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435,328 Views | 4582 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Jacques Strap
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I like facts. You like to be an ass.

To each his own.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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jupiter said:


12,469 deaths in the United States from H1N1 virus (swine flu) in 2009. No panic.

4,700 deaths Worldwide from the coronavirus in 2020. Worldwide panic.

What has changed?

Look at the growth curve .You're comparing Coronavirius death toll right now at the beginning stages vs Swine flu was after it was done spreading

Ya I'm not sure how this is hard to understand
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Oldbear83 said:

I like facts. You like to be an ass.

To each his own.

Guys, there so little we actually know, you could both be proven wrong in pretty dramatic fashion by May.

Try some of the following phrases:

A. "In my opinion..."
B. "I find (x) more compelling than (y)"
C. "We can agree to disagree"
D. "While no one knows for sure, I think..."
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This is worth a read, with good graphics to make the info more accessible:
Jack Bauer
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Jack Bauer said:


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boognish_bear said:

Was reading an article about why we probably cannot replicate S. Korea. We are an individualist society, So. Korea is a collectivist society. When govt says jump they jump. We ride out hurricanes.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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boognish_bear said:

If we have to ration tests to the point where the ****ing president can't get tested then we are well and truly screwed. There must be a better explanation beyond the pay wall.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Bearitto said:

Oldbear83 said:

I like facts. You like to be an ass.

To each his own.

Guys, there so little we actually know, you could both be proven wrong in pretty dramatic fashion by May.

Try some of the following phrases:

A. "In my opinion..."
B. "I find (x) more compelling than (y)"
C. "We can agree to disagree"
D. "While no one knows for sure, I think..."
Or, "what we know so far..."
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quash said:

boognish_bear said:

If we have to ration tests to the point where the ****ing president can't get tested then we are well and truly screwed. There must be a better explanation beyond the pay wall.

WASHINGTON President Trump will not be tested for the coronavirus after coming into contact with a Brazilian official who tested positive for the virus just days after participating in meetings with him in Florida, the White House said on Thursday.

Fabio Wajngarten, a top communications aide to President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, tested positive days after accompanying him to Mr. Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and posing for a photo with the president and Vice President Mike Pence. In the photo, which he posted on social media, Mr. Wajngarten is standing shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Trump, who is clutching a brown "Make Brazil Great Again" baseball cap.

A video from the event also showed Mr. Wajngarten standing directly behind Mr. Trump and Mr. Bolsonaro as they spoke to a crowd.

After his meeting with the Brazilian delegation, Mr. Trump hosted a dinner for Mr. Bolsonaro and his aides. But Mr. Pence did not stay for the dinner, an aide said, and had not received any guidance from his physician that he needed to be tested or quarantined.

Mr. Wajngarten also stopped by the birthday party of Kimberly Guilfoyle, an adviser to Mr. Trump's re-election campaign and the girlfriend of his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., a campaign aide said. Mr. Trump also attended the party.

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But the White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, played down Mr. Trump's level of exposure. "Both the president and vice president had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive and do not require being tested at this time," Ms. Grisham said in a statement on Thursday.

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She also indicated that neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Pence intended to self-quarantine as a precautionary measure. "There is currently no indication to test patients without symptoms, and only people with prolonged close exposure to confirmed positive cases should self-quarantine," Ms. Grisham said. "Exposures from the case are being assessed, which will dictate next steps."

While the White House has indicated that its bar for testing the commander in chief is high, Dr. Judith N. Wasserheit, a professor of global health and medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, recommended otherwise. "Because of the critical roles that the president and vice president play, it would be wise to have a low threshold for testing regardless of symptom status," she said.

Dr. Thomas File, the president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, said that anyone within five feet of an infected individual for five minutes or more had potential exposure to the virus. The recommendation for someone who had exposure would be to "stay home and monitor themselves" for 14 days, Dr. File said. "If they develop symptoms, they would be tested."
In contrast to Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence, Senator Rick Scott of Florida announced on Thursday that he was self-quarantining after potential contact with Mr. Wajngarten.

Mr. Trump also chose not to get tested for the coronavirus last week after he had attended the Conservative Political Action Conference, where an attendee who was infected with the virus mingled with lawmakers. Four members of Congress including Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, who traveled with Mr. Trump on Air Force One last week announced they were self-quarantining, citing an abundance of caution after coming into contact with the infected individual at the conference.

Mr. Trump, however, did not choose to take any precautionary measures. "He has neither had prolonged close contact with any known confirmed Covid-19 patients, nor does he have any symptoms," Ms. Grisham said this week. "President Trump remains in excellent health, and his physician will continue to closely monitor him."

In an interview with "Fox & Friends" this week, Ms. Grisham dismissed the coronavirus as "something that is like a flu" and said that when it came to his own exposure, Mr. Trump was "not concerned about this at all" because he "uses hand sanitizer all the time."

Still, some experts warned the risk was high. "Any public figure, including the president, who really doesn't want to get infected has to understand: They can no longer be in the public domain with person-to-person contact like this and not get infected," said Dr. Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota. "This virus will penetrate into our population."

In the past, presidents made a point of personally taking precautions as an example to the public. In 1976, when President Gerald R. Ford embarked on an ambitious crash program to vaccinate tens of millions of Americans against what was thought to be a dangerous new strain of influenza, he was photographed receiving the vaccine in the White House as part of a public awareness campaign.

In 2002, President George W. Bush was vaccinated against smallpox after American troops and civilian health care and emergency workers were ordered to have inoculations before the invasion of Iraq out of fear that the country's leader, Saddam Hussein, had biological weapons.

