Poll shows DeSantis and Haley would both perform better than Trump against Biden

27,732 Views | 550 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by boognish_bear
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Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

His feckless indifference to constitutional norms is alarming. His behavior surrounding the 2020 election was absolutely shameful, and while I don't believe it rises to the level of the constitutional crisis that Dems have tried to make it, it was absolutely shameful what he did.

This criticism legitimately pisses me off... the indifference to constitutional norms is coming almost exclusively from the democrats!

Have you been living under a rock and not seen all the bull**** democrats have done in the last 8 years? They tried to impeach the guy based on a LIE! Do you not remember the Russian impeachment? Now they are charging him w/ so many fake crimes I cant even keep up with it all so they can take away the people's choice and install two uni-party candidates on the ballot.

If you didnt want Trump to be the Republican nominee, you should blame the democrats for trying to put their political opponents in jail like this is the Soviet Union!

I would submit that one can be upset at Dems for their tactics, without engaging in tactics one knows to be wrong. My mother always taught me, two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump's behavior in January 2021 was despicable, regardless of the whataboutism.

What precisely did Trump do wrong?

Was it that he dared to question the authority of the uniparty and the legitimacy of our banana republic elections?

By the way, no effort has been made in the last 4 years to clean things up and make our elections more secure.

Even the leftist propagandists cannot produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

Fact Check: Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?

TLDR, True.

The president did say that the crowd was going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. After the attack, Trump said he does not condone violence.

Doc Holliday
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Guy Noir said:

Doc Holliday said:

boognish_bear said:

The_barBEARian said:

boognish_bear said:

Is anyone suppose to feel sorry for Nicki Haley trillionaire military industrial complex donors?

I don't think it's about feeling sorry for Haley....it's about Trump actively turning off potential voters he will need in the general
Voters of Haley might as well be democrats.
I have voted Republican for years, but I will not vote for Trump or Biden. Marginalizing Trump's opponents will not get people like me to vote for Trump, nor to vote for Biden. It will just drive us from the Republican Party.

I look at the policies offered by each candidate and Haley's are the best. Trump doesn't address the issues. He just states he will fix them in a few days. I admit he fixed the border issues in his time in office but he skyrocketed the national debt and he laid the foundation for inflation to explode. He also played a part in the Jan 6 debacle.

I suggest you folks quit calling people names and look at the platforms of the candidates. It is time for new generational leadership in the USA.
Haley quotes:

"I'm brown"
"Hillary Clinton inspired me to run for office"
"Vote for me because I'm a woman"
"Illegals aren't criminals"

Nikki Haley also wants endless wars, wants to give illegals amnesty, and thinks men can be women. On top of that she's bankrolled by left leaning sycophants.

You want more war and you want someone not to standup against Democrats then she's your candidate. Maybe that's what you want?
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Mothra said:

FLBear5630 said:

Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

boognish_bear said:

Way to win over those moderates and independents, Donald. No doubt, alienating anyone who may have been on the fence about voting for you is a swell idea, especially when you badly need those people just to squeak out a win, and when the Dems have about 100 million dollars more than you do.

Can't believe some of you think this man is going to win the general.

Trump can pull more democrat voters than a traditional Republican.

I sincerely believe Trump can win 1/3rd or more of the Black male vote.

On the flip side though, he is going to struggle more with the wine aunt, suburban white woman who need to spend a few days seeing where their food comes from.
Got news for you. It's the suburban white woman that lost Trump the last election (and will lose him the next). And he's also going to need a healthy share of moderates and independents.

Relying on black males to vote your way is not a winning strategy. Not enough of them vote.
My wife is a Nurse, the Nurses she works with will not vote for Trump because he is a pig. She will either skip the President or go with a third party if there is one available.

You guys will all say how stupid that is. Yet, that is what they will do. These are college educated women. Will not give Trump the satisfaction of winning. I believe they are not alone.
My wife's friends are as conservative as they come, but have likewise agreed they won't vote for him. Many of them are voting for Kennedy.

