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435,370 Views | 4582 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Jacques Strap
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TexasScientist said:

Florda_mike said:

What would be happening if a democrat was in White House?

No 24/7 media coverage/scare? How much would CNN cover it?

No coronavirus?

What else?

Why haven't we had gathering bans every flu season? 70,000 last year died from flu in US! 20,000 so far this this year? <100 from coronavirus and we shut down country? Priorities are reversed?

I propose we shut down country from Thanksgiving to March every year in future to save the lives of those dying from flu? Also consider what to do about driving deaths? Allow a $1B reward to cure cancer instead of endless government research grants? Etc
The difference is this pathogen has is at least 10x (possibly as much as 20) more deadly than the flu. 61,000 died last year from the flu in the U.S. Unchecked, Covid-19 has the potential to kill 610,000 people by comparison. It is on par with the Spanish flu in terms of potential death rate. In large part, due to Italy's slow response, their death rate is running around 5%, and may increase because they have maxed out their health care facilities and their personel's ability to respond. That is a huge difference between this disease and influenza. The only way we currently have to address this is to slow down its spread by shutting down and limiting person to person contact, so that our health care system is not overloaded and overwhelmed all at once with a spike of cases that it can't handle. We only have a limited number of hospital beds with a limited number of ventilators in this country to manage those who are critical. Many are dying in Italy now who otherwise would live if they had enough ventilators available and supporting therapeutics. They are literally practicing triage there. We don't want that scenario here. Another concern is that it has already mutated once into what appears to be a more virulent strain L. Risk of further mutation is real.


Not uncommon for a novel virus to become more virulent....especially during a 2nd wave .

This nightmare has just begun .

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When did it mutate? It does not surprise me as that is biology. I just had not heard this.
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HashTag said:

TexasScientist said:

Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
We get TexasScientist, you hate Trump. Trump is evil. Trump is stupid. Trump is incompetent. Everything Trump does is wrong and he can do nothing right. EVERY action he takes, EVERY word he speaks is vile.

Does that about sum it up? I hate to break it to you scooter, but I'll be, along with millions of others, voting for him in November.

I hope you can live through your TDS for an extra 4 years.
Me too: He cannot even type TRUMP into his sililoquy. The early China travel ban was genius. The European travel ban is genius. If you fly over don't expect to be coming home anytime soon. The goal is now to contain it first. I am a retired cardiothoracic RN and just like in the hospital we have to do the same thing in the country...keep it from spreading and the earlier the better. Once it goes into community spread mode it is extemely hard to control it and it forces everyone to be socially distant. I work from home so I am already self-quarantined. I have all my groceries delivered to the front porch and since I have numerous boxes of latex gloves I wear them everywhere that I go when I must be in contact with others and the things they touch.

His post is just ignorance. He's mad he is pres. If one watched CNN and MSLSD all day and night you are going to get brainwashed. Even Fox is a bit iffy these days, so I have pretty much switched over to OANN (One Americal News) where you will get the absolute truth from Liz Wheeler, Alex Saldi?, and Graham Ledger.
CHP Bear
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So Congress, Senate and POTUS will cover themselves by passing a long green money bill. O.K., I understand politics. Not debating bills need. Yes, there will be many skeeming to take advantage of available dollars. There will be waste, fraud and abuse. What chaps me is when a politician answers a question about spending the available money, first thing out of their mouth is, "the government will be issuing checks." Government, give me a break, TAX PAYERS pay the freight. Just once, I'd like to hear a politician or any government official give recognition to where the money is really coming from. Past generations, present generation and I guarantee future generation have and will always pay the freight. Guaranteed, not some politician. How about this for an answer, thanks to the American tax payer their monies will provide the billions of dollars necessary to fund the Coronavirus health emergency's. Your welcome.
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

TexasScientist said:

Oldbear83 said:

TexasScientist said:

Oldbear83 said:

quash said:

Oldbear83 said:

quash said:

HashTag said:

TexasScientist said:

Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
We get TexasScientist, you hate Trump. Trump is evil. Trump is stupid. Trump is incompetent. Everything Trump does is wrong and he can do nothing right. EVERY action he takes, EVERY word he speaks is vile.

Does that about sum it up? I hate to break it to you scooter, but I'll be, along with millions of others, voting for him in November.

I hope you can live through your TDS for an extra 4 years.
TS's post doesn't mention Trump.

