It's the jury's turn now

10,480 Views | 182 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by 4th and Inches
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Redbrickbear said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

It's an epidemic of corporate republicans coming out and saying how people need to respect a corrupt system

I'm very amused that a lot you you folks post crap from X attached to no one even knows. So, who is this Limbaugh fella? I'm not familiar with his fine work.

Is it only permissible to post things if the person some tv personality and high paid talking head?

The sentiment/view expressed is what is important.

People are sick of Republicans like Asa and Hogan….they stand for nothing but the donor class and never stand up for the voting base of the party.

And the voting base of the party is sick of the corruption DC, the media, the system in general

Conservatives in this country don't do sh*t. Degenerate liberals have been burning the house down for decades, and instead of putting out the fire conservatives have only ever burnt out the kitchen as a stand-in facilitated by their ideological coping mechanisms anytime they get bent over.

Its an apathetic, loser-mentality, high in estrogen cross-section that likes to think they're differentiated from the Republican Party, but they're functionally not.

People who play by rules their opponents repeatedly disregard lose in perpetuity. There is no "we're so sick of this," and there never has been. Proving that has been just about the only thing Republicans have ever done well.

It's a tragedy to be forced to share ideological headspace with the "my last two brain cells are competing for third place" and "please sir may I have another" parties.

And with that, I'll see y'all tomorrow. I'm gonna go burn down a popeyes
When I played football, I never set out to hurt anyone deliberately - unless it was, you know, important, like a league game or something.
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Waco1947 said:

It's momentous. Obviously.
Did the prosecution ever come up with a crime? Just curious.

In all seriousness, I am hazy on the felony. A lot of misdemeanors, but failing to connect to felony. Not sure why this isn't a fine situation. What am I missing?

That said, this is a perfect example of what I was saying during Primary phase of election. Trump's policies are fine, but he is sloppy. He makes himself a target but doesn't keep his house in order. It is like the Ukraine impeachment call, he left himself wide-open to be impeached because he was sloppy. Same with Cohen. Same with Doc case when that comes.

I do think we need to vote for Trump for one reason, China is very happy this morning. If they are happy, it is bad for us.
ATL Bear
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Man who abused system gets convicted of abusing the system by people abusing the system .

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boognish_bear said:

First thing she's ever said I agree with - the "F you" to Bolton, that is. You won't find a bigger neocon war monger than that guy.
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ATL Bear said:

Man who abused system gets convicted of abusing the system by people abusing the system .


Well said
Forest Bueller_bf
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Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
Forest Bueller_bf
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Mothra said:

boognish_bear said:

First thing she's ever said I agree with - the "F you" to Bolton, that is. You won't find a bigger neocon war monger than that guy.
She is nuts and belongs in an asylum along with the "squad", but the Uniparty is rearing it's ugly head.
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[Democrats Cross The Rubicon

As Awful As He Is, Vote For The Convicted Felon: It's Important

So now Donald J. Trump is officially a crook a convicted felon. This was a transparently political trial, a radically destabilizing case of a political party in power using that power to sabotage the presidential campaign of a sitting president's opponent. Believe me, I cannot stand Trump, consider him to be corrupt, and desperately wish the Republicans were running Ron De Santis this fall. But the awfulness of Trump does not negate the fact that the Democrats have made a terrible, terrible mistake.

Before I get started, I will concede that Trump blew a winnable case by awful lawyering. Even the conservative legal commenter Andy McCarthy warned the other day that Trump's legal team followed a strategy no doubt dictated by their client that was more geared toward helping him in the fall election than helping him win in court. From what I've read in terms of legal analysis of Trump's defense, it seems clear that the defense failed not only because of bias, but also because of the same egotistical, blustering qualities that made Trump such a weak president. The man cannot get out of his own way. If he is re-elected this fall something I hope happens, for reasons I'll get into below I expect his presidency to be another sh*tshow, for the same reason he needed a top-notch defense to defeat the rigged court proceeding, but sabotaged it.

