Positives and Negatives for The Replacement Options

2,513 Views | 59 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by Cobretti
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Michelle Obama

Gavin Newsome

Kamala Harris

Hillary Clinton


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The 22nd Amendment limits presidents to two full terms. If you replace a sitting president (Ford, Johnson, etc.) and the term ends in less than 2 years, you can still run for two full terms. That's the 10 year limit we use.

There is some ambiguity about a VP. What if a VP has been a 2 term president but runs as a VP? Some interpret that as not allowed but it hasn't been tested.

So you run anyone else with Barack as the VP with the nod and wink that the President will step down and Barack will finish the term. If legal, it'd be a landslide.

Knowing how Dems will break any law for power, consider it a possibility.
Frank Galvin
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Michelle Obama

Gavin Newsome

Kamala Harris

Hillary Clinton


What say you?


Edit: but yes.
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Why would anyone trust the party that had been lying for 3+years about Joe Biden's dementia?
They have said it was a conspiracy theory or "cheap fakes"... they have been lying for years!
And now we are just supposed to believe that no one knew? That it just suddenly happened last night? This has been a setup.
They want to introduce a candidate at the last minute so no one can properly vet the candidate.
They will make some excuse to only have 1 debate.
Last night, CNN "proved that they can run an honest debate.... so they will demand that CNN host the next one. It's a setup and CNN was in on it. They will NOT be even handed on the next one... not at all.

The dems are proven liars. They all knew and they were all lying for years. NONE of them can ever be trusted again.

If they will leave a dementia patient in the White House for years.... they will do ANYTHING for power!
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Michelle Obama

Gavin Newsome

Kamala Harris

Hillary Clinton


What say you?

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

Although Newsome's lackluster debate with DeSantis did expose his many weaknesses.
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KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.
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Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.
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KaiBear said:

Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.

That ain't happening. If it did, they'd redefine property
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KaiBear said:

Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.

That ain't happening. If it did, they'd redefine property
No argument.

That ship has irrevocably sailed.

But it would fix 90% of our country's problems.
Frank Galvin
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KaiBear said:


KaiBear said:

Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.

That ain't happening. If it did, they'd redefine property
No argument.

That ship has irrevocably sailed.

But it would fix 90% of our country's problems.
So my father, who served his country for 22 years in the Air Force, built several businesses, paid his taxes, raised his family, did substantial church and charity work- he does not get to vote because he moved to a retirement facility?

For that matter, a 20 year-old PFC first class does not get to vote on the person who may or may not send him to his death?

First responders and educators get no vote because we pay them too little?

The world has changed since 1789. And as I keep saying because MAGA has trouble hearing-the 14th Amendment means something.
Frank Galvin
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ShooterTX said:

Why would anyone trust the party that had been lying for 3+years about Joe Biden's dementia?
They have said it was a conspiracy theory or "cheap fakes"... they have been lying for years!
And now we are just supposed to believe that no one knew? That it just suddenly happened last night? This has been a setup.
They want to introduce a candidate at the last minute so no one can properly vet the candidate.
They will make some excuse to only have 1 debate.
Last night, CNN "proved that they can run an honest debate.... so they will demand that CNN host the next one. It's a setup and CNN was in on it. They will NOT be even handed on the next one... not at all.

The dems are proven liars. They all knew and they were all lying for years. NONE of them can ever be trusted again.

If they will leave a dementia patient in the White House for years.... they will do ANYTHING for power!

You and five others actually believe this? That CNN got together with the DNC to torpedo the candidtate of their favored party? That is fantasy land stuff.

FWIW, I agree that the Democratic leaders failed to act. That is a just criticism of the party. But it was the result of short-term thinking and not knowing what to do or how to do it instead of some grand conspiracy. Always pick incompetence over conspiracy when things go sideways.
Whiskey Pete
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:


KaiBear said:

Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.

That ain't happening. If it did, they'd redefine property
No argument.

That ship has irrevocably sailed.

But it would fix 90% of our country's problems.
So my father who served his country for 22 years in the Air Force, built several businesses, paid his taxes, raisd his family, did substnatial church and charity work, does not get to vote becuase he moved to a retirement facility?

For that matter, a 20 year-old pFC first class does not get to vote on theperson who may or may not send him to his death?

First responders and educators get no vote because we pay them too little?