TDS is seeing hate every time someone has a factual or policy basis for criticizing the president. Defend the policy or else you are defending a cult of personality.
That's quash - a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DNC.
Deflecting the substance of TS's post: you do you.
The "substance" of TS' post was spite and malice. It deserves no attention.

As well you know.

But 'you do you', quash, which in these matters sadly means ignoring anything inconvenient to your bigotries.
You have enough spite and malice for quash and me combined. It comes across in your tone, ad hominem attacks, and vitriol, and it underscores that you have no facts to support your view. You should think about that.
< chuckle >

I posted links to my sources, while you, well, you are quite emotional for a 'scientist'.

I suspect I read more, much more, on this, than you have ever considered reading.

Later this year, your posts will be interesting to compare to actual events.

You posted one link, which is way out of date in terms of how fast this has developed. I'm not the one who writes using emotional, derogatory, inflammatory and ad hominem terms. You should read some of what you write. It's full of vitriol. I've never used terms like that in my responses to you.
Actually, I have linked to almost a dozen sources in various posts on this virus. You simply ignored the ones you wanted to miss.

Your own responses have been written with no apparent knowledge of prior outbreaks.
I gave Trump credit for cutting off travel with China...but at the rate you're digging it may not matter for long.
You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
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CHP Bear said:

So Congress, Senate and POTUS will cover themselves by passing a long green money bill. O.K., I understand politics. Not debating bills need. Yes, there will be many skeeming to take advantage of available dollars. There will be waste, fraud and abuse. What chaps me is when a politician answers a question about spending the available money, first thing out of their mouth is, "the government will be issuing checks." Government, give me a break, TAX PAYERS pay the freight. Just once, I'd like to hear a politician or any government official give recognition to where the money is really coming from. Past generations, present generation and I guarantee future generation have and will always pay the freight. Guaranteed, not some politician. How about this for an answer, thanks to the American tax payer their monies will provide the billions of dollars necessary to fund the Coronavirus health emergency's. Your welcome.
With the whole world going to neg int rates Trump needs to now start working on refinancing our country's debt. That would save about $500B/year in int alone. Everybody should be refinancing the most debt they have at this time by using whatever methods are available to them. For instance if you have a huge credit card debt and don't want to default then take one card, pay the fee, and get the 0% interest for a year. Every little thing you can do is important if you believe in exponential savings.
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Oldbear83 said:

You are linking disparate data points to present a false contention, TS.

Yes, COVID-19 is more lethal than the common flu, but it is far less lethal than past viruses such as SARS and MERS, Ebola or Marburg. The part of the math you are missing is to consider why those more lethal viruses did not kill more people than they did.

A virus is a simple thing, but it requires a delicate balance to thrive. We already know that viruses are seasonal, affected by things like heat and humidity, wind patterns and weather. Another point to consider is what we still do not know, such as why C-19 affects men almost three times as often as women, or why people under 25 seem to escape the worst symptoms of C-19. These details matter because knowing them would be important in finding an effective treatment, which in many ways is even more important than the vaccine under trials right now.

There is a simple fact that should be kept in mind. China handled the outbreak worse than any other country, and suffered the most cases and deaths because of that. Yet in that nation of more than a billion people, just over three thousand died, and while that number if tragic, it suggests that other nations, with better warning, prophylactic steps available to the public and other steps being taken, will suffer fewer cases and deaths.

Ergo, it is rash to suggest the six hundred thousand death scenario, as there is no valid data to indicate this is anything but the most unlikely outcome. In similar logic, it is wrong to contend that the virus is "unchecked", as this implies medical professionals are not doing a lot to combat the virus, whether in researching the virus to find a vaccine or in testing different treatments to see which mitigate symptoms the best. There is precedent for focusing on symptom treatment, by the way - there is no known cure for Cholera, but the disease dies out in most cases if the victim is simply kept hydrated and treated for fever.
Again, I am not minimizing the effects of C-19, but we do have a decent understanding of what it does and simply treating the symptoms will help some patients survive, and others fight off the disease faster.

No, you don't understand the dynamics of this virus. Once patient's lung tissue becomes so inflamed and damaged, they die. Simply supporting patients is not always effective. At present, there is not treatment other than therapeutic life support.

