Andrew Cuomo is not the answer

8,850 Views | 84 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by GoneGirl
Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.
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HashTag said:

J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.

Dr. Tag, Who would like his personality, morals, forthrightness? Don' know. TDS is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard of . You sound like Redneck Mike. Trump does not deal in facts or data. I deal in data and facts, not lies and bull**** like your boy Trumps
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J.R. said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

riflebear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull*****
I'm amazed (not really) at the disinformation out there from people who only watch liberal media. Trump definitely is not perfect in his briefings but you don't become a Billionaire and then become President w/out knowing how to manage large projects and LISTEN and delegate. If he wasn't listening he wouldn't have put the China ban on and he wouldn't have told everyone to stay inside and follow all the health officials as the economy passes into a recession which could severely damage his election chances.

Listen to this before making blanket statements. It contradicts everything you said. I know I won't change your mind but hopefully you will be more educated.

He didn't really become a Billionaire, he inherited $440M for daddy and has left a wake of failures behind him. Mr. Rifle, I deal in facts and data, not twitter crap. I would like you to refute anything I said in my post. Let's face it, he not leader, he's a con man.

You mean truth like:
  • His brand has been more successful than other counterparts like Richard Branson's Virgin brand. Branson has had far more duds and I am aware of people considering him a failure.
  • Most people would be delighted to have the track record of wins and losses that Trump has experienced.
  • You try to claim he didn't really become a billionaire but by your own claimed facts, he received $440 million and now has a net worth of $3.1 billion. That sounds like significant progress to me. I know plenty of stories of folks who turned millions into mere thousands. But how many people have turned millions into billions?
  • This article says Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.8 While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a Jan. 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald. Source:
  • Don't forget that Trump ran his father's businesses during his father's twilight years. How much additional money did Donald make for his father and his estate?

1. I don't want a president with a brand and one who keeps perpetuating it. To compare the Orange Con-Man to Richard Branson is jus laughable
2)His track record is filled with carnage and not paying his bills a screwing people, so I disagree
3)We have NO IDEA what he is worth. He lies about everything , including his wealth . If I enherited $440M, a Billion is fairly easy to do. He ain't close to $3B
4)Hell, I could run my father's business, If I inherited $440M and ran the business with Fred's capital, a couple billion ain't that hard
1. Branson has had a lot more failed business ideas than Trump. Trump has a better batting average. If you like facts, you should be willing to accept those facts. What other personal brands can you think of?
2. One could make a similar claim about a lot of wealthy people yet you only criticize Trump. Just off the top of my head, Biden, Clinton, Sanders all have been caught doing some shady or wicked monetary things. Ethical politicians are in short supply.
3. You don't get it both ways with the numbers. It is also funny that you think the only one who lies about numbers is Trump.
4. Talk is cheap. What have you done to show that you could do the same? Are you a billionaire? Have you overseen millions for others that you grew into billions? And notice how you dodged the question about how much money Donald made for his Dad? That is money you want to pass off as him merely inheriting it. Since you don't know what that number is, you should be very reserved instead of outspoken on this point. It could well be that Donald may have helped his father considerably which would render your "he only inherited it" claim ridiculous.
Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

Booray said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull***** Hell, he contrition the experts every day during his daily briefing. Case in point...Trump is tweeting daily that car companies should convert to build ventilators in a couple of days. Well, I spent a good deal of my career in the contract manufacturing business. C level exec at a $15B public company and then starting growing my own company (sold it 7 yrs ago).. So, I have a little expertise in this area. Firstly, you don't go to an automotive plant and retrofit it from cars to ventilators. You have the big CMS do it. They switch product lines that are more often and are more nimble. Secondly, ventilators are electronics, so keep it with the people who understand PCB's and electronic supply chains. Getting the parts (supply chain) is the choke point. The supply chain does not have a bunch of finished goods on the shelf without a forecast. This is the challenge which Trump obviously does not understand. Additionally, changing a manufacturing plant over to ventilators is a 2-4 week process, even working 24hrs. a day. The tooling in factories, varies and that is obviously important. More tooling has to be produced to get to a ramp. Finally, Trumps sends out a nasty tweet about GM needs to restart a factory that they shut down....ok, GM doesn't own that anymore. Unfortunately, he way, way over his head.
First question, did Trump cause this mess? Second question, if he didn't, who did? Third question, are you saying, Trump is doing nothing to solve the problem or just dismayed because he has taken action you don't approve of? Your overview has some merit. However, he is doing something. Those before him put him in this situation. Isn't easy turning an aircraft carrier in a pond. As for me, not one business will solve the medical shortage problem However, companies like GM, My Pillow and the many others banding together will produce results. Join the team and help pull the wagon. Monday morning quarterbacking won't change the score.
no he didn't cause it...secondly, I don't know. Third, again it is all about him. He does not tell the truth daily. His experts disagree with him daily, even in the briefing. They deal in facts and data, Trump is incapable of that. Those before him is just horse***** There is no Monday morning qb. I watch it every day and he is not qualified to run this big problem. Neither is Pence. He's a wet noodle. This a a national problem, trump is still ****ting on Mayor's who don't agree with him. What a *****. He is a petulant child and that is not what is needed is this really , really serious crisis. Oh, and hello Easter!!! I'm not sure he even knows the Easter Story.
Some view your "disagree" as a difference of opinion. So am I to understand, I should take whatever an expert says is gospel. Given your TV viewing knowledge, do you remember the New York experts coming off the bench at the beginning of this fiasco telling New Yorkers to basically ignore the COVID. And those were prominent Doctors telling everyone no harm no foul. "Horsesh*p"? I interpret this as you do blame him for previous do nothing administrations. As for the rest, all opinion. Final question, do you want Trump to succeed or fail at solving the COVID problem. Give yourself time to think. Your answer will affect many lives.
Firstly, of course, I want the Orange Man to succeed because I'm going broke. He just isn't qualified as evidenced by his daily lying and just making **** up. Secondly, I'm going to trust the best doctors and scientist we have in this country way before the Queens con-man. Can you seriously, tell me that is ok? Really. He's freewheeling and that is dangerous.
What do doctors and scientists know about business and the economy? This isn't just an issue about public health. There is a very real risk of a great depression occurring if only doctor's and scientists are considered.