Now, we will see if that hold true when push comes to shove, but the idea that Trump's alienation of white female voters is not an issue to be concerned about displays the sheer stupidity of MAGA voters and the Trump team. The fact they're not doing all they can to court this vote tells me they have no clue how to win elections. And when they lose again, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, but no taking responsibility for the real reason they lost.
They are not running a election campaign, it is a reality show. He just won NH, everyone is talking he has it sewn up and he is calling Haley names. Disparaging females never gets other females on-board, they say "what a dick". Hell, this may be the new way to run campaigns. Get a TV star, attack everyone and turn it into a game show/reality show. We really are at Idiocracy...

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boognish_bear said:

If you are going to spam tweets, can you at least provide some commentary to prove you are not a NPC?

It absolutely is a pile of crap. Our border security shouldn't be tied to funding a foreign government on the other side of the world that offers zero benefit to the American tax payer!
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boognish_bear said:

I think its wild that the uniparty is projecting blame that we are a failed state without borders on the presidential challenger and deflecting blame from the sitting incumbent President who created the crisis in the first place and you fools eat up the propaganda!

If Ted Cruz or Rand Paul comes out and says Trump is attempting to sabotage efforts to secure the border, then I'll believe it but I'd trust a rattlesnake not to bite me on the ass over uniparty politicians like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell.

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The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

His feckless indifference to constitutional norms is alarming. His behavior surrounding the 2020 election was absolutely shameful, and while I don't believe it rises to the level of the constitutional crisis that Dems have tried to make it, it was absolutely shameful what he did.

This criticism legitimately pisses me off... the indifference to constitutional norms is coming almost exclusively from the democrats!

Have you been living under a rock and not seen all the bull**** democrats have done in the last 8 years? They tried to impeach the guy based on a LIE! Do you not remember the Russian impeachment? Now they are charging him w/ so many fake crimes I cant even keep up with it all so they can take away the people's choice and install two uni-party candidates on the ballot.

If you didnt want Trump to be the Republican nominee, you should blame the democrats for trying to put their political opponents in jail like this is the Soviet Union!

I would submit that one can be upset at Dems for their tactics, without engaging in tactics one knows to be wrong. My mother always taught me, two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump's behavior in January 2021 was despicable, regardless of the whataboutism.

What precisely did Trump do wrong?

Was it that he dared to question the authority of the uniparty and the legitimacy of our banana republic elections?

By the way, no effort has been made in the last 4 years to clean things up and make our elections more secure.

Even the leftist propagandists cannot produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

Fact Check: Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?

TLDR, True.

The president did say that the crowd was going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. After the attack, Trump said he does not condone violence.

His efforts to try and stay in power are what I am referencing. Trying to influence Pence and other state officials to not certify the election results or "find enough votes" for him to win was undemocratic and unconstitutional.

Look, you will get no argument from me that Dems haven't engaged in despicable tactics. I simply prefer Republicans not stoop to their level.
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The_barBEARian said:

boognish_bear said:

I think its wild that the uniparty is projecting blame that we are a failed state without borders on the presidential challenger and deflecting blame from the sitting incumbent President who created the crisis in the first place and you fools eat up the propaganda!

If Ted Cruz or Rand Paul comes out and says Trump is attempting to sabotage efforts to secure the border, then I'll believe it but I'd trust a rattlesnake not to bite me on the ass over uniparty politicians like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell.

Where did he deflect blame? He said we have a problem at the Border and the American people are suffering. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
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Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

His feckless indifference to constitutional norms is alarming. His behavior surrounding the 2020 election was absolutely shameful, and while I don't believe it rises to the level of the constitutional crisis that Dems have tried to make it, it was absolutely shameful what he did.

This criticism legitimately pisses me off... the indifference to constitutional norms is coming almost exclusively from the democrats!

Have you been living under a rock and not seen all the bull**** democrats have done in the last 8 years? They tried to impeach the guy based on a LIE! Do you not remember the Russian impeachment? Now they are charging him w/ so many fake crimes I cant even keep up with it all so they can take away the people's choice and install two uni-party candidates on the ballot.

