"ONE" Patch

12,237 Views | 86 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by bear2be2
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Yogi said:

"EQUALITY" is great but who here really believes we will all be "equal" with the ruling class under Socialism. Every Marxist society is the same: a wealthy and powerful bureaucracy made up of the ruling class and a mass of people who are poor, powerless and economically immobile.

It's that simple. Under socialism, some are more equal than others. It is evil and cannot be justified on any grounds. Those who fall for the con are just not thinking.

Baylor did it correctly by focusing on a message based upon scripture. Let everyone else be duped by the Marxists, we know whom we serve. We worship the one true God.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Mitch Henessey said: The overwhelming majority of these protests have been peaceful and then gives this as his proof
ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe "most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property." ACLED suggests this "disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations."

Wake up Mitch: Morning Consult is the official polling partner of POLITICO, Fortune, New York Times and Bloomberg News. None of which can be called neutral especially in regards to Donald Trump, BLM, Planned Parenthood or a whole host of other organizations. Fact checkers ???? They need to be fact checked !!
Secondly how can you have media based framing and disproportionate reporting when CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBs DO NOT COVER/REPORT ON THE VIOLENCE !!!! Remember the CNN reporter standing in front of a building on fire reporting that "the protests have been mostly peaceful" ? They start out peaceful but end up in looting, burning and total disorder and the anarchist are joined by the "peaceful protestors" in the melee.
Third: Morning Consult is a global, privately held (Principles are shielded from ID) technology and media company....that should give you a clue about their agenda
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Absolutely the correct answer. Very well done. Congrats to all who worked on this motto.
Yes, Baylor got this one right ....congratulations and mega dittos to whoever had this idea !!! Unity and togetherness a much needed positive message nowadays !!!
Johnny Bear
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BellCountyBear said:

I suppose if a team feels they "must" wear a patch or sticker of some kind (they don't) to show they are woke, this is the least divisive one I've seen.

Well stated.
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I'm surprised this patch is generally accepted with this group, since it is so anti-Trump. Unity is the last thing he desires. His scam is to find what scares folks, and it works with about 40 percent of the populous.
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tombeaux said:

I'm surprised this patch is generally accepted with this group, since it is so anti-Trump. Unity is the last thing he desires. His scam is to find what scares folks, and it works with about 40 percent of the populous.
When you exhaust your Kool Aid I have a pitcher for you...special made for CNN, MSNBC junkies
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Now I assume your an expert on slavery.....I know by reading your posts your an expert on people of color.....
“Behold how good an pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity “
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I am a historian so I understand quite a bit on the history of slavery in the US & elsewhere. This understanding includes a variety of related subjects including economics, politics, civil rights, and so on. I'm not sure I would call myself an "expert" but I have studied many of these topics pretty extensively and I do not rely on the mainstream media for these subjects. I also know something about thinking critically.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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tombeaux said:

I'm surprised this patch is generally accepted with this group, since it is so anti-Trump. Unity is the last thing he desires. His scam is to find what scares folks, and it works with about 40 percent of the populous.
I cannot speak for everyone else, but my approach is God first and Christian values with American values second. Happily, I think the two are compatible: the U.S. was founded on certain basic principles that are compatible with scripture.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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I like this patch.
Johnny Bear
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tombeaux said:

I'm surprised this patch is generally accepted with this group, since it is so anti-Trump. Unity is the last thing he desires. His scam is to find what scares folks, and it works with about 40 percent of the populous.

This post could not possibly be any more 180 degrees wrong, but I guess kudos are in order for your leftist brain washers as they Obviously did a thorough job.
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How about John 3:16 that is about as unifying as it gets.
The battle is not yours, but God's.
2 Chronicles 20:15
San Diego Bear
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Way to go Baylor!!!! Love it.

In a country where black lives have never mattered, and the wrongs never been addressed or repaired, the only answer to Black Lives Matter is, "Yes." Pew Research cited that 75% of the black community participate in church and believe the Bible is the word of God. There is no danger of Marxism in this country. That fear is so tired, and is a manipulative tool and red haring to distract us from truth telling and righting wrongs.

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.

