905,039 Views | 11100 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by historian
Whiskey Pete
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KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

This chick can not even pander correctly.

She takes down the confederate battle flag in South Carolina and hugs Jessie Jackson on the steps of the SC Capitol building…..setting off the mass iconoclastic movement we have seen in this country since 2015.

Then turns around and waffles about slavery in front of a Yankees?

What the heck is she doing…


Silly attempt at criticism.

Only going to get even sillier as Haley continues to threaten Trumps fragile lead.

But by all means keep those bizarre fantasies that Trump will be able to attract mainstream voters enough to win.
She's the former governor of the first state to secede from the union. She should have at least some knowledge about the civil war, it's ridiculous to suggest that the criticism is silly.

I just looked at the polls. Trump's 30+ lead is hardly fragile.

I never saw where Redbrickbear said Trump would win the general election. Am I mistaken? Did he say that or are you just an idiot?

Trump most likely won't win the general election because of the never Trumpers that would rather see Biden back in the White House instead of voting for the boogey man morons, like yourself.
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Her campaign donors called her…

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4th and Inches
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boognish_bear said:

only works for fed crimes right?
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FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

4th and Inches said:

Redbrickbear said:

I got at least one maybe two in my family, they voted for Biden in 2020. Solid never Trumper's.

I know several Haley supporters (who've donated to her), and they are conservative/libertarian types who did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. The appeal seems to be less that she's more moderate than other front-runners. It has more to do with style - tough but not Trumpy, with perhaps greater appeal in the middle.

Objective analysis is pretty clear: No other candidate on the stage, or in view, will do more to unite the party as VP than Haley. A meaningful percentage of neverTrumpers will justify voting for him, if she is on the ticket (and by extension is his likely successor).

Personally, I'm not an opponent, but neither a terribly big fan. I respect her toughness and her experience as Gov and UN-Ambo, but she's the least likely of anyone on the stage to attempt serious reforms in Washington, particularly on the social issues. She's a "fix it & get it back on the road" candidate, not a "drain the swamp" type.

But we have to deal with that problem if/when it arises in 2028 and beyond. Urgencies exist. Other problems need fixing first. Gotta win in 2028. I'll risk letting Oso have a seat at the table & deal with his BS later, because that's what it takes to win.
Alot more than just Oso... More than you seem to give credit.

You guys keep talking about Drain the Swamp. At what cost? The Nation? Who in the Drain the Swamp crowd can actually Govern? Gaetz? Marjorie-Greene? Or the "shut down the Govt" coalition? There is a great underestimation on how easy it will be and the ramifications...
LOL so we NEED a swamp? yes, we will always have one, but does it not benefit us to clean it out from time to time? Surely you're not suggesting there is any benefit to culturing it and learning to appreciate its many gifts? Barns always have rats. Never, ever will you get rid of all of them once & for all. Reality is, farmers from time to time have to have to grab a hoe and conduct a rat-killing. Often, we bring the kids along and make a sport of it. You never kill all the rats, but do reduce the damage to inventory and the odor is much improved.....(rat killings are usually riotous fun. kids swinging hoes, rats running up pants legs, squeals of panic mixed in with squeals of joy.....) When you suppress the rat population, you inherently suppress the snake problem, too.....

yeah, the neverTrumpers are a mid-range single-digit numbers. Moderates about 20-25%. Trump supporters consistently posting numbers in the 56-65% range. This is what a normally functioning party looks like - a smaller establishment with a larger base. More often, the smaller number of establishment types by virtue of experience and money control things, and the big number grouses about not enough getting done. (when in fact what does get done or not is generally a reasonable balance of practicality and the Overton Window. ) But every so often, the establishment loses touch with its base. The base gets restive and takes over by force of numbers. Which is where we are now. And when that happens, the establishment often gets the vapors about all the monkeys driving the bus. The choice they have is whether they will fight for control of the bus (in which case the bus ends up in the ditch), or whether they will help the monkeys drive the bus (knowing that after some success the monkeys will get tired of actually driving bus and get distracted onto other things.....allowing a new establishment/base coalition to emerge.)

The question is, where do you want the bus to be, friend? Do you seriously intend to force the bus into the ditch just so you can have a better chance to get back your rightful place in the drivers seat? This is the moderates' dilemma. Are they willing to play nice with people they mostly agree with but are not always well dressed or well-behaved? Or are they going to get all principled (for a change) over the question of who is in control of the party? (keeping in mind that the people on the other side of the aisle are wild-eyed ideologues intent on burning down the whole damned barn).

There is a huge difference between needing a swamp and recognizing what Political systems are and how they operate and trashing the system to "clean it up". If "cleaning up the swamp" is a bi-product of good Governance, no problem. But, if "cleaning out the swamp" becomes the mission in lieu of good, competent Governance that is a problem just as bad as the swamp itself. Like anything else, the swamp serves a purpose and is healthy in moderation. Is it out of control? That is debatable, there are defiently some areas to be cleaned up, but not at the cost of getting the Nation back on the tracks.

