Kim's silence on BG situation

46,041 Views | 279 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Bone Squad
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IowaBear said:

You mean the #1 recruit in the country… who signed with Mulkey gimme a break. Maybe Mulkeys not speaking on it because there's nothing to defend ? BG is guilty hell she even plead guilty… just another attempt by a poster to crap on Kim for no real reason
How about you fully educate yourself on the details of the case before having such a strong opinion? She had a prescription for medical cannabis and said the vape pens were mistakenly packed in her bag. 9 years for that is absolutely ridiculous -- especially for .7 grams. Punishment in Russia for possessing 2 grams of hash is up to 15 days in jail and/or a fine - to put things in perspective. This is why the US says she is being wrongfully detained. Her guilty plea is part of a strategy to speed up her release.

And I was a big Kim fan but agree this is a very bad look for her. Kim is known for cutting off her nose to spite her face.
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BleedGreen&Gold said:

IowaBear said:

You mean the #1 recruit in the country… who signed with Mulkey gimme a break. Maybe Mulkeys not speaking on it because there's nothing to defend ? BG is guilty hell she even plead guilty… just another attempt by a poster to crap on Kim for no real reason
How about you fully educate yourself on the details of the case before having such a strong opinion? She had a prescription for medical cannabis and said the vape pens were mistakenly packed in her bag. 9 years for that is absolutely ridiculous -- especially for .7 grams. Punishment in Russia for possessing 2 grams of hash is up to 15 days in jail and/or a fine - to put things in perspective. This is why the US says she is being wrongfully detained. Her guilty plea is part of a strategy to speed up her release.

And I was a big Kim fan but agree this is a very bad look for her. Kim is known for cutting off her nose to spite her face.
Case? You need to be mean the defense's case.

By the way, the guy I saw on TV last night charged with murder said he had a license for the gun but didn't mean to pull the trigger. That it was a mistake. Guess he goes free too...."it was a mistake". Is that your stance, too?

If you're not guilty, you don't plead guilty. At least she didn't lie and make the whole thing worse; she admitted to having it. Credit to her for doing that. Well it's against the law in Russia, and when in another country you are under their laws. It's very simple......and applies to all of us.....regardless of profession or bank account.

If it were you, no one would even know about your situation. But it's a celebrity, so politician political posturing for their own careers and public like you looking for celebrity entitlement are all on full display simply because of who she is. THAT'S wrong, and unfair to all Americans!

I also wish she wasn't going through this....but acknowledge she did break Russian law. That's the facts.

Griner's predicament has nothing to do with Coach Kim Mulkey and is of no reflection on CKM. You, and the others like you, for some reason want to make it that way and use it to attack CKM. The sad, cancerous, cancel culture in full display. You're wrong for doing so.
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Uncle Big Bad said:

There is no better or loyal friend you can have than Coach Kim! Anyone who says differently has never known her. Kim was busy defending Baylor while the Baylor sheeple were busy trying to find catchy spin phrases like "it's on us". She tried to protect Brittney while she was at Baylor. Brittney's pro gay agenda handlers that she surrounded herself with after Baylor took a 6'8" dump at Kim and Baylor. She was coached with the same love and respect as all her teammates. I'm sorry, but I really do not believe the Russian government is waiting to hear a tweet or press release of an American basketball coach's opinion on this matter. I'm sure if Kim is asked in a press conference or any type of interview she would share her views on this.

It's terrible what happened, but that's the chance we take when we leave the country. Many famous people have had drug legal problems in other countries. Just because your making millions in a foreign country doesn't mean your not subject to the corrupt legal system you are living under there. I wonder if she also knelt for the Russian national anthem or just for the American anthem? I hope she is home soon and well, but she isn't going to find peace and happiness through any political system, in the arms of another woman or drugs. Only through the Saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will true peace and joy be found!
Some people continue to be so misinformed. I agree she loved all her players equally but she instructed BG to not be herself and to suppress her sexuality while at Baylor , making her feel like a horrible person for being that way.

I see nothing wrong with BG for calling Kim out on it as that is not okay in this day in age where we are supposed to be more open minded as a society.