I wish people would use the same logic with their love of Trump. It's amazing how Christians seem to be OK with looking past his detestable character and behavior and cite some other reason they support him, like supreme court justice nominees, etc...And fail to do this with the BLM movement. It'a all an excuse to keep the status quo, which in turn keep the racial hierarchies going strong.
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San Diego Bear said:

Way to go Baylor!!!! Love it.

In a country where black lives have never mattered, and the wrongs never been addressed or repaired, the only answer to Black Lives Matter is, "Yes." Pew Research cited that 75% of the black community participate in church and believe the Bible is the word of God. There is no danger of Marxism in this country. That fear is so tired, and is a manipulative tool and red haring to distract us from truth telling and righting wrongs.

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.

I wish people would use the same logic with their love of Trump. It's amazing how Christians seem to be OK with looking past his detestable character and behavior and cite some other reason they support him, like supreme court justice nominees, etc...And fail to do this with the BLM movement. It'a all an excuse to keep the status quo, which in turn keep the racial hierarchies going strong.
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Agree with you totally.......
“Behold how good an pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity “
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San Diego Bear said:

Way to go Baylor!!!! Love it.

In a country where black lives have never mattered, and the wrongs never been addressed or repaired, the only answer to Black Lives Matter is, "Yes." Pew Research cited that 75% of the black community participate in church and believe the Bible is the word of God. There is no danger of Marxism in this country. That fear is so tired, and is a manipulative tool and red haring to distract us from truth telling and righting wrongs.

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.

I wish people would use the same logic with their love of Trump. It's amazing how Christians seem to be OK with looking past his detestable character and behavior and cite some other reason they support him, like supreme court justice nominees, etc...And fail to do this with the BLM movement. It'a all an excuse to keep the status quo, which in turn keep the racial hierarchies going strong.
Do you even know what socialism is? The danger of socialism in this country is definitely real because we already have plenty of it: public education, government run health care, large swaths of public lands, government politicians & bureaucrats taking our money and freedom to gain power, etc. Those are all the examples of socialism based upon Marxist philosophy. Is there much danger of a revolution? Probably not, although BLM & others seem to be preparing for one.

Yes, most blacks are Christians and fine people who want nothing to do with the craziness done supposedly in their name, but they also still vote overwhelmingly for the party that supported slavery, fought to the death to preserve it, created and maintained for a century Jim Crow & the KKK, and are now ruled by a bunch of rich white guys (since you care about that distinction) determined to take more power at the expense of our freedoms. Oh yes, these same rich white guys also have no problem with rioters & looters destroying the lives, jobs, & businesses of black people in American cities or abortionists killing thousands of black babies every year. Black voters may surprise everyone and vote for Trump in record numbers.

Capitalism is not about exploitation or slavery but socialism is. Socialism IS slavery. Have you ever thought about why the socialists built the Berlin Wall? America builds walls to limit the number of people coming into our country, socialists build them to keep their own people from escaping. You are absolutely correct about one thing, though: chattel slavery is not Christian. But Jesus Christ was not a revolutionary: He neither defended slavery nor criticized it. He came to save men's souls, nothing else. Christianity has been abused throughout the centuries to justify all kinds of evils such as slavery, antisemitism, the Crusades, the KKK, and socialism.

This discussion has nothing to do with Trump except that many on the Left are willing to justify all kinds of evil deeds, crimes, fraud, lies, deceit, etc in their efforts to defeat him. The irony is that those efforts might help him win. But since you bring up Trump: yes, he has his character flaws but he also has shown far more leadership over the past couple years than anyone else in Washington. And do you think Joe Biden has a better character? The guy lies all the time and cusses out ordinary citizens. He has believable sexual assault charges hanging over him and a disturbing tendency to touch women (including children) in very inappropriate ways. We have all seen the photos. Is he another Leftist pervert like Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Ted Kennedy, etc? I hope not but we may never know. The Leftist media has been successfully covering up for them for decades.

The Christians I know who support Trump do so because they see him as clearly the better choice. They also see him as a man who has changed: he's not the same man who cheated on his earlier wives before divorcing them.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

San Diego Bear said:

Way to go Baylor!!!! Love it.

