Dave Ball on display. Poor talent uncoached. At this point talent evaluation difficult because coaching nonexistent. Can Jake teach receivers to catch? Does Baylor have Juggs machines? 10 to 15 portal guys not enough. We need 8 starting offensive lineman. We need receivers who can catch the ball. We are a dumpster fire on defense. Can Dave fill up the holes he has created? Doubtful as he has created too many issues. We have no identity. Depending on miraculous portal which needs at least 20 we are walking back all the earlier talk. We will be forecast at the bottom of the Big 12. Our beautiful stadium, which Art Briles built , will be empty after starting 1-4. Plenty of calls to fire Dave/Mack & Linda. Woke football needs to go. Too much to fix with Dave Ball. Keep these 3 away from mens basketball. Yoda has had years to show what he wants and has been a failure. Time to move on Rvo a total failure. BOR Ball a total failure. NIL Woke program a total failure. Players not coming for Fudge. Baylor has a beautiful campus and a great education but no football leadership since Art Briles starting to the top: BOR, Linda, Mack and Dave all a disaster and time for new leadership. We need and deserve to be at the top of the new Big 12 not at the bottom.