Tweeting out does absolutely nothing but by not saying anything you are sending a message you could not give a rat about her. Translation "Thanks for giving me a natty and millions of dollars, good riddance". As we all know that is her true colors. Its what can you do for me with little in return.
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sicem45 said:

Some people continue to be so misinformed. I agree she loved all her players equally but she instructed BG to not be herself and to suppress her sexuality while at Baylor , making her feel like a horrible person for being that way.

I see nothing wrong with BG for calling Kim out on it as that is not okay in this day in age where we are supposed to be more open minded as a society.

Tweeting out does absolutely nothing but by not saying anything you are sending a message you could not give a rat about her. Translation "Thanks for giving me a natty and millions of dollars, good riddance". As we all know that is her true colors. Its what can you do for me with little in return.

Holy crap - is that axe getting heavy yet? I played for Kim's predecessor, who actually embodied most all of the derogatory traits you want to use to describe CKM. In fact, CKM makes Chernobyl look like a kitchen fire compared to that woman, yet I have managed to mostly keep my feelings about her to myself over the years. Do you know why? Because I grew up, matured, and realized that she is gone from the women's basketball program, and she has no bearing on my life any longer. Please consider doing the same.
Mitch Henessey
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Nuance. What is it? How does it work? Certainly, no one in this thread seems to know the answers to these questions.

Yes, what BG did is technically against the law in Russia, BUT, some nuance: it's essentially the equivalent of a speeding ticket. The fact that she is even going to prison at all is absurd, much less the fact that she's going for 9 years. The Russian authorities sentenced her like she's a drug kingpin running kilos, when in reality, she had less than a gram, in a form (vape cartridge) that can't even be divided and sold. Clearly, this was for personal use.

Yes, BG plead guilty, BUT, some nuance: 90%+ of all arrests in Russia lead to convictions. Pleading "not guilty" to the trumped-up trafficking charges would have just delayed the inevitable - she was going to be convicted and sentenced regardless of how she plead. Russia has already delayed her trial by months, and extending the trial would have only extended the time she would have been in limbo. By pleading "guilty," she expedited the process that got her into the diplomatic exchange stage that she's currently in. It was clearly the most attractive of her very limited set of legal options.

Those on this board saying "she did the crime, she should do the time," are clearly either ignorant of the political circumstances surrounding her arrest (a high-profile US athlete arrested on the eve on an invasion that Russia knew was going to be deeply unpopular and that they would need some leverage against the US in, sentenced to 50x the norm for far lower amounts of the substance she obviously wasn't trying to distribute should put up enormous red flags. The fact that the US considers her falsely imprisoned should say it all.), or are simply delighting in the suffering of a black, gay woman who has made some comments that rubbed them the wrong way in the past. Either way, it's not a good look. Anyone with an ounce of compassion should be rooting for BG's release and safe return to her family as soon as is humanly possible.

Every time I think I can't be more disappointed in Baylor's fanbase, a thread like this one goes up and proves that we can still sink so much lower.
Russell Gym
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Excellent post. The current polarization in the US is almost completely void of nuance. Every issue is black and white, with predetermined outcomes guiding all thought. Sad and dangerous.
Stefano DiMera
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I see your ability to be misinformed isn't limited to football when you said Rhule had no offers other than Baylor .

Pleading guilty was a requirement before any prisoner swap could be discussed.
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sicem45 said:

Uncle Big Bad said:

There is no better or loyal friend you can have than Coach Kim! Anyone who says differently has never known her. Kim was busy defending Baylor while the Baylor sheeple were busy trying to find catchy spin phrases like "it's on us". She tried to protect Brittney while she was at Baylor. Brittney's pro gay agenda handlers that she surrounded herself with after Baylor took a 6'8" dump at Kim and Baylor. She was coached with the same love and respect as all her teammates. I'm sorry, but I really do not believe the Russian government is waiting to hear a tweet or press release of an American basketball coach's opinion on this matter. I'm sure if Kim is asked in a press conference or any type of interview she would share her views on this.

