Civil unrest in the UK

32,719 Views | 452 Replies | Last: 6 hrs ago by Doc Holliday
Doc Holliday
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Mothra said:

curtpenn said:

Hard to have imagined this happening, but there it is.

Yeah, good luck with that England.

Under Harris & Walz I can see some people being extradited. They have the same mindset and hate the fact that we have free speech just as much.
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Redbrickbear said:

Interesting comparison. Maybe Starmer (doesn't that sound like a Nazi name?!) should remember Ceauescu's fate. Not that I expect him to share it.
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Churchill was the leader Britain needed at the time. So was Disraeli. They can both be great leaders although they achieved different results. Churchill is mostly remembered for leading his country through the Blitz and the greatest war in history. They came out victorious, although greatly weakened.

Also, decolonization was inevitable after two world wars and the spread of western ideas of nationalism and liberalism (the classical variety) throughout their empires. Those ideas are incompatible with imperialism.
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Do you write for Babylon Bee?
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KaiBear said:

nein51 said:

muddybrazos said:

KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

KaiBear said:

ABC BEAR said:

Sir Winston Churchill said it best:

"Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage."

Winston Churchill

The greatest politician in the English speaking world until
victory was achieved in 1945.

Then the physical and mental ravages of old age took hold.

I feel what you are saying but Chruchill over saw the end of the British empire (wasted lives and money on two foolish world wars)

While Ben oversaw the British empire reach its peak of power

He was the best PM of the UK

Reasonable opinion.

But Ben didn't have to deal with the likes of Stalin or Hitler from a position of weakness.

Churchill was actually a complete POS. Hitler made several peace offeriings and wanted to avoid war with Britian and he rejected all of them. He was paid off to push Britian into war.

Churchill hated Hitler and thought he was a buffoon (he was). He quite liked Stalin and thought very highly of him.

I have to say "Churchill was a POS" is a take you sure don't hear very often.

Good grief

Churchill did not 'like' Stalin. He feared the sociopath as a ruthless Bolshevik.

Churchill knew, without a doubt , that if giving the opportunity Stalin would have executed him, his family , and every member of the British upper class and aristocracy.

Churchill was furious when Stalin signed the non aggression treaty with Hitler. Realizing full well the agreement gave Hitler a free hand to invade Poland.

However when Hitler later inexplicably invaded the Soviet Union; Churchill ( the eternal pragmatist ) immediately sent what aid he could spare to Stalin. Churchill tolerated Stalin as a necessary evil; a means with which to fight Hitler.

' The enemy, of my enemy , is my friend. '

Who Churchill did 'like' was Roosevelt. Because convincing Roosevelt to bring the United States into the war ; provided eventual victory for Great Britain.

Churchill's response to the German invasion of the Soviet Union:

"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons."

His reaction to the attack on Pearl Harbor:

"No American will think it wrong of me if I proclaim to have the United States at our side was to me the greatest joy. I could not foretell the course of events. I do not pretend to have measured accurately the martial might of Japan, but now at this very moment I knew that the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death.

So we had won after all!"
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The "Iron Curtain" speech (1946) was delivered in Fulton, Missouri. Pres. Truman was in attendance.
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historian said:

Churchill was the leader Britain needed at the time. So was Disraeli. They can both be great leaders although they achieved different results. Churchill is mostly remembered for leading his country through the Blitz and the greatest war in history. They came out victorious, although greatly weakened.

Also, decolonization was inevitable after two world wars and the spread of western ideas of nationalism and liberalism (the classical variety) throughout their empires. Those ideas are incompatible with imperialism.

It was inevitable as the empire was running out of money
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cms186 said:

STxBear81 said:

I don't think Right wing media blames immigrants. It seems to me Right wing media blames democrats for illegal entry of immigrants. The free stuff all immigrants have received while US citizens / vets have nothing.
I was talking about the British media, though re-reading my post, i could have worded it better

He could have been talking about American conservative media as well. I have never seen anyone in the right blame everything on immigration. However, I have seen illegal aliens blamed for the crimes they have committed (far too many examples, although often covered up by the Leftist media) and I've seen Biden & Harris (the "border czar") blamed for opening our borders to the invasion and allowing the illegal alien crime wave to explode. They are correct on all these counts.
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historian said:

The "Iron Curtain" speech (1946) was delivered in Fulton, Missouri. Pres. Truman was in attendance.
Good catch, thank you.

I knew Churchill first made the reference somewhere in the US , but mistakenly thought it was before a joint session of Congress.

In a sense it would have been more merciful if Churchill had died soon after his Missouri speech as his health and mental acumen dropped off severely in the 1950's.