We have not had competent Governance in a while, the system cannot take much more. The main mission has to be sound Governance and getting the Nation back on the Tracks. That is why I prefer Haley to Trump. There is too much baggage and revenge driven agenda for this point in US History. We can't have another 4 years of Kindergarten ***** Want to run on an anti-corruption, trust busting, end Tammany Hall platform have at it. Create a swamp-tsar and assign it to the VP, but the President can't be on a vendetta against those that wronged him.

So you admit we need at some measure of cleaning of the swamp?

Interesting word, vendetta. Democrats are clearly on a vendetta to get Trump, and even the people who are participating in it don't deny it. Yet, somehow, moderate Republicans think the problem is the target of the vendetta. I mean, what the hell is the social justice movement, anyway, if it is not a frickn' vendetta? The double standard you are seeking to enforce is one of the larger parts of the problem. .....

I don't disagree that the Dems behavior is abhorrent and outright wrong. It still doesn't lessen the impact of a Trump 2...

It is not that I believe that he has bad policies. The problem is that he polarizes to the point of irrational responses and the Country can't take 4 more years of this *****

Yes, there is definitely cleaning up, there always is cleaning up. Well run Administrations do it as part of their job. We have a swamp issues, but it is not the Government employees that the GOP is going after that is the problem. It is the lobbyist. There is too much lobby influence and elected officials becoming multi-millionaires in office. The Private sector lobby is just as much a problem as the careerist in the Government. In my opinion, more so. This is not a new problem.

You are a student of the world situation, now is not the time for the US to go into turmoil. China is right there. Russia has already jumped off the fence to China's side and India is even paying attention.

You clean up when in a position of strength, right now we are too split to get the clean up done. I don't disagree with the need, just the timing. We need to get manufacturing up and defense up or it will be game on...
Is it really Trump doing the polarizing? Or are the irrational response actually a function of latent Democrat authoritarianism? Trump isn't the one causing all the alphabet people to go nuts over misgendering. Trump isn't the one causing Harvard to abide sophomorically uncreative plagiarism by its President, implicitly positioning her attackers as deplorables. (I could go on here for a bit with examples.....) The idea that Trump is causing all the division in the country is just plain nuts, friend. Complete inversion of cause & effect. If Democrats were acting differently, Trump would be a washed up TV star scarcely ever heard of.

We are in turmoil and it's not going to go away, friend. Because we are in a cold civil war with each other. And, yes, our enemies will see it and be emboldened. And we will smoke them anyway. Because we are that strong.

The battle to focus on is the enemy within. Democrats have CLEARLY made that determination, and are making shocking authoritarian moves. You need to wake up.....
The Dems are making shocking moves. But the first order of business is getting power back. The Dems have the numbers. They also mobilize better and stand together better than the GOP. They have the media and academia. Those are facts. This is like taking a Defensive position without Air Support and limited Artillery! Infantry frontal assaults are only going to make a mess. So, it is going to take other tactics.

Trump polarizes and mobilizes the enemy like no other Candidate, ever. They will get their superior numbers to vote in mass. The media will be in full assault mode. Trump wins the nomination, the GOP is committed and it is game over. Trump winning the nomination is the point of no return.

This is an incredibly risky strategy with his history, his legal distractions and his volatile personality. Fortune may favor the bold, but only if you can out mobilize the opposing vote.

Haley will get more favorable coverage from the media, the big business/swamp works in her favor and she is likable to the Independents that abandoned Trump last time. The smart long term strategy is Haley, she can win and govern. Trump may be fun to watch, but they will move heaven and earth to stop him.

can you not see the irony in that statement?
can you not help change that situation by standing as one with me (instead of waffling on whether or not you will vote to defeat Democrats next cycle)?

You are facing an army that mobilizes and fights as one, so your response is to never do anything to antagonize them? by all means play by their rules. subsume all your own interests in order to attend to their sensibilities?

(throws up hands in exasperation....)

Dude. The left hates you, no matter how much lace & feathers you put on your conservatism. You cannot lull them into complacency. You have to defeat them. And adopting most of their philosophical constructions so as not to offend them is not defeating them. It is allowing yourself to be constricted to the parameters of debate they allow you to have.
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Whiskey Pete said:

KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

This chick can not even pander correctly.

She takes down the confederate battle flag in South Carolina and hugs Jessie Jackson on the steps of the SC Capitol building…..setting off the mass iconoclastic movement we have seen in this country since 2015.

Then turns around and waffles about slavery in front of a Yankees?

What the heck is she doing…


Silly attempt at criticism.

Only going to get even sillier as Haley continues to threaten Trumps fragile lead.

But by all means keep those bizarre fantasies that Trump will be able to attract mainstream voters enough to win.
She's the former governor of the first state to secede from the union. She should have at least some knowledge about the civil war, it's ridiculous to suggest that the criticism is silly.

I just looked at the polls. Trump's 30+ lead is hardly fragile.

I never saw where Redbrickbear said Trump would win the general election. Am I mistaken? Did he say that or are you just an idiot?