In a country where black lives have never mattered, and the wrongs never been addressed or repaired, the only answer to Black Lives Matter is, "Yes." Pew Research cited that 75% of the black community participate in church and believe the Bible is the word of God. There is no danger of Marxism in this country. That fear is so tired, and is a manipulative tool and red haring to distract us from truth telling and righting wrongs.

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.

I wish people would use the same logic with their love of Trump. It's amazing how Christians seem to be OK with looking past his detestable character and behavior and cite some other reason they support him, like supreme court justice nominees, etc...And fail to do this with the BLM movement. It'a all an excuse to keep the status quo, which in turn keep the racial hierarchies going strong.
Do you even know what socialism is? The danger of socialism in this country is definitely real because we already have plenty of it: public education, government run health care, large swaths of public lands, government politicians & bureaucrats taking our money and freedom to gain power, etc. Those are all the examples of socialism based upon Marxist philosophy. Is there much danger of a revolution? Probably not, although BLM & others seem to be preparing for one.

Yes, most blacks are Christians and fine people who want nothing to do with the craziness done supposedly in their name, but they also still vote overwhelmingly for the party that supported slavery, fought to the death to preserve it, created and maintained for a century Jim Crow & the KKK, and are now ruled by a bunch of rich white guys (since you care about that distinction) determined to take more power at the expense of our freedoms. Oh yes, these same rich white guys also have no problem with rioters & looters destroying the lives, jobs, & businesses of black people in American cities or abortionists killing thousands of black babies every year. Black voters may surprise everyone and vote for Trump in record numbers.

Capitalism is not about exploitation or slavery but socialism is. Socialism IS slavery. Have you ever thought about why the socialists built the Berlin Wall? America builds walls to limit the number of people coming into our country, socialists build them to keep their own people from escaping. You are absolutely correct about one thing, though: chattel slavery is not Christian. But Jesus Christ was not a revolutionary: He neither defended slavery nor criticized it. He came to save men's souls, nothing else. Christianity has been abused throughout the centuries to justify all kinds of evils such as slavery, antisemitism, the Crusades, the KKK, and socialism.

This discussion has nothing to do with Trump except that many on the Left are willing to justify all kinds of evil deeds, crimes, fraud, lies, deceit, etc in their efforts to defeat him. The irony is that those efforts might help him win. But since you bring up Trump: yes, he has his character flaws but he also has shown far more leadership over the past couple years than anyone else in Washington. And do you think Joe Biden has a better character? The guy lies all the time and cusses out ordinary citizens. He has believable sexual assault charges hanging over him and a disturbing tendency to touch women (including children) in very inappropriate ways. We have all seen the photos. Is he another Leftist pervert like Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Ted Kennedy, etc? I hope not but we may never know. The Leftist media has been successfully covering up for them for decades.

The Christians I know who support Trump do so because they see him as clearly the better choice. They also see him as a man who has changed: he's not the same man who cheated on his earlier wives before divorcing them.
AMEN brother but your wasting your breath on San Diego Bear. He reminds me of the ol saying Don't confuse me with the facts I have already made my decision. Also brings to mind another ol saying "No one is as blind as the one who Will Not See"
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br53 said:

How about John 3:16 that is about as unifying as it gets.
i don't know; mother against daughter, father against son etc. It certainly has the potential to be but, we all know it will not unify
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San Diego Bear said:

Way to go Baylor!!!! Love it.

In a country where black lives have never mattered, and the wrongs never been addressed or repaired, the only answer to Black Lives Matter is, "Yes." Pew Research cited that 75% of the black community participate in church and believe the Bible is the word of God. There is no danger of Marxism in this country. That fear is so tired, and is a manipulative tool and red haring to distract us from truth telling and righting wrongs.

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.

I wish people would use the same logic with their love of Trump. It's amazing how Christians seem to be OK with looking past his detestable character and behavior and cite some other reason they support him, like supreme court justice nominees, etc...And fail to do this with the BLM movement. It'a all an excuse to keep the status quo, which in turn keep the racial hierarchies going strong.
Where have you been? Virtually everyone I know that voted for Trump speaks about abortion and SCOTUS.