If you didnt want Trump to be the Republican nominee, you should blame the democrats for trying to put their political opponents in jail like this is the Soviet Union!

I would submit that one can be upset at Dems for their tactics, without engaging in tactics one knows to be wrong. My mother always taught me, two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump's behavior in January 2021 was despicable, regardless of the whataboutism.

What precisely did Trump do wrong?

Was it that he dared to question the authority of the uniparty and the legitimacy of our banana republic elections?

By the way, no effort has been made in the last 4 years to clean things up and make our elections more secure.

Even the leftist propagandists cannot produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

Fact Check: Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?

TLDR, True.

The president did say that the crowd was going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. After the attack, Trump said he does not condone violence.

His efforts to try and stay in power are what I am referencing. Trying to influence Pence and other state officials to not certify the election results or "find enough votes" for him to win was undemocratic and unconstitutional.

Look, you will get no argument from me that Dems haven't engaged in despicable tactics. I simply prefer Republicans not stoop to their level.

You seem reasonable. Which is why its so tragic you and a lot of the other never-Trumpers seem so caught up on mean tweets and other trivial **** which has no bearing on our current state of affairs and the absolute ****storm we are experiencing.

If the Democrats hadnt tried to put Trump in jail and violate the constitution to remove him from the ballot, DeSantis might have won the primary but we are dealing with complete psychopaths on the other side of the trenches.
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FLBear5630 said:

The_barBEARian said:

boognish_bear said:

I think its wild that the uniparty is projecting blame that we are a failed state without borders on the presidential challenger and deflecting blame from the sitting incumbent President who created the crisis in the first place and you fools eat up the propaganda!

If Ted Cruz or Rand Paul comes out and says Trump is attempting to sabotage efforts to secure the border, then I'll believe it but I'd trust a rattlesnake not to bite me on the ass over uniparty politicians like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell.

Where did he deflect blame? He said we have a problem at the Border and the American people are suffering. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

Dude, they are trying to make the border crisis a referendum on Trump and not Biden with this he-said, she-said crap. Why arent the writing articles about how Biden is doing nothing to stop any of this?

Its typical from the propagandists who call themselves journalists.
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Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

His feckless indifference to constitutional norms is alarming. His behavior surrounding the 2020 election was absolutely shameful, and while I don't believe it rises to the level of the constitutional crisis that Dems have tried to make it, it was absolutely shameful what he did.

This criticism legitimately pisses me off... the indifference to constitutional norms is coming almost exclusively from the democrats!

Have you been living under a rock and not seen all the bull**** democrats have done in the last 8 years? They tried to impeach the guy based on a LIE! Do you not remember the Russian impeachment? Now they are charging him w/ so many fake crimes I cant even keep up with it all so they can take away the people's choice and install two uni-party candidates on the ballot.

If you didnt want Trump to be the Republican nominee, you should blame the democrats for trying to put their political opponents in jail like this is the Soviet Union!

I would submit that one can be upset at Dems for their tactics, without engaging in tactics one knows to be wrong. My mother always taught me, two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump's behavior in January 2021 was despicable, regardless of the whataboutism.

What precisely did Trump do wrong?

Was it that he dared to question the authority of the uniparty and the legitimacy of our banana republic elections?

By the way, no effort has been made in the last 4 years to clean things up and make our elections more secure.

Even the leftist propagandists cannot produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

Fact Check: Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?

TLDR, True.

The president did say that the crowd was going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. After the attack, Trump said he does not condone violence.

His efforts to try and stay in power are what I am referencing. Trying to influence Pence and other state officials to not certify the election results or "find enough votes" for him to win was undemocratic and unconstitutional.

Look, you will get no argument from me that Dems haven't engaged in despicable tactics. I simply prefer Republicans not stoop to their level.
My problem with Trump is he is sloppy and gives his opponents the chance to do **** like impeach him or bring him up on charges. Your example of "find enough votes" or talking in metaphors is perfect. I get it, he didn't mean for them to create votes, but for the rest of the Counties to come in. He talks like he is on the street and that will get you in trouble dealing with Attorneys. Another term of Trump is 4 years of fighting, deflecting and defending not getting anything done.