Trump most likely won't win the general election because of the never Trumpers that would rather see Biden back in the White House instead of voting for the boogey man morons, like yourself.
Haley said nothing controversial. She did, however, miss the opportunity to attack the press and generate some goodwill for her campaign by noting the inanity of the question:
"every day, we have approximately 10,000 human beings being trafficked across our southern border by an unholy alliance of hostile nations, open borders groups, and the Mexican drug cartels.....people giving their last dime to organized crime syndicates to smuggle goods & people into our country, goods which kill more of our children than firearms do. Almost every woman who runs that gauntlet is sexually assaulted, has to watch her children be literally carried thru the desert by drug mules.... And yet here you stand demanding that I talk about a problem the Republican Party fixed over 150 years ago? We have a river of inhumanity pouring across our borders while our government, ostensibly formed in part to prevent exactly that from happening, cuts the wire and opens the gates to facilitate the flow.....and you want to talk about slavery in the antebellum south? Something our nation under Republican administration fought a war that cost nearly a half-million American lives to win, and you suggest we are supposed to fall to our knees and a gnash our teeth and rend our clothes in atonement for acts of centuries past while something almost as bad happens every minute of every day? I will pause on saying more about such a warped sense of moral perspective and instead just lament that the press has lost all semblance decency and degraded itself as nothing more than narrative newsboys for Democrat donors. Why will you not join me to stop the most barbaric thing happening on the planet SINCE slavery? Why do you distract from real problems to talk about non-existent ones?

If she could learn to say something like that, she'd be a serious threat to Trump.
But she won't.
Because Democrats always stand together and we can't anger them if we want to defeat them.
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How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

4th and Inches said:

Redbrickbear said:

I got at least one maybe two in my family, they voted for Biden in 2020. Solid never Trumper's.

I know several Haley supporters (who've donated to her), and they are conservative/libertarian types who did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. The appeal seems to be less that she's more moderate than other front-runners. It has more to do with style - tough but not Trumpy, with perhaps greater appeal in the middle.

Objective analysis is pretty clear: No other candidate on the stage, or in view, will do more to unite the party as VP than Haley. A meaningful percentage of neverTrumpers will justify voting for him, if she is on the ticket (and by extension is his likely successor).

Personally, I'm not an opponent, but neither a terribly big fan. I respect her toughness and her experience as Gov and UN-Ambo, but she's the least likely of anyone on the stage to attempt serious reforms in Washington, particularly on the social issues. She's a "fix it & get it back on the road" candidate, not a "drain the swamp" type.

But we have to deal with that problem if/when it arises in 2028 and beyond. Urgencies exist. Other problems need fixing first. Gotta win in 2028. I'll risk letting Oso have a seat at the table & deal with his BS later, because that's what it takes to win.
Alot more than just Oso... More than you seem to give credit.

You guys keep talking about Drain the Swamp. At what cost? The Nation? Who in the Drain the Swamp crowd can actually Govern? Gaetz? Marjorie-Greene? Or the "shut down the Govt" coalition? There is a great underestimation on how easy it will be and the ramifications...
LOL so we NEED a swamp? yes, we will always have one, but does it not benefit us to clean it out from time to time? Surely you're not suggesting there is any benefit to culturing it and learning to appreciate its many gifts? Barns always have rats. Never, ever will you get rid of all of them once & for all. Reality is, farmers from time to time have to have to grab a hoe and conduct a rat-killing. Often, we bring the kids along and make a sport of it. You never kill all the rats, but do reduce the damage to inventory and the odor is much improved.....(rat killings are usually riotous fun. kids swinging hoes, rats running up pants legs, squeals of panic mixed in with squeals of joy.....) When you suppress the rat population, you inherently suppress the snake problem, too.....

yeah, the neverTrumpers are a mid-range single-digit numbers. Moderates about 20-25%. Trump supporters consistently posting numbers in the 56-65% range. This is what a normally functioning party looks like - a smaller establishment with a larger base. More often, the smaller number of establishment types by virtue of experience and money control things, and the big number grouses about not enough getting done. (when in fact what does get done or not is generally a reasonable balance of practicality and the Overton Window. ) But every so often, the establishment loses touch with its base. The base gets restive and takes over by force of numbers. Which is where we are now. And when that happens, the establishment often gets the vapors about all the monkeys driving the bus. The choice they have is whether they will fight for control of the bus (in which case the bus ends up in the ditch), or whether they will help the monkeys drive the bus (knowing that after some success the monkeys will get tired of actually driving bus and get distracted onto other things.....allowing a new establishment/base coalition to emerge.)

The question is, where do you want the bus to be, friend? Do you seriously intend to force the bus into the ditch just so you can have a better chance to get back your rightful place in the drivers seat? This is the moderates' dilemma. Are they willing to play nice with people they mostly agree with but are not always well dressed or well-behaved? Or are they going to get all principled (for a change) over the question of who is in control of the party? (keeping in mind that the people on the other side of the aisle are wild-eyed ideologues intent on burning down the whole damned barn).

There is a huge difference between needing a swamp and recognizing what Political systems are and how they operate and trashing the system to "clean it up". If "cleaning up the swamp" is a bi-product of good Governance, no problem. But, if "cleaning out the swamp" becomes the mission in lieu of good, competent Governance that is a problem just as bad as the swamp itself. Like anything else, the swamp serves a purpose and is healthy in moderation. Is it out of control? That is debatable, there are defiently some areas to be cleaned up, but not at the cost of getting the Nation back on the tracks.