I say that to put my cards on the table. Trump is in part the author of yesterday's verdict. But only a small part. What happened yesterday was the crossing of a Rubicon a woebegone cliche that, for once, is appropriate. Caesar's crossing the Rubicon River guaranteed civil war. I don't anticipate actual civil war in America, but the verdict certainly accelerates the dissolution of our national bonds.

I'm not even going to quote the Right this morning. Here's center-left commenter Nellie Bowles:

Now, I'm all for jailing politicians. But the idea that counting hush-money payments as a business expense should lead to 34 felonies? This is the big crime? Of all the various legal efforts that might lock Trump up or bankrupt him before the election, the New York endeavors always seemed like the weirdest and most obviously political. Even cable news analysts are baffled when it comes to the specifics, and here I'm pulling from the reporter Byron York who brings us tales from cable news, like a CNN analyst: "The crime here is not easy to explain or understand." MSNBC analyst: "It is difficult because it's a very nuanced argument. . . . It's never been prosecuted before."
Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg had to dig. To raise Trump's questionable accounting to the level of a felony, the prosecution had to demonstrate that it had been done in aid of another crime. As Eli Lake explained last month, there was no other crime per se. So what did the DA do? He dug up an obscure New York election law to claim Trump had used "unlawful means to influence an election." In closing arguments, prosecution lawyers argued that the hush money "could very well be what got President Trump elected" and that he conspired "to manipulate and defraud the voters."

I'm old enough to remember when the libs chastised us right-wingers for being imprudently zealous in our attempt to nail the hated Bill Clinton. And you know, some of us (me, anyway) came to see in time that they were right. Clinton might have been a lying dirtbag about Monica Lewinsky, but in our eagerness to see him brought low, we went too far. Again, it's about prudence. In the Commedia, Dante takes the Augustinian view of sin, saying that one can sin by loving the right things in the wrong way. I wouldn't say that the Ken Starr prosecution was sinful, but it was a case of allowing zeal for justice to overrun other considerations.

The Democrats and their allies have now done the same kind of thing. But America is not the same country it was in 1998. We are a far more fragile country. If the Republicans going on a witch hunt against Clinton in the 1990s was imprudent from the broad view, the Democrats going after Trump on these Manhattan charges in 2024 was extremely reckless.
The left-wing anti-Trump commenter Michael Lind has a red-hot, utterly convicting take. Excerpts:


Whatever you think of Donald Trump and I for one think very little of him his conviction as a felon for what would ordinarily be a minor misdemeanour by a biased jury is a grim day for democracy in America.
… But now, anti-Trump Democrats, have put the rule of law in America to the test again and this time it has been bent to the point of breaking. In February, a Manhattan jury found Trump guilty of civil fraud in a case involving alleged overstatements of real estate values. And yesterday, following the prosecution of Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg, another Manhattan jury found Trump guilty of alleged violations in a case involving the reporting of hush money payments to the porn star Stormy Daniels. It was the first time a sitting or former US president has been convicted of a crime. It was also the first time that the allies of a president of one party have successfully weaponised the American judicial system in an attempt to destroy the presidential candidate of another.

For in the future, by weaponising state law to try to destroy federal candidates and officeholders of the rival party, Democrats have opened a Pandora's box. It is probably only a matter of time before Republican attorney generals start prosecuting present or former Democratic politicians on their own trumped-up charges. And why not?

Why not indeed? Lind says that the long-term ramifications of what happened in New York yesterday are likely to be far more serious than January 6.

He's right about that. Spend a little time googling "trust in institutions," and you'll find hard statistical evidence (e.g., here and here) that the American public's trust in our institutions is at a historic low. One of the things that people like me, who back Viktor Orban, keep pointing out is that the power-holding European elites fault and even punish Orban for things that they and their allies do with impunity. Any American with eyes to see can grasp that the same double standard is applied to Trump.