You are right the Dems are a **** show, but they are an organized, vindictive and use the process **** show.
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The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

The_barBEARian said:

Mothra said:

His feckless indifference to constitutional norms is alarming. His behavior surrounding the 2020 election was absolutely shameful, and while I don't believe it rises to the level of the constitutional crisis that Dems have tried to make it, it was absolutely shameful what he did.

This criticism legitimately pisses me off... the indifference to constitutional norms is coming almost exclusively from the democrats!

Have you been living under a rock and not seen all the bull**** democrats have done in the last 8 years? They tried to impeach the guy based on a LIE! Do you not remember the Russian impeachment? Now they are charging him w/ so many fake crimes I cant even keep up with it all so they can take away the people's choice and install two uni-party candidates on the ballot.

If you didnt want Trump to be the Republican nominee, you should blame the democrats for trying to put their political opponents in jail like this is the Soviet Union!

I would submit that one can be upset at Dems for their tactics, without engaging in tactics one knows to be wrong. My mother always taught me, two wrongs don't make a right.

Trump's behavior in January 2021 was despicable, regardless of the whataboutism.

What precisely did Trump do wrong?

Was it that he dared to question the authority of the uniparty and the legitimacy of our banana republic elections?

By the way, no effort has been made in the last 4 years to clean things up and make our elections more secure.

Even the leftist propagandists cannot produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

Fact Check: Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?

TLDR, True.

The president did say that the crowd was going to march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol. After the attack, Trump said he does not condone violence.

His efforts to try and stay in power are what I am referencing. Trying to influence Pence and other state officials to not certify the election results or "find enough votes" for him to win was undemocratic and unconstitutional.

Look, you will get no argument from me that Dems haven't engaged in despicable tactics. I simply prefer Republicans not stoop to their level.

You seem reasonable. Which is why its so tragic you and a lot of the other never-Trumpers seem so caught up on mean tweets and other trivial **** which has no bearing on our current state of affairs and the absolute ****storm we are experiencing.

If the Democrats hadnt tried to put Trump in jail and violate the constitution to remove him from the ballot, DeSantis might have won the primary but we are dealing with complete psychopaths on the other side of the trenches.

I am not "caught up" on his mean tweets. If he wants to behave like a petulant 6th grade bully, he is free to do so. It won't change the fact I will vote for him, as he is the lesser of the two evils. But it is not my vote he needs to court.

It's my wife's vote. It's independents' and moderates' votes. And they do care about how he treats others. That's the point you seem to not understand.

Being a politician requires a tap dance of sorts. You are in large part marketing yourself to the world. And Trump's inability to control his tongue badly lost him the demographic that would have gotten him elected. That is the point you are missing. Now, you can complain all you want about them, and how they shouldn't get upset when Trump behaves like a child, but if you want their vote - which you desperately need to win this election - then you better change how you behave.

But as well all know, that will never happens, which is why Trump is going to lose. Again.
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The_barBEARian said:

boognish_bear said:

If you are going to spam tweets, can you at least provide some commentary to prove you are not a NPC?

It absolutely is a pile of crap. Our border security shouldn't be tied to funding a foreign government on the other side of the world that offers zero benefit to the American tax payer!

What in the article did you take issue with? It's just Cruz and Johnson explaining why they will not support the bill.

The Hill has been critical of Biden's abject failure with the border if you are looking for that

"Amid one of the worst national security, immigration and public safety crises in U.S. history, President Biden's attempts to smooth over the crisis at the southern border are actually exacerbating the situation.

At this point, he is empowering the very authoritarian regimes responsible for orchestrating the flow of refugees and migrants to the U.S. to begin with.

Biden has given the Mexican government significant leverage as he continues to seek Mexico's help to address a problem that only recently captured his attention because of its negative impact on his poll numbers."