Yes, COVID-19 is more lethal than the common flu, but it is far less lethal than past viruses such as SARS and MERS, Ebola or Marburg. The part of the math you are missing is to consider why those more lethal viruses did not kill more people than they did.
Math? COVID-19 has already claimed more lives than SARS. Contact tracing was effective with SARS because symptoms were early, severe and easy to identify, and contain. The SARS virus was fragile and didn't have the ability to persist in the human population which led to its demise. This doesn't appear to be the case with C19.
MERS was similarly contained. C19 is spread before people have symptoms which is not the case with MERS, SARS and Ebola. Ebola is not comparable because it is transmitted by bodily fluids contact, not through coughing and aerosols. Ebola can be traced and contained more easily. Ebola does not live on surfaces. C19 is contagious before it is symptomatic. We don't know yet if C19 will die off in summer season. Not all viruses are the same. The best parallel is the Spanish Flu of 1918, which was easily transmissible with similar death rate, except C19 is more deadly to older people. Treating symptoms is good, but in those whose condition becomes serious, this disease damages the lungs to the point that many cannot overcome the virus in spite of treatment. C19 is 3 times more contagious than MERS, is an order of magnitude more contagious than Ebola; Ebola has a R0 1.9, and C19 has a 2.8 R0. SARS has a 3.0 R0, only slightly higher than C19.


There is a simple fact that should be kept in mind. China handled the outbreak worse than any other country, and suffered the most cases and deaths because of that. Yet in that nation of more than a billion people, just over three thousand died, and while that number if tragic, it suggests that other nations, with better warning, prophylactic steps available to the public and other steps being taken, will suffer fewer cases and deaths.
At first China covered it up, but then took it serious with drastic efforts to contain C19. China, South Korea and Singapore have handled it the best. Italy actually has handled it worse than any other country so far, and that's why its out of hand there.They ignored it at first and didn't take it serious, much like what we have done here. If you don't think this is serious, take this into account - In the first two months authorities tracked it, there have been more cases of C19 than the 2002 SARS, 2012 MERS, and 2104 Ebola epidemics combined. In the U.S., the virus has now spread to more people than were infected with Polio during the peak year of the Polio epidemic.


Ergo, it is rash to suggest the six hundred thousand death scenario, as there is no valid data to indicate this is anything but the most unlikely outcome. In similar logic, it is wrong to contend that the virus is "unchecked", as this implies medical professionals are not doing a lot to combat the virus, whether in researching the virus to find a vaccine or in testing different treatments to see which mitigate symptoms the best. There is precedent for focusing on symptom treatment, by the way - there is no known cure for Cholera, but the disease dies out in most cases if the victim is simply kept hydrated and treated for fever.
All the valid data suggest that a high mortality of 300,000 to 600,000 is the very likely unless a timely comprehensive approach is under taken - broad testing of the population, contact tracing, quarantine, and social distancing. So far we're six weeks behind the curve.
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wuzzybear said:

HashTag said:

TexasScientist said:

Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
We get TexasScientist, you hate Trump. Trump is evil. Trump is stupid. Trump is incompetent. Everything Trump does is wrong and he can do nothing right. EVERY action he takes, EVERY word he speaks is vile.

Does that about sum it up? I hate to break it to you scooter, but I'll be, along with millions of others, voting for him in November.

I hope you can live through your TDS for an extra 4 years.
Me too: He cannot even type TRUMP into his sililoquy. The early China travel ban was genius. The European travel ban is genius. If you fly over don't expect to be coming home anytime soon. The goal is now to contain it first. I am a retired cardiothoracic RN and just like in the hospital we have to do the same thing in the country...keep it from spreading and the earlier the better. Once it goes into community spread mode it is extemely hard to control it and it forces everyone to be socially distant. I work from home so I am already self-quarantined. I have all my groceries delivered to the front porch and since I have numerous boxes of latex gloves I wear them everywhere that I go when I must be in contact with others and the things they touch.

His post is just ignorance. He's mad he is pres. If one watched CNN and MSLSD all day and night you are going to get brainwashed. Even Fox is a bit iffy these days, so I have pretty much switched over to OANN (One Americal News) where you will get the absolute truth from Liz Wheeler, Alex Saldi?, and Graham Ledger.
All I can say is you're both deluded, if all your information comes from OANN. As you said, you'll get brain washed the same as if you only watch CNN. The China travel ban was a good start, but it is and was not enough. The new travel ban will help, but the virus is out in the community now in this country. We have a lot of ground lost that can't be made up. It's moved past containment and is being community spread. You are right in that social distancing and quarantining are required. A timely more comprehensive effort needs to be made. Hopefully, those efforts being undertaking now.
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Waco1947 said:

"I like the numbers"
People suffering on a ship and he places his pride over the grimness beset on these innocent passengers.
Will, at last, our decency and citizen duty to vote prevail over this selfishness?.
The problem here is your pride, Waco.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Again, you keep claiming the data is on your side, but you don't provide even a single link to support your claims.