It's terrible what happened, but that's the chance we take when we leave the country. Many famous people have had drug legal problems in other countries. Just because your making millions in a foreign country doesn't mean your not subject to the corrupt legal system you are living under there. I wonder if she also knelt for the Russian national anthem or just for the American anthem? I hope she is home soon and well, but she isn't going to find peace and happiness through any political system, in the arms of another woman or drugs. Only through the Saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will true peace and joy be found!
Some people continue to be so misinformed. I agree she loved all her players equally but she instructed BG to not be herself and to suppress her sexuality while at Baylor , making her feel like a horrible person for being that way.

I see nothing wrong with BG for calling Kim out on it as that is not okay in this day in age where we are supposed to be more open minded as a society.

Tweeting out does absolutely nothing but by not saying anything you are sending a message you could not give a rat about her. Translation "Thanks for giving me a natty and millions of dollars, good riddance". As we all know that is her true colors. Its what can you do for me with little in return.
Why do you call Kim a "racist" in several posts...yet in the post above you "agree that she loved all her players equally." You seem to be moving the goal posts...
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Stefano DiMera said:

I see your ability to be misinformed isn't limited to football when you said Rhule had no offers other than Baylor .

Pleading guilty was a requirement before any prisoner swap could be discussed.

This is the Administration that Griner and her legal team are putting their hopes in? The Administration that left Americans and allies behind in Afghanistan? Biden has a shade over two years to cure cancer before he is booted out of office...bwahaha.

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Stefano DiMera said:

I see your ability to be misinformed isn't limited to football when you said Rhule had no offers other than Baylor .

Pleading guilty was a requirement before any prisoner swap could be discussed.
Bless your naive.
Space Cutter
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I don't know what the relationship between Coach Mulkey and Griner is like. Probably everyone on this thread doesn't either. Britney screwed up and she gets to own it. 9 years is too much for her crime. Most of her issues are self infected. Trashing our national anthem wasn't a great idea either.

As for the solution to getting her back to states, it's all political now and Joe Biden fighting for her is gonna dig her into a bigger mess. Concerning Coach Mulkey, she's focused on building a team and winning at LSU. Since when is my high school coach responsible for my actions as an adult? Nothing Mulkey could say will get Griner home tomorrow. Hopefully Britney will use her time to reflect on her actions and grow up.
Method Man
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sicem45 said:

Uncle Big Bad said:

There is no better or loyal friend you can have than Coach Kim! Anyone who says differently has never known her. Kim was busy defending Baylor while the Baylor sheeple were busy trying to find catchy spin phrases like "it's on us". She tried to protect Brittney while she was at Baylor. Brittney's pro gay agenda handlers that she surrounded herself with after Baylor took a 6'8" dump at Kim and Baylor. She was coached with the same love and respect as all her teammates. I'm sorry, but I really do not believe the Russian government is waiting to hear a tweet or press release of an American basketball coach's opinion on this matter. I'm sure if Kim is asked in a press conference or any type of interview she would share her views on this.

It's terrible what happened, but that's the chance we take when we leave the country. Many famous people have had drug legal problems in other countries. Just because your making millions in a foreign country doesn't mean your not subject to the corrupt legal system you are living under there. I wonder if she also knelt for the Russian national anthem or just for the American anthem? I hope she is home soon and well, but she isn't going to find peace and happiness through any political system, in the arms of another woman or drugs. Only through the Saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will true peace and joy be found!
Some people continue to be so misinformed. I agree she loved all her players equally but she instructed BG to not be herself and to suppress her sexuality while at Baylor , making her feel like a horrible person for being that way.

I see nothing wrong with BG for calling Kim out on it as that is not okay in this day in age where we are supposed to be more open minded as a society.

Tweeting out does absolutely nothing but by not saying anything you are sending a message you could not give a rat about her. Translation "Thanks for giving me a natty and millions of dollars, good riddance". As we all know that is her true colors. Its what can you do for me with little in return.

Why is that a bad thing?

Are top players here at Baylor to get an education, compete for National Titles, and become the best versions of themselves...or are they here to be Gay activist?

If its the latter.....Baylor probably is not the best place for you.