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Harrison Bergeron said:

cms186 said:

STxBear81 said:

I don't think Right wing media blames immigrants. It seems to me Right wing media blames democrats for illegal entry of immigrants. The free stuff all immigrants have received while US citizens / vets have nothing.
I was talking about the British media, though re-reading my post, i could have worded it better
We have a serious problem so-called media outlets enabling agendas to trump truth.

It is frightening what people believe because they have been fed so much disinformation.

That is why each of us have an obligation to do the research and learn the truth. We must find out gif ourselves. We also must do everything we can to counter the evil forces trying to censor different viewpoints whether it's fascist media, fascist corporations, or fascist Big Tech.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

cms186 said:

Doc Holliday said:

cms186 said:

muddybrazos said:

KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

KaiBear said:

ABC BEAR said:

Sir Winston Churchill said it best:

"Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage."

Winston Churchill

The greatest politician in the English speaking world until
victory was achieved in 1945.

Then the physical and mental ravages of old age took hold.

I feel what you are saying but Chruchill over saw the end of the British empire (wasted lives and money on two foolish world wars)

While Ben oversaw the British empire reach its peak of power

He was the best PM of the UK

Reasonable opinion.

But Ben didn't have to deal with the likes of Stalin or Hitler from a position of weakness.

Churchill was actually a complete POS. Hitler made several peace offeriings and wanted to avoid war with Britian and he rejected all of them. He was paid off to push Britian into war.
By todays standards, Churchill might be a bit unpleasant, but then thats always going to be the case, Hitler might have wanted to avoid a war with Britain at the time, because it suited him to attack Europe piece by piece, but i think its pretty clear that we would have been attacked sooner or later and Churchill made the right calls in fighting Hitler when he did.

referring back to the "unrest" talked about in the OP, when your right wing media is constantly blaming everything on Immigrants, then you get right wing idiots blaming a stabbing attack on Islamic illegal immigrants (when the attacked was a Christian born in the UK to legal -I think- immigrant parents), sadly it brings out the morons. The Tories had over a decade to sort it out and have, if anything, taken the country backwards in many ways, leaving the EU was a massive mistake.

I went to London a few weeks ago and regret to inform people that its rumours of becoming a no-go zone for White people are vastly over stated, Its a vast, multi-cultural city, in a good way.
From 2012 to 2021, 2,729,000 immigrants from non-EU countries entered the UK. Since then a further 2,143,000 entered, 4,872,000 in 12 years. Crime rates in England & Wales have risen every year since 2013-14 (4,028,463 offences) to 2023-24 (6,657,518), a 60% increase in 10 years.

Now correlation isn't causation, but that's a catastrophic trend.
I dont know where you got your numbers from, but that is pretty misleading, there was a rise in Crime rate from 13/14 through to 18/19, but since then (barring a sharp decrease because of Covid and a corresponding rise after it, Our Crime Rate (the amount of crimes happening per 1000 people) has remained largely the same and actually decreased significantly last year to the point it is (only just) lower than it was in 18/19. So yes, there are more crimes, but the actual rate at which crimes is happening isnt increasing much (if at all).

England and Wales currently experiences 89.7 crimes per 1000 people, 20 years ago, that number was at 110.6


It is a dangerous city, I've been multiple times and once had foreigners try to bait me out of a taxi in Piccadilly Circus and the driver locked the doors and saying that groups of foreigners will stab you and take your belongings. My brother in law who lived there for a few years before covid was attacked in Notting Hill of all places while jogging, by two guys, one with a balaclava and hammer, thankfully he was able to defend himself and fight them off.
Its a big city, it has dangerous parts, every city does, especially one as large as London, Im sorry youve had bad experiences there, but Ive been to London many times, both with Family and alone, using public transport, walking alone after Dark and I can honestly say ive never experienced any kind of crime or witnessed it happening to others

My biggest issue with the UK is you're not allowed to speak freely. You should be able to say incorrect and inaccurate things and vice versa…but your government has vocally professed that it wants to further police speech.

You're not headed in the right direction.
In Britain, for the most part, you can say what you want, but if you knowingly say something that is incorrect that harms someone else in some way, then thats something that you should face consequences for. Actions have consequences.

You shouldnt be allowed to lie about the religion of a terrorist and incite riots in the Streets, for example
If we had this law in America most of the Regime Media would be arrested.

Except the fascists give each other a pass all the time. How many times has Biden faced prosecution for his many crimes, often well documented with plenty of evidence? How about Bill, Hillary, Barack, Nancy, etc?