Dangerous is Democrats who criticized Trump for being a racist months ago when he was trying to restrict people from Asian countries entering the US because of the Coronavirus only to have those same people criticize him now for not doing enough. A Democrat President would have fared far worse because they would have been much slower to act.
They know that dead people can't work. That would seem to be an important point.
a better question is what does Trumps know about medicine and science....Nada
Wow, are you really this stupid? So, do you think we should only vote for doctors and scientists into office?

What the hell does pelosi or schumer or schiff know about medicine and science? My guess would be nada. You democratic front-runner is a joke... not only does he know nothing about medicine and science, he doesn't even know where he's at half the time (or what year it is)

Your TDS is getting away from you today.
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Are you a practicing Catholic ?
Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.

Dr. Tag, Who would like his personality, morals, forthrightness? Don' know. TDS is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard of . You sound like Redneck Mike. Trump does not deal in facts or data. I deal in data and facts, not lies and bull**** like your boy Trumps
Well, dealing in "your" facts isn't exactly the same as dealing facts.

But let guess, you don't like Trump? I'm assuming that's your fact?
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BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

riflebear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull*****
I'm amazed (not really) at the disinformation out there from people who only watch liberal media. Trump definitely is not perfect in his briefings but you don't become a Billionaire and then become President w/out knowing how to manage large projects and LISTEN and delegate. If he wasn't listening he wouldn't have put the China ban on and he wouldn't have told everyone to stay inside and follow all the health officials as the economy passes into a recession which could severely damage his election chances.

Listen to this before making blanket statements. It contradicts everything you said. I know I won't change your mind but hopefully you will be more educated.

He didn't really become a Billionaire, he inherited $440M for daddy and has left a wake of failures behind him. Mr. Rifle, I deal in facts and data, not twitter crap. I would like you to refute anything I said in my post. Let's face it, he not leader, he's a con man.

You mean truth like:
  • His brand has been more successful than other counterparts like Richard Branson's Virgin brand. Branson has had far more duds and I am aware of people considering him a failure.
  • Most people would be delighted to have the track record of wins and losses that Trump has experienced.
  • You try to claim he didn't really become a billionaire but by your own claimed facts, he received $440 million and now has a net worth of $3.1 billion. That sounds like significant progress to me. I know plenty of stories of folks who turned millions into mere thousands. But how many people have turned millions into billions?
  • This article says Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.8 While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a Jan. 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald. Source:
  • Don't forget that Trump ran his father's businesses during his father's twilight years. How much additional money did Donald make for his father and his estate?

1. I don't want a president with a brand and one who keeps perpetuating it. To compare the Orange Con-Man to Richard Branson is jus laughable
2)His track record is filled with carnage and not paying his bills a screwing people, so I disagree
3)We have NO IDEA what he is worth. He lies about everything , including his wealth . If I enherited $440M, a Billion is fairly easy to do. He ain't close to $3B
4)Hell, I could run my father's business, If I inherited $440M and ran the business with Fred's capital, a couple billion ain't that hard
1. Branson has had a lot more failed business ideas than Trump. Trump has a better batting average. If you like facts, you should be willing to accept those facts. What other personal brands can you think of?
2. One could make a similar claim about a lot of wealthy people yet you only criticize Trump. Just off the top of my head, Biden, Clinton, Sanders all have been caught doing some shady or wicked monetary things. Ethical politicians are in short supply.
3. You don't get it both ways with the numbers. It is also funny that you think the only one who lies about numbers is Trump.
4. Talk is cheap. What have you done to show that you could do the same? Are you a billionaire? Have you overseen millions for others that you grew into billions? And notice how you dodged the question about how much money Donald made for his Dad? That is money you want to pass off as him merely inheriting it. Since you don't know what that number is, you should be very reserved instead of outspoken on this point. It could well be that Donald may have helped his father considerably which would render your "he only inherited it" claim ridiculous.
1) Show me the data on Branson vs. Trump failures
2) He's a liar, Nobody, including you have a clue what he did for daddy.
3)He does it every day. That MFer cannot tell the truth
4)Not a Billionaire. I've done well and I've done it myself. I've run a $15B company. I've started and sold 2 companies. Currently run 2 companies. I think I have some perspective. So, tell me your experience and expertise.
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HashTag said:

J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.

Dr. Tag, Who would like his personality, morals, forthrightness? Don' know. TDS is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard of . You sound like Redneck Mike. Trump does not deal in facts or data. I deal in data and facts, not lies and bull**** like your boy Trumps
Well, dealing in "your" facts isn't exactly the same as dealing facts.