In the late 90's and early 2000's it was quite obvious that most of the Lady Bear basketball players were gay, and very few people on campus cared.
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Kim is all about Kim, the truth confirmed continually by her life choices. Once you EVER question or challenge her, she is DONE forever. Period.
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I think KM was wise in not weighing into Griner's situation, especially based on the controversy that it would cause if she did. And, who knows if she has personally contacted Griner's family or friends, or perhaps reached out through a third party to express her concern.

Many have made it clear she is no longer a welcome part of the Baylor family, and many want her removed from all Baylor conversations. Yet, when she focuses all her time and energy on LSU and doesn't wade into the highly publicized Griner issue, at least publicly, she is criticized for that too.

KM was going to get criticized here regardless of what she did on the Griner issue.

To me, it looks like KM is doing what many wanted her to do by leaving Baylor issues alone.
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lookin4awin said:

I think KM was wise in not weighing into Griner's situation, especially based on the controversy that it would cause if she did. And, who knows if she has personally contacted Griner's family or friends, or perhaps reached out through a third party to express her concern.

Many have made it clear she is no longer a welcome part of the Baylor family, and many want her removed from all Baylor conversations. Yet, when she focuses all her time and energy on LSU and doesn't wade into the highly publicized Griner issue, at least publicly, she is criticized for that too.

KM was going to get criticized here regardless of what she did on the Griner issue.

To me, it looks like KM is doing what many wanted her to do by leaving Baylor issues alone.

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there have been weird issues with other players as well, like she just avoids the Lyss and Queen making all rookie team. Nalyssa's Dad put something about it on Twitter. Saying something along the lines of I wonder if you will get a congratulations from the coach that recruited you. But like she had relationships with Te'a Didi and Lauren when she left. It is just weird.
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Brusinbear2001 said:

there have been weird issues with other players as well, like she just avoids the Lyss and Queen making all rookie team. Nalyssa's Dad put something about it on Twitter. Saying something along the lines of I wonder if you will get a congratulations from the coach that recruited you. But like she had relationships with Te'a Didi and Lauren when she left. It is just weird.
If Nalyssa's dad actually did that, well then he is a punk loser. Grow up dad.
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If true, this indicates to me that she has put Baylor in her rearview mirror, which is what most Baylor fans say they have done to her. Where's the beef?

My guess is that if any of her former players reached out to her-who aren't currently on the Baylor roster- she would gladly talk to them.

I think she is being careful to avoid any Baylor conflict and focus on her current responsibilities at LSU.
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Brusinbear2001 said:

there have been weird issues with other players as well, like she just avoids the Lyss and Queen making all rookie team. Nalyssa's Dad put something about it on Twitter. Saying something along the lines of I wonder if you will get a congratulations from the coach that recruited you. But like she had relationships with Te'a Didi and Lauren when she left. It is just weird.
Kim will burn down a bridge if you cross her once so I wouldnt be surprised. She will have more difficulty recruiting moving forward.

But in terms of this post I don't agree with Smith's dad. That is something that can be done on a private phone call. If she didn't congratulate them via text, that pretty awful of Kim (not surprising). Its a bit dumb though if he expected her to post it on social media. Kim will only focus on LSU publicly, that is her job. She isn't going to post anything about former players that pertain to Baylor because that will only strengthen Baylor's recruiting/program. She will only focus on LSU moving forward which I completely get. Her job is to sell LSU and what that program is producing/has produced.
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sicem45 said:

Brusinbear2001 said:

there have been weird issues with other players as well, like she just avoids the Lyss and Queen making all rookie team. Nalyssa's Dad put something about it on Twitter. Saying something along the lines of I wonder if you will get a congratulations from the coach that recruited you. But like she had relationships with Te'a Didi and Lauren when she left. It is just weird.
Kim will burn down a bridge if you cross her once so I wouldnt be surprised. She will have more difficulty recruiting moving forward.

But in terms of this post I don't agree with Smith's dad. That is something that can be done on a private phone call. If she didn't congratulate them via text, that pretty awful of Kim (not surprising). Its a bit dumb though if he expected her to post it on social media. Kim will only focus on LSU publicly, that is her job. She isn't going to post anything about former players that pertain to Baylor because that will only strengthen Baylor's recruiting/program. She will only focus on LSU moving forward which I completely get. Her job is to sell LSU and what that program is producing/has produced.

