Coronavirus updates here

435,632 Views | 4582 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Jacques Strap
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PartyBear said:

Oldbear83 said:

PartyBear said:

The CDC just encouraged nationwide that no gatherings of more than 50 people take place for 2 months.
So the CDC wants to eliminate rush hour traffic. Good luck with that ...

I'm going to assume this is an attempt at humor.
Bad assumption. It's OldBear. He doesn't do humor.
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Oldbear83 said:

PartyBear said:

Oldbear83 said:

PartyBear said:

The CDC just encouraged nationwide that no gatherings of more than 50 people take place for 2 months.
So the CDC wants to eliminate rush hour traffic. Good luck with that ...

I'm going to assume this is an attempt at humor.
Yeah, it is. We need something to lighten the mood. Sorry if that did not work.

Props to HEB by the way. There was no milk, eggs or bread to be had in their stores yesterday, nor bottled water, but all of that was in stock today (I needed bread). They are doing a great job of keeping supplies in stock, and in so doing they are helping calm folks and send a message of confidence.

It's cool. Just things are unsettling. Yes HEB is doing a fantastic job.

As to schools the key thing is going online so the kids don't get off track academically, if they have to close.
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Be sure and turn up the sound full blast !!! lol.

Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Jinx 2 said:

Canada2017 said:

LTbear said:

Canada2017 said:

LTbear said:

Canada2017 said:

TexasScientist said:

wuzzybear said:

HashTag said:

TexasScientist said:

Dr. Ashish JHA, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute gave an interesting interview this morning on MSNBC. He said this morning the CDC is the best public health agency in the world, and this is not the CDC's fault. He said the problem is the administration has tried to down play this and has not taken this disease seriously. He said the president was saying a week ago this is not much worse than the flu, and ignoring public health officials and Dr. Fauci's warnings. He said that senior level officials at the FDA stopped development of a test in this country until very recently. For some reason we rejected the WHO test, made available almost two months ago, in favor development of our own test, and we have had one failure after another, which he said is inexplanable. Health care proffesionals and his friends at CDC don't understand what is happening at the senior most levels. Baffeling. He said that you cannot get a test today in Boston if your doctor needs to order a test, and that very few people are getting tested. He said there are theories the president doesn't want to know how many cases there are, and thinks this will just go away. Johns Hopkins is making their own tests now developed at Mayo. State health officials say no one knows where the numbers of one million test kits are coming from or where they will be coming from that Pence is quoting. He said if you call up your doctor today in Boston to see if you can get tested the answer is no. He said others are starting to buildi their own tests now because no one knows when those tests are going to be arriving and there is no faith the Federal Government is going to be able to deliver on the most basic thing that Iran, South Korea, and Taiwan can deliver to its people. What was promised is not being delivered.
We get TexasScientist, you hate Trump. Trump is evil. Trump is stupid. Trump is incompetent. Everything Trump does is wrong and he can do nothing right. EVERY action he takes, EVERY word he speaks is vile.

Does that about sum it up? I hate to break it to you scooter, but I'll be, along with millions of others, voting for him in November.

I hope you can live through your TDS for an extra 4 years.
Me too: He cannot even type TRUMP into his sililoquy. The early China travel ban was genius. The European travel ban is genius. If you fly over don't expect to be coming home anytime soon. The goal is now to contain it first. I am a retired cardiothoracic RN and just like in the hospital we have to do the same thing in the country...keep it from spreading and the earlier the better. Once it goes into community spread mode it is extemely hard to control it and it forces everyone to be socially distant. I work from home so I am already self-quarantined. I have all my groceries delivered to the front porch and since I have numerous boxes of latex gloves I wear them everywhere that I go when I must be in contact with others and the things they touch.

His post is just ignorance. He's mad he is pres. If one watched CNN and MSLSD all day and night you are going to get brainwashed. Even Fox is a bit iffy these days, so I have pretty much switched over to OANN (One Americal News) where you will get the absolute truth from Liz Wheeler, Alex Saldi?, and Graham Ledger.

The China travel ban was a good start, but it is and was not enough. The new travel ban will help, but the virus is out in the community now in this country. We have a lot of ground lost that can't be made up.

Trump was criticized for his travel ban against China in January . Biden said it was xenophobic.