My question for you is, how can anyone who calls themselves a Christian vote Democrat?
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br53 said:

How about John 3:16 that is about as unifying as it gets.
i don't know; mother against daughter, father against son etc. It certainly has the potential to be but, we all know it will not unify
God offers salvation to all. That is the ultimate unity. For those who reject Him, I suppose it is not but that's on them--especially when they hate Christians.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:


br53 said:

How about John 3:16 that is about as unifying as it gets.
i don't know; mother against daughter, father against son etc. It certainly has the potential to be but, we all know it will not unify
God offers salvation to all. That is the ultimate unity. For those who reject Him, I suppose it is not but that's on them--especially when they hate Christians.
I agree. But we all know many, in fact most, will not accept the free gift of grace.

Quick rabbit trail here,

From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?"
John 6:66-67 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=John%206:66-67&version=NKJV
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I don't think the people who invented this patch intended it to mean what those of you who like the Bible verse think it means. But they did a masterful job camouflaging their intentions.
Mitch Henessey
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A lot of the phenomenon detailed in this book being displayed in this thread:

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No camouflage.....Intentions are known....equality, togetherness, unity, fairness and they stand as one...
“Behold how good an pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity “
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Mitch Henessey said:

Yet again, the number of people not realizing that BLM, THE MOVEMENT, is a completely separate thing from BLM, the organization, is absurd.

It'd be like someone founding an organization called "Make America Great Again," and then their platform (one of several, because they were so unorganized) advocating for a complete police state where people could be shot dead in the streets for not wearing the correct form of identification. And then everyone on the left flipping their wigs and bemoaning the end of American society every time a Trump supporter had a MAGA sticker, despite the organization not being what the Trump supporter is actually supporting.

Critical thinking is your friend, guys.
I would say the "movement" should have been smart enough to use a different name. Kind of like the morons that decided to kneel during the national anthem and flag presentation. Oh, but it didn't have anything to do with the anthem or flag. Then don't be stupid enough to protest during that time. Would you be okay if an organization used NAZI for their movement? I would sure hope the hell not. And how absurd to think most people can differentiate one BLM BS version from the other. Get real. It's a sham.
Thee University
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San Diego Bear said:

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.
1. Please give me some of examples of anything built on the backs of exploited people groups.

2. Please explain how America was built on chattel slavery.
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"
Mitch Henessey
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Thee University said:

San Diego Bear said:

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.
1. Please give me some of examples of anything built on the backs of exploited people groups.

2. Please explain how America was built on chattel slavery.
C'mon, man. You don't have to look very far at all.

The Transcontinental Railroad was literally built on the back of Chinese indentured servants. Some have argued these people were trafficked, making them slaves. Either way, it's an answer to your question that took me literally 2 seconds to recall.

It's almost like you have an agenda to discount any argument that suggests that racism didn't end with the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
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There will be racism and other forms of bigotry as long as there is groupthink & identity politics.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Mitch Henessey said:

Thee University said:

San Diego Bear said:

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.
1. Please give me some of examples of anything built on the backs of exploited people groups.

2. Please explain how America was built on chattel slavery.
C'mon, man. You don't have to look very far at all.

The Transcontinental Railroad was literally built on the back of Chinese indentured servants. Some have argued these people were trafficked, making them slaves. Either way, it's an answer to your question that took me literally 2 seconds to recall.

It's almost like you have an agenda to discount any argument that suggests that racism didn't end with the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
Several Posters here seem to think blacks were the only slaves. I am not black. My ancestors were slaves !!! Well documented. There has been slavery since the human race started dominion over the earth. Greeks, Romans, Alexander the Great, Persians all had slaves. American Indians had captured slaves.
Indentured servitude was also prevalent in this country. Basically slavery with a politically correct name.
Chinese were slaves that had no value....if 20 of them died when a tunnel blew up because of a work accident...so what, dig a hole stick em in it , cover it up and keep laying track. At least black slaves had a value (don't take that the wrong way), Irish building the Erie Canal were treated almost as bad. China has slaves now. They call them reeducation camps. So does North Korea. We all know about Germany in the 40's. Japan used British prisoner of war (basically slaves) to build the Burma railway. 1,400 died during the construction. There are "child workers" all over the world today who are basically slaves. Its a terrible blight on humanity and should be eradicated off the planet. Give this country some credit for the progress it has made since Ol Abe freed the slaves and paid for it with his life. We still can do better .....That's common ground I believe so lets start there and keep moving forward. Look what MLK accomplished without kneeling during the National Anthem. Look what Rosa Parks did with out raising her fist, Look what Frank Robinson did by hitting homers and stealing bases and not reacting to the vile and hateful things said to him, Look what the Red Tails did in WWII despite every obstacle thrown in front of them. They are true Black & American hero's and showed the way. Too many on this site want to relitigate past grievances that have been corrected. We have come so far in what 40 - 50 something years. I read the other day some black students want an all black dorm....Oh No lets not go back to those days of separate but equal !!!! I had an ol High School track coach say "don't look back unless that is the direction you want to go" I think that applies well here.