We have not had competent Governance in a while, the system cannot take much more. The main mission has to be sound Governance and getting the Nation back on the Tracks. That is why I prefer Haley to Trump. There is too much baggage and revenge driven agenda for this point in US History. We can't have another 4 years of Kindergarten ***** Want to run on an anti-corruption, trust busting, end Tammany Hall platform have at it. Create a swamp-tsar and assign it to the VP, but the President can't be on a vendetta against those that wronged him.

So you admit we need at some measure of cleaning of the swamp?

Interesting word, vendetta. Democrats are clearly on a vendetta to get Trump, and even the people who are participating in it don't deny it. Yet, somehow, moderate Republicans think the problem is the target of the vendetta. I mean, what the hell is the social justice movement, anyway, if it is not a frickn' vendetta? The double standard you are seeking to enforce is one of the larger parts of the problem. .....

I don't disagree that the Dems behavior is abhorrent and outright wrong. It still doesn't lessen the impact of a Trump 2...

It is not that I believe that he has bad policies. The problem is that he polarizes to the point of irrational responses and the Country can't take 4 more years of this *****

Yes, there is definitely cleaning up, there always is cleaning up. Well run Administrations do it as part of their job. We have a swamp issues, but it is not the Government employees that the GOP is going after that is the problem. It is the lobbyist. There is too much lobby influence and elected officials becoming multi-millionaires in office. The Private sector lobby is just as much a problem as the careerist in the Government. In my opinion, more so. This is not a new problem.

You are a student of the world situation, now is not the time for the US to go into turmoil. China is right there. Russia has already jumped off the fence to China's side and India is even paying attention.

You clean up when in a position of strength, right now we are too split to get the clean up done. I don't disagree with the need, just the timing. We need to get manufacturing up and defense up or it will be game on...
Is it really Trump doing the polarizing? Or are the irrational response actually a function of latent Democrat authoritarianism? Trump isn't the one causing all the alphabet people to go nuts over misgendering. Trump isn't the one causing Harvard to abide sophomorically uncreative plagiarism by its President, implicitly positioning her attackers as deplorables. (I could go on here for a bit with examples.....) The idea that Trump is causing all the division in the country is just plain nuts, friend. Complete inversion of cause & effect. If Democrats were acting differently, Trump would be a washed up TV star scarcely ever heard of.

We are in turmoil and it's not going to go away, friend. Because we are in a cold civil war with each other. And, yes, our enemies will see it and be emboldened. And we will smoke them anyway. Because we are that strong.

The battle to focus on is the enemy within. Democrats have CLEARLY made that determination, and are making shocking authoritarian moves. You need to wake up.....
The Dems are making shocking moves. But the first order of business is getting power back. The Dems have the numbers. They also mobilize better and stand together better than the GOP. They have the media and academia. Those are facts. This is like taking a Defensive position without Air Support and limited Artillery! Infantry frontal assaults are only going to make a mess. So, it is going to take other tactics.

Trump polarizes and mobilizes the enemy like no other Candidate, ever. They will get their superior numbers to vote in mass. The media will be in full assault mode. Trump wins the nomination, the GOP is committed and it is game over. Trump winning the nomination is the point of no return.

This is an incredibly risky strategy with his history, his legal distractions and his volatile personality. Fortune may favor the bold, but only if you can out mobilize the opposing vote.

Haley will get more favorable coverage from the media, the big business/swamp works in her favor and she is likable to the Independents that abandoned Trump last time. The smart long term strategy is Haley, she can win and govern. Trump may be fun to watch, but they will move heaven and earth to stop him.

can you not see the irony in that statement?
can you not help change that situation by standing as one with me (instead of waffling on whether or not you will vote to defeat Democrats next cycle)?

You are facing an army that mobilizes and fights as one, so your response is to never do anything to antagonize them? by all means play by their rules. subsume all your own interests in order to attend to their sensibilities?

(throws up hands in exasperation....)

Dude. The left hates you, no matter how much lace & feathers you put on your conservatism. You cannot lull them into complacency. You have to defeat them. And adopting most of their philosophical constructions so as not to offend them is not defeating them. It is allowing yourself to be constricted to the parameters of debate they allow you to have.
Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

4th and Inches said:

Redbrickbear said:

I got at least one maybe two in my family, they voted for Biden in 2020. Solid never Trumper's.

I know several Haley supporters (who've donated to her), and they are conservative/libertarian types who did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. The appeal seems to be less that she's more moderate than other front-runners. It has more to do with style - tough but not Trumpy, with perhaps greater appeal in the middle.

Objective analysis is pretty clear: No other candidate on the stage, or in view, will do more to unite the party as VP than Haley. A meaningful percentage of neverTrumpers will justify voting for him, if she is on the ticket (and by extension is his likely successor).

Personally, I'm not an opponent, but neither a terribly big fan. I respect her toughness and her experience as Gov and UN-Ambo, but she's the least likely of anyone on the stage to attempt serious reforms in Washington, particularly on the social issues. She's a "fix it & get it back on the road" candidate, not a "drain the swamp" type.

But we have to deal with that problem if/when it arises in 2028 and beyond. Urgencies exist. Other problems need fixing first. Gotta win in 2028. I'll risk letting Oso have a seat at the table & deal with his BS later, because that's what it takes to win.
Alot more than just Oso... More than you seem to give credit.

