ATL Bear said:
Russia just put a couple Iranian satellites into space. They're best buddies now, especially with all the drones Iran's provided to rain down on Ukraine.
They are barley tolerable associates.
I doubt Nationalist and Orthodox Russia has much in common with Persian and revolutionary Islamic Iran
(in the past they have fought 5 major wars against each other for influence in Central Asia)
Maybe there is something about DC elites and their foreign policy decisions that is driving these old enemies together vs apart?
Maybe we used to have smarter people in charge in DC? We used to drive our adversaries apart and not together
"Nixon and Kissinger had long realized that the strategic geometry of the Cold War would be altered momentously if China could be pulled away from the Soviet Union. And they doubted that the two Communist giants could coexist forever."
"He would play China against the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union against China, and both against North Vietnam"