But let guess, you don't like Trump? I'm assuming that's your fact?
you are correct, I can't stand him. He is everything my mother raised me NOT to be. The fact is , he doesn't not deal in facts or data.
CHP Bear
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J.R. said:

Booray said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull***** Hell, he contrition the experts every day during his daily briefing. Case in point...Trump is tweeting daily that car companies should convert to build ventilators in a couple of days. Well, I spent a good deal of my career in the contract manufacturing business. C level exec at a $15B public company and then starting growing my own company (sold it 7 yrs ago).. So, I have a little expertise in this area. Firstly, you don't go to an automotive plant and retrofit it from cars to ventilators. You have the big CMS do it. They switch product lines that are more often and are more nimble. Secondly, ventilators are electronics, so keep it with the people who understand PCB's and electronic supply chains. Getting the parts (supply chain) is the choke point. The supply chain does not have a bunch of finished goods on the shelf without a forecast. This is the challenge which Trump obviously does not understand. Additionally, changing a manufacturing plant over to ventilators is a 2-4 week process, even working 24hrs. a day. The tooling in factories, varies and that is obviously important. More tooling has to be produced to get to a ramp. Finally, Trumps sends out a nasty tweet about GM needs to restart a factory that they shut down....ok, GM doesn't own that anymore. Unfortunately, he way, way over his head.
First question, did Trump cause this mess? Second question, if he didn't, who did? Third question, are you saying, Trump is doing nothing to solve the problem or just dismayed because he has taken action you don't approve of? Your overview has some merit. However, he is doing something. Those before him put him in this situation. Isn't easy turning an aircraft carrier in a pond. As for me, not one business will solve the medical shortage problem However, companies like GM, My Pillow and the many others banding together will produce results. Join the team and help pull the wagon. Monday morning quarterbacking won't change the score.
no he didn't cause it...secondly, I don't know. Third, again it is all about him. He does not tell the truth daily. His experts disagree with him daily, even in the briefing. They deal in facts and data, Trump is incapable of that. Those before him is just horse***** There is no Monday morning qb. I watch it every day and he is not qualified to run this big problem. Neither is Pence. He's a wet noodle. This a a national problem, trump is still ****ting on Mayor's who don't agree with him. What a *****. He is a petulant child and that is not what is needed is this really , really serious crisis. Oh, and hello Easter!!! I'm not sure he even knows the Easter Story.
Some view your "disagree" as a difference of opinion. So am I to understand, I should take whatever an expert says is gospel. Given your TV viewing knowledge, do you remember the New York experts coming off the bench at the beginning of this fiasco telling New Yorkers to basically ignore the COVID. And those were prominent Doctors telling everyone no harm no foul. "Horsesh*p"? I interpret this as you do blame him for previous do nothing administrations. As for the rest, all opinion. Final question, do you want Trump to succeed or fail at solving the COVID problem. Give yourself time to think. Your answer will affect many lives.
Firstly, of course, I want the Orange Man to succeed because I'm going broke. He just isn't qualified as evidenced by his daily lying and just making **** up. Secondly, I'm going to trust the best doctors and scientist we have in this country way before the Queens con-man. Can you seriously, tell me that is ok? Really. He's freewheeling and that is dangerous.
What do doctors and scientists know about business and the economy? This isn't just an issue about public health. There is a very real risk of a great depression occurring if only doctor's and scientists are considered.

Dangerous is Democrats who criticized Trump for being a racist months ago when he was trying to restrict people from Asian countries entering the US because of the Coronavirus only to have those same people criticize him now for not doing enough. A Democrat President would have fared far worse because they would have been much slower to act.
They know that dead people can't work. That would seem to be an important point.
a better question is what does Trumps know about medicine and science....Nada
From a personal standpoint, I have no idea. so I'll go along with Nada. Those on the podium run circles around the Trumpster, Re: medical knowledge. However, don't sell him short in the decision making process. He bloviates, but when push comes to shove he'll capitulate and do a 180. For example, he wants to put some back to work by Easter. If Vegas was open, from day one my money was on the pass line. As I see it, we all want workers back to work and that includes Trump. Getting closer to Easter he will back off. Rather than listen to words focus on actions. How about that, "Actions speak louder than words."
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CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

Booray said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull***** Hell, he contrition the experts every day during his daily briefing. Case in point...Trump is tweeting daily that car companies should convert to build ventilators in a couple of days. Well, I spent a good deal of my career in the contract manufacturing business. C level exec at a $15B public company and then starting growing my own company (sold it 7 yrs ago).. So, I have a little expertise in this area. Firstly, you don't go to an automotive plant and retrofit it from cars to ventilators. You have the big CMS do it. They switch product lines that are more often and are more nimble. Secondly, ventilators are electronics, so keep it with the people who understand PCB's and electronic supply chains. Getting the parts (supply chain) is the choke point. The supply chain does not have a bunch of finished goods on the shelf without a forecast. This is the challenge which Trump obviously does not understand. Additionally, changing a manufacturing plant over to ventilators is a 2-4 week process, even working 24hrs. a day. The tooling in factories, varies and that is obviously important. More tooling has to be produced to get to a ramp. Finally, Trumps sends out a nasty tweet about GM needs to restart a factory that they shut down....ok, GM doesn't own that anymore. Unfortunately, he way, way over his head.
First question, did Trump cause this mess? Second question, if he didn't, who did? Third question, are you saying, Trump is doing nothing to solve the problem or just dismayed because he has taken action you don't approve of? Your overview has some merit. However, he is doing something. Those before him put him in this situation. Isn't easy turning an aircraft carrier in a pond. As for me, not one business will solve the medical shortage problem However, companies like GM, My Pillow and the many others banding together will produce results. Join the team and help pull the wagon. Monday morning quarterbacking won't change the score.
no he didn't cause it...secondly, I don't know. Third, again it is all about him. He does not tell the truth daily. His experts disagree with him daily, even in the briefing. They deal in facts and data, Trump is incapable of that. Those before him is just horse***** There is no Monday morning qb. I watch it every day and he is not qualified to run this big problem. Neither is Pence. He's a wet noodle. This a a national problem, trump is still ****ting on Mayor's who don't agree with him. What a *****. He is a petulant child and that is not what is needed is this really , really serious crisis. Oh, and hello Easter!!! I'm not sure he even knows the Easter Story.
Some view your "disagree" as a difference of opinion. So am I to understand, I should take whatever an expert says is gospel. Given your TV viewing knowledge, do you remember the New York experts coming off the bench at the beginning of this fiasco telling New Yorkers to basically ignore the COVID. And those were prominent Doctors telling everyone no harm no foul. "Horsesh*p"? I interpret this as you do blame him for previous do nothing administrations. As for the rest, all opinion. Final question, do you want Trump to succeed or fail at solving the COVID problem. Give yourself time to think. Your answer will affect many lives.
Firstly, of course, I want the Orange Man to succeed because I'm going broke. He just isn't qualified as evidenced by his daily lying and just making **** up. Secondly, I'm going to trust the best doctors and scientist we have in this country way before the Queens con-man. Can you seriously, tell me that is ok? Really. He's freewheeling and that is dangerous.
What do doctors and scientists know about business and the economy? This isn't just an issue about public health. There is a very real risk of a great depression occurring if only doctor's and scientists are considered.

