Russia mobilizes

314,382 Views | 4259 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by sombear
Married A Horn
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He Hate Me said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

If Putin is to survive almost none of these projections can happen . He knows it . The use of tactical nukes IMO are a real possibility.

Keep in mind for all of these ' Russian collapse' stories ….Ukraine only recovered approximately 15% of their territory currently occupied by the Russians .

Hopefully Putin jumps out an 8th floor hotel window ASAP.

That would be the best solution for everyone.

Non sequitur. Use of nukes erodes his position. Guarantees his downfall.

If Putin loses this war.....his downfall ( and death ) are assured .

Got nothing to lose .

Again, tactical nukes against military formations. It's going to happen sooner or later and the world will **** ...then adjust to the 'new reality'.

Hopefully someone takes Putin out .
He's already lost the war, and he knows it. Now the people know it as well. Why do you need to call up 300,000 troops for a "Special, 3 Day, Military Operation"?
Because like all totalitarians before him, Putin does not care about the people. He doesn't care about throwing them into a meat grinder or that their families will suffer a tremendous loss with no benefit to the nation.

10 Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. 11 He said, "This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. 12 Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. 16 Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle[c] and donkeys he will take for his own use. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day."
I use this verse a ton to promote limited government.
Married A Horn

Hutto Hippo
Trinity Trojan
How long do you want to ignore this user?
This just doesn't make sense (then again this whole action by Russia hasn't).

His full time, fully trained army hasn't worked so he is going to send 300,000 untrained people to go fight and expect different results....

This isn't WW2 where you can just overwhelm the enemy with large number of troops in a war of attrition and slowly wear them down until your trained troops can take over.
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Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

This has absolutely nothing to do with "Ukraine's membership into NATO". This has everything to do with a Napoleonic wannabe trying to resurrect the Soviet Union.
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Putin will not survive this. There is a reason he keeps his military at a distance.

Of course, he is the devil we know....
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
Wrecks Quan Dough
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
I know the long, slow, 40+ year way the CIA suicided Fidel Castro gave the U.S. Government plausible deniability.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
We aren't conducting regime change here. He's doing that all on his own.
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Booray said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

One could scarcely imagine a more thorough misreading of the situation. Ukraine has gained nothing of real value in the recent push and continues to suffer high casualties against a much larger opponent. Putin need not be in any hurry.

The value Ukraine is getting is confidence from its suppliers that translates into continued supplies.

Russia is only a larger force if it has more willing soldiers. As the war drags on that gets less likely. A war of attrition seems to favor the larger force, but it often favors the most motivated force. The longer this goes on the more that balance tips to Ukraine. Time isn't Putin's ally, it is his enemy.
What Putin is banking on is that if he can keep this going into the brutal months of winter, and Europe is freezing due to lack of gas, he will find a West much more willing to play ball.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
You are throwing out fantasy options to avoid admitting that the strategy we are employing is the best available and working.

1. Killing the head of state of a nuclear power is just never going to be an option. The immediate risk and the long term impact of that is enormous, well beyond sending supplies to Ukraine and sanctioning the Russians.

2. It is also probably logistically impossible.

The choice ist to support the Ukranians or not.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

Pushing the offensive into Russian territory would be incredibly dangerous, and give Putin just the cover he needs to park a nuclear warhead in downtown Kyiv (or some other place).

We underestimated his threats to invade Ukraine before. It would be a mistake to do so again, IMO.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
cowboycwr said:

This just doesn't make sense (then again this whole action by Russia hasn't).

His full time, fully trained army hasn't worked so he is going to send 300,000 untrained people to go fight and expect different results....

"Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine. Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."

Most of those reservists won't see fighting they will be used to replace regular army soldiers in places like the Russian far east and on the border with Finnland and that those soldiers can be moved to Ukraine to fight.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

Booray said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

One could scarcely imagine a more thorough misreading of the situation. Ukraine has gained nothing of real value in the recent push and continues to suffer high casualties against a much larger opponent. Putin need not be in any hurry.

The value Ukraine is getting is confidence from its suppliers that translates into continued supplies.