You guys keep talking about Drain the Swamp. At what cost? The Nation? Who in the Drain the Swamp crowd can actually Govern? Gaetz? Marjorie-Greene? Or the "shut down the Govt" coalition? There is a great underestimation on how easy it will be and the ramifications...
LOL so we NEED a swamp? yes, we will always have one, but does it not benefit us to clean it out from time to time? Surely you're not suggesting there is any benefit to culturing it and learning to appreciate its many gifts? Barns always have rats. Never, ever will you get rid of all of them once & for all. Reality is, farmers from time to time have to have to grab a hoe and conduct a rat-killing. Often, we bring the kids along and make a sport of it. You never kill all the rats, but do reduce the damage to inventory and the odor is much improved.....(rat killings are usually riotous fun. kids swinging hoes, rats running up pants legs, squeals of panic mixed in with squeals of joy.....) When you suppress the rat population, you inherently suppress the snake problem, too.....

yeah, the neverTrumpers are a mid-range single-digit numbers. Moderates about 20-25%. Trump supporters consistently posting numbers in the 56-65% range. This is what a normally functioning party looks like - a smaller establishment with a larger base. More often, the smaller number of establishment types by virtue of experience and money control things, and the big number grouses about not enough getting done. (when in fact what does get done or not is generally a reasonable balance of practicality and the Overton Window. ) But every so often, the establishment loses touch with its base. The base gets restive and takes over by force of numbers. Which is where we are now. And when that happens, the establishment often gets the vapors about all the monkeys driving the bus. The choice they have is whether they will fight for control of the bus (in which case the bus ends up in the ditch), or whether they will help the monkeys drive the bus (knowing that after some success the monkeys will get tired of actually driving bus and get distracted onto other things.....allowing a new establishment/base coalition to emerge.)

The question is, where do you want the bus to be, friend? Do you seriously intend to force the bus into the ditch just so you can have a better chance to get back your rightful place in the drivers seat? This is the moderates' dilemma. Are they willing to play nice with people they mostly agree with but are not always well dressed or well-behaved? Or are they going to get all principled (for a change) over the question of who is in control of the party? (keeping in mind that the people on the other side of the aisle are wild-eyed ideologues intent on burning down the whole damned barn).

There is a huge difference between needing a swamp and recognizing what Political systems are and how they operate and trashing the system to "clean it up". If "cleaning up the swamp" is a bi-product of good Governance, no problem. But, if "cleaning out the swamp" becomes the mission in lieu of good, competent Governance that is a problem just as bad as the swamp itself. Like anything else, the swamp serves a purpose and is healthy in moderation. Is it out of control? That is debatable, there are defiently some areas to be cleaned up, but not at the cost of getting the Nation back on the tracks.

We have not had competent Governance in a while, the system cannot take much more. The main mission has to be sound Governance and getting the Nation back on the Tracks. That is why I prefer Haley to Trump. There is too much baggage and revenge driven agenda for this point in US History. We can't have another 4 years of Kindergarten ***** Want to run on an anti-corruption, trust busting, end Tammany Hall platform have at it. Create a swamp-tsar and assign it to the VP, but the President can't be on a vendetta against those that wronged him.

So you admit we need at some measure of cleaning of the swamp?

Interesting word, vendetta. Democrats are clearly on a vendetta to get Trump, and even the people who are participating in it don't deny it. Yet, somehow, moderate Republicans think the problem is the target of the vendetta. I mean, what the hell is the social justice movement, anyway, if it is not a frickn' vendetta? The double standard you are seeking to enforce is one of the larger parts of the problem. .....

I don't disagree that the Dems behavior is abhorrent and outright wrong. It still doesn't lessen the impact of a Trump 2...

It is not that I believe that he has bad policies. The problem is that he polarizes to the point of irrational responses and the Country can't take 4 more years of this *****

Yes, there is definitely cleaning up, there always is cleaning up. Well run Administrations do it as part of their job. We have a swamp issues, but it is not the Government employees that the GOP is going after that is the problem. It is the lobbyist. There is too much lobby influence and elected officials becoming multi-millionaires in office. The Private sector lobby is just as much a problem as the careerist in the Government. In my opinion, more so. This is not a new problem.

You are a student of the world situation, now is not the time for the US to go into turmoil. China is right there. Russia has already jumped off the fence to China's side and India is even paying attention.

You clean up when in a position of strength, right now we are too split to get the clean up done. I don't disagree with the need, just the timing. We need to get manufacturing up and defense up or it will be game on...
Is it really Trump doing the polarizing? Or are the irrational response actually a function of latent Democrat authoritarianism? Trump isn't the one causing all the alphabet people to go nuts over misgendering. Trump isn't the one causing Harvard to abide sophomorically uncreative plagiarism by its President, implicitly positioning her attackers as deplorables. (I could go on here for a bit with examples.....) The idea that Trump is causing all the division in the country is just plain nuts, friend. Complete inversion of cause & effect. If Democrats were acting differently, Trump would be a washed up TV star scarcely ever heard of.

We are in turmoil and it's not going to go away, friend. Because we are in a cold civil war with each other. And, yes, our enemies will see it and be emboldened. And we will smoke them anyway. Because we are that strong.