Dangerous is Democrats who criticized Trump for being a racist months ago when he was trying to restrict people from Asian countries entering the US because of the Coronavirus only to have those same people criticize him now for not doing enough. A Democrat President would have fared far worse because they would have been much slower to act.
They know that dead people can't work. That would seem to be an important point.
a better question is what does Trumps know about medicine and science....Nada
From a personal standpoint, I have no idea. so I'll go along with Nada. Those on the podium run circles around the Trumpster, Re: medical knowledge. However, don't sell him short in the decision making process. He bloviates, but when push comes to shove he'll capitulate and do a 180. For example, he wants to put some back to work by Easter. If Vegas was open, from day one my money was on the pass line.As I see it, we all want workers back to work and that includes Trump. Getting closer to Easter he will back off. Rather than listen to words focus on actions. How about that, "Actions speak louder than words."
we probably agree more than not. It is a tight wire act relative to stoping the virus and stopping the economy. Tough calls
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J.R. said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

riflebear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull*****
I'm amazed (not really) at the disinformation out there from people who only watch liberal media. Trump definitely is not perfect in his briefings but you don't become a Billionaire and then become President w/out knowing how to manage large projects and LISTEN and delegate. If he wasn't listening he wouldn't have put the China ban on and he wouldn't have told everyone to stay inside and follow all the health officials as the economy passes into a recession which could severely damage his election chances.

Listen to this before making blanket statements. It contradicts everything you said. I know I won't change your mind but hopefully you will be more educated.

He didn't really become a Billionaire, he inherited $440M for daddy and has left a wake of failures behind him. Mr. Rifle, I deal in facts and data, not twitter crap. I would like you to refute anything I said in my post. Let's face it, he not leader, he's a con man.

You mean truth like:
  • His brand has been more successful than other counterparts like Richard Branson's Virgin brand. Branson has had far more duds and I am aware of people considering him a failure.
  • Most people would be delighted to have the track record of wins and losses that Trump has experienced.
  • You try to claim he didn't really become a billionaire but by your own claimed facts, he received $440 million and now has a net worth of $3.1 billion. That sounds like significant progress to me. I know plenty of stories of folks who turned millions into mere thousands. But how many people have turned millions into billions?
  • This article says Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.8 While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a Jan. 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald. Source:
  • Don't forget that Trump ran his father's businesses during his father's twilight years. How much additional money did Donald make for his father and his estate?

1. I don't want a president with a brand and one who keeps perpetuating it. To compare the Orange Con-Man to Richard Branson is jus laughable
2)His track record is filled with carnage and not paying his bills a screwing people, so I disagree
3)We have NO IDEA what he is worth. He lies about everything , including his wealth . If I enherited $440M, a Billion is fairly easy to do. He ain't close to $3B
4)Hell, I could run my father's business, If I inherited $440M and ran the business with Fred's capital, a couple billion ain't that hard
Lot of anger here. You really think Killary would be doing a better job right now?
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
CHP Bear
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HashTag said:

J.R. said:

Booray said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

CHP Bear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull***** Hell, he contrition the experts every day during his daily briefing. Case in point...Trump is tweeting daily that car companies should convert to build ventilators in a couple of days. Well, I spent a good deal of my career in the contract manufacturing business. C level exec at a $15B public company and then starting growing my own company (sold it 7 yrs ago).. So, I have a little expertise in this area. Firstly, you don't go to an automotive plant and retrofit it from cars to ventilators. You have the big CMS do it. They switch product lines that are more often and are more nimble. Secondly, ventilators are electronics, so keep it with the people who understand PCB's and electronic supply chains. Getting the parts (supply chain) is the choke point. The supply chain does not have a bunch of finished goods on the shelf without a forecast. This is the challenge which Trump obviously does not understand. Additionally, changing a manufacturing plant over to ventilators is a 2-4 week process, even working 24hrs. a day. The tooling in factories, varies and that is obviously important. More tooling has to be produced to get to a ramp. Finally, Trumps sends out a nasty tweet about GM needs to restart a factory that they shut down....ok, GM doesn't own that anymore. Unfortunately, he way, way over his head.
First question, did Trump cause this mess? Second question, if he didn't, who did? Third question, are you saying, Trump is doing nothing to solve the problem or just dismayed because he has taken action you don't approve of? Your overview has some merit. However, he is doing something. Those before him put him in this situation. Isn't easy turning an aircraft carrier in a pond. As for me, not one business will solve the medical shortage problem However, companies like GM, My Pillow and the many others banding together will produce results. Join the team and help pull the wagon. Monday morning quarterbacking won't change the score.
no he didn't cause it...secondly, I don't know. Third, again it is all about him. He does not tell the truth daily. His experts disagree with him daily, even in the briefing. They deal in facts and data, Trump is incapable of that. Those before him is just horse***** There is no Monday morning qb. I watch it every day and he is not qualified to run this big problem. Neither is Pence. He's a wet noodle. This a a national problem, trump is still ****ting on Mayor's who don't agree with him. What a *****. He is a petulant child and that is not what is needed is this really , really serious crisis. Oh, and hello Easter!!! I'm not sure he even knows the Easter Story.
Some view your "disagree" as a difference of opinion. So am I to understand, I should take whatever an expert says is gospel. Given your TV viewing knowledge, do you remember the New York experts coming off the bench at the beginning of this fiasco telling New Yorkers to basically ignore the COVID. And those were prominent Doctors telling everyone no harm no foul. "Horsesh*p"? I interpret this as you do blame him for previous do nothing administrations. As for the rest, all opinion. Final question, do you want Trump to succeed or fail at solving the COVID problem. Give yourself time to think. Your answer will affect many lives.
Firstly, of course, I want the Orange Man to succeed because I'm going broke. He just isn't qualified as evidenced by his daily lying and just making **** up. Secondly, I'm going to trust the best doctors and scientist we have in this country way before the Queens con-man. Can you seriously, tell me that is ok? Really. He's freewheeling and that is dangerous.
What do doctors and scientists know about business and the economy? This isn't just an issue about public health. There is a very real risk of a great depression occurring if only doctor's and scientists are considered.

Dangerous is Democrats who criticized Trump for being a racist months ago when he was trying to restrict people from Asian countries entering the US because of the Coronavirus only to have those same people criticize him now for not doing enough. A Democrat President would have fared far worse because they would have been much slower to act.
They know that dead people can't work. That would seem to be an important point.
a better question is what does Trumps know about medicine and science....Nada
Wow, are you really this stupid? So, do you think we should only vote for doctors and scientists into office?

What the hell does pelosi or schumer or schiff know about medicine and science? My guess would be nada. You democratic front-runner is a joke... not only does he know nothing about medicine and science, he doesn't even know where he's at half the time (or what year it is)

Your TDS is getting away from you today.
Front runner - Do you mean Doctor Dildo?
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Let's get this back on track. We are talking about Andrew Cuomo and his faults.

Let's not forget that Andrew is the brother of Chrs "Fredo" Cuomo. If you don't remember Fredogate, here goes:

Andrew Cuomo weighed in on that one with:

"I just want to finish one point on this,'' the governor said.

" 'The Godfather' movie, don't you dare, don't you dare liken my family to the family you saw in 'The Godfather or [HBO's] 'The Sopranos,' " he said of critics.

"Mario Cuomo lived with those rumors of the Mafia. They hurt him. They scarred him. Every Italian lives with it. Don't you glorify it, and don't you repeat it, and don't you institutionalize it and say, 'Well, if you google it its not that bad.' "

This response is interesting because there have been some mob rumors swirling around the Cuomo family for some time. I am sure a lot of the rumors are false but are they all false?
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GrowlTowel said:

J.R. said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

riflebear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull*****
I'm amazed (not really) at the disinformation out there from people who only watch liberal media. Trump definitely is not perfect in his briefings but you don't become a Billionaire and then become President w/out knowing how to manage large projects and LISTEN and delegate. If he wasn't listening he wouldn't have put the China ban on and he wouldn't have told everyone to stay inside and follow all the health officials as the economy passes into a recession which could severely damage his election chances.

Listen to this before making blanket statements. It contradicts everything you said. I know I won't change your mind but hopefully you will be more educated.

He didn't really become a Billionaire, he inherited $440M for daddy and has left a wake of failures behind him. Mr. Rifle, I deal in facts and data, not twitter crap. I would like you to refute anything I said in my post. Let's face it, he not leader, he's a con man.

You mean truth like:
  • His brand has been more successful than other counterparts like Richard Branson's Virgin brand. Branson has had far more duds and I am aware of people considering him a failure.
  • Most people would be delighted to have the track record of wins and losses that Trump has experienced.
  • You try to claim he didn't really become a billionaire but by your own claimed facts, he received $440 million and now has a net worth of $3.1 billion. That sounds like significant progress to me. I know plenty of stories of folks who turned millions into mere thousands. But how many people have turned millions into billions?
  • This article says Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.8 While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a Jan. 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald. Source:
  • Don't forget that Trump ran his father's businesses during his father's twilight years. How much additional money did Donald make for his father and his estate?

1. I don't want a president with a brand and one who keeps perpetuating it. To compare the Orange Con-Man to Richard Branson is jus laughable
2)His track record is filled with carnage and not paying his bills a screwing people, so I disagree
3)We have NO IDEA what he is worth. He lies about everything , including his wealth . If I enherited $440M, a Billion is fairly easy to do. He ain't close to $3B
4)Hell, I could run my father's business, If I inherited $440M and ran the business with Fred's capital, a couple billion ain't that hard
Lot of anger here. You really think Killary would be doing a better job right now?
zero anger. Hillary is not president
Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.

Dr. Tag, Who would like his personality, morals, forthrightness? Don' know. TDS is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard of . You sound like Redneck Mike. Trump does not deal in facts or data. I deal in data and facts, not lies and bull**** like your boy Trumps
Well, dealing in "your" facts isn't exactly the same as dealing facts.