Russia is only a larger force if it has more willing soldiers. As the war drags on that gets less likely. A war of attrition seems to favor the larger force, but it often favors the most motivated force. The longer this goes on the more that balance tips to Ukraine. Time isn't Putin's ally, it is his enemy.
What Putin is banking on is that if he can keep this going into the brutal months of winter, and Europe is freezing due to lack of gas, he will find a West much more willing to play ball.
That is his strategy certainly...but I think you overestimate Western cohesion.

EU elites might be willing to let their citizens freeze so they get stick it to the Russians but already protests are breaking out all over Europe over the ruinous cost of energy.

And the bitter European winter has not even started.

[social cohesion in European States, especially in France, and Germany, is fragile. Berlin's police force is reportedly drawing up contingency plans to cope with rioting and looting during the winter months if the "multi-cultural" city's energy grid collapses. Discontent is growing making it quite plausible that governments in Germany, France, and Great Britain will likely follow the path of their colleagues in Stockholm and Rome, who lost or will lose power to right-of-center coalitions.]

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

Mothra said:

Booray said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

One could scarcely imagine a more thorough misreading of the situation. Ukraine has gained nothing of real value in the recent push and continues to suffer high casualties against a much larger opponent. Putin need not be in any hurry.

The value Ukraine is getting is confidence from its suppliers that translates into continued supplies.

Russia is only a larger force if it has more willing soldiers. As the war drags on that gets less likely. A war of attrition seems to favor the larger force, but it often favors the most motivated force. The longer this goes on the more that balance tips to Ukraine. Time isn't Putin's ally, it is his enemy.
What Putin is banking on is that if he can keep this going into the brutal months of winter, and Europe is freezing due to lack of gas, he will find a West much more willing to play ball.
That is his strategy certainly...but I think you overestimate Western cohesion.

EU elites might be willing to let their citizens freeze so they get stick it to the Russians but already protests are breaking out all over Europe over the ruinous cost of energy.

And the bitter European winter has not even started.

[social cohesion in European States, especially in France, and Germany, is fragile. Berlin's police force is reportedly drawing up contingency plans to cope with rioting and looting during the winter months if the "multi-cultural" city's energy grid collapses. Discontent is growing making it quite plausible that governments in Germany, France, and Great Britain will likely follow the path of their colleagues in Stockholm and Rome, who lost or will lose power to right-of-center coalitions.]

Don't overestimate it at all. I think it could be an effective strategy by Putin.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

Redbrickbear said:

Mothra said:

Booray said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

One could scarcely imagine a more thorough misreading of the situation. Ukraine has gained nothing of real value in the recent push and continues to suffer high casualties against a much larger opponent. Putin need not be in any hurry.

The value Ukraine is getting is confidence from its suppliers that translates into continued supplies.

Russia is only a larger force if it has more willing soldiers. As the war drags on that gets less likely. A war of attrition seems to favor the larger force, but it often favors the most motivated force. The longer this goes on the more that balance tips to Ukraine. Time isn't Putin's ally, it is his enemy.
What Putin is banking on is that if he can keep this going into the brutal months of winter, and Europe is freezing due to lack of gas, he will find a West much more willing to play ball.
That is his strategy certainly...but I think you overestimate Western cohesion.

EU elites might be willing to let their citizens freeze so they get stick it to the Russians but already protests are breaking out all over Europe over the ruinous cost of energy.

And the bitter European winter has not even started.

[social cohesion in European States, especially in France, and Germany, is fragile. Berlin's police force is reportedly drawing up contingency plans to cope with rioting and looting during the winter months if the "multi-cultural" city's energy grid collapses. Discontent is growing making it quite plausible that governments in Germany, France, and Great Britain will likely follow the path of their colleagues in Stockholm and Rome, who lost or will lose power to right-of-center coalitions.]

Don't overestimate it at all. I think it could be an effective strategy by Putin.
You are right on both counts, but it is easier to sacrfice for a cause that is winning than one that is losing. Thus, the Ukranians' recent advances and Putin's flailing around on the battlefield are important PR pieces to keeping the coalition together. And hopeflyy htis convinces the Germans to not rely on Russian energy sources so much.
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Booray said:

Mothra said:

Redbrickbear said:

Mothra said:

Booray said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

One could scarcely imagine a more thorough misreading of the situation. Ukraine has gained nothing of real value in the recent push and continues to suffer high casualties against a much larger opponent. Putin need not be in any hurry.

