Europe hasn't.
We are talking a decade before the EU can step up and fill the US role. They are behind, not even starting from even. Many don't even hit 2% (18 of 31), never mind 5%.