Musk was a hero of the left doing more to further the electric car industry than anyone in human history. He personally funded space travel and exploration for the good of mankind when the federal government deemed it not worth their time or money. Then he protected free speech through the purchase of twitter by simply opening it up for all. He didn't suppress left wing speech and thought like his predecessors were doing to the right. And that's when the democrats got big mad. They quite like the control they have in the media, academia, Hollywood, and literally every other driver of culture in the west. As they censored right wing thought and speech, they said, "if you don't like it, go build your own social media platform." So Trump launched truth social. And then they had it de-platformed. They didn't like having their snarky retort thrown back in their face. They couldn't let it stand. So Musk used his resources to level the playing field on one single social platform. And the left lost their minds.
If you haven't yet figured it out, Musk is brilliant. A rare mind. Perhaps he didn't buy his influence so much as earn a seat at the table by being really really smart and running a number of hugely successful businesses? I've seen enough waste in DC to know we need a few more business minds at the helm who actually look at P&Ls and understand that running a deficit year after year puts you out of business.
Perhaps the left should spend less time calling people nazis and more time trying to figure out how they managed to drive off someone so brilliant and wealthy who by all accounts was happy to support their side until they went nuts. A little introspection could go a really long way for the left. Fortunately for the right, they're not so good at that these days.
Sic Everyone.