Contrast that with Trump who faced multiple prosecutions and was even convicted of 34 counts. Most have collapsed because they were all bogus with fake charges, no evidence, and efforts to manipulate the results. It's like how the fascists are again rigging the election!

They swore an oath to uphold the constitution but ignore it all the time.
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When people are arrested for silently praying then it's clear that something evil is happening in the UK. It doesn't matter if it's outside a murder factory or outside the House of Commons, that is evil.
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Who defines what that means?

People say stupid things all the time. Unless, they are threatening someone's life, inciting a riot, or otherwise endangering people it's none of the government's business. That's what genuine free speech means.

If someone's speech makes politicians uncomfortable then it's probably a good thing, at least nowadays with politicians doing and saying so many evil things.
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Oldbear83 said:

'Just say only what the Authorities allow, and you won't get hurt.'

- cms

- also Stasi, circa 1988

Also the Gestapo, the NKVD, etc. Basically, every totalitarian dictatorship (or authoritarian regime) has tried to limit free speech and free press, often to insane extremes. It doesn't begin with gulags and concentration camps but at does end up that way given time.
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Doc Holliday said:

Guaranteed they will tell these children something is disinformation that turns out to be true. It will happen.

This reminds me of the reports about how the Nazis & Soviets indoctrinated children with their evil ideologies and taught kids how to rat out their parents and others.

It looks like in the UK, Hitler finally did win.
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nein51 said:

historian said:

Churchill was the leader Britain needed at the time. So was Disraeli. They can both be great leaders although they achieved different results. Churchill is mostly remembered for leading his country through the Blitz and the greatest war in history. They came out victorious, although greatly weakened.

Also, decolonization was inevitable after two world wars and the spread of western ideas of nationalism and liberalism (the classical variety) throughout their empires. Those ideas are incompatible with imperialism.

It was inevitable as the empire was running out of money

Like the US today.
Forest Bueller_bf
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Mothra said:

curtpenn said:

Hard to have imagined this happening, but there it is.

Yeah, good luck with that England.
WTH is commiting crimes online. Disagreeing with this ******* possibly? Wanting England to be a soverign nation possibly?

When does though police begin?

These people are out of their mind.
Forest Bueller_bf
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"We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone
Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!"

Jack Bauer
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historian said:

Doc Holliday said:

Guaranteed they will tell these children something is disinformation that turns out to be true. It will happen.

This reminds me of the reports about how the Nazis & Soviets indoctrinated children with their evil ideologies and taught kids how to rat out their parents and others.

It looks like in the UK, Hitler finally did win.

2024 - "extremist" content includes

-believing there are 2 genders

-believing in secure borders

-'misgendering' someone
Jack Bauer
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Let me have Professor Ice T explain it to the Englishman.

Jack Bauer
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Jack Bauer
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Gunther Eagleman
Doc Holliday
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Jack Bauer said:

Let me have Professor Ice T explain it to the Englishman.

I mean, you can say whatever you want about the 2nd amendment, Im not ever going to agree about it, the widescale access to dangerous weapons is insane to me, i can get behind maybe a pistol or something for self defence, but the kind of guns you can buy in the USA is crazy, its even more crazy how you have the issues with gun crime and specifically School Shootings and the reaction of Gun enthusiasts is either a shrug of the shoulders or a claim that more guns and prayers will solve the situation. You can say what you like about my country, it is very far from perfect, but we had a single school shooting and took decisive action to make sure something like that would never happen again.

As I say, its something i will never agree on, thats fine, the world would be boring if we all agreed on everything.
I'm the English Guy
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So the EU is for free speech as long as it is their speech
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historian said:

Who defines what that means?

People say stupid things all the time. Unless, they are threatening someone's life, inciting a riot, or otherwise endangering people it's none of the government's business. That's what genuine free speech means.

If someone's speech makes politicians uncomfortable then it's probably a good thing, at least nowadays with politicians doing and saying so many evil things.
I dont think ive said anything that says opposite to that, have I?
I'm the English Guy
Doc Holliday
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cms186 said:

Jack Bauer said:

Let me have Professor Ice T explain it to the Englishman.

I mean, you can say whatever you want about the 2nd amendment, Im not ever going to agree about it, the widescale access to dangerous weapons is insane to me, i can get behind maybe a pistol or something for self defence, but the kind of guns you can buy in the USA is crazy, its even more crazy how you have the issues with gun crime and specifically School Shootings and the reaction of Gun enthusiasts is either a shrug of the shoulders or a claim that more guns and prayers will solve the situation. You can say what you like about my country, it is very far from perfect, but we had a single school shooting and took decisive action to make sure something like that would never happen again.