Thee University
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Mitch Henessey said:

Thee University said:

San Diego Bear said:

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.
1. Please give me some of examples of anything built on the backs of exploited people groups.

2. Please explain how America was built on chattel slavery.
C'mon, man. You don't have to look very far at all.

The Transcontinental Railroad was literally built on the back of Chinese indentured servants. Some have argued these people were trafficked, making them slaves. Either way, it's an answer to your question that took me literally 2 seconds to recall.

It's almost like you have an agenda to discount any argument that suggests that racism didn't end with the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
Other than the Egyptian pyramids I don't see anything other than mud huts. Nothing in the USA.

The Chinese workers were hired to work for the Central Pacific. The Union Pacific hired primarily the lowly Irish and lower still Civil War vets.

Racism has been around forever in various forms and will remain forever in various forms.

I've got a good number of black friends and have told a few of them that I love them while hugging them because I really do.. I am not racist. I am however, sick of being told that I am racist because I won't march in lock step with race hustlers, criminals, looters, Democrats, rioters and others who took the Floyd murder and used it to drive an even bigger wedge between white America and Black America.

Your original comment is false. Exploited people you refer to would be chasing lizards for dinner in Africa, eating bats in China and trying to live through a potato famine had they not come to or were brought to America. Where would they be today had their ancestors not come to America? Me included.

America was built on the backs of Americans (all races, cultures, etc.) who wanted to work and live better than they were living. Most of all, they are all free to make choices and to pull themselves up and out of their current situations and make an even better life for themselves. The folks from Asia do it. The folks from India do it. They don't complain. They WORK.
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"
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blueeyedbear said:

Several Posters here seem to think blacks were the only slaves. I am not black. My ancestors were slaves !!! Well documented. There has been slavery since the human race started dominion over the earth. Greeks, Romans, Alexander the Great, Persians all had slaves. American Indians had captured slaves.
Indentured servitude was also prevalent in this country. Basically slavery with a politically correct name.
Chinese were slaves that had no value....if 20 of them died when a tunnel blew up because of a work accident...so what, dig a hole stick em in it , cover it up and keep laying track. At least black slaves had a value (don't take that the wrong way), Irish building the Erie Canal were treated almost as bad. China has slaves now. They call them reeducation camps. So does North Korea. We all know about Germany in the 40's. Japan used British prisoner of war (basically slaves) to build the Burma railway. 1,400 died during the construction. There are "child workers" all over the world today who are basically slaves. Its a terrible blight on humanity and should be eradicated off the planet. Give this country some credit for the progress it has made since Ol Abe freed the slaves and paid for it with his life. We still can do better .....That's common ground I believe so lets start there and keep moving forward. Look what MLK accomplished without kneeling during the National Anthem. Look what Rosa Parks did with out raising her fist, Look what Frank Robinson did by hitting homers and stealing bases and not reacting to the vile and hateful things said to him, Look what the Red Tails did in WWII despite every obstacle thrown in front of them. They are true Black & American hero's and showed the way. Too many on this site want to re-litigate past grievances that have been corrected. We have come so far in what 40 - 50 something years. I read the other day some black students want an all black dorm....Oh No lets not go back to those days of separate but equal !!!! I had an ol High School track coach say "don't look back unless that is the direction you want to go" I think that applies well here.
Excellent! And all based upon historical facts as opposed to Marxist propaganda.