Do you seriously believe the American people, press , and Democratic Party leadership would have supported Trump if he attempted to ban all international flights in December ?
In all seriousness, who gives a **** if the media would have supported him? He's the president, he's there to lead and protect the American people, not worry about if the reporters on TV are going to say mean things about him. He's the ******* president, not some child who needs to be coddled and told he's a good boy.

Give it a rest know damn the American people would NEVER supported a total international travel ban back in December.
Liberals, Dems and Trump haters would have gone completely nuts . There would been challenges in the courts within hours.

Sick to death of this 20-20 hindsight hypocrisy.

Canada, I don't understand your obsession with defending the president. As I said in another reply to you, his ban of China travel was good, measures taken the past couple days are good though late, his downplaying the seriousness of this for weeks was quite bad, and the dismantling of the pandemic response team years ago was very bad. Some good, plenty of bad.

But, we agree on the far more important thing, which is the seriousness of this ordeal. That's far more important to me. Hope you and yours are staying safe.

I have criticized Trump numerous times on this forum. His narcissism, childish tweeting and unpresidential language irritate me . Was furious when Trump launched that missile strike against Syria over an alleged gas attack. Could have led to nuclear war .

Have been intensely watching this pandemic develop since December. Interested early on for three reasons: my life long passion for American history, my various readings of the 1918 Spanish Influenza , and the absolute certainty that another murderous pandemic was inevitable due to overpopulation along with the speed of international travel .

I have found the actions of this particular president in relationship to this pandemic overwhelming positive..... certainty better than earlier presidents involving other such outbreaks.

You are an intelligent individual. Certainly you realize that the strict PRE EMPTIVE actions necessary to prevent a virulent pandemic from entering an open society such as ours is virtually impossible.

The same is true for any democracy.

Suspect I am older than you . This virus is a major threat to my wife and I. Very concerned for us as well as people throughout the world . Without a vaccine the death toll in 3rd world countries could easily be in the millions .

Sincere best wishes to you and those you care about . Thank you for the civility of our discussion.

Spend some time tonight and repost every post critical of Trump you've ever posted. Should take you 5 minutes.

Old aren't worth even a minute .
Jack Bauer
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Wynn and Encore hotels in Las Vegas will close down for two weeks
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The sun is out in Houston and it was 81 degrees. Can the virus survive this climate? Vegas when it's 110?
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

The sun is out in Houston and it was 81 degrees. Can the virus survive this climate? Vegas when it's 110?

Does not matter. The hype and the fear-mongering will continue long after the virus is dead.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
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We are now at 3,482 cases, as of 9:30 this evening. 51 cases in Texas have been confirmed. 62 deaths nationwide have been confirmed.
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Waco1947 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Waco1947 said:

The coronavirus does not recognize lying, tweeting, wishing as effective deterrentS..
Germs blow past lies - Every time
Sounds like Waco is speaking from personal experience there.
Nope! Just watching the president flailing about
Sounds like you're watching Biden, and he hasn't even won the Democrats' nomination yet.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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PartyBear said:

Oldbear83 said:

PartyBear said:

Oldbear83 said:

PartyBear said:

The CDC just encouraged nationwide that no gatherings of more than 50 people take place for 2 months.
So the CDC wants to eliminate rush hour traffic. Good luck with that ...

I'm going to assume this is an attempt at humor.
Yeah, it is. We need something to lighten the mood. Sorry if that did not work.

Props to HEB by the way. There was no milk, eggs or bread to be had in their stores yesterday, nor bottled water, but all of that was in stock today (I needed bread). They are doing a great job of keeping supplies in stock, and in so doing they are helping calm folks and send a message of confidence.

It's cool. Just things are unsettling. Yes HEB is doing a fantastic job.

As to schools the key thing is going online so the kids don't get off track academically, if they have to close.
At least we've had online education long enough that high schools and colleges can finish the semester online. That said, some of my daughter's fieldwork projects will be really hard to do as online classes.

I've been looking into Ro numbers for infectious diseases. One thing I found is that the Ro number is usually much higher early than later, when better information is available. I suspect the same thing will happen with C-19, due to what we have seen in nations where it showed up early.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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BaylorTaxman said:

We are now at 3,482 cases, as of 9:30 this evening. 51 cases in Texas have been confirmed. 62 deaths nationwide have been confirmed.