This is in part a manifestation of the Left abandoning liberalism in favor of a progressive indeed, Leninist theory of "Who, whom?" That is, the Left doesn't even make a pretense of fairness now; the rightness or wrongness of an action depends on who it benefits, and who it hurts. This is how woke identity politics works: discrimination on the basis of race is fine so long as it benefits racial demographic groups favored by the Left.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Now, if the Republican Party cannot link this kangaroo court verdict against Trump to the broader left-wing institutional discrimination against unfavored minorities including whites, who are still, alas for the Dems, the majority group in America then they deserve to lose.
We live in a country in which more and more young people do not wish to sign up for its armed services especially whites. From


The Army's recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade, according to internal data reviewed by, a decline that accounts for much of the service's historic recruitment slump that has become the subject of increasing concern for Army leadership and Capitol Hill.
The shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners, except it coincides with an overall shortfall of about 10,000 recruits for the Army in 2023 as the service missed its target of 65,000 new soldiers. That deficit is straining the force as it has ramped up its presence in the Pacific and Europe: A smaller Army is taking on a larger mission and training workload than during the peak of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- leading to soldiers being away from home now more than ever.
A total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, though there have been ups and downs from year to year.

Now, the Forever Wars of our Ruling Class could account for the overall dropoff. But why are whites in particular disproportionately refusing the military. Note this from the story:


Internally, some Army planners are alarmed over the data trends, but see it as a minefield to navigate given increasing partisan attacks against the military for its efforts to recruit and support a diverse force, according to interviews with several service officials.
Translation: the Army can't admit that its stupid woke policies are causing whites to stay away from the military. Seriously, read the story. The military cannot admit that its embrace of wokeness is actually hurting its appeal to whites. Idiots.

Now, imagine that you are a conservative white guy of whom there are many in the 18 to 29 year old demographic, even though liberal identification has soared among women in that age cohort and you see yesterday's verdict as evidence that the American system has been weaponized against people like you, how likely are you to want to kill or risk death to protect that system?

Again: I don't like Donald Trump at all. I think he's a weak and ridiculous man, an egotist with no morals. And yet, I say vote for the convicted felon it's important. It's important because the Democratic Party and its backers throughout American institutional life cannot be allowed to get away with this. It's important also because whatever Trump's many flaws, he doesn't hate people like me, and people like many of you. Biden and the Ruling Class do and we now see that they will weaponize institutions to ruin us if they so desire.
Josh Hammer, a lawyer and conservative pundit, may not realize it, but he's calling on the American Right to go full Viktor Orban that is, to use the system against the Left the way it routinely uses it against the Right. Excerpt:


Third, it has never been more incumbent upon the Right to finally wake up and realize what is going on right now in this once-great nation. Many conservatives and Republicans like to wax nostalgic about blindfolded Lady Justice -- about neutral enforcement of the law, and about general norms of liberal neutrality. Will those on the Right finally wake up and realize where, exactly, our attempt to seize an unsustainable faux-moral high ground has gotten us? The imperative of this late hour of the American republic, in order to even attempt to rebalance our wildly off-balance pendulum, is to respond to the Left as it has acted toward us: by wielding political and prosecutorial power to reward friends and punish enemies -- to reward our side's forces of civilizational sanity and punish their side's forces of civilizational arson -- within the broad confines of the rule of law.
If we want to get back to "neutrality," at this perilous point, it's going to first take bloodying up some noses. That is unfortunate for those Americans who actually do value and cherish neutral enforcement of the rule of law. But yet again, here we are.
Above all, it is imperative that the Right not bat an eyelash. Do not be intimidated by this blatant show of crass thuggery masquerading as a legal proceeding. It's now full steam ahead through November. We must make these miscreants pay for what they have done.
The bumper sticker you see above is one that I, and many others in Louisiana, put on our cars in 1991. Vote For The Crook: It's Important was a slogan acknowledging that Democratic Gov. Edwin W. Edwards was an ultra-sleazy politician, but his opponent in the gubernatorial election, former Klan leader David Duke, was in a different category of badness. A far worse category. The sentiment of that slogan was to say: Look, as bad as Edwards is, we have to suppress our gag reflex and vote for him, because the alternative is far worse.
That's how I feel about our newly convicted Orange felon. He's officially a certified crook now. Vote for him. It's important that the Democrats not triumph here. America can survive four more years of Trump's hot mess. It can't survive the capture of its institutions by these woke Leninists.