The value Ukraine is getting is confidence from its suppliers that translates into continued supplies.

Russia is only a larger force if it has more willing soldiers. As the war drags on that gets less likely. A war of attrition seems to favor the larger force, but it often favors the most motivated force. The longer this goes on the more that balance tips to Ukraine. Time isn't Putin's ally, it is his enemy.
What Putin is banking on is that if he can keep this going into the brutal months of winter, and Europe is freezing due to lack of gas, he will find a West much more willing to play ball.
That is his strategy certainly...but I think you overestimate Western cohesion.

EU elites might be willing to let their citizens freeze so they get stick it to the Russians but already protests are breaking out all over Europe over the ruinous cost of energy.

And the bitter European winter has not even started.

[social cohesion in European States, especially in France, and Germany, is fragile. Berlin's police force is reportedly drawing up contingency plans to cope with rioting and looting during the winter months if the "multi-cultural" city's energy grid collapses. Discontent is growing making it quite plausible that governments in Germany, France, and Great Britain will likely follow the path of their colleagues in Stockholm and Rome, who lost or will lose power to right-of-center coalitions.]

Don't overestimate it at all. I think it could be an effective strategy by Putin.
You are right on both counts, but it is easier to sacrfice for a cause that is winning than one that is losing. Thus, the Ukranians' recent advances and Putin's flailing around on the battlefield are important PR pieces to keeping the coalition together. And hopeflyy htis convinces the Germans to not rely on Russian energy sources so much.
The Germans have screwed themselves and its gonna take along time for them to figure out what to do.

It takes time to rebuild coal power plants and nuclear power plants.

And the German political Greens and Leftists are determine to not let that happen.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
You are throwing out fantasy options to avoid admitting that the strategy we are employing is the best available and working.

1. Killing the head of state of a nuclear power is just never going to be an option. The immediate risk and the long term impact of that is enormous, well beyond sending supplies to Ukraine and sanctioning the Russians.

2. It is also probably logistically impossible.

The choice ist to support the Ukranians or not.

Don't be naive .

The US has been directly involved in the elimination of several heads of state over the years .

And Putin is fully aware of US habit of 'regime change' …as he has mentioned it publicly .

If Putin is forced to retreat ….it's all good .

If he commits ' suicide '….even better .

Would save thousands of lives both Ukrainian and Russian .

But the last cards haven't been played yet .
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
You are throwing out fantasy options to avoid admitting that the strategy we are employing is the best available and working.

1. Killing the head of state of a nuclear power is just never going to be an option. The immediate risk and the long term impact of that is enormous, well beyond sending supplies to Ukraine and sanctioning the Russians.

2. It is also probably logistically impossible.

The choice ist to support the Ukranians or not.

Don't be naive .

The US has been directly involved in the elimination of several heads of state over the years .

And Putin is fully aware of US habit of 'regime change' …as he has mentioned it publicly .

If Putin is forced to retreat ….it's all good .

If he commits ' suicide '….even better .

Would save thousands of lives both Ukrainian and Russian .

But the last cards haven't been played yet .

[The U.S. is leading a new coalition of "nations of good will" as the goal expands from supporting Ukraine to weakening Russia and outlasting Putin.]
Married A Horn
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .

We can call the Clintons...?
Married A Horn

Hutto Hippo
Trinity Trojan
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

cowboycwr said:

This just doesn't make sense (then again this whole action by Russia hasn't).

His full time, fully trained army hasn't worked so he is going to send 300,000 untrained people to go fight and expect different results....

"Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine. Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."

Most of those reservists won't see fighting they will be used to replace regular army soldiers in places like the Russian far east and on the border with Finnland and that those soldiers can be moved to Ukraine to fight.


The elite units have already been engaged. Sending in regular units probably will not get any different results either. Same as sending in reservists or conscripts.

The point is still the same... the regular and elite troops could not get the job done. The second string won't either.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
cowboycwr said:

Redbrickbear said:

cowboycwr said:

This just doesn't make sense (then again this whole action by Russia hasn't).