But let guess, you don't like Trump? I'm assuming that's your fact?
you are correct, I can't stand him. He is everything my mother raised me NOT to be. The fact is , he doesn't not deal in facts or data.
Hate to break it to ya', may need to look in the mirror.

If you're going to blast Trump for the way he behaves, you may want to check yourself on the name calling and foul language or you're no better.
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HashTag said:

J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.

Dr. Tag, Who would like his personality, morals, forthrightness? Don' know. TDS is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard of . You sound like Redneck Mike. Trump does not deal in facts or data. I deal in data and facts, not lies and bull**** like your boy Trumps
Well, dealing in "your" facts isn't exactly the same as dealing facts.

But let guess, you don't like Trump? I'm assuming that's your fact?
you are correct, I can't stand him. He is everything my mother raised me NOT to be. The fact is , he doesn't not deal in facts or data.
Hate to break it to ya', may need to look in the mirror.

If you're going to blast Trump for the way he behaves, you may want to check yourself on the name calling and foul language or you're no better.
so moron is foul language ? Sometimes salty language is appropriate . Please, Nancy....Sometimes it fits. Glad to see you have a difficult time dealing in facts and data
Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

HashTag said:

J.R. said:

This is a public health issue, first and foremost. I will take some financial pain to keep people from dying. Certainly, business is a concern too, as I'm a business man. Trump is just an idiot. He's not smart and not a leader and that is a big, big problem during this time.
Careful Mr. R, It appears that you don't like Trump's personality so therefore he's incapable at well, everything. Come on, surely your not this ignorant to let you emotions dictate what you choose to believe.

You are only seeing facts that make you think what you feel is right. You can trash his personality all you'd like, I personally don't give a ****, but to let your TDS dictate what the facts are, then you're nothing more than the moron you like to call other people.

Dr. Tag, Who would like his personality, morals, forthrightness? Don' know. TDS is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard of . You sound like Redneck Mike. Trump does not deal in facts or data. I deal in data and facts, not lies and bull**** like your boy Trumps
Well, dealing in "your" facts isn't exactly the same as dealing facts.

But let guess, you don't like Trump? I'm assuming that's your fact?
you are correct, I can't stand him. He is everything my mother raised me NOT to be. The fact is , he doesn't not deal in facts or data.
Hate to break it to ya', may need to look in the mirror.

If you're going to blast Trump for the way he behaves, you may want to check yourself on the name calling and foul language or you're no better.
so moron is foul language ? Sometimes salty language is appropriate . Please, Nancy....Sometimes it fits. Glad to see you have a difficult time dealing in facts and dat
Go back re-read your posts... you called Trump a P-u-$-$-y and use the term to dip****. While I'm not offended, if you're going criticize someone on their behavior, it's time to check your own.

Apparently, you only deal in your facts, however screwed up they may be.

Maybe, It's time for you to stop seeing what you believe?
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Governor Cuomo's agenda for the first 100 days of 2019 during a speech in Manhattan. "He vowed to set New Your on a progressive course that he says would make President Franklin D. Roosevelt proud."
1. Make property tax cap permanent.
2. Bolster abortion rights
3. Dream act
4. Legitimize marijuana
5. Congestion pricing in NYC
6. Child Victims Act
7. LGBT Protections
8. Gun Control
9. Ending Cash Bail
10. Make Election Day a State Holiday

JR. We know what's important to your idol? Are those the things that you want for the United States?

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57Bear said:

Governor Cuomo's agenda for the first 100 days of 2019 during a speech in Manhattan. "He vowed to set New Your on a progressive course that he says would make President Franklin D. Roosevelt proud."
1. Make property tax cap permanent.
2. Bolster abortion rights
3. Dream act
4. Legitimize marijuana
5. Congestion pricing in NYC
6. Child Victims Act
7. LGBT Protections
8. Gun Control
9. Ending Cash Bail
10. Make Election Day a State Holiday

JR. We know what's important to your idol? Are those the things that you want for the United States?

what does that drivel even mean? Have you ever been to NYC?
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CHP Bear said:

Appreciate the post. However, does anyone think progress democrat voters care? I'm in the no column.
You're calling me and other Democrats "democrat" voters is a dog whistle that you consumer hard-right media.

Not sure about the qualifier "progress"--I'm always for progress. Especially in terms of civil rights, acknowledging science and making informed rather than emotional policy decisions related to issues such as climate change.

Republican voters obviously don't care about the morals of their president. They say they do, but they elected Trump, who is on tape bragging about grabbing women by the pu--y, slept with a porn star while married, has been married 3 times, and is a serial adulterer...not to mention a shady businessman who cheated one of the biggest and wealthiest Republicans in my city to the extent that she voted for Clinton and told others one reason why was that smart people only did business with Donald Trump once.

They followed Newt Gingrich, also a thrice-married serial adulterer who treated his first two wives abominably and who started out as a Democrat and became a hard right Republican due to his shrewd calculation that doing so was the best way to become political powerful--his primary aim.

They follow Mitch McConnell, who has done everything possible to protect his Chinese wife's business interests at the expense of U.S. trade policy. While they whinge about the Clintons and Whitewater.

They elected the likes of Duncan Hunter (spent campaign funds on affairs while touting himself as Mr. Family Man), Mark Sanford (ran off to Argentina to be with his lover while governor of South Carolina), Scott Desjarlaid (got his mistress--one of his medical patients--pregnant and paid for her abortion, which he pressured her to have), Dennis Hastert (abused boys on his high school wrestling team), Jim Jordan (ignored abuse of Ohio State athletes by, I think, a team doctor), and on and on.