Do the democrats have a site we can go to that gives continuous coverage and count?

They should because it's all they're banking on to beat the Big Orange Man
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Florda_mike said:

BaylorTaxman said:

We are now at 3,482 cases, as of 9:30 this evening. 51 cases in Texas have been confirmed. 62 deaths nationwide have been confirmed.

Do the democrats have a site we can go to that gives continuous coverage and count?

They should because it's all they're banking on to beat the Big Orange Man

Yes they do. It is their party's national website:

It is where I found this info.
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Here's a couple sites for tracking for those actually interested:
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better sites for data:

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

better sites for data:


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Whichever you like. They're all fine for a simple number.
ATL Bear
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In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?
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One more site, for ****s and giggles. Shows both running total and new cases per day on the same graph.
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BaylorTaxman said:

Oldbear83 said:

better sites for data:


Just listed them.

You seriously did not see them?
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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We had 804 more since this am?
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ATL Bear said:

In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?

Fair point .

However I just have to believe the CDC considers the C-19 virus more virulent and far more contagious.
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Oldbear83 said:

BaylorTaxman said:

Oldbear83 said:

better sites for data:


Just listed them.

You seriously did not see them?

You did not see the JK ("just kidding") at the end of my post? With all of the back and forth about sources today, I was being sarcastic.
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BaylorTaxman said:

Oldbear83 said:

BaylorTaxman said:

Oldbear83 said:

better sites for data:


Just listed them.

You seriously did not see them?

You did not see the JK ("just kidding") at the end of my post? With all of the back and forth about sources today, I was being sarcastic.
Sorry, missed that. My dog got noisy and I did not see the bottom part because I was trying to ignore her and type.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
ATL Bear
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Canada2017 said:

ATL Bear said:

In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?

Fair point .

However I just have to believe the CDC considers the C-19 virus more virulent and far more contagious.

The only concern they have is the lack of a placebo to ease the paranoia. The placebo being a semi-effective vaccine or treatment. We have both with the flu but still millions die from it globally. We are literally acting against the hysteria of the unknown vaccine at this point. But our bodies have a clear ability to fight this with/without a vaccine. Those whose bodies can't have to take extra precautions. That's the practical reality.

Think about it, we're 4 months into this virus and worldwide we've experienced 1/4 of the annual deaths of Americans to the flu virus. If we tracked the flu with the same hysteria we're tracking C-19, forget shutdowns, we'd have Marshall law.
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ATL Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

ATL Bear said:

In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?

Fair point .

However I just have to believe the CDC considers the C-19 virus more virulent and far more contagious.

The only concern they have is the lack of a placebo to ease the paranoia. The placebo being a semi-effective vaccine or treatment. We have both with the flu but still millions die from it globally. We are literally acting against the hysteria of the unknown vaccine at this point. But our bodies have a clear ability to fight this with/without a vaccine. Those whose bodies can't have to take extra precautions. That's the practical reality.

Think about it, we're 4 months into this virus and worldwide we've experienced 1/4 of the annual deaths of Americans to the flu virus. If we tracked the flu with the same hysteria we're tracking C-19, forget shutdowns, we'd have Marshall law.

Again I see your point .

But I strongly doubt the government, CDC and medical community at large is doing all this for practice . What's happening in Italy appears to have scared everyone .

Wonder how many Americans have died from the 'regular ' flu since March 7th

ATL Bear
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Canada2017 said:

ATL Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

ATL Bear said:

In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?

Fair point .

However I just have to believe the CDC considers the C-19 virus more virulent and far more contagious.

The only concern they have is the lack of a placebo to ease the paranoia. The placebo being a semi-effective vaccine or treatment. We have both with the flu but still millions die from it globally. We are literally acting against the hysteria of the unknown vaccine at this point. But our bodies have a clear ability to fight this with/without a vaccine. Those whose bodies can't have to take extra precautions. That's the practical reality.

Think about it, we're 4 months into this virus and worldwide we've experienced 1/4 of the annual deaths of Americans to the flu virus. If we tracked the flu with the same hysteria we're tracking C-19, forget shutdowns, we'd have Marshall law.