His full time, fully trained army hasn't worked so he is going to send 300,000 untrained people to go fight and expect different results....

"Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine. Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."

Most of those reservists won't see fighting they will be used to replace regular army soldiers in places like the Russian far east and on the border with Finnland and that those soldiers can be moved to Ukraine to fight.


The elite units have already been engaged. Sending in regular units probably will not get any different results either. Same as sending in reservists or conscripts.

The point is still the same... the regular and elite troops could not get the job done. The second string won't either.

Yep. They'll be running a Battle of Little Big Horn script over and over again into the Groundhog Day simulator. Won't be pretty
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
You are throwing out fantasy options to avoid admitting that the strategy we are employing is the best available and working.

1. Killing the head of state of a nuclear power is just never going to be an option. The immediate risk and the long term impact of that is enormous, well beyond sending supplies to Ukraine and sanctioning the Russians.

2. It is also probably logistically impossible.

The choice ist to support the Ukranians or not.

Don't be naive .

The US has been directly involved in the elimination of several heads of state over the years .

And Putin is fully aware of US habit of 'regime change' …as he has mentioned it publicly .

If Putin is forced to retreat ….it's all good .

If he commits ' suicide '….even better .

Would save thousands of lives both Ukrainian and Russian .

But the last cards haven't been played yet .
I didn't say anything different. I said that killing the head of a superpower is different, riskier and more difficult.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
cowboycwr said:

Redbrickbear said:

cowboycwr said:

This just doesn't make sense (then again this whole action by Russia hasn't).

His full time, fully trained army hasn't worked so he is going to send 300,000 untrained people to go fight and expect different results....

"Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine. Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."

Most of those reservists won't see fighting they will be used to replace regular army soldiers in places like the Russian far east and on the border with Finnland and that those soldiers can be moved to Ukraine to fight.


The elite units have already been engaged. Sending in regular units probably will not get any different results either. Same as sending in reservists or conscripts.

The point is still the same... the regular and elite troops could not get the job done. The second string won't either.

Yup. Most of the elite units are either badly mauled or combat ineffective. There are still some in theater, it's not one big collapse (yet), but a lot of their best troops don't exist anymore. One striking example is the RU tank army (1st Guards) that was supposed to go against NATO got it's butt kicked twice, and is now not even functional anymore.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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Bear8084 said:

cowboycwr said:

Redbrickbear said:

cowboycwr said:

This just doesn't make sense (then again this whole action by Russia hasn't).

His full time, fully trained army hasn't worked so he is going to send 300,000 untrained people to go fight and expect different results....

"Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine. Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."

Most of those reservists won't see fighting they will be used to replace regular army soldiers in places like the Russian far east and on the border with Finnland and that those soldiers can be moved to Ukraine to fight.


The elite units have already been engaged. Sending in regular units probably will not get any different results either. Same as sending in reservists or conscripts.

The point is still the same... the regular and elite troops could not get the job done. The second string won't either.

One striking example is the RU tank army (1st Guards) that was supposed to go against NATO got it's butt kicked twice, and is now not even functional anymore.
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Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
You are throwing out fantasy options to avoid admitting that the strategy we are employing is the best available and working.

1. Killing the head of state of a nuclear power is just never going to be an option. The immediate risk and the long term impact of that is enormous, well beyond sending supplies to Ukraine and sanctioning the Russians.

2. It is also probably logistically impossible.

The choice ist to support the Ukranians or not.

Don't be naive .

The US has been directly involved in the elimination of several heads of state over the years .

And Putin is fully aware of US habit of 'regime change' …as he has mentioned it publicly .

If Putin is forced to retreat ….it's all good .

If he commits ' suicide '….even better .

Would save thousands of lives both Ukrainian and Russian .

But the last cards haven't been played yet .
I didn't say anything different. I said that killing the head of a superpower is different, riskier and more difficult.

Risky ?

As in supplying the guns , ammo , missiles , artillery and intelligence that is KILLING the soldiers of that SAME nuclear super power isn't risky ?

IF Putin acts out now and does something really crazy ….you same partisan hacks will still never own up to our liability .