And yeah, America is going to continue tearing itself apart. That's coming no matter what now.] -Rod Dreher
Forest Bueller_bf
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Redbrickbear said:

It's just different….

Doesn't matter, she is part of the protected class. They can do anything and get away with and probably have done anything you could imagine.
Forest Bueller_bf
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NYBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

It's an epidemic of corporate republicans coming out and saying how people need to respect a corrupt system

I'm very amused that a lot you you folks post crap from X attached to no one even knows. So, who is this Limbaugh fella? I'm not familiar with his fine work.

Is it only permissible to post things if the person some tv personality and high paid talking head?

The sentiment/view expressed is what is important.

People are sick of Republicans like Asa and Hogan….they stand for nothing but the donor class and never stand up for the voting base of the party.

And the voting base of the party is sick of the corruption DC, the media, the system in general

Conservatives in this country don't do sh*t. Degenerate liberals have been burning the house down for decades, and instead of putting out the fire conservatives have only ever burnt out the kitchen as a stand-in facilitated by their ideological coping mechanisms anytime they get bent over.

Its an apathetic, loser-mentality, high in estrogen cross-section that likes to think they're differentiated from the Republican Party, but they're functionally not.

People who play by rules their opponents repeatedly disregard lose in perpetuity. There is no "we're so sick of this," and there never has been. Proving that has been just about the only thing Republicans have ever done well.

It's a tragedy to be forced to share ideological headspace with the "my last two brain cells are competing for third place" and "please sir may I have another" parties.

And with that, I'll see y'all tomorrow. I'm gonna go burn down a popeyes
A Butkus quote in your avitar! Though Bednarik probably would have had that sentiment for an exhibition game.
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

Redbrickbear said:

It's just different….

Doesn't matter, she is part of the protected class. They can do anything and get away with and probably have done anything you could imagine.
I have no issue with a fine. Trump should have gotten the same thing.
Forest Bueller_bf
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FLBear5630 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Redbrickbear said:

It's just different….

Doesn't matter, she is part of the protected class. They can do anything and get away with and probably have done anything you could imagine.
I have no issue with a fine. Trump should have gotten the same thing.
Sure I agree, the misdemeanor he committed deserved nothing more than a fine. A few honest liberals have written columns on how bad the precident of this "verdict" is. They actually get it.

I think others get it too, they just hate Trump so much they are willing to overlook it.

34 Felonies, for a crime nobody else has ever or will ever be convicted of a felony for again. That is pathetic.

That fair minded individuals everywhere cannot see through this, really surprises me.
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boognish_bear said:

Heard Johnson this morning, he did a good job. He comes across well, is intelligent and knows what he is talking about (i.e. Supports the "believes" with facts).

If you want to see what I was talking about, listen to Johnson and MTG, saying the same thing. One comes across intelligent the other a crackpot and their views are pretty close.
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Prosecutors Got Trump But They Contorted the Law


But when you impose meaningful search parameters, the truth emerges: The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever. Even putting aside the specifics of election law, the Manhattan DA itself almost never brings any case in which falsification of business records is the only charge.

Standing alone, falsification charges would have been mere misdemeanors under New York law, which posed two problems for the DA. First, nobody cares about a misdemeanor, and it would be laughable to bring the first-ever charge against a former president for a trifling offense that falls within the same technical criminal classification as shoplifting a Snapple and a bag of Cheetos from a bodega. Second, the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor two years likely has long expired on Trump's conduct, which dates to 2016 and 2017.

