Sam Lowry said:
ATL Bear said:
Assassin said:
ATL Bear said:
Assassin said:
sombear said:
Assassin said:
sombear said:
Assassin said:
sombear said:
Assassin said:
Trump just paused all military aid to Ukraine
Wow, didn't think he'd do it.
Another broken American promise, all because Trump got his feelings hurt. What a teenage drama queen.
Trump just saved us another few million dollars that we never would have gotten a return on. Why does that bother you?
We broke a 30-year promise. Our word now is meaningless to the free world.
Do you know many Ukrainians? They are some of the greatest people you'll ever meet. They love America. They love freedom. And they've proven they'll fight like mad to defend what they love. We just quit on them and sided with the epitome of evil.
Stop spouting CNN and change the channel. There are much greater evils out there than Putin. And why do we have to keep funding the "Free World"? They only reason they are Free is because we are paying for everything.
They've paid with their lives for 10 years. Courage and bravery to admire.
We promised we'd protect them.
I don't watch tv news, and if I did, it sure as heck wouldn't be CNN
The "free world" has paid with their lives for 10 years? I think not.
if you want to see pure evil, turn on any Liberal news station. 60 million babies butchered since Roe v Wade. Liberals make Putin look like an amateur. And George Soros makes both of them look like 1st year rookies
Not sure you've seen a lot of evil if that's where you're at. BTW, they have abortion in Russia and Putin is pro choice if that is important to your "evil" gauge.
I've worked all over the world, including Haiti, Jamaica during the revolution and Monrovia, Liberia. Yes, I've seen evil. And I am not the one that said Putin was the "epitome of evil". Liberals are MUCH worse. 60 million babies that never committed a single sin... all with their skulls crushed
Rwanda, Eastern Chad during the 2nd Sudan War, Angola during the Congo Wars. That's where I saw true evil up close. And if you were in Liberia during some of Charles Taylor's madness you should have a better perspective than what you're throwing around.
Rwanda is a good example of violence rooted in Western colonialism. The Germans and Belgians divided Rwandans into artificial "races" and indoctrinated them with hatred for each other, much like the US has done to Ukraine. The ultra-right Ukrainian nationalists actually believe they are racially superior to the Russian "orcs."
That violence was there long before
Its a classic case of post 1960s social science to try and blame the Westerners for the violence and discrimination already present in the global south.
The Hutu and Tutsi has already existed as distinct groups long before the Belgians showed up
[The Twa were traditionally forest dwelling people, and were the original inhabitants of Rwanda. They already a marginalized group within Rwandan society.
Until 1895 an independent Tutsi monarchy ruled the nation, implementing increasingly anti-Hutu policies. In 1895 the country became a German province, and after the end of the World War One Belgium took control of Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate.
The Belgians initially relied on the traditional hierarchy and social structures including leaving the Tutsi King, who was recognized by both Hutus and Tutsis, to run the country
[Rwabugiri conquered several smaller states, expanded the kingdom west and north, and initiated administrative reforms; these included uhuhake, in which Tutsi patrons ceded cattle, and therefore privileged status, to Hutu or Tutsi clients in exchange for economic and personal service, and
a corvee system in which Hutu were forced to work for Tutsi chiefs]
[The Belgians viewed the Tutsi minority as superior, and favored Tutsi for leadership positions]
The Belgians literally riled on group differences and policies of who would be in leadership that existed long before they were there