Whiskey Pete
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Mothra said:

boognish_bear said:

Way to win over those moderates and independents, Donald. No doubt, alienating anyone who may have been on the fence about voting for you is a swell idea, especially when you badly need those people just to squeak out a win, and when the Dems have about 100 million dollars more than you do.

Can't believe some of you think this man is going to win the general.
I don't believe he's going to win the general, but that's not going to stop me from voting for him in the general.
Whiskey Pete
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Guy Noir said:

Doc Holliday said:

boognish_bear said:

The_barBEARian said:

boognish_bear said:

Is anyone suppose to feel sorry for Nicki Haley trillionaire military industrial complex donors?

I don't think it's about feeling sorry for Haley....it's about Trump actively turning off potential voters he will need in the general
Voters of Haley might as well be democrats.
I have voted Republican for years, but I will not vote for Trump or Biden. Marginalizing Trump's opponents will not get people like me to vote for Trump, nor to vote for Biden. It will just drive us from the Republican Party.

I look at the policies offered by each candidate and Haley's are the best. Trump doesn't address the issues. He just states he will fix them in a few days. I admit he fixed the border issues in his time in office but he skyrocketed the national debt and he laid the foundation for inflation to explode. He also played a part in the Jan 6 debacle.

I suggest you folks quit calling people names and look at the platforms of the candidates. It is time for new generational leadership in the USA.
What policies of Haley's are the best?
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Whiskey Pete said:

Mothra said:

boognish_bear said:

Way to win over those moderates and independents, Donald. No doubt, alienating anyone who may have been on the fence about voting for you is a swell idea, especially when you badly need those people just to squeak out a win, and when the Dems have about 100 million dollars more than you do.

Can't believe some of you think this man is going to win the general.
I don't believe he's going to win the general, but that's not going to stop me from voting for him in the general.
Me neither. But as I said above, it's not you or I he needs to win over.
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boognish_bear said:

Her statement would be fine if her campaign was targeting actual republicans instead of democrats to vote for her in the republican primaries.
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4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
4th and Inches
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Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
The essence of "He-Said, She-Said" lies in its portrayal of personal accounts, with no tangible evidence or witnesses available to verify the truth, leading to increased difficulty in discerning the actual course of events.

You still want to stand by that? You have 1 accuser and 3 deniers.

I am done. I already gave you a trophy..

Enjoy your day
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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So, let me get this straight....You Trumper's are going to vote for a "Loser". He managed to loose the Presidency , The House and the Senate. What makes you guys think anything will be different?
4th and Inches
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J.R. said:

So, let me get this straight....You Trumper's are going to vote for a "Loser". He managed to loose the Presidency , The House and the Senate. What makes you guys think anything will be different?
maybe he can tighten up
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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J.R. said:

So, let me get this straight....You Trumper's are going to vote for a "Loser". He managed to loose the Presidency , The House and the Senate. What makes you guys think anything will be different?
I will take it one step further, what makes you think he can be effective as a President? This isn't 2016 when he worked with the GOP and he still couldn't get much through Congress. He held both House and Senate going in and wound up being impeached twice, he lost 65 Court cases on Executive Orders in his first 2 years, and he was in a constant war with the media. This was his first term, the glory years...

He has alienated and condemned the whole DC infrastructure and Congress. His "8" may be enough to throw a stick in spokes, but no where near enough to get anything through the HOR. He may win, but can he get anything done?
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4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
The essence of "He-Said, She-Said" lies in its portrayal of personal accounts, with no tangible evidence or witnesses available to verify the truth, leading to increased difficulty in discerning the actual course of events.

You still want to stand by that? You have 1 accuser and 3 deniers.

I am done. I already gave you a trophy..

Enjoy your day

I haven't stood by anything except the dictionary. You made the claim that this line was proven false, and I'm just calling you out for your lies. Be done. Please.
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boognish_bear said:

Of course that is true. Trump already lost to a guy with dementia, because he riled Dems and independents up to the Nth.

