Showtime said:
Old300Bear said:
Was downtown this morning. Almost every other street is torn up. Difficult to get around. Lots of new buildings going up. The space where the new arena will go sure does seem small to me. Sorry, no chance for photos.
Yes, I work downtown and it's been a disaster for months. They're redoing Washington now which will have stuff torn up for a while. Hopefully the end result is better streets throughout. Prior to the work a lot of the downtown streets were bumpier than dirt roads.
Waco Trib this morning said that Washington is going to become a two-way street.
"Converting Washington Avenue to a two-way street from Fifth Street to 18th Street also has captured Waco's attention to the tune of $3.9 million. That price will cover street milling and overlay, signs, signals, striping and corner ramps that are Americans with Disabilities Act compliant.
That work, now visible at nearly every intersection along Washington Avenue downtown, has a projected January completion date.". Waco Trib