One minor correction, though: indentured servants were NOT the same as slaves. They were not much better off in terms of their freedom (in a era when this was a novel idea) but they were under a contract and when it was over they were free. They then had a chance to go out on their own and move up the social and economic ladder. This was all but impossible in Europe. Oh yes, those 20 black Africans who arrived in colonial Virginia in 1619: they were indentured servants as well, not slaves. They eventually earned their freedom and had the some opportunities. Some of them even succeeded. Anthony Johnson, an early black indentured servant became so wealthy that he owned slaves. That's right, a black slave owner in America. It was rare, but it happened--up to the Civil War. The frauds & hucksters at the NY Times & elsewhere in the Left generally don't like to talk about such things. They are more interested in socialist/fascist lies than facts.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Thee University said:

Other than the Egyptian pyramids I don't see anything other than mud huts. Nothing in the USA.

The Chinese workers were hired to work for the Central Pacific. The Union Pacific hired primarily the lowly Irish and lower still Civil War vets.

Racism has been around forever in various forms and will remain forever in various forms.

I've got a good number of black friends and have told a few of them that I love them while hugging them because I really do.. I am not racist. I am however, sick of being told that I am racist because I won't march in lock step with race hustlers, criminals, looters, Democrats, rioters and others who took the Floyd murder and used it to drive an even bigger wedge between white America and Black America.

Your original comment is false. Exploited people you refer to would be chasing lizards for dinner in Africa, eating bats in China and trying to live through a potato famine had they not come to or were brought to America. Where would they be today had their ancestors not come to America? Me included.

America was built on the backs of Americans (all races, cultures, etc.) who wanted to work and live better than they were living. Most of all, they are all free to make choices and to pull themselves up and out of their current situations and make an even better life for themselves. The folks from Asia do it. The folks from India do it. They don't complain. They WORK.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Mitch Henessey
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Thee University said:

Mitch Henessey said:

Thee University said:

San Diego Bear said:

Let me guess, the fact that 400 (almost all white) Americans have more wealth then the entire black population, and 25% of the Latinx population doesn't bother you?!? Esp. since generationally it's been built on the backs of exploited people groups? American was built on cattel slavery. Capitalism doesn't exactly reflect God's image either ya know! And, chattel slavery is NOT Christian, even though Scripture was used to justify it.
1. Please give me some of examples of anything built on the backs of exploited people groups.

2. Please explain how America was built on chattel slavery.
C'mon, man. You don't have to look very far at all.

The Transcontinental Railroad was literally built on the back of Chinese indentured servants. Some have argued these people were trafficked, making them slaves. Either way, it's an answer to your question that took me literally 2 seconds to recall.

It's almost like you have an agenda to discount any argument that suggests that racism didn't end with the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
Other than the Egyptian pyramids I don't see anything other than mud huts. Nothing in the USA.

The Chinese workers were hired to work for the Central Pacific. The Union Pacific hired primarily the lowly Irish and lower still Civil War vets.

Racism has been around forever in various forms and will remain forever in various forms.

I've got a good number of black friends and have told a few of them that I love them while hugging them because I really do.. I am not racist. I am however, sick of being told that I am racist because I won't march in lock step with race hustlers, criminals, looters, Democrats, rioters and others who took the Floyd murder and used it to drive an even bigger wedge between white America and Black America.

Your original comment is false. Exploited people you refer to would be chasing lizards for dinner in Africa, eating bats in China and trying to live through a potato famine had they not come to or were brought to America. Where would they be today had their ancestors not come to America? Me included.

America was built on the backs of Americans (all races, cultures, etc.) who wanted to work and live better than they were living. Most of all, they are all free to make choices and to pull themselves up and out of their current situations and make an even better life for themselves. The folks from Asia do it. The folks from India do it. They don't complain. They WORK.
Using a "the ends justify the means," argument is a great way to overlook and disregard a bunch of atrocities.

No one that I've seen on this site has called you a racist. (I can't speak to what goes on in R&P, because I rarely venture to that cesspool.) If you feel that is not the case, then allow me to formally apologize to you on behalf of everyone who may have done so inadvertently. You're not a racist for not aligning with certain social justice initiatives.

Where racism has an open crack in the foundation to seep in, however, is found in the views expressed in your last paragraph. Skin color and ethnic background has nothing to do with work ethic, nor does it have anything to do with intelligence. Everything you said about poor black, Asian, and Hispanic people can just as truthfully be said about poor whites.