The US has zero treaty obligations to Ukraine ….period .
Winter coming ….so another season long stalemate could be in the offering .

Western Europe is going to endure the cold like nothing since the end of WW2 .

And woke palp isn't going to replace those nuclear generators.

Dangerous clowns everywhere .

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Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.
What is happening right in front of my eyes is that the West is getting stronger and Russia is getting weaker. A people have stood up for the right to self-determination and the Western Alliance has backed them 100%. The facist they are fighting is getting desperate. And you want to run away based on ex-KGB propoganda.

In the words of your alma mater: "That is some weak sauce."

BTW, your proposed solution that Biden negotiate a deal where Ukraine gets its territory back but Putin saves face is just ludicrous. You can't have both things. Which is why I sense you are more concerned that this will be a victory for Biden than you are happy that this will be a victory for Western values.

One more thing: you still arguing that NATO could not defeat Russia in a conventional land war?

What you 'sense' merely reflects what a hyper political hack you are . Frankly it's disgusting .

Have repeatedly said I want Putin dead …..THAT would certainly reflect a ' victory' for the West .

A 'victory' at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent lives over the issue of Ukraine's membership into NATO.

Which might not be acceptable to Russia even with Putin's demise .

Both Napoleon and Hitler had some success against Russia ….but in the end both lost .

And neither the Tsar or Stalin possessed thousands of nuclear warheads.

Damn right …rather than see the continued slaughter of thousands more…and the chance of nuclear conflagration…..would rather end this war on terms acceptable to Ukraine's survival .

Putin would be overthrown within months .

What do you think those terms would be?

And how are we goning to kill Putin?


The US has been conducting 'regime change ' for decades and Putin isn't the only one who knows how to 'suicide ' loose ends.

No doubt several options have already been discussed .
You are throwing out fantasy options to avoid admitting that the strategy we are employing is the best available and working.

1. Killing the head of state of a nuclear power is just never going to be an option. The immediate risk and the long term impact of that is enormous, well beyond sending supplies to Ukraine and sanctioning the Russians.

2. It is also probably logistically impossible.

The choice ist to support the Ukranians or not.

Don't be naive .

The US has been directly involved in the elimination of several heads of state over the years .

And Putin is fully aware of US habit of 'regime change' …as he has mentioned it publicly .

If Putin is forced to retreat ….it's all good .

If he commits ' suicide '….even better .

Would save thousands of lives both Ukrainian and Russian .

But the last cards haven't been played yet .
I didn't say anything different. I said that killing the head of a superpower is different, riskier and more difficult.

Risky ?

As in supplying the guns , ammo , missiles , artillery and intelligence that is KILLING the soldiers of that SAME nuclear super power isn't risky ?

IF Putin acts out now and does something really crazy ….you same partisan hacks will still never own up to our liability .

The US has zero treaty obligations to Ukraine ….period .
Winter coming ….so another season long stalemate could be in the offering .

Western Europe is going to endure the cold like nothing since the end of WW2 .

And woke palp isn't going to replace those nuclear generators.

Dangerous clowns everywhere .

But it wasn't risky for Russia to supply the Vietcong, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, and dozens of other terrorist groups that the US has fought against?
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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whiterock said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .
This admin is doing far better than I would have imagined. They are more cautious than they could be. Or I would be. But they are playing hardball. Fun to watch.

No question we are attempting to put Putin in a situation where he will face a stark dilemma: withdraw to the status quo ante, or lose the entire Crimea to include Sebastopol. That may not sound significant, but Sebastopol has been a Russian naval base since the reign of Catherine the Great. Losing it would be a strategic defeat of tremendous historic significance. And, of course, Russia wouldn't need it if we sank the Black Sea Fleet......

I've been watching for YouTubes with Ben Hodges for months. More than any other observer, he has been not just accurate in explaining key dynamics, but granular. He predicted the Russian collapse we are witnessing would occur in August, rather than September, but spot on about the mechanics of what would cause it = logistics.

I think we are also making clear preparations for Ukraine to take the war into Russian territory. This would be not an attempt to "invade Russia" in the classical sense, but rather to not let borders get in the way of defending Ukraine. We will support Ukranian attack, via air, artillery, or infantry, any logistical hubs necessary to prevent Russian encroachment on Ukrainian territory.

