Johnny Bear said:
Doc Holliday said:
jbbear said:
Harrison Bergeron said:
Kudos for the regressives for being correct about Trump's election being a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY .... they just left out the part where the regressives are the actual threat to democracy.
Has there ever been a party more focused on undermining democracy and building authoritarian control?
I had hoped the Dumbocrats would realize the majority of the country wants no part of their policies and start to shift a bit. No sir. They are tripling down on their godless BS while screaming (and singing) and threatening violence every step of the way. I can only hope Trump and Co. step on their necks for the next 12 years or so.
That's because Trump is dismantling their ability to grift. They don't actually care about this woke crap they push, they just want money. The woke stuff is a means for them to grift.
Exactly. All the lefty causes are first and foremost just vehicles and opportunities for massive corruption and grifting. This especially includes things like climate change / green new scam, the whole race baiting / victimology "industry", abortion, and gun control, along with all of the woke stuff as well.
If you really want to get into theory behind it, the woke agenda is essentially going against everything that's normalized because they want as many targets as possible to exploit and grift from.
You'll start to understand how satanic it really is when you wrap your mind around it.
It's built on this false idea of equality and egalitarianism. As an example, they took gender dysphoria which had a high success rate of being dealt with and changed the narrative to trans rights and pushed it heavily into entertainment and politics. Then they use things like DEI as a credit rating system for access to billions of dollars if said company promotes trans ideology. Of course we also have USAID as a front to push money toward NGOs who seek to push trans rights.
The underlying and true nature of this woke stuff is access to money. It's horrific. It's why we've called it a clown world or upside down. They're getting their hands on everything that's normal and reversing it for access to money and tax dollars.
The only thing democrats have going for them is the past couple of decades of narrative building to try to shame the public into condemning Trump's actions. It's "we need to protect USAID because it supports *insert identity politics".