bubear20 said:
For anyone who is thinking of getting this vaccine, I got it. MY background I'm 23 and had a heart surgery when I was 3 putting me in the "high risk" category. I have had covid already but was already on the list by the time I got it. The following morning I had a fever of 103 and my left arm (injection arm) couldn't move. I would suggest avoiding the vaccine if you're not over the age of 65 or have severe underlying health conditions. I was also told to prepare because the second shots side effects are worse than the first.
Could not disagree with this post any more. Yes some people will have those types of reactions (called a healthy immune response), but after giving out literally hundreds of these vaccines, I would say these type of side effects are VERY atypical. Your mileage may vary but most people just have a sore arm, but if you are at risk in 1B category, there should be NO hesitation to get this potentially life saving vaccine.
I have watched too many of my patients die alone on ventilators to let this misinformation stand.