So, to inflate the charges up to the lowest-level felony (Class E, on a scale of Class A through E) and to electroshock them back to life within the longer felony statute of limitations the DA alleged that the falsification of business records was committed "with intent to commit another crime." Here, according to prosecutors, the "another crime" is a New York State election-law violation, which in turn incorporates three separate "unlawful means": federal campaign crimes, tax crimes, and falsification of still more documents. Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were and the judge declined to force them to pony up until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial. (This, folks, is what indictments are for.)
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues.
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts.
Harrison Bergeron
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues.
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts.
Refreshing to hear your support of prosecuting Obama, Hillary Clinton, and China Joe.
Harrison Bergeron
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boognish_bear said:

Democrats not Republicans favor politicizing courts. Not a good look.
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4th and Inches
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview.
his post guilty announcement polling went up, interview going pretty good. Polling to win the popular vote right now.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Redbrickbear said:

As we've reported before, Federal Election Commission records show three small donations from Merchan to ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising platform, in July 2020. In addition to the $15 to Biden's campaign, the other two donations, of $10 each, were earmarked for the voter mobilization group Progressive Turnout Project and the group's digital ad campaign called Stop Republicans. Fact Check by TV 4 in NY
Forest Bueller_bf
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues. Agree 100%
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts. Also agree 100%

The only issue I have is they created a felony out a misdemeanor, a charge nobody else would have been given.

The jury and the judge especially were not impartial at all.
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues. Agree 100%
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts. Also agree 100%

The only issue I have is they created a felony out a misdemeanor, a charge nobody else would have been given.

The jury and the judge especially were not impartial at all.
With holding information that goes to the Character of DT in judging him for the highest office of the land is a criminal offense. DT knew that it would harm him so he lied to the American people. We did not in 2015 have a full picture of the man's character with his keeping info from us.
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Waco1947 said:

Redbrickbear said:

As we've reported before, Federal Election Commission records show three small donations from Merchan to ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising platform, in July 2020. In addition to the $15 to Biden's campaign, the other two donations, of $10 each, were earmarked for the voter mobilization group Progressive Turnout Project and the group's digital ad campaign called Stop Republicans. Fact Check by TV 4 in NY
Prosecutors Got Trump But They Contorted the Law

Elie Honig - CNN Legal Analyst and Former Federal and State Prosecutor


The judge donated money a tiny amount, $35, but in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations of any kind to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation, including funds that the judge earmarked for "resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump's radical right-wing legacy." Would folks have been just fine with the judge staying on the case if he had donated a couple bucks to "Re-elect Donald Trump, MAGA forever!"? Absolutely not.


"No man is above the law." It's become clich, but it's an important point, and it's worth pausing to reflect on the importance of this core principle. But it's also meaningless pablum if we unquestioningly tolerate (or worse, celebrate) deviations from ordinary process and principle to get there. The jury's word is indeed sacrosanct, as I learned long ago. But it can't fix everything that preceded it. Here, prosecutors got their man, for now at least but they also contorted the law in an unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey.

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4th and Inches
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues. Agree 100%
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts. Also agree 100%

The only issue I have is they created a felony out a misdemeanor, a charge nobody else would have been given.

The jury and the judge especially were not impartial at all.
With holding information that goes to the Character of DT in judging him for the highest office of the land is a criminal offense. DT knew that it would harm him so he lied to the American people. We did not in 2015 have a full picture of the man's character with his keeping info from us.
lol, we had a grab the p>ss^ tape but we didnt know his character? ROFL
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

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Cobretti said:

Forest Bueller_bf
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues. Agree 100%
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts. Also agree 100%

The only issue I have is they created a felony out a misdemeanor, a charge nobody else would have been given.

The jury and the judge especially were not impartial at all.
With holding information that goes to the Character of DT in judging him for the highest office of the land is a criminal offense. DT knew that it would harm him so he lied to the American people. We did not in 2015 have a full picture of the man's character with his keeping info from us.
So the conclusion is that 2 extremely flawed individual are running for office, Biden is a continual liar a serial plagerizer a corrupt politician and honestly an extremely creepy old man plus the supporter of terrible polcies, Trump is a corrupt narcissist who has grandious delusions who has supported decent Economic policy.