As far as I'm concerned he absolutely violated his oath to uphold and promote democracy, and the Constitution. Even worse, he intentionally divided this country. As dumb as he is, he was wildly successful. Wont vote for some so anti-America even if the other guy is Biden. And I don't think I'm alone.
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Porteroso said:

boognish_bear said:

Of course that is true. Trump already lost to a guy with dementia, because he riled Dems and independents up to the Nth.

As far as I'm concerned he absolutely violated his oath to uphold and promote democracy, and the Constitution. Even worse, he intentionally divided this country. As dumb as he is, he was wildly successful. Wont vote for some so anti-America even if the other guy is Biden. And I don't think I'm alone.

He is successful because he is running a reality show not a campaign. MAGA idiots are the same ones that watch car crashes. He is a Trainwreck. Trainwrecks get good ratings. This is The Apprentice to the next level.
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So you will vote for Biden in November or sit out?
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The_barBEARian said:

So you will vote for Biden in November or sit out?

I'll vote for someone I want to be President, which is not Biden or Trump. Sitting out isn't a good option.
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
The essence of "He-Said, She-Said" lies in its portrayal of personal accounts, with no tangible evidence or witnesses available to verify the truth, leading to increased difficulty in discerning the actual course of events.

You still want to stand by that? You have 1 accuser and 3 deniers.

I am done. I already gave you a trophy..

Enjoy your day

I haven't stood by anything except the dictionary. You made the claim that this line was proven false, and I'm just calling you out for your lies. Be done. Please.
and i quote the dictionary back at you.. your definition included words that i defined from same dictionary showing that word matched my claim.

My claim is valid by dictionary standards but not in your mind.

Go polish your trophy
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
How long do you want to ignore this user?
4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
The essence of "He-Said, She-Said" lies in its portrayal of personal accounts, with no tangible evidence or witnesses available to verify the truth, leading to increased difficulty in discerning the actual course of events.

You still want to stand by that? You have 1 accuser and 3 deniers.

I am done. I already gave you a trophy..

Enjoy your day

I haven't stood by anything except the dictionary. You made the claim that this line was proven false, and I'm just calling you out for your lies. Be done. Please.
and i quote the dictionary back at you.. your definition included words that i defined from same dictionary showing that word matched my claim.

My claim is valid by dictionary standards but not in your mind.

Go polish your trophy

Yeah someone saying hm I haven't heard of that is not proof it's false. Trophy is gleaming.
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
The essence of "He-Said, She-Said" lies in its portrayal of personal accounts, with no tangible evidence or witnesses available to verify the truth, leading to increased difficulty in discerning the actual course of events.

You still want to stand by that? You have 1 accuser and 3 deniers.

I am done. I already gave you a trophy..

Enjoy your day

I haven't stood by anything except the dictionary. You made the claim that this line was proven false, and I'm just calling you out for your lies. Be done. Please.
and i quote the dictionary back at you.. your definition included words that i defined from same dictionary showing that word matched my claim.

My claim is valid by dictionary standards but not in your mind.

Go polish your trophy

Yeah someone saying hm I haven't heard of that is not proof it's false. Trophy is gleaming.

Fuentes said "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather."

Bolton who was on the trip with Trump said the suckers quote was "simply false"(Bolton hates Trump)

Mike Pompeo also said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article."

Plus Trumps denial. Thats 4 people who were there saying it did not happen. Nobody except Kelly has said it did.

I have Trump and 3 named sources saying they were in the room and it did not happen. you have one named source saying it did but nobody has confirmed he was in the room at the time of the weather report and trip cancellation.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

If you're standing in a conference room where Oso and Sam are having a conversation and you didn't hear Oso or Sam call me a loser, then it probably didn't happen during that conversation.

It is more likely that other comments were taken out of context like when he called McCain a loser and made it all service men are losers.

The fact you can claim the statement is true while telling me I cant claim it is false is bit ironic. Your mind has made an opinion as fact because of your dislike for Trump.

Read your definition of proof again, no corresponding evidence establishing Kelly statement is true. There is corresponding evidence establishing Kelley"s statement as not true from other statements of known people in the room. Weighting evidence presented so far, the facts show it probably isnt true.