The battle to focus on is the enemy within. Democrats have CLEARLY made that determination, and are making shocking authoritarian moves. You need to wake up.....
The Dems are making shocking moves. But the first order of business is getting power back. The Dems have the numbers. They also mobilize better and stand together better than the GOP. They have the media and academia. Those are facts. This is like taking a Defensive position without Air Support and limited Artillery! Infantry frontal assaults are only going to make a mess. So, it is going to take other tactics.

Trump polarizes and mobilizes the enemy like no other Candidate, ever. They will get their superior numbers to vote in mass. The media will be in full assault mode. Trump wins the nomination, the GOP is committed and it is game over. Trump winning the nomination is the point of no return.

This is an incredibly risky strategy with his history, his legal distractions and his volatile personality. Fortune may favor the bold, but only if you can out mobilize the opposing vote.

Haley will get more favorable coverage from the media, the big business/swamp works in her favor and she is likable to the Independents that abandoned Trump last time. The smart long term strategy is Haley, she can win and govern. Trump may be fun to watch, but they will move heaven and earth to stop him.

can you not see the irony in that statement?
can you not help change that situation by standing as one with me (instead of waffling on whether or not you will vote to defeat Democrats next cycle)?

You are facing an army that mobilizes and fights as one, so your response is to never do anything to antagonize them? by all means play by their rules. subsume all your own interests in order to attend to their sensibilities?

(throws up hands in exasperation....)

Dude. The left hates you, no matter how much lace & feathers you put on your conservatism. You cannot lull them into complacency. You have to defeat them. And adopting most of their philosophical constructions so as not to offend them is not defeating them. It is allowing yourself to be constricted to the parameters of debate they allow you to have.
Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
I will if she gets the nomination.

I do agree, however, that Biden is the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history.
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whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

4th and Inches said:

Redbrickbear said:

I got at least one maybe two in my family, they voted for Biden in 2020. Solid never Trumper's.

I know several Haley supporters (who've donated to her), and they are conservative/libertarian types who did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. The appeal seems to be less that she's more moderate than other front-runners. It has more to do with style - tough but not Trumpy, with perhaps greater appeal in the middle.

Objective analysis is pretty clear: No other candidate on the stage, or in view, will do more to unite the party as VP than Haley. A meaningful percentage of neverTrumpers will justify voting for him, if she is on the ticket (and by extension is his likely successor).

Personally, I'm not an opponent, but neither a terribly big fan. I respect her toughness and her experience as Gov and UN-Ambo, but she's the least likely of anyone on the stage to attempt serious reforms in Washington, particularly on the social issues. She's a "fix it & get it back on the road" candidate, not a "drain the swamp" type.

But we have to deal with that problem if/when it arises in 2028 and beyond. Urgencies exist. Other problems need fixing first. Gotta win in 2028. I'll risk letting Oso have a seat at the table & deal with his BS later, because that's what it takes to win.
Alot more than just Oso... More than you seem to give credit.

You guys keep talking about Drain the Swamp. At what cost? The Nation? Who in the Drain the Swamp crowd can actually Govern? Gaetz? Marjorie-Greene? Or the "shut down the Govt" coalition? There is a great underestimation on how easy it will be and the ramifications...
LOL so we NEED a swamp? yes, we will always have one, but does it not benefit us to clean it out from time to time? Surely you're not suggesting there is any benefit to culturing it and learning to appreciate its many gifts? Barns always have rats. Never, ever will you get rid of all of them once & for all. Reality is, farmers from time to time have to have to grab a hoe and conduct a rat-killing. Often, we bring the kids along and make a sport of it. You never kill all the rats, but do reduce the damage to inventory and the odor is much improved.....(rat killings are usually riotous fun. kids swinging hoes, rats running up pants legs, squeals of panic mixed in with squeals of joy.....) When you suppress the rat population, you inherently suppress the snake problem, too.....

yeah, the neverTrumpers are a mid-range single-digit numbers. Moderates about 20-25%. Trump supporters consistently posting numbers in the 56-65% range. This is what a normally functioning party looks like - a smaller establishment with a larger base. More often, the smaller number of establishment types by virtue of experience and money control things, and the big number grouses about not enough getting done. (when in fact what does get done or not is generally a reasonable balance of practicality and the Overton Window. ) But every so often, the establishment loses touch with its base. The base gets restive and takes over by force of numbers. Which is where we are now. And when that happens, the establishment often gets the vapors about all the monkeys driving the bus. The choice they have is whether they will fight for control of the bus (in which case the bus ends up in the ditch), or whether they will help the monkeys drive the bus (knowing that after some success the monkeys will get tired of actually driving bus and get distracted onto other things.....allowing a new establishment/base coalition to emerge.)

The question is, where do you want the bus to be, friend? Do you seriously intend to force the bus into the ditch just so you can have a better chance to get back your rightful place in the drivers seat? This is the moderates' dilemma. Are they willing to play nice with people they mostly agree with but are not always well dressed or well-behaved? Or are they going to get all principled (for a change) over the question of who is in control of the party? (keeping in mind that the people on the other side of the aisle are wild-eyed ideologues intent on burning down the whole damned barn).