Democrats tend to flush those guys out, sometimes too soon. Al Franken got ousted for filming the same crude joke that was actually in the comedy routine he and his hard-right female accuser performed as part of a USO troop. Anthony Weiner deserved his ouster, but his disgusting texted pics pale in comparison to abusing minors and pressuring your mistress into having an abortion while claiming you're prolife.

Nothing--cheating in business, cheating on your wife, cheating on your taxes, selling American taxpayers and business interests out to the Russians and the Chinese--is bad or called when Republicans do it, but oh-my-god if
CHP Bear
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Jinx 2 said:

CHP Bear said:

Appreciate the post. However, does anyone think progress democrat voters care? I'm in the no column.
You're calling me and other Democrats "democrat" voters is a dog whistle that you consumer hard-right media.

Not sure about the qualifier "progress"--I'm always for progress. Especially in terms of civil rights, acknowledging science and making informed rather than emotional policy decisions related to issues such as climate change.

Republican voters obviously don't care about the morals of their president. They say they do, but they elected Trump, who is on tape bragging about grabbing women by the pu--y, slept with a porn star while married, has been married 3 times, and is a serial adulterer...not to mention a shady businessman who cheated one of the biggest and wealthiest Republicans in my city to the extent that she voted for Clinton and told others one reason why was that smart people only did business with Donald Trump once.

They followed Newt Gingrich, also a thrice-married serial adulterer who treated his first two wives abominably and who started out as a Democrat and became a hard right Republican due to his shrewd calculation that doing so was the best way to become political powerful--his primary aim.

They follow Mitch McConnell, who has done everything possible to protect his Chinese wife's business interests at the expense of U.S. trade policy. While they whinge about the Clintons and Whitewater.

They elected the likes of Duncan Hunter (spent campaign funds on affairs while touting himself as Mr. Family Man), Mark Sanford (ran off to Argentina to be with his lover while governor of South Carolina), Scott Desjarlaid (got his mistress--one of his medical patients--pregnant and paid for her abortion, which he pressured her to have), Dennis Hastert (abused boys on his high school wrestling team), Jim Jordan (ignored abuse of Ohio State athletes by, I think, a team doctor), and on and on.

Democrats tend to flush those guys out, sometimes too soon. Al Franken got ousted for filming the same crude joke that was actually in the comedy routine he and his hard-right female accuser performed as part of a USO troop. Anthony Weiner deserved his ouster, but his disgusting texted pics pale in comparison to abusing minors and pressuring your mistress into having an abortion while claiming you're prolife.

Nothing--cheating in business, cheating on your wife, cheating on your taxes, selling American taxpayers and business interests out to the Russians and the Chinese--is bad or called when Republicans do it, but oh-my-god if
Progress, my bad meant progressive democrats. Appreciate the heads up. Will go back and edit. Just wondering, how did you read all the above in my response? One sentence response was a statement of my belief. Not an indictment. Life's journey has taught me the following. Open enough closet doors and guess what? Skeletons. That includes both of us. Your illustrations above are indicative of today's political environments for both Republican and Democrats. Sad to say, neither party has a monopoly on virtue. When I open the political closet door, my skeletons have more meat on the bone than yours. In spite of their shortcomings.
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NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.
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J.R. said:

GrowlTowel said:

J.R. said:

BaylorFTW said:

J.R. said:

riflebear said:

J.R. said:

I don't give 2 ****s about his political leanings. What I have observed is that he is so much more capable than our president. While our President continues his narcissist ways, and managing this crisis by his opinion and not facts, Gov. Cuomo, deals in facts, data, and the expertise of the best people we have. Trump deals in bull*****
I'm amazed (not really) at the disinformation out there from people who only watch liberal media. Trump definitely is not perfect in his briefings but you don't become a Billionaire and then become President w/out knowing how to manage large projects and LISTEN and delegate. If he wasn't listening he wouldn't have put the China ban on and he wouldn't have told everyone to stay inside and follow all the health officials as the economy passes into a recession which could severely damage his election chances.

Listen to this before making blanket statements. It contradicts everything you said. I know I won't change your mind but hopefully you will be more educated.

He didn't really become a Billionaire, he inherited $440M for daddy and has left a wake of failures behind him. Mr. Rifle, I deal in facts and data, not twitter crap. I would like you to refute anything I said in my post. Let's face it, he not leader, he's a con man.

You mean truth like:
  • His brand has been more successful than other counterparts like Richard Branson's Virgin brand. Branson has had far more duds and I am aware of people considering him a failure.
  • Most people would be delighted to have the track record of wins and losses that Trump has experienced.
  • You try to claim he didn't really become a billionaire but by your own claimed facts, he received $440 million and now has a net worth of $3.1 billion. That sounds like significant progress to me. I know plenty of stories of folks who turned millions into mere thousands. But how many people have turned millions into billions?
  • This article says Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.8 While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a Jan. 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald. Source:
  • Don't forget that Trump ran his father's businesses during his father's twilight years. How much additional money did Donald make for his father and his estate?

1. I don't want a president with a brand and one who keeps perpetuating it. To compare the Orange Con-Man to Richard Branson is jus laughable
2)His track record is filled with carnage and not paying his bills a screwing people, so I disagree
3)We have NO IDEA what he is worth. He lies about everything , including his wealth . If I enherited $440M, a Billion is fairly easy to do. He ain't close to $3B
4)Hell, I could run my father's business, If I inherited $440M and ran the business with Fred's capital, a couple billion ain't that hard
Lot of anger here. You really think Killary would be doing a better job right now?
zero anger. Hillary is not president

And God blessed us, everyone.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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contrario said:

NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.

Good God you will do anything to deflect this from where the buck stops in America (the WH). It is the specific job of the office of POTUS to protect the US. They failed miserably. But keep arguing this is the fault of governors who took action. You seem ignorant about the population and population density in NYC.