And you go out of your way to compare C-19 with the worst outbreaks on record, not the comparable vectors.

All you have is panic.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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TexasScientist said:

wuzzybear said:

HashTag said:

TexasScientist said:

Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
We get TexasScientist, you hate Trump. Trump is evil. Trump is stupid. Trump is incompetent. Everything Trump does is wrong and he can do nothing right. EVERY action he takes, EVERY word he speaks is vile.

Does that about sum it up? I hate to break it to you scooter, but I'll be, along with millions of others, voting for him in November.

I hope you can live through your TDS for an extra 4 years.
Me too: He cannot even type TRUMP into his sililoquy. The early China travel ban was genius. The European travel ban is genius. If you fly over don't expect to be coming home anytime soon. The goal is now to contain it first. I am a retired cardiothoracic RN and just like in the hospital we have to do the same thing in the country...keep it from spreading and the earlier the better. Once it goes into community spread mode it is extemely hard to control it and it forces everyone to be socially distant. I work from home so I am already self-quarantined. I have all my groceries delivered to the front porch and since I have numerous boxes of latex gloves I wear them everywhere that I go when I must be in contact with others and the things they touch.

His post is just ignorance. He's mad he is pres. If one watched CNN and MSLSD all day and night you are going to get brainwashed. Even Fox is a bit iffy these days, so I have pretty much switched over to OANN (One Americal News) where you will get the absolute truth from Liz Wheeler, Alex Saldi?, and Graham Ledger.

The China travel ban was a good start, but it is and was not enough. The new travel ban will help, but the virus is out in the community now in this country. We have a lot of ground lost that can't be made up.

Trump was criticized for his travel ban against China in January . Biden said it was xenophobic.

Do you seriously believe the American people, press , and Democratic Party leadership would have supported Trump if he attempted to ban all international flights in December ?
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
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Oldbear83 said:

Again, you keep claiming the data is on your side, but you don't provide even a single link to support your claims.

And you go out of your way to compare C-19 with the worst outbreaks on record, not the comparable vectors.

All you have is panic.
Panic, no I am pointing out reality in the face of ignorance. All of my comments are based on official reports from numerous sources that are available on the internet. I have posted sources. The WHO is one of the main sources.


And you go out of your way to compare C-19 with the worst outbreaks on record, not the comparable vectors.
??? More evidence you don't know what you are talking about. Vectors are organisms that carry infectious pathogens to humans, or animals and plants. West Nile Virus, Malaria, Lyme disease, Dengue fever are examples of vector borne diseases. None of the diseases you listed above are vector borne diseases.
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Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
Watch out Sam, he'll want you to post links.
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No one, no one at all, is "not taking the matter seriously", Sam.

Some, like you, are buying to worst-case scenarios and pretending we are all doomed.

YOU are making a bad situation worse by fomenting panic.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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TexasScientist said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
Watch out Sam, he'll want you to post links.
Links are evidence, something real scientists know and use.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

No one, no one at all, is "not taking the matter seriously", Sam.

Some, like you, are buying to worst-case scenarios and pretending we are all doomed.

YOU are making a bad situation worse by fomenting panic.

I'm trying to be patient because you've been so complimentary of my tone in the past, and I appreciate that. But your posts on this topic are exasperating. I will get back to you later on.
CHP Bear
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wuzzybear said:

CHP Bear said:

So Congress, Senate and POTUS will cover themselves by passing a long green money bill. O.K., I understand politics. Not debating bills need. Yes, there will be many skeeming to take advantage of available dollars. There will be waste, fraud and abuse. What chaps me is when a politician answers a question about spending the available money, first thing out of their mouth is, "the government will be issuing checks." Government, give me a break, TAX PAYERS pay the freight. Just once, I'd like to hear a politician or any government official give recognition to where the money is really coming from. Past generations, present generation and I guarantee future generation have and will always pay the freight. Guaranteed, not some politician. How about this for an answer, thanks to the American tax payer their monies will provide the billions of dollars necessary to fund the Coronavirus health emergency's. Your welcome.
With the whole world going to neg int rates Trump needs to now start working on refinancing our country's debt. That would save about $500B/year in int alone. Everybody should be refinancing the most debt they have at this time by using whatever methods are available to them. For instance if you have a huge credit card debt and don't want to default then take one card, pay the fee, and get the 0% interest for a year. Every little thing you can do is important if you believe in exponential savings.
Totally agree. Trying to figure out how to take advantage low cost of money, but no mortgage. Been debt free for years. Purchase everything on credit card and pay it off at months end. No %. CC Company's are providing me a nice little income with their % returns on purchases. As a result, I'm able to take my wife to the 357 for lunch and pay cash. Right, two hot dog combos at Costco for $3.57. Thank goodness for cell phones. My office is at the golf course and when the Mrs. want me to pick up something for dinner she just calls. Life is tough.
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When you run out of tp!

Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Oldbear83 said:

TexasScientist said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
Watch out Sam, he'll want you to post links.
Links are evidence, something real scientists know and use.

Links are not evidence. They are just links. The content of the link determines whether or not it is evidence.
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BaylorTaxman said:

Oldbear83 said:

TexasScientist said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
Watch out Sam, he'll want you to post links.
Links are evidence, something real scientists know and use.

Links are not evidence. They are just links. The content of the link determines whether or not it is evidence.
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but links to information about the topic are evidence. They may be more or less compelling as evidence, depending on what the link outlines, but evidence they are. Our views on the conclusions may vary greatly, but evidence is what it is.
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Oldbear83 said:

TexasScientist said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
Watch out Sam, he'll want you to post links.
Links are evidence, something real scientists know and use.
Go to YouTube Dr. John Campbell
There are numerous credible sources out there.

Follow Dr. Anthony Fauci -

Go educate yourself. Don't panic, but face the reality and potential magnitude of the problem. Denial of the potential problem this poses in this country if we don't respond adequately is dangerous.

Shutting down large gatherings and distancing ourselves is the best option, and we should follow this advice. Hopefully, this will allow our health system to manage the course of this disease without being overwhelmed.
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Bearitto said:

BaylorTaxman said:

Oldbear83 said:

TexasScientist said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're confusing me with the President, Sam?

I'm saying you should stop digging.

Yes, China was able to limit the number of doing the exact opposite of everything you would have us do.
What exactly are you claiming I would "have us do", Sam, beyond staying calm and not driving panic the way so many here are doing?

And what exactly did China do that has you so impressed with them - I have in-laws in China and what they tell me is that the PRC is a textbook example of what not to do. Yet despite a parade of blunders, China's death tool looks to cap below 4k.
They did everything you call panic, and a lot more. Millions were quarantined. Everyone wore masks. You couldn't get into a grocery store without having your temperature checked. I'm not saying we have to be as extreme, but the longer we're in denial the harder it will be to turn around.

Look at the thread I posted about the CDC conference. You keep saying the experts aren't projecting large numbers of deaths, and it's just not true. That's not fear-mongering. It's what the numbers are unless we take the problem seriously and act sooner instead of later.
Watch out Sam, he'll want you to post links.
Links are evidence, something real scientists know and use.

Links are not evidence. They are just links. The content of the link determines whether or not it is evidence.
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but links to information about the topic are evidence. They may be more or less compelling as evidence, depending on what the link outlines, but evidence they are. Our views on the conclusions may vary greatly, but evidence is what it is.

Links to information absolutely are evidence. Not all links contain information. Some contain just opinions, not based on any factual evidence at all. Those links are not evidence.
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Canada2017 said:

TexasScientist said:

wuzzybear said:

HashTag said:

TexasScientist said:

Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
We get TexasScientist, you hate Trump. Trump is evil. Trump is stupid. Trump is incompetent. Everything Trump does is wrong and he can do nothing right. EVERY action he takes, EVERY word he speaks is vile.

Does that about sum it up? I hate to break it to you scooter, but I'll be, along with millions of others, voting for him in November.

I hope you can live through your TDS for an extra 4 years.
Me too: He cannot even type TRUMP into his sililoquy. The early China travel ban was genius. The European travel ban is genius. If you fly over don't expect to be coming home anytime soon. The goal is now to contain it first. I am a retired cardiothoracic RN and just like in the hospital we have to do the same thing in the country...keep it from spreading and the earlier the better. Once it goes into community spread mode it is extemely hard to control it and it forces everyone to be socially distant. I work from home so I am already self-quarantined. I have all my groceries delivered to the front porch and since I have numerous boxes of latex gloves I wear them everywhere that I go when I must be in contact with others and the things they touch.

