nein51 said:
muddybrazos said:
FLBear5630 said:
muddybrazos said:
I just dont see a way where MIchael Obama can win legitimately. What are her qualifications other than being first lady? If she did win then this country would be subjected to a 4th obama term and it would not be a recognizable country after that.
Sad thing is she would be a formidable opponent due to her following.
What is her followig? AWFL women who watch the View?
You're selling her way way short. She has an Oprah like following and don't let that seem trite.
I have no idea if she runs ever but she would win the nomination with ease. She's an absolute mile smarter and better spoken than damned near anyone else they have had recently.
She's not running. It's unfounded speculation, mostly by GOP pundits/conspiracy theorists looking for attention and online clickbait.
For years, she's been unequivocal - she's not running.
And I think the Obama's popularity is over stated. His two term average approval rating is 48%. His first term average was 49% and his second average was 47%.
In his re-election big, he got over 3.5 million fewer votes. Democrats didn't do well under an Obama administration either: of the whispering about a Michelle Obama campaign comes from the right.
The names that keep coming up for a Biden replacement, by the democrat elite is Pete Buttigieg, J.B. Pritzker, Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer. Also, Jared Polis and Josh Shapiro for the long shot.
The low information democrat voter seems to want Oprah Winfrey.
Michelle Obama may please the "vote blue no matter who" crowd, but I question how well another Obama run would be supported by moderates and independents.