Btw do you still stand by the 2 to 3 week cycle in the US before it gone or under control with little more than 3000 cases from your postings 2 weekends ago? Do you still stand by this is just the regular flu season we have every year being made into a big deal, you called it just the flu season again just a few days ago.
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PartyBear said:

contrario said:

NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.

Good God you will do anything to deflect this from where the buck stops in America (the WH). It is the specific job of the office of POTUS to protect the US. They failed miserably. But keep arguing this is the fault of governors who took action. You seem ignorant about the population and population density in NYC.

Btw do you still stand by the 2 to 3 week cycle in the US before it gone or under control with little more than 3000 cases from your postings 2 weekends ago? Do you still stand by this is just the regular flu season we have every year being made into a big deal, you called it just the flu season again just a few days ago.
I just think if we are going to hold up a leader, we probably shouldn't up a leader that is literally fcking it up. That isn't deflecting, that is just speaking the truth. The rest of the country isn't in as bad of shape as NYC, so one must ask why?

Never said that. I never said only 3,000 people would get it. Never. Try taking what I actually said. And I still stand by what I said. I may have been off a little with the timing, but this will peak soon. And my overall point was that millions of Americans wouldn't die, as you and your friends were saying. And I still stand by that. I'm sorry the pandemic isn't panning out that way you thought it would, but hey, at least we have trillions of dollars of new debt to pay off. That's always a good thing, right?

And so far, it looks like it won't be as bad as an average flu season. So you are right, I was wrong about that. The flu is much worse for many more people across all age groups and demographics. My bad on that.
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Talking to some of you is like trying to talk to a Branch Davidian or People's Temple member before the call to ultimate sacrifice to dear leader. Trying to convince them Koresh or Jones is not only not really God but is really making things a lot worse for them.
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contrario said:

NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.
How exactly was Cuomo supposed to keep people from traveling through the NYC airports from all over the globe in the absence of any federal guidance and with a POTUS who was calling the virus a hoax and not a big threat until Tucker Carlson confronted him at a party.

Mayors are having to step up and do too little too late with inadequate supplies the state and federal governments didn't do their jobs. Cuomo and the mayor of my city both mandated social distancing. My state has far more cases than adjacent states where governors took more aggressive action sooner; our mayor acted as soon as he could to mandate social distancing, quell a revolt among bar owners willing to put the entire city at risk, and shut down non-essential services and businesses. That meant we started behind.

And we don' have the density of New York.

The right-wing media narrative may be to blame local leaders, but a pandemic requires a national response and we started ours months too late.
CHP Bear
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contrario said:

NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.
Can't let this motion for lack a second. I second the motion.
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Cuomo is starting to show his true colors now. Trump says he may have to quarantine New York, New Jersey and Connnecticut and Cuomo takes offense claiming that such action may lack legal foundation. Cuomo is more interested in looking like he is a good leader rather than do the right thing. Typical political posturing. So much for him being a shining example.
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CHP Bear said:

contrario said:

NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.
Can't let this motion for lack a second. I second the motion.
So it's on Cuomo that New York leads in the nation in cases but not on Trump that America leads the world by ever growing margins?

For the record, I don't blame either in this case. But I do think consistency is important, and it seems to be severely lacking in this thought train.
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Jinx said:

"The right-wing media narrative may be to blame local leaders, but a pandemic requires a national response and we started ours months too late."
... "December 31, 2019 Chinese Health officials inform the WHO about a cluster of 41 patients with a mysterious pneumonia. Most are connected to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. ..."

Do you think that our national response should have begun in October, November, December? Asking for a friend.

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The tragedy in New York is not fault of either Cuomo or Trump .

And I hope Cuomo replaces Biden as the Democratic Party .
nominee .

Not because Cuomo has done anything particularly special for New Yorkers during this mess....because he hasn't .

But at least Cuomo isn't suffering from dementia.
ATL Bear
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A 5 county area in New York and New Jersey (all close to each other) make up 35% of all confirmed cases and deaths in the US. Crazy!
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Jinx 2 said:

contrario said:

NYC has almost half of the US cases. NYC has more cases than every country but 4. Yes, Cuomo is doing a bang up job. If results mattered in politics, he would have been fired this week, but results don't matter. Words are all that matters and he talks a good game that appeals to the dumbest of all of us.
How exactly was Cuomo supposed to keep people from traveling through the NYC airports from all over the globe in the absence of any federal guidance and with a POTUS who was calling the virus a hoax and not a big threat until Tucker Carlson confronted him at a party.

Mayors are having to step up and do too little too late with inadequate supplies the state and federal governments didn't do their jobs. Cuomo and the mayor of my city both mandated social distancing. My state has far more cases than adjacent states where governors took more aggressive action sooner; our mayor acted as soon as he could to mandate social distancing, quell a revolt among bar owners willing to put the entire city at risk, and shut down non-essential services and businesses. That meant we started behind.

And we don' have the density of New York.

The right-wing media narrative may be to blame local leaders, but a pandemic requires a national response and we started ours months too late.

Oh yeah ....

Can just imagine the dozens of toxic posts you would have blasted out if Trump had closed the borders and imposed a total travel ban on all countries back in December, January or February.

Be honest for once would have had an apoplectic fit .
How long do you want to ignore this user?
I don't think he has the authority to pick one or two states and do a quarantine. Perhaps a POTUS can order a nationwide shelter in place and perhaps he should. NY is already under one though. As are some other states and many cities and counties in states where there isnt one. Nevertheless I can't imagine just announcing you think you can shut down NY is going to sit well with Wall Street. As it is literally in NYC and NYC is modern Rome commerce wise.
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