The world has changed since 1789. And as I keep saying beucase MAGA has trouble hearing-the 14th Amendmentmeans something.
I'll settle for

Voter ID at every poll
In Person Voting with absentee ballots only when necessary
Early voting being limited to 2 weeks before an election. Don't know what some places need 2 months.
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KaiBear said:


KaiBear said:

Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.

That ain't happening. If it did, they'd redefine property
No argument.

That ship has irrevocably sailed.

But it would fix 90% of our country's problems.
with that property thing they'd want to give China a vote. And not just in congress and the senate like now but all elections.
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:


KaiBear said:

Realitybites said:

KaiBear said:

Gavin Newsome is the only viable choice.

Will make female voters swoon.

If this is what representative government has been reduced to, it's time to bring back the monarchy.

Time to bring back the Republic established by the Founding Fathers along with their voter qualifications.

Most notably the requirement to own real estate in the community you vote in.

That ain't happening. If it did, they'd redefine property
No argument.

That ship has irrevocably sailed.

But it would fix 90% of our country's problems.
So my father, who served his country for 22 years in the Air Force, built several businesses, paid his taxes, raised his family, did substanatial church and charity work- he does not get to vote because he moved to a retirement facility?

For that matter, a 20 year-old PFC first class does not get to vote on the person who may or may not send him to his death?

First responders and educators get no vote because we pay them too little?

The world has changed since 1789. And as I keep saying because MAGA has trouble hearing-the 14th Amendment means something.
The Founding Fathers believed if an individual was incapable of acquiring real estate in his community; he didn't have the intellectual capacity to properly evaluate the issues or the candidates.

They considered voting a privilege, not an entitlement.

A privilege to be executed responsibly.

Now it's just a popularity contest determined by the semi ignorant masses.

A situation the Founding Fathers......even Thomas Jefferson .......were terrified of.
Frank Galvin
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Again, we do not live in 1789. The Founding Fathers understood the world would change and provided an amendment process for the Constitution. There is just as much wisdom in the 14th Amendment as there is in the original document.

And FWIW, many of the Founding Fathers considered women and minorites chattel. They were wrong about many things.But wise enough not claim the omnisicience so many now invest them with. Yet, another reason for the amendment process.
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Frank Galvin said:

Again, we do not live in 1789. The Founding Fathers understood the world would change and provided an amendment process for the Constitution. There is just as much wisdom in the 14th Amendment as there is in the original document.

And FWIW, many of the Founding Fathers considered women and minorites chattel. They were wrong about many things.But wise enough not claim the omnisicience so many now invest them with. Yet, another reason for the amendment process.
Already stated ' that ship has sailed ' so obviously I am aware of the date.

But our country is now a complete mess and the only people who don't acknowledge that reality are those who benefit from the situation.

Or are least think they do.

But popularity contests , increasingly funded by special interests , are the primary cause of our country's decline.
Frank Galvin
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KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Again, we do not live in 1789. The Founding Fathers understood the world would change and provided an amendment process for the Constitution. There is just as much wisdom in the 14th Amendment as there is in the original document.

And FWIW, many of the Founding Fathers considered women and minorites chattel. They were wrong about many things.But wise enough not claim the omnisicience so many now invest them with. Yet, another reason for the amendment process.
Already stated ' that ship has sailed ' so obviously I am aware of the date.

But our country is now a complete mess and the only people who don't acknowledge that reality are those who benefit from the situation.

Or are least think they do.

But popularity contests , increasingly funded by special interests , are the primary cause of our country's decline.
I am not aware of the decline you talk about. We are the freest, richest. most powerful country ever. That does not guarantee tomorrow but the people who are most likely to screw it up are those who do not understand what makes us exceptional.
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Again, we do not live in 1789. The Founding Fathers understood the world would change and provided an amendment process for the Constitution. There is just as much wisdom in the 14th Amendment as there is in the original document.

And FWIW, many of the Founding Fathers considered women and minorites chattel. They were wrong about many things.But wise enough not claim the omnisicience so many now invest them with. Yet, another reason for the amendment process.
Already stated ' that ship has sailed ' so obviously I am aware of the date.

But our country is now a complete mess and the only people who don't acknowledge that reality are those who benefit from the situation.

Or are least think they do.

