J.R. said:
Assassin said:
Fre3dombear said:
J.R. said:
Assassin said:
J.R. said:
Assassin said:
Assassin said:
J.R. said:
Assassin said:
First of all, we are talking illegals, not fully documented. You said "even at fancy joints", places that have true chefs. I say that it's BS. Just as you just agreed to. Tell me which bar and grills so-called chefs would hire illegal aliens. Please. Let folks know so they know what is going on in the kitchens they frequent so we can avoid them. These illegals have no place in any industry where folks health can be manipulated. You need to report them to ICE immediately. And please make note of your local brewery so everyone can avoid it as you seem to ignore health issues, documented with the undocumented.
Add, that when your brewery fails as you hired criminals to work for pittances, please pledge here and now to hire hard working legal documented and Americans for it. Shame on you for taking advantage of America
firstly , I would never put any particular names on the internet that may or may not hire illegal line cooks. Secondly, you sir are well out of your element here. Secondly, bar and grills to NOT have "chefs" as you said. They have line cooks. (no Michelin/Brigades) in those places, so that tells me what you do not understand how restaurants work. 3rdly, I appreciate your sentiments wishing me to fail.(most profitable one in town, btw) How thoughtful of you, particularly since I only remarked I have interests in said brewery. We DO NOT hire illegals and I never said anything remotely close. 4th, it isn't my job to report anyone when I have no skin in their game. You think the good ladies (usually) singing amazing tacos and the small taco shops are legal? lol.
I do not post anything that I do not understand the subject. Perhaps , you should stick to what you know.
Why would you not list the names of places that hire illegals when I just pointed out the transmittable diseases that many of them carry? If you know them, and folks die or get TB or HIV from it, doesnt that make you, at least morally, complacent?
And you said "I'm a partner in a local brewery in Dallas , so I think I have a really good feel for this issue." in a discussion about illegals in the industry. How could someone not think that you were hiring criminals to do your dirty work?
And I co-owned a restaurant in... SOUTH TEXAS of all places. I know what happens when you bring in folks without paperwork - and the cartel is behind it. We dealt with the ramifications of firing these folk, when we found documents the documents were forged just to get them hired, with the Juarez Cartel back then. So I do have some experience in this, probably not as much as you as you appeared to, wither you hired them, or at least looked the other way, while others did.
Fess up to the names. You will feel better in the morning.
BTW - My old restaurant in South Texas, although I no longer own it, is still a restaurant, a Tex-Mex one. https://eldoradorestaurant.com/
Because it is non of my business. I stay in my own lane. I don't work for ICE. I just eat at restaurants I like. I don't hire illegals (maybe my housekeeper of 25yr. Never ask the question. She is part of my family and is the hardest working person.
Of course it's your business. If you harbor a criminal and remove a hard working legal or US Citizen from a job, it's certainly your business. Why? She may be hard working but if she is indeed illegal, you are breaking the law. You are depriving some law abiding US Citizen of making a living. You are a criminal.
and you don't comprehend well. I said I didn't know or not. You let me know if you can find me some good blooded whitey to do that job nearly as well. Aint happening. Never asked the question as she came to work for us when I was 25 and , trust me, it was the norm. She ain't going anywhere. Thanks for name calling "criminal". Get over yourself already. Your boy Trump is the criminal and that is documented and convicted. So, enough of your wholly BS. You live how you see fit and I do the same.
He mad
Of course he is. He's got an illegal maid that he has been shafting for years by paying her a quarter of what she would be making if she were legal. Now he's gonna have to find a legal one that will consent to work for full price!
ha. now that is far , far from mad. Don't give 2 ****s what you think. Oh, did I tell you I pay for her and her family's health insurance? Did I mention I pay her for 3 weeks every summer to go holiday. Yeah, been shafting her. She may be legal for all I know, just never asked and 25yrs later, don't care. I'd be willing to be she makes as much or more than you haters annually. It would probably good if 2 two fellas stay in your own lane and not judge something you know nothing about.
The issue is; is she an illegal or not, not what we think. If you have been breaking the law for 25 years, don't you deserve a few years in the pokey for not knowing and not giving a damn that you are breaking the law? Do you think your husband-wife will still be around when you get out? Will your kids visit you in Seagoville? I hear it's not a bad place. There are still gangs but not as bad as at the other prisons. But remember it's up to 10 years at the federal level, and 22 years at the state level, depends on which one gets you first.
We're trying to help you here and you keep arguing. All you have to do is ask her, and there's a 50% chance that you havent been breaking the law. Be sure to have her present you documents. However, it she is, and you find out for sure, then you need to send her packing.
Anyway, I find this kinda boring. So I am done with this thread.
Hope you make the right call. It's kinda fun arguing with you here. It would be a shame if you went away for 10-20 years. Baylor might win a National Championship in both basketball and football and the gang guys gals in the pokey might want to watch 'Days of our Lives' instead.
Facebook Groups at; Memories of: Dallas, Texas, Football in Texas, Texas Music, Through a Texas Lens and also Dallas History Guild. Come visit!