Again I see your point .

But I strongly doubt the government, CDC and medical community at large is doing all this for practice . What's happening in Italy appears to have scared everyone .

Wonder how many Americans have died from the 'regular ' flu since March 7th

C-19 presents a serious danger to the elderly, no question. And without effective treatments developed, it will likely hit that population even harder than the flu. But as I said in another post, 90% of all flu deaths in the US are people 65 and older.

I don't think the CDC and medical community are treating this as practice, as much as it is uncharted waters with a lot of speculation and unknowns mixed in with some public hysteria.
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Canada2017 said:

ATL Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

ATL Bear said:

In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?

Fair point .

However I just have to believe the CDC considers the C-19 virus more virulent and far more contagious.

The only concern they have is the lack of a placebo to ease the paranoia. The placebo being a semi-effective vaccine or treatment. We have both with the flu but still millions die from it globally. We are literally acting against the hysteria of the unknown vaccine at this point. But our bodies have a clear ability to fight this with/without a vaccine. Those whose bodies can't have to take extra precautions. That's the practical reality.

Think about it, we're 4 months into this virus and worldwide we've experienced 1/4 of the annual deaths of Americans to the flu virus. If we tracked the flu with the same hysteria we're tracking C-19, forget shutdowns, we'd have Marshall law.

Again I see your point .

But I strongly doubt the government, CDC and medical community at large is doing all this for practice . What's happening in Italy appears to have scared everyone .

Wonder how many Americans have died from the 'regular ' flu since March 7th

Here's the data

For week 9 of 2020
Pneumonia: 2280
Flu: 384

As I understand it, pneumonia and flu are listed together because it's generally accepted that pneumonia results from flu infections. So, for week 9 of 2020, that's 2664 deaths. That's just a couple more deaths than Wuhan virus. Are you ready to shut down the world over that yet?
Sam Lowry
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ATL Bear said:

In 160 days (October 1, 2019 - March 7, 2020) the flu infected anywhere from 36-50 million Americans, which resulted in over 17 million doctor visits, over 400,000 hospitalizations, and between 20-40 thousand deaths. Those are CDC numbers. Could you imagine if we tracked that with the same obsessive concern, and the paranoia it would induce?
Could you imagine if hospitals were actually prepared to handle all those patients.

Oh, wait...they are!
CHP Bear
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Florda_mike said:

BaylorTaxman said:

We are now at 3,482 cases, as of 9:30 this evening. 51 cases in Texas have been confirmed. 62 deaths nationwide have been confirmed.

Do the democrats have a site we can go to that gives continuous coverage and count?

They should because it's all they're banking on to beat the Big Orange Man
Just a hunch, but mainstream T.V.? I'm guessing because I've social distanced myself from mainstream T.V. a long time ago.
Jack Bauer
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For your enjoyment...Professor Carlin

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It is just a matter of time before IRS extends the initial April 15 filing deadline. I am surprised they have not done so already (along with today's deadline for certain business returns).
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nein51 said:


Last Monday, my company issued a moratorium on all business travel. (I am a traveling salesman) . Two hours ago, my boss texted me and said everyone is to work from home and not come to the office until further notice.

Screw all of this. I'm going fishing.

That sounds good...but what are you supposed to do from home? Call customers who aren't there?

Yes. My biggest decision next week will be whether or not I buy live shrimp or live croakers. Gonna drink some Coronas and smoke a few fine cigars. I am gonna unplug from all this hype and craziness. I don't want to participate.
All things that will boost your immune system.
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TexasScientist said:


nein51 said:


Last Monday, my company issued a moratorium on all business travel. (I am a traveling salesman) . Two hours ago, my boss texted me and said everyone is to work from home and not come to the office until further notice.

Screw all of this. I'm going fishing.

That sounds good...but what are you supposed to do from home? Call customers who aren't there?

Yes. My biggest decision next week will be whether or not I buy live shrimp or live croakers. Gonna drink some Coronas and smoke a few fine cigars. I am gonna unplug from all this hype and craziness. I don't want to participate.
All things that will boost your immune system.

I forgot tequila.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
Jack Bauer
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Governor Abbott waives STAAR testing for 2020.
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