But popularity contests , increasingly funded by special interests , are the primary cause of our country's decline.
I am not aware of the decliine you talk about. We are the freest, richest. most powerful country ever. That does not guarantee tomorrow but the people who are most likely to screw it up are those who do not understand what makes us exceptional.
"Not aware" translated means "In denial".
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Again, we do not live in 1789. The Founding Fathers understood the world would change and provided an amendment process for the Constitution. There is just as much wisdom in the 14th Amendment as there is in the original document.

And FWIW, many of the Founding Fathers considered women and minorites chattel. They were wrong about many things.But wise enough not claim the omnisicience so many now invest them with. Yet, another reason for the amendment process.
Already stated ' that ship has sailed ' so obviously I am aware of the date.

But our country is now a complete mess and the only people who don't acknowledge that reality are those who benefit from the situation.

Or are least think they do.

But popularity contests , increasingly funded by special interests , are the primary cause of our country's decline.
I am not aware of the decliine you talk about. We are the freest, richest. most powerful country ever. That does not guarantee tomorrow but the people who are most likely to screw it up are those who do not understand what makes us exceptional.
You obviously don't do your own grocery showing.

And most Americans don't live in million dollar home neighborhoods.

Most my tenants have lost hope of ever buying their own homes.

They are increasingly angry.
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Michelle Obama

Gavin Newsome

Kamala Harris

Hillary Clinton


What say you?
Michelle Obama is their only option. Can only replace a black woman with a black woman. Otherwise the Democrat Party will have an all out race war. They will try to pay Kamala to go away, but I think her ego is too big to accept that.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
Doc Holliday
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I really don't think they have time to replace Biden. From my understanding they have until 5 pm today or some states it wont workout with their election laws.

As a result, I foresee Garland and Wray targeting the sh it out of Trump. Expect more arrests, censorship or even extreme measures. These are dangerous times right now.
Guy Noir
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Amy Klobuchar was a candidate in 2020, but she dropped out. She is Jewish. I wonder if she is on the list of potential candidates.
Frank Galvin
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She should be.
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Jill could run instead. She's making a speech right now for Joe.
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Gavin Newsom is the odds on favorite to replace Biden at this point.

But his poor debate with DeSantis a few weeks back really exposed his weaknesses.
Frank Galvin
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Democrats would do well to energize women and to protect the rust belt. Dream ticket-

Gretchen Whitmer for President/Michelle Obama for VP.
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Can they even replace Biden? Thought there were deadlines in each states on when candidates have to submit paperwork to be on the ballet
Frank Galvin
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sicem2471 said:

Can they even replace Biden? Thought there were deadlines in each states on when candidates have to submit paperwork to be on the ballet

The only states that matter are the ones where a Democrat could win. I think most states automatically accept the party nominee for the two major parties. But if they act quickly my guess is that they can handle the ballot access issue.
Jack and DP
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I believe the source was the WSJ. Apparently, the Biden campaign funds could only be passed along to Kamala. If that's true, finding a replacement might not work out.
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Frank Galvin said:

Democrats would do well to energize women and to protect the rust belt. Dream ticket-

Gretchen Whitmer for President/Michelle Obama for VP.


Good grief this is your most revealing post ever.

Thank you.
Frank Galvin
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KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Democrats would do well to energize women and to protect the rust belt. Dream ticket-

Gretchen Whitmer for President/Michelle Obama for VP.


Good grief this is your most revealing post ever.

Thank you.

Would that ticket fare better than Biden/ Harris?
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Wisconsin has a law that says a candidate cannot be replaced unless death. Democrats might have to JFK Biden
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Claiming the new strain of Covid took out Joe would give them cover to change candidates AND try to re-implement covid measures.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Michelle Obama X

Gavin Newsome

Kamala Harris

Hillary Clinton X

Other Gretchen Whitmer Governor Michigan

What say you?
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The Democrats have long know Joe Biden's issues. So there are very good reasons why names like Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton or Gretchen Whitmer have not enjoyed traction in voters polls up to now.

Looks to me like the Democrats have three options:

1. Stick with Biden and hope he can climb back into contention;

2. Go with one of the usual names and hope they can overcome whatever keeps them from wowing voters; or

3. Hail Mary time, go with some young, relatively unknown candidate This would allow Democrats to target their prime metric, avoid the concerns voters have with the more prominent names, and work to identify their candidate as a new version of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama.

Options 1 and 2 are more than likely to fail miserably. So expect Option 3, we'll see trial balloons in the next couple weeks for the opening acts. Meanwhile, expect Joe Biden to be unavailable to the media for obvious reasons.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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