Administration officials have said they would consider starting a public-relations campaign around testing if that becomes necessary. But they noted that the White House was not recommending mass testing across the country, focusing instead on older Americans with underlying health conditions.

Photo ops of Mr. Trump or Mr. Pence getting tested, they said, would be inconsistent with a message that people should follow the recommendations of their doctors, and that healthy Americans are likely to stay healthy.
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Thanks for posting the article.

After reading it I still don't understand the reluctance to test the president. Qualifiers like "almost no contact" and "prolonged contact" might fly for you or me, but the president is a little more important than us. Plus, isn't he a germaphobe? Surely he knows that hand sanitizer won't stop an airborne germ.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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quash said:

Thanks for posting the article.

After reading it I still don't understand the reluctance to test the president. Qualifiers like "almost no contact" and "prolonged contact" might fly for you or me, but the president is a little more important than us. Plus, isn't he a germaphobe? Surely he knows that hand sanitizer won't stop an airborne germ.
The problem is when you are asymptomatic, the viral load may be too small to return a positive test, and you may get a false negative. It depends on the sensitivity of the test.
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

quash said:

Thanks for posting the article.

After reading it I still don't understand the reluctance to test the president. Qualifiers like "almost no contact" and "prolonged contact" might fly for you or me, but the president is a little more important than us. Plus, isn't he a germaphobe? Surely he knows that hand sanitizer won't stop an airborne germ.
The problem is when you are asymptomatic, the viral load may be too small to return a positive test, and you may get a false negative. It depends on the sensitivity of the test.
Sure, so test him again in a week. CPAC was a while back. And test him again in another week.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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If they can test all the Jazz players on the spot surely he can be tested
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boognish_bear said:

The governor just closed all K-12 schools for the next 3 weeks (spring break was scheduled to start soon anyhow) but that certainly has an impact on my schedule and that of my customers.

Im working on a contingency plan for my group for tomorrow. A customer I was with last Wednesday died of the common flu (they think) yesterday.

My company is a giant, they can probably afford to pay people to stay home for a while but field employees with no field...well, we just arent very valuable. Luckily, I can have my wife's employees work from home though the governor banned gatherings of 100 or more which could effect our ability to shoot weddings if they dont happen. Thankfully March is our slowest time.
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boognish_bear said:

If they can test all the Jazz players on the spot surely he can be tested
If I had to put money on it, I'd bet that Trump was indeed tested, and they're saying he didn't for messaging purposes.
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I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.
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BaylorBJM said:

I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.

I thinks it's pretty clear no one on an internet message board has the slightest clue what's happened with Trump in the short amount of time since the Brazilian President was found to be C-19 positive.
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BaylorBJM said:

I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.
Just a guess, but here's what I think:

1. Trump is aware that the number of tests are limited. Some people would complain if he used one of those tests for himself, so he is electing to avoid that situation, whether wise or foolish;

2. Trump has implied that for the overwhelming number of people exposed to C-19, nothing much will happen. He is betting on being able to demonstrate the truth of that, again whether wise or foolish that he does so.

Also, keep in mind that the President has a lot of people around him. I expect his staff has detailed information on possible exposure which is reliable enough that the President is able to make the decision not to test without cause for worry.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Canada2017 said:

BaylorBJM said:

I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.

I thinks it's pretty clear no one on an internet message board has the slightest clue what's happened with Trump in the short amount of time since the Brazilian President was found to be C-19 positive.
Bolsonaro tested positive?? I thought it was his aide.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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quash said:

Canada2017 said:

BaylorBJM said:

I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.

I thinks it's pretty clear no one on an internet message board has the slightest clue what's happened with Trump in the short amount of time since the Brazilian President was found to be C-19 positive.
Bolsonaro tested positive?? I thought it was his aide.

Interesting .....thought it was the pres .

Regardless , with all the meetings and people Trump is involved with every day it's almost impossible for him not to be exposed to the virus .
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BaylorBJM said:

I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.
If he is, then he isn't wrong to do that, for the reasons stated above, and especially if it's based on the advice from his physician. But either way, if he was indeed in close contact with a known positive case, test or no test he should be isolating himself as best as the president of the U.S. can, and monitoring for symptoms, obviously.
Jack Bauer
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Now Disneyland ...

It's only the fourth time in history that Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif., has fully suspended operations. The other instances were Sept. 11 attacks, the morning after JFK's assassination and the Northridge earthquake
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BaylorBJM said:

I think it's pretty clear the president is personally electing to not be tested.

For what reason, that's up for debate.

He doesn't want to give his Cabinet the political cover among Trumpers to go 25th Amendment.
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Meanwhile the Baylor Baseball team and staff are now in 14 day self quarantine.
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A significant number of infectious diseases display seasonal patterns in their incidence, including human coronaviruses. We hypothesize that SARS-CoV-2 does as well. To date, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, has established significant community spread in cities and regions only along a narrow east west distribution roughly along the 30-50 N" corridor at consistently similar weather patterns (5-11OC and 47-79% humidity). There has been a lack of significant community establishment in expected locations that are based only on population proximity and extensive population interaction through travel. We have proposed a simplified model that shows a zone at increased risk for COVID-19 spread. Using weather modeling, it may be possible to predict the regions most likely to be at higher risk of significant community spread of COVID-19 in the upcoming weeks, allowing for concentration of public health efforts on surveillance and containment.

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Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
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Lol!! Look! Someone was interviewed who doesn't like the administration. That's incredibly shocking!!!

Jack Bauer
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The Masters tournament has been postponed

PGA cancels Players Championship and next 3 events (2 in Texas).

XFL season cancelled.
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