His post is just ignorance. He's mad he is pres. If one watched CNN and MSLSD all day and night you are going to get brainwashed. Even Fox is a bit iffy these days, so I have pretty much switched over to OANN (One Americal News) where you will get the absolute truth from Liz Wheeler, Alex Saldi?, and Graham Ledger.

The China travel ban was a good start, but it is and was not enough. The new travel ban will help, but the virus is out in the community now in this country. We have a lot of ground lost that can't be made up.

Trump was criticized for his travel ban against China in January . Biden said it was xenophobic.

Do you seriously believe the American people, press , and Democratic Party leadership would have supported Trump if he attempted to ban all international flights in December ?
In all seriousness, who gives a **** if the media would have supported him? He's the president, he's there to lead and protect the American people, not worry about if the reporters on TV are going to say mean things about him. He's the ******* president, not some child who needs to be coddled and told he's a good boy.
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You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
83- just as recently as 72 hours ago you were stating the cancelation of SXSW, the Houston Rodeo, and other similar large gatherings of hundreds of thousands of tourists was "idiotic" and "ludicrous".

Just clarifying if this is still your official stance?
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"To be a good citizen, it's important to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes and see the big picture. If everything you see is rooted in your own identity, that becomes difficult or impossible." Eli Pariser
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Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
You should consider posting less
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BaylorBJM said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
83- just as recently as 72 hours ago you were stating the cancelation of SXSW, the Houston Rodeo, and other similar large gatherings of hundreds of thousands of tourists was "idiotic" and "ludicrous".

Just clarifying if this is still your official stance?
It was indeed idiotic to close the Rodeo; anyone who could be infected would already have been exposed, since the Rodeo was not one day but well past half its calendar schedule. It was an act which did nothing to help people but damaged hundreds of small businesses.

As for SXSW, while it happened in advance of the event, that cancellation was pretty obviously due to so many major players pulling out. The city of Austin made a face-saving move in political terms, although the mayor only later realized the dam,age to local businesses caused by his decision.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
You should consider posting less
Go hide under your bed, you're "triggered" by words again
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

BaylorBJM said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
83- just as recently as 72 hours ago you were stating the cancelation of SXSW, the Houston Rodeo, and other similar large gatherings of hundreds of thousands of tourists was "idiotic" and "ludicrous".

Just clarifying if this is still your official stance?
It was indeed idiotic to close the Rodeo; anyone who could be infected would already have been exposed, since the Rodeo was not one day but well past half its calendar schedule.

What? No. Continued exposure only ups the chances for more to get infected. Transmission is not some instantaneous event. You can't be serious.
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Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
I gave you other sources above. Go check out Dr. Campbell's reports, they are current and informative. Go check out Chris Martenson's reports (Peak Prosperity). You can find them on YouTube. Each of them has aggregated some good data that even you can understand.

Here is a respected M.D., John McDougall, who puts this in perspective for you.

You just don't like the messenger. I agree with Sam's comments. Listen to Sam.

I'm not to overly concerned about myself, but I'm concerned about elderly family members, and I'm concerned about you. Ignore Dr. Fauci's recommendations, go out and mingle around as much as you can, and given you have an underlying condition, see how you end up.

P.S. Here is another link from Dr. Mikhail Varshavski with a good overall assessment you may like:
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Oldbear83 said:

BaylorBJM said:

Oldbear83 said:

You're funny, TS. I already check WHO and CDC regularly, but you might actually post a link which supports your specific contention, rather than imply that the site's general web site means you have done so.

I must conclude you cannot support your assumptions.
83- just as recently as 72 hours ago you were stating the cancelation of SXSW, the Houston Rodeo, and other similar large gatherings of hundreds of thousands of tourists was "idiotic" and "ludicrous".

Just clarifying if this is still your official stance?
It was indeed idiotic to close the Rodeo; anyone who could be infected would already have been exposed, since the Rodeo was not one day but well past half its calendar schedule. It was an act which did nothing to help people but damaged hundreds of small businesses.

As for SXSW, while it happened in advance of the event, that cancellation was pretty obviously due to so many major players pulling out. The city of Austin made a face-saving move in political terms, although the mayor only later realized the dam,age to local businesses caused by his decision.

What? Are you under the impression that the same people go to the rodeo every day? Most people pick one day based on the concert or an event. If you are a HS senior in FFA you can only sell your animal once...
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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