So who is someone else to vote for??

You know in my lifetime I have voted Republican, Democrat, Independent and for nobody. Though I obviously lean conservative on moral issues, on social issues such as welfare I have leaned the other way often.

I am not a Trump fan, but I am a fan for fairness for everybody, Biden and Trump included.

This trail, this jury, this judge and especially the felony charge that should have been a misdemeanor, was not fairness in any way. The scales of justice were not level. A sorely flawed judicial event just happened.
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Waco1947 said:

NYBear said:

Obvious sham of a trial will serve as a great filter of intelligence in conversation, though
Not an obvious sham to me. He had his day in court and he's guilty.
So if Biden went on trial and 92% of the jury were avowed MAGA people who voted for and also likely contributed to Trump, the Judge was a Republican so committed to the cause he donated money to the Trump victory fund and had a daughter that worked for a Republican political consulting agency, that's how committed they are to the cause, totally committed.

You think a Israeli Jew would get a fair trial in a Palestinian court too I suppose.

Ya think that would be a fair trial??

Hell no, you wouldn't.
What I think and what you think about the trial is immaterial. DT campaign for the presidency is a job interview. As a voter I would look at DT character. Here is my view of what is at stake in DT's convictions.
1) DT is a deeply flawed person with major Character issues. Agree 100%
A rational understanding of DT must include his morals, honor courage, integrity, and ethics
You and I are in danger of allowing a man without a moral compass back in the most powerful office in the world. That thought is sobering to me.
2) "I have come to a point where the USA needs a renewed emphasis on no one is above the law including our powerful, wealthy politicians. So strong sentencing, akin to what you, or me or a black, gay, or poor female would receive! He led crowds in shouting "Lock her up'." )From a friend of mine) These are sobering thoughts. Also agree 100%

The only issue I have is they created a felony out a misdemeanor, a charge nobody else would have been given.

The jury and the judge especially were not impartial at all.
With holding information that goes to the Character of DT in judging him for the highest office of the land is a criminal offense. DT knew that it would harm him so he lied to the American people. We did not in 2015 have a full picture of the man's character with his keeping info from us.
So the conclusion is that 2 extremely flawed individual are running for office, My conclusion is that Trump's proven character matters. Biden has his own faults but not near the magnitude of DT

Biden is a continual liar, Your opinion not mine.
a serial plagiarizer
  • Last year, Biden's campaign used "word-for-word" language from other groups as part of his climate and education policy papers
  • The newly released recommendations from the "Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force" takes whole sections straight from Bernie Sanders' campaign platform
  • Biden's "Build Back Better" slogan is a phrase coined by Bill Clinton in 2006
It's hard seeing too much plagiarism here. You are straining at gnats compared to the giant mosquitos that Trump issues
a corrupt politician Where Biden trials and convictions.
and honestly an extremely creepy old man Has anyone pressed charges as many have done to Trump?
plus the supporter of terrible policies, I like his policies. He ran on them and was elected.

Trump is a corrupt narcissist who has grandiose delusions who has supported decent Economic policy. I would rather vote for decency and policies that I agree with than a candidate who has no character. The US should not let this corrupt man into the Oval Office. Power in the hands of a immoral, chaotic, dishonest man scares me.
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Redbrickbear said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

It's an epidemic of corporate republicans coming out and saying how people need to respect a corrupt system

I'm very amused that a lot you you folks post crap from X attached to no one even knows. So, who is this Limbaugh fella? I'm not familiar with his fine work.

Is it only permissible to post things if the person some tv personality and high paid talking head?

The sentiment/view expressed is what is important.

People are sick of Republicans like Asa and Hogan….they stand for nothing but the donor class and never stand up for the voting base of the party.

And the voting base of the party is sick of the corruption in DC, the media, the system in general
no, but random people off the internet that No-one knows just does't make sense unless some loose cannon with no cred gets posted ad nauseam . Just don't understand. So , who is this Limbaugh fella? Please tell me he isn't related to that freaking carnival barker Rushie?
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