FLBear5630 said:I could discuss his views on asking for a blessing and working within the Church are steps to solving their problem. Or, that using your logic NO ONE would ever qualify for a blessing as we are all sinful, you just happen to not like this particular sin. You would prefer it back in the closet. Or, you could say you can't fix it if you don't know what's broke. Getting the issue in the light will help without destroying people.ShooterTX said:FLBear5630 said:I think you are confusing somebody asking for a blessing and "blessing" the union. The logic being Jesus, nor God, turn away anyone asking for help or in a sinful situation. Not allowing them to be involved is not a good way to effect change. The emphasis is on helping the person, not the union which has been Francis's position as Pontiff. To help people be closer to God, not get caught up in vocabulary. But, there are a lot of vocabulary people out there and would rather exclude than minister.ShooterTX said:FLBear5630 said:If you are going to disparage the man, at least get it right.ShooterTX said:Fre3dombear said:ShooterTX said:
This Pope has pushed the anti-Christ agenda harder than anyone in recent memory.
Sad for him, but he's definitely going to burn in hell for promoting Satanic virtues in the name of Christ. No other option for him. He has damned himself to hell. Very sad. He was surrounded by the truth, but thoroughly rejected it.
You can pray for his recovery, but I will pray for his victims instead.
Jesus said to live our enemies. We must pray that God's will be done and that Pope Francis is blessed wirh a full recovery.
It's interesting. So many people seem to think that I hate the man. I do not hate him. I'm very sad for him that he has rejected the truth.
Obviously, he has read the Bible and been exposed to the truth. He even claims to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but he just refuses to follow the teaching of Christ & the Bible.
James 2:19 NIV
[19] You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe thatand shudder.
Here we see that just believing the truth isn't enough. Throughout the book of James we see that we must obey the teachings of Christ so that our deeds are evidence of our faith.
James doesn't even bother to address the ones who are teaching and acting in ways that contradict the Biblical teachings about sin. He is talking about those who believe the truth but don't engage in good deeds.
This Pope has engaged in promoting lies and contradiction to the Bible. It is a blasphemy to teach that what God calls an abomination is just "love".
There is no way that the Pope is ignorant on all the passage that teach about the sins of homosexuality & sexual immorality. He is willfully engaging as a false teacher.
You cannot claim the title of "most holy father" while also teaching anti-Biblical garbage... and expect to escape from Hell.
He said Homosexuality is not a crime. It is a sin, as is all sexual acts outside of marriage. The act is a sin, always has been.
Just because he doesn't agree with throwing them in jail or ostracizing them doesn't mean he condones homosexual behavior.
So, in your Church do they repent and convert from homosexuality during or after the stoning?
The pope is a good politician.
He has done his best to avoid direct, word-for-word contradiction of the catholic doctrine... but his actions speak much louder.
He has authorized the official blessing of same sex union ceremonies by catholic priests. He also has allowed openly gay priests.
To say that he still views homosexuality as a sin, is just a joke. No Pope would ever allow someone to proudly display their sinful lifestyle while in the priesthood. It is one thing to struggle with sinful temptations, and quite another to be proud of it and take part in "pride marches".
His actions have made it clear that he doesn't see homosexual actions as an abomination or a sin at all. And the whole LGBTQ world has received that message with rejoicing.
Just as it says it James... people can say they believe in something, but that doesn't matter as much as how they act on those beliefs. This Pope has proven himself to be a false teacher based upon his actions. False teachers are damned to pretty horrible judgements. II Peter 2 makes it clear that "they will secretly introduce destructive heresies".
He goes on:
2 Peter 2:4-9 NIV
[4] For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; [5] if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; [6] if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; [7] and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless [8] (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard) [9] if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.
This Pope is not like Lot. He is not distressed by the depraved conduct, but has instead tried to find a way to compromise his beliefs so he can accept their lawless deeds.
It's really sad, but he has damned himself to judgement & hell.
I have many catholic and formerly catholic friends. They all agree that this Pope is the most ungodly Pope of their lifetimes. None of them are happy to admit it, and neither am I. It's sad to see someone who claims to be the Vicar of Christ, teach such ungodly things.
In case you are not familiar, a Vicar is one who stands in the place for an absent higher authority within the church. It literally translates to mean that the Pope is the one taking the place of Christ, because Christ is not on the earth right now.
I will continue to pray for those he has lead astray. I wish his blasphemy could have ended through repentance, but I will be glad for it to end however God sees fit to end it.
I get it, my Dad thinks it goes too far. It will probably be walked back under the next Pontiff, that is how these things go. But, I am more Jesuit and my Dad is more Redemptorist.
Give me one example of Jesus or the apostles giving their blessing to an obviously sinful lifestyle.
Spoiler alert... it never happened.
You don't need to give a blessing over a commitment to engage in sin, in order to reach those in need.
You don't bless a drunkards commitment to a life long bender, in order to try and set him free from alcoholism.
It's obvious that this Pope clearly doesn't believe that homosexual acts are sinful. If he truly believed what the Bible says, he would take a far different approach.
He would try his best to set people free from sin, not bless their commitment to it.
But, it would do no good. But I will say this, Christ ate with sinners. He favored a Prostitute. Was friends with a tax collector. So, I am not sure you are correct that Christ would turn away from a homosexual.
I think you are asking the wrong question. The question you should ask is "Did Jesus ever deny anyone God's blessing when he was asked?" Doesn't asking for God's blessing show repentance? Francis never said don't counsel them on the act being wrong and clearly stated that any sexual act outside of marriage is a sin. So, if a homosexual asks for a blessing, you deny him in God's name?
I think it's incredible how both of you manage to interpret scripture and other's thoughts and actions , seeing their faults and biases without recognizing or acknowledging your own.
The homosexual, the drunkard, the tax collector, this Sic'em poster all have at least three things in common; sin being one, being created in Gods image two, and finally being offered God's free gift of grace.
There is a difference in struggling with sin and embracing sin. I'm not smart enough to always recognize the struggle/embrace in my on life so I don't want to pretend to recognize it in another's.
Society will sometimes make people put on a false bravado. Can society also make the struggling homosexual put on a false acceptance?
If a drunkard can stumble and still be a Christian, if a selfish person can stumble and still be a Christian, can a homosexual stumble and still be a Christian?