Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:
TexasScientist said:
Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:
Canada2017 said:
Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:
lol If only I had held my nose and voted for Trump.
My later mother in law had your same attitude ......of course she never voted at all.
Damn. If she and I would have voted for Pres. Trump he would have just lost by 6.999,998 votes Of course he carried Texas anyway so it wouldnt have mattered.
Team Biden speaks.
Biden picked up on Trump's plan and carried it out. Trump likely was headed in the same direction. We need better presidents, who are elected on qualifications, particularly with practical judgement. The fact that Biden's approval rating isn't '0' tells a lot about US citizens.
Team Biden speaks.
Broken record but you forgot ice cream diaper senile joke
The sad part is that you and your brethren have STILL not figured out it is not a joke.
Where the **** is your President? Is he taking a nap? Is he trying to get his Taliban buddies on the phone?
Now 12 U.S. service members confirmed dead.
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.