Enjoy your weekend and Sic en Bears!
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
How long do you want to ignore this user?
4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

Porteroso said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

4th and Inches said:

boognish_bear said:

he lost me at the suckers quote which has been proven to be false

Where was it proven false?

An aide on the trip said, "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think somebody like General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?"

Furthermore, there was no evidence or testimony showing Kelly being around Trump to hear the alleged comments.

Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who said he was on the trip, also issued a denial to Fox News, days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."

Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also denied the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020. He said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip, if I'm thinking about this visit and the timing right, and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article. Just, I never saw it."

Remember when the secret source reported as senior whitehouse staff by several journalistic titans turned out to be a mail clerk?

An aide said he didn't hear it. And you equate that with proof? Do you know what proof means?
go sit down and let the adults talk..

I forgot dictionary denial is such an important policy co sideration for you zealots. Lol, "proven."
lol, multiple statements against the report from those that were there as well as it was mentioned that Kelly most likey wasnt there is more than "trump denial" blah blah blah

Keep making yourself look foolish or stop now..

Kelly is certainly fed up with things, but is not a proven liar, is he? I don't necessarily believe him, but "a few guys said they didn't hear x" is not proof x want said.

Me look foolish? Go back to school kid, you're not too cool for it.
one person said it did, no cooberation and many people who were there said it didnt happen..(i posted those couple of rebuttals on a quick search- found no evidence supporting kelly)

Thats a win every time for the defense hoss..

You keep tryin though

You already forgot what we are arguing about. Your suspect definition of proof. Not a single court will say proven false. Just unsubstantiated. Words matter kid.
lol, not a single jury would convict based on the evidence submitted.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

You have a single statement with no other statements validating the original statement.

You have several statements opposing it. Sounds like the validity of the statement is in question.

Here is a trophy for your effort

You can't be this dumb. There is no proof either way, just he said and he said.
The essence of "He-Said, She-Said" lies in its portrayal of personal accounts, with no tangible evidence or witnesses available to verify the truth, leading to increased difficulty in discerning the actual course of events.

You still want to stand by that? You have 1 accuser and 3 deniers.

I am done. I already gave you a trophy..

Enjoy your day

I haven't stood by anything except the dictionary. You made the claim that this line was proven false, and I'm just calling you out for your lies. Be done. Please.
and i quote the dictionary back at you.. your definition included words that i defined from same dictionary showing that word matched my claim.

My claim is valid by dictionary standards but not in your mind.

Go polish your trophy

Yeah someone saying hm I haven't heard of that is not proof it's false. Trophy is gleaming.

Fuentes said "I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather."

Bolton who was on the trip with Trump said the suckers quote was "simply false"(Bolton hates Trump)

Mike Pompeo also said, "I was with him for a good part of that trip and I never heard him use the words that are described in that article."

Plus Trumps denial. Thats 4 people who were there saying it did not happen. Nobody except Kelly has said it did.

I have Trump and 3 named sources saying they were in the room and it did not happen. you have one named source saying it did but nobody has confirmed he was in the room at the time of the weather report and trip cancellation.

Proof- the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

If you're standing in a conference room where Oso and Sam are having a conversation and you didn't hear Oso or Sam call me a loser, then it probably didn't happen during that conversation.

It is more likely that other comments were taken out of context like when he called McCain a loser and made it all service men are losers.

The fact you can claim the statement is true while telling me I cant claim it is false is bit ironic. Your mind has made an opinion as fact because of your dislike for Trump.

Read your definition of proof again, no corresponding evidence establishing Kelly statement is true. There is corresponding evidence establishing Kelley"s statement as not true from other statements of known people in the room. Weighting evidence presented so far, the facts show it probably isnt true.

Enjoy your weekend and Sic en Bears!

Probably isn't true is not proof. Never has been. Never will be. I'm right, you're wrong. You bet I enjoy life. Hope you do too.

I never claimed it was true btw. You are so twisted into a pretzel you don't even understand what you're talking about.
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