Black people have fewer opportunities in this country than whites, and are disproportionately more likely to live in poverty. These are not opinions, these are facts. The question I have to ask myself is, "Why? Why is this the case?" In my mind, there are two distinct trains of thought:

1) Black people don't have the family values, the work ethic, the discipline, (insert whatever argument you want) to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make something of themselves in this country.

2) There are systems and authorities that have existed, and some still do exist, in this country that have both intentionally and unintentionally disenfranchised the black community and made it an uneven playing field.

If sometime subscribes to the first train of thought, that is a racist line of thinking, plain and simple. I happen to subscribe to the second. Dave Chappelle said it well: "There's not much difference between a poor black person and a poor white person. The only difference is the white person feels like it shouldn't be that way."
Thee University
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Mitch Henessey said:

Using a "the ends justify the means," argument is a great way to overlook and disregard a bunch of atrocities.

No one that I've seen on this site has called you a racist. (I can't speak to what goes on in R&P, because I rarely venture to that cesspool.) If you feel that is not the case, then allow me to formally apologize to you on behalf of everyone who may have done so inadvertently. You're not a racist for not aligning with certain social justice initiatives.

Where racism has an open crack in the foundation to seep in, however, is found in the views expressed in your last paragraph. Skin color and ethnic background has nothing to do with work ethic, nor does it have anything to do with intelligence. Everything you said about poor black, Asian, and Hispanic people can just as truthfully be said about poor whites.

Black people have fewer opportunities in this country than whites, and are disproportionately more likely to live in poverty. These are not opinions, these are facts. The question I have to ask myself is, "Why? Why is this the case?" In my mind, there are two distinct trains of thought:

1) Black people don't have the family values, the work ethic, the discipline, (insert whatever argument you want) to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make something of themselves in this country.

2) There are systems and authorities that have existed, and some still do exist, in this country that have both intentionally and unintentionally disenfranchised the black community and made it an uneven playing field.

If sometime subscribes to the first train of thought, that is a racist line of thinking, plain and simple. I happen to subscribe to the second. Dave Chappelle said it well: "There's not much difference between a poor black person and a poor white person. The only difference is the white person feels like it shouldn't be that way."
When TRILLIONS of $$$ have been spent to try to help black Americans and we are no better off today than we were in the mid-60's where do you draw the line and re-group? Why keep doing the same thing?

These "atrocities" you speak of affect ALL folks.

I care not one iota about some limp-wrist calling me a racist or whatever they want to label me with. No apology needed and none accepted. I do however appreciate your kind thought.

My last paragraph is true. I know it hurts but it is true. Nobody wants to admit it or talk about it publically for fear of being labeled a racist or white supremacist or nationalist. Big deal the supposed insults.

Yes, poor white people have fallen into this trap too. Black people have the same opportunities! Asians have the same opportunities! Indians have the same opportunities!

I'm not jealous that science has proven Asians intelligence surpasses whites. I believe it. Same thing with Indians.

I won't touch your #1 above but will say that the problems with the black community are far more those of self-infliction. They need to step up and take ownership of all that ails them. There is no leadership!
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mitch Henessey:1) Black people don't have the family values, the work ethic, the discipline, (insert whatever argument you want) to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make something of themselves in this country.

Mitch I have to respectfully disagree with your statement. Before the Great Society of LBJ black families had a very strong nucellar family. The black middle class was very strong and on a % of the population basis was larger then whites. Church was central to black life. The only reason Dems voted for civil rights laws was because LBJ convinced enough Dems that "they will vote for us for the next 200 years if we give them this".
Welfare changed the black community in a terribly destructive way, then came planned parenthood (ever wonder why most planned parenthood facilities are in black neighborhoods ?), Then came the Crime Bill supported by Joe Biden and signed by President Clinton (who some refer to as the first black president), Combined all these factors put the black family structure under siege and despite trillions having been spent by Dems blacks have fallen behind whites, Asians, Indians and Hispanics. This new wave of Dems and their socialist goals will be the death bell for blacks if they succeed in Nov.
I know the work ethic is there I have seen it. Discipline is something you have to acquire so your environment has a lot to do with it. Your right about one thing black leadership is lacking. Those that do aspire for change are often shouted down or ostracized.
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