Only time will tell about Kim's future recruiting but it doesn't seem to be affecting her now. She's always been big on taking transfers and I doubt that will change. Transfers are always looking for second chances and fresh starts and Kim has a history of winning with them.
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I just think it is weird he would not post that if she reached out to her privately either way they trusted Kim Mulkey with their daughter to help build her and she committed to Baylor and the program that Kim Mulkey created which was very great. I do understand she has to show off LSU that is her job but why is the LSU account posting Te'a she never attended that school, neither did Didi, or Lauren. I think it is selective and bridges have been burned between her and specific players.
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Yeah I do not think it will change recruiting because she has won and is continuing to win. Recruits want to play for that. I do not know her on a personal level but her track record says it is working for the NCAA level.

I love how Coach Nicki has embraced every bit of what has been built before her and I believe she came into it being super respectful but also letting us know it will not be the same. She has embraced all the players from past teams. I mean she has Sophia on staff!! When Coach Nicki got hired Sophia did not know much about her besides the WNBA but CNC reached out to build all these relationships and it has been great. I really believe this year we will see some great things from this team that she has selected when you look at the pieces you can see all the balence and you cannot play off of anyone. everyone brings different things to the table with different skill sets and I want to see how she highlights those.
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Brusinbear2001 said:

I just think it is weird he would not post that if she reached out to her privately either way they trusted Kim Mulkey with their daughter to help build her and she committed to Baylor and the program that Kim Mulkey created which was very great. I do understand she has to show off LSU that is her job but why is the LSU account posting Te'a she never attended that school, neither did Didi, or Lauren. I think it is selective and bridges have been burned between her and specific players.

I never thought there was a strain between Kim and Smith/Egbo although Smiths family blew up on her on social media when she took the LSU job, they ripped her apart (tweets eventually got deleted). That senior class was clearly not happy with her after she left. Bickle, Smith and Egbo scrubbed their social media of her.

She probably posted those other players because they were in the WNBA at the time while Smith and Egbo were still players at Baylor. LSU probably had to use Kim to sell that program at the beginning because it's truthfully been a awful program since Fowles graduated. That's my take at least, could be wrong.

It did seem evident there was a lot of tension and people upset when the coaching change all went down. Some bridges could have been burned but no clue
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I wonder if it is an anger because they did not choose to follow her. I do not know if that is true but it could be an issue. But the only people who would know are them.
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I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted their Baylor degree.

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lookin4awin said:

I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted that degree.

Student-athletes who transfer for sports-dream reasons are not focused on a degree anyway.
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lookin4awin said:

I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted their Baylor degree.

Well a couple thoughts. Both of those players LOVE Baylor and bleed the schools colors. Hypothetically even if they wanted to follow her, I think they both knew it wouldn't be wise to transfer because both were about to graduate plus both probably expected to be playing in the WNBA the following year. What good does it do to transfer for a year then bolt to the WNBA? They would still need to finish another year of school to get a bachelors due to transferring so late in their academic career.

I say WBB players for the most part are not like football/baseball/mens basketball players. Your shelf life is limited as a professional athlete and its hard enough to get in the WNBA as is, they don't make a lot of money either. It is in their best interest to earn a degree to have a fall back option down the road.
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SonOfZuno said:

lookin4awin said:

I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted that degree.

Student-athletes who transfer for sports-dream reasons are not focused on a degree anyway.
My point was that KM wouldn't have been upset with either Smith or Egbo for not following her to LSU because they were seniors who were 30 hours from a degree, and both were focused on getting their degree before going to the WNBA. So, this wasn't a legitimate explanation for why she didn't reach out to them for making the all-rookie team. KM knew they weren't coming with her.
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sicem45 said:

lookin4awin said:

I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted their Baylor degree.