This is good. Make Putin risk his own skin. Losing Sebastopol. Losing Black Sea Fleet. Losing historically Russian territory. All amid complete logistical collapse of the Russian military....... Putin is clearly facing the stark dilemma of immediate strategic retreat from Ukrainian territory, or strategic defeat of the Russian military, and.....failure of the Russian state under the Putin regime.

Looming.......At some point, Belarus is going to realize it's picked a loser for an ally. Current head of state will not likely switch unless under heavy pressure, but opposition forces could at any point from here start to agitate to bring down the regime. Nato has lots of contiguous border with Belarus, as well as lots & lots of linguistic and cultural ties. VERY easy to not just support unrest/insurgency in Belarus, but instigate it. I would be surprised if we don't see that happen before Thanksgiving. You read it here.

Why would undermining Belarus be important? Well, where do we think those 300k troops Russia just mobilized will be deployed? If i was Putin, I would deploy some/all of them to Belarus to pose a strategic risk to Kiev. It would force Ukraine to divert resources away from the south. We have 60-90 days before that that could happen. Belarus.

A poster who has educated him/her/them/whatever self (don't want to assume anything about a white rock) enough to have an informed opinion that can be expressed in more than a few one liners. I'm sorry I didn't know that was allowed.

I will check back in after Thanksgiving, but I bet you are right.
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Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.

Aren't you the only one to mention Trump? They are talking about Russia invading Ukraine. Good to all get on the same page.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Porteroso said:

Canada2017 said:

Booray said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

trey3216 said:

Canada2017 said:

Putin says he is not bluffing about using nukes .

Are we having fun yet ….are we cool again ?

just like he wasn't bluffing about 3 days. Just like he wasn't bluffing about NATO countries giving Ukraine supplies. He's a dead man walking and he knows it. At least he can mobilize his "army" away from the Kremlin and his vacay spots so he won't die in the next 3 weeks.

A 'dead man walking ' in command of thousands of nuclear warheads is an incredibly dangerous individual.

A dead man walking who KNOWS his only chance of survival is to 'win' …….is even more dangerous.

Biden's handlers need to somehow find even the slightest amount of common sense and work a face saving deal with Putin .

One that allows him to survive ( for now ) yet regain Ukraine's lost territory.

he's not gonna win this war and he knows it. It's all but lost as it sits today. "Mobilizing" the army away from the government may be his only shot to stay in power for any stretch. The walls are crashing in, and I don't believe for a second there will be a nuke fired because someone else is the one who has to follow the orders. Even China has turned their back on Russia in this one, aside from buying whatever minerals/commodities they can for $.50 on the dollar.
Putin is still ex KGB....he knows where the bodies are buried.

And if going to die anyway .......might choose to take many others with him .
he's already taken over 50,000 in his little 3 day war.

Would be very easy to add a couple of zeros to that number .

The US has already miscalculated once .

And the same dementia case is still ( nominally ) in charge .

Your fear that the West is going to emerge victorious is odd. Unless you value party over country.
You are such a *****...full time ***** .

My concern plainly that the war is expanding.

For the first time since WW2 Russia is mobilizing its reserves. That is not an empty gesture .
For the first time since the 60's...Russia is openly threatening the use of nukes .

I want Putin dead and out of the way asap......but he isn't stupid....and a drowning man is extremely dangerous. .

But idiots like you are so concerned about Trump, mid terms and pronouns can't accept what is happening right in front of your eyes.

Aren't you the only one to mention Trump? They are talking about Russia invading Ukraine. Good to all get on the same page.

Good grief……how old are you ?
Doc Holliday
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If this is legit, Ukraine doesn't stand a chance.

Wrecks Quan Dough
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Doc Holliday said:

If this is legit, Ukraine doesn't stand a chance.

If you were going to send a million children into a meat grinder, then you would want that law to be secret.
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Doc Holliday said:

If this is legit, Ukraine doesn't stand a chance.

Hope it's not legit . Want Ukraine to survive .

In any case this war isn't remotely over .
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