I'm going to start this up again like I had on Bfans back in the day with a tour of Waco's best alll the way down to just decent burger places. I'll post pics and reviews of each burger. I will warn you though I prefer a Cheeseburger with meat, cheese, and mustard only saving all that healthy stuff for a later date so that will probably influence my results in a way that doesn't match yours. Recommend me some places and I'll visit it and add it to the rankings. I had Cupps #1 in the old thread, but I'll start brand new since I'm sure my tastebuds have changed in the last 5 or 6 years. I plan on having 2 or 3 a week at lunch exclusively but can expand if we get a lot of good options.
Noooo evidence for that, babeeyyy, just maaade it up.