As I say, it's something i will never agree on, thats fine, the world would be boring if we all agreed on everything.
The European mind can't comprehend the level of freedom we have.

It's in our DNA and why we're here. You don't have it in your DNA to stand up against tyranny. You won't fight back and you have nothing to fight back with…we don't have that problem.

All governments have a 100% track record of becoming tyrannical. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Thank god our founding fathers understood this.
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Doc Holliday said:

cms186 said:

Doc Holliday said:

cms186 said:

nein51 said:

Not sure that's accurate.

Can you get in trouble for "misgendering"? Or saying something like "only women can give birth"?
If you say "only biological Women can give birth" which is a factually accurate statement then no.

If you said "only women can give birth" then I dont think you would get in legal trouble, depending on the context and visibility of your statement, then you might get online hate for it

same goes with Misgendering people
UK citizens should be able to tell someone claiming to be transgender that they're insane, lying to themselves and their promotion of their ideology is a danger to society and children.

For it or against it?
There is nothing currently stopping them from doing so, other than public reaction, I believe there are various celebrities (including JK Rowling) that say things similar to what you are expressing and have suffered no legal repercussions, some of them have suffered loss of earnings, but when you say stupid ****, there are usually some kind of repercussions
I'm asking if you want it to be legal or not?

And no, that's not a dumb thing to say, it's the truth.

If people want to show their arses in the way you describe, than sure
I'm the English Guy
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Watch for even more Brits to buy homes in Portugal.
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Doc Holliday said:

cms186 said:

Jack Bauer said:

Let me have Professor Ice T explain it to the Englishman.

I mean, you can say whatever you want about the 2nd amendment, Im not ever going to agree about it, the widescale access to dangerous weapons is insane to me, i can get behind maybe a pistol or something for self defence, but the kind of guns you can buy in the USA is crazy, its even more crazy how you have the issues with gun crime and specifically School Shootings and the reaction of Gun enthusiasts is either a shrug of the shoulders or a claim that more guns and prayers will solve the situation. You can say what you like about my country, it is very far from perfect, but we had a single school shooting and took decisive action to make sure something like that would never happen again.

As I say, it's something i will never agree on, thats fine, the world would be boring if we all agreed on everything.
The European mind can't comprehend the level of freedom we have.

It's in our DNA and why we're here. You don't have it in your DNA to stand up against tyranny. You won't fight back and you have nothing to fight back with…we don't have that problem.

All governments have a 100% track record of becoming tyrannical. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Thank god our founding fathers understood this.
Europe doesnt stand up against Tyranny might be the single dumbest thing I've read on this Forum.

I would also add, whilst the level of access to Guns the average American has is crazy, if the American Government ever did become Tyrannical and the US populace wanted to rise up, your Guns would matter **** all against a mobilised Army with Air and Armour Support
I'm the English Guy
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cms186 said:

Doc Holliday said:

cms186 said:

Jack Bauer said:

Let me have Professor Ice T explain it to the Englishman.

I mean, you can say whatever you want about the 2nd amendment, Im not ever going to agree about it, the widescale access to dangerous weapons is insane to me, i can get behind maybe a pistol or something for self defence, but the kind of guns you can buy in the USA is crazy, its even more crazy how you have the issues with gun crime and specifically School Shootings and the reaction of Gun enthusiasts is either a shrug of the shoulders or a claim that more guns and prayers will solve the situation. You can say what you like about my country, it is very far from perfect, but we had a single school shooting and took decisive action to make sure something like that would never happen again.

As I say, it's something i will never agree on, thats fine, the world would be boring if we all agreed on everything.
The European mind can't comprehend the level of freedom we have.

It's in our DNA and why we're here. You don't have it in your DNA to stand up against tyranny. You won't fight back and you have nothing to fight back with…we don't have that problem.

All governments have a 100% track record of becoming tyrannical. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Thank god our founding fathers understood this.
Europe doesnt stand up against Tyranny might be the single dumbest thing I've read on this Forum.

I would also add, whilst the level of access to Guns the average American has is crazy, if the American Government ever did become Tyrannical and the US populace wanted to rise up, your Guns would matter **** all against a mobilised Army with Air and Armour Support

True , wouldn't matter much against armour and air units.

But such guns would play hell with local political minions and smaller units of troops.

Partisan units are often effective …..just ask the Germans how the Poles, Russians and Slavs carved up their supply lines .

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If they outlawed guns for law-biding citizens, the black market for them would make US Prohibition look like child's play.

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