There is a huge difference between needing a swamp and recognizing what Political systems are and how they operate and trashing the system to "clean it up". If "cleaning up the swamp" is a bi-product of good Governance, no problem. But, if "cleaning out the swamp" becomes the mission in lieu of good, competent Governance that is a problem just as bad as the swamp itself. Like anything else, the swamp serves a purpose and is healthy in moderation. Is it out of control? That is debatable, there are defiently some areas to be cleaned up, but not at the cost of getting the Nation back on the tracks.

We have not had competent Governance in a while, the system cannot take much more. The main mission has to be sound Governance and getting the Nation back on the Tracks. That is why I prefer Haley to Trump. There is too much baggage and revenge driven agenda for this point in US History. We can't have another 4 years of Kindergarten ***** Want to run on an anti-corruption, trust busting, end Tammany Hall platform have at it. Create a swamp-tsar and assign it to the VP, but the President can't be on a vendetta against those that wronged him.

So you admit we need at some measure of cleaning of the swamp?

Interesting word, vendetta. Democrats are clearly on a vendetta to get Trump, and even the people who are participating in it don't deny it. Yet, somehow, moderate Republicans think the problem is the target of the vendetta. I mean, what the hell is the social justice movement, anyway, if it is not a frickn' vendetta? The double standard you are seeking to enforce is one of the larger parts of the problem. .....

I don't disagree that the Dems behavior is abhorrent and outright wrong. It still doesn't lessen the impact of a Trump 2...

It is not that I believe that he has bad policies. The problem is that he polarizes to the point of irrational responses and the Country can't take 4 more years of this *****

Yes, there is definitely cleaning up, there always is cleaning up. Well run Administrations do it as part of their job. We have a swamp issues, but it is not the Government employees that the GOP is going after that is the problem. It is the lobbyist. There is too much lobby influence and elected officials becoming multi-millionaires in office. The Private sector lobby is just as much a problem as the careerist in the Government. In my opinion, more so. This is not a new problem.

You are a student of the world situation, now is not the time for the US to go into turmoil. China is right there. Russia has already jumped off the fence to China's side and India is even paying attention.

You clean up when in a position of strength, right now we are too split to get the clean up done. I don't disagree with the need, just the timing. We need to get manufacturing up and defense up or it will be game on...
Is it really Trump doing the polarizing? Or are the irrational response actually a function of latent Democrat authoritarianism? Trump isn't the one causing all the alphabet people to go nuts over misgendering. Trump isn't the one causing Harvard to abide sophomorically uncreative plagiarism by its President, implicitly positioning her attackers as deplorables. (I could go on here for a bit with examples.....) The idea that Trump is causing all the division in the country is just plain nuts, friend. Complete inversion of cause & effect. If Democrats were acting differently, Trump would be a washed up TV star scarcely ever heard of.

We are in turmoil and it's not going to go away, friend. Because we are in a cold civil war with each other. And, yes, our enemies will see it and be emboldened. And we will smoke them anyway. Because we are that strong.

The battle to focus on is the enemy within. Democrats have CLEARLY made that determination, and are making shocking authoritarian moves. You need to wake up.....
The Dems are making shocking moves. But the first order of business is getting power back. The Dems have the numbers. They also mobilize better and stand together better than the GOP. They have the media and academia. Those are facts. This is like taking a Defensive position without Air Support and limited Artillery! Infantry frontal assaults are only going to make a mess. So, it is going to take other tactics.

Trump polarizes and mobilizes the enemy like no other Candidate, ever. They will get their superior numbers to vote in mass. The media will be in full assault mode. Trump wins the nomination, the GOP is committed and it is game over. Trump winning the nomination is the point of no return.

This is an incredibly risky strategy with his history, his legal distractions and his volatile personality. Fortune may favor the bold, but only if you can out mobilize the opposing vote.

Haley will get more favorable coverage from the media, the big business/swamp works in her favor and she is likable to the Independents that abandoned Trump last time. The smart long term strategy is Haley, she can win and govern. Trump may be fun to watch, but they will move heaven and earth to stop him.

can you not see the irony in that statement?
can you not help change that situation by standing as one with me (instead of waffling on whether or not you will vote to defeat Democrats next cycle)?

You are facing an army that mobilizes and fights as one, so your response is to never do anything to antagonize them? by all means play by their rules. subsume all your own interests in order to attend to their sensibilities?

(throws up hands in exasperation....)

Dude. The left hates you, no matter how much lace & feathers you put on your conservatism. You cannot lull them into complacency. You have to defeat them. And adopting most of their philosophical constructions so as not to offend them is not defeating them. It is allowing yourself to be constricted to the parameters of debate they allow you to have.
Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
I will if she gets the nomination.

I do agree, however, that Biden is the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history.
Same with Trump. If he is the option, I will vote for him over Biden or any of the Dems. BUT, the question is still open. He is not the nominee. Attacking those that support Haley, DeSantis or Christie as being Neo Cons, closet liberals or any other derogatory label doesn't paint Trump/MAGA as a great uniter. It reenforces the Authoritarian/Facist fears some have about Trump, just like the idiots on Jan 6th storming the Capital. Didn't help...
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FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
I will if she gets the nomination.

