Harrison Bergeron said:
Jack Bauer said:
Joe Biden gave eulogies for Robert Byrd AND Strom Thurmond so he can shove his fake outrage where the sun don't shine...
In all seriousness, how many actual white supremacists are there in the U.S. I would be shocked if it was more than 1,000.
Depends on what you're counting. Klan membership is incredibly low and has been on the decline for decades. ADL and SPLC even claim numbers between 800-3500 and it's in their interest to round up.
Let's say they are wrong; way wrong, monumentally wrong and off by a factor of 20x. That would put the high estimate at 70,000. There are approximately 350m Americans so you're looking at .02% of the population.
If their estimates are right you're talking .001%. By sheer numbers you're probably more likely to know a transgendered furry than an actual white supremacist.
If their low estimates are right you might actually be more likely to know someone who survived being struck by lightning.
White supremacists are a non existent bogeyman.
It should also be noted the Klan (and other white pride groups) hate PLENTY of non-blacks. Hell you could probably catch Klansman chilling with libs at a "Free Palestine" rally.