Well a couple thoughts. Both of those players LOVE Baylor and bleed the schools colors. Hypothetically even if they wanted to follow her, I think they both knew it wouldn't be wise to transfer because both were about to graduate plus both probably expected to be playing in the WNBA the following year. What good does it do to transfer for a year then bolt to the WNBA? They would still need to finish another year of school to get a bachelors due to transferring so late in their academic career.

I say WBB players for the most part are not like football/baseball/mens basketball players. Your shelf life is limited as a professional athlete and its hard enough to get in the WNBA as is, they don't make a lot of money either. It is in their best interest to earn a degree to have a fall back option down the road.

Much of this doesn't fit the Mulkey profile though. Kim took one year transfers that waltzed off to professional basketball afterwards. She was also very serious about academics and players earning their degrees. These young ladies would have every opportunity to return to school in the off-season to finish their educations and it wouldn't surprise me if Kim wouldn't nag them until they did.
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Mothballs said:

sicem45 said:

lookin4awin said:

I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted their Baylor degree.

Well a couple thoughts. Both of those players LOVE Baylor and bleed the schools colors. Hypothetically even if they wanted to follow her, I think they both knew it wouldn't be wise to transfer because both were about to graduate plus both probably expected to be playing in the WNBA the following year. What good does it do to transfer for a year then bolt to the WNBA? They would still need to finish another year of school to get a bachelors due to transferring so late in their academic career.

I say WBB players for the most part are not like football/baseball/mens basketball players. Your shelf life is limited as a professional athlete and its hard enough to get in the WNBA as is, they don't make a lot of money either. It is in their best interest to earn a degree to have a fall back option down the road.

Much of this doesn't fit the Mulkey profile though. Kim took one year transfers that waltzed off to professional basketball afterwards. She was also very serious about academics and players earning their degrees. These young ladies would have every opportunity to return to school in the off-season to finish their educations and it wouldn't surprise me if Kim wouldn't nag them until they did.

My comment was in reference to the players decision. Wasn't saying she wouldn't but maybe the athlete would rather get that last year of school knocked out right then and there instead of transfer, player a year then hit the wnba then have to come back to do an extra year of school. See what I mean?

Another thing is the girls on the current team felt strongly they could go on a big run with what they had already. I believe Smith and Egbo tweeted about this.
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lookin4awin said:

SonOfZuno said:

lookin4awin said:

I have a question about seniors and the transfer portal.

When I was a student-many moons ago-there was a rule that to graduate and get a degree from a University, you had to do your last 60 hours of credit at that University (absent a waiver for a specific reason).

Is that still in play? If so, does the transfer portal trump that for an athlete? Could Smith and Egbo have transferred to LSU as seniors and gotten a degree there for their last 30 hours?

I know graduate transfers can go as they please, but what is the interaction between the portal and an upcoming senior? I just assumed Smith and Egbo wouldn't transfer to LSU, even if they wanted to, because they'd have to get 60 hours at LSU to get their degree-and I figured they both wanted that degree.

Student-athletes who transfer for sports-dream reasons are not focused on a degree anyway.
My point was that KM wouldn't have been upset with either Smith or Egbo for not following her to LSU because they were seniors who were 30 hours from a degree, and both were focused on getting their degree before going to the WNBA. So, this wasn't a legitimate explanation for why she didn't reach out to them for making the all-rookie team. KM knew they weren't coming with her.
"wasn't a legitimate explanation"? Get a life.....she doesn't owe you (or anyone else) an explanation for anything. Just like you don't owe me an explanation as to why you are so judgmental of others.
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Chloe Jackson and Queen Egbo have made comments on Kim's silence over the BG situation.
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Kim is grade A trash of a human being. After the press conference today look for recruits to eventually start leaving. Queen Egbo and Chloe Jackson called her out for being silent.

Time to retire Kim. its over for you
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I am just confused as to why she cannot say I hope she is doing okay just on the level of her being a HUMAN not even as her player that she recruited and coached just as a human. I feel that could be done whether you believe what she did was wrong or not, on good terms or bad terms. But to just simply say she won't comment on it and to do it in that way as if she could not care any less is sad.
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You're a special kind of stupid, you really are. Just when I think you can't get any dumber you one up yourself.
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