I do agree, however, that Biden is the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history.
Same with Trump. If he is the option, I will vote for him over Biden or any of the Dems. BUT, the question is still open. He is not the nominee. Attacking those that support Haley, DeSantis or Christie as being Neo Cons, closet liberals or any other derogatory label doesn't paint Trump/MAGA as a great uniter. It reenforces the Authoritarian/Facist fears some have about Trump, just like the idiots on Jan 6th storming the Capital. Didn't help...
Hate to tell you this, but your liberal friends were quite convinced that you are deplorable (if somewhat more benignly so than others) long before Donald Trump arrived on the scene. Remember the Iron Law of Woke Projection = anything they accuse you of is something they are already doing. Their own intolerant authoritarianism shapes their interpretation of the acts and motives of others. NEVER let people like that dictate parameters to you.

I'm probably going to vote for Vivek in the primary. He won't win it, of course, but nobody on the stage does a better job of explaining what healthy social contract looks like and that needs to be rewarded.
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whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
I will if she gets the nomination.

I do agree, however, that Biden is the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history.
Same with Trump. If he is the option, I will vote for him over Biden or any of the Dems. BUT, the question is still open. He is not the nominee. Attacking those that support Haley, DeSantis or Christie as being Neo Cons, closet liberals or any other derogatory label doesn't paint Trump/MAGA as a great uniter. It reenforces the Authoritarian/Facist fears some have about Trump, just like the idiots on Jan 6th storming the Capital. Didn't help...
Hate to tell you this, but your liberal friends were quite convinced that you are deplorable (if somewhat more benignly so than others) long before Donald Trump arrived on the scene. Remember the Iron Law of Woke Projection = anything they accuse you of is something they are already doing. Their own intolerant authoritarianism shapes their interpretation of the acts and motives of others. NEVER let people like that dictate parameters to you.

I'm probably going to vote for Vivek in the primary. He won't win it, of course, but nobody on the stage does a better job of explaining what healthy social contract looks like and that needs to be rewarded.
You keep mistaking my position has anything to do with liberal friends or whether they like me. My position is purely pragmatic. We can't have 4 more years of this crap.

If Trump wins it will be a constant slog of attacks against him. He will ensure EVERY Dem AND Independent that hates him is active and working to ensure he gets nothing done. He is unable to Govern, period. He needs to become the next Rush Limbaugh and use the media, along with his rallies, to get his message out. He is a non-starter as a Public Official and the Libs will see he never wins.

If Biden wins we are done, it will be almost impossible to recover from 4 more years of these policies. He is the worst thing that has happened to the US.

Because of those 2 suppositions, we need someone that may not be as far right as Trump, but can Govern. Haley fits that mold. She is still right of Center, but will give on some issues Dems care about more than the Avg GOPer. Media likes her and so does Industry. That means she can win and get things done. Sign me up.

No more of this polarized politics. I could care less if Libs like me or not. I see a China train coming that we are not prepared to defend.
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FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
I will if she gets the nomination.

I do agree, however, that Biden is the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history.
Same with Trump. If he is the option, I will vote for him over Biden or any of the Dems. BUT, the question is still open. He is not the nominee. Attacking those that support Haley, DeSantis or Christie as being Neo Cons, closet liberals or any other derogatory label doesn't paint Trump/MAGA as a great uniter. It reenforces the Authoritarian/Facist fears some have about Trump, just like the idiots on Jan 6th storming the Capital. Didn't help...
Hate to tell you this, but your liberal friends were quite convinced that you are deplorable (if somewhat more benignly so than others) long before Donald Trump arrived on the scene. Remember the Iron Law of Woke Projection = anything they accuse you of is something they are already doing. Their own intolerant authoritarianism shapes their interpretation of the acts and motives of others. NEVER let people like that dictate parameters to you.

I'm probably going to vote for Vivek in the primary. He won't win it, of course, but nobody on the stage does a better job of explaining what healthy social contract looks like and that needs to be rewarded.
You keep mistaking my position has anything to do with liberal friends or whether they like me. My position is purely pragmatic. We can't have 4 more years of this crap.

If Trump wins it will be a constant slog of attacks against him. He will ensure EVERY Dem AND Independent that hates him is active and working to ensure he gets nothing done. He is unable to Govern, period. He needs to become the next Rush Limbaugh and use the media, along with his rallies, to get his message out. He is a non-starter as a Public Official and the Libs will see he never wins.

If Biden wins we are done, it will be almost impossible to recover from 4 more years of these policies. He is the worst thing that has happened to the US.

Because of those 2 suppositions, we need someone that may not be as far right as Trump, but can Govern. Haley fits that mold. She is still right of Center, but will give on some issues Dems care about more than the Avg GOPer. Media likes her and so does Industry. That means she can win and get things done. Sign me up.

No more of this polarized politics. I could care less if Libs like me or not. I see a China train coming that we are not prepared to defend.
Here are the faulty assumptions in your argument::

1) that Democrats will be nice to anyone else on the stage
2) that the MSM is going to ever let the GOP message get out
3) that the Democrats want what you want (divisive politics to end).
Reality is the opposite of all three.

Recall departing approval #"s for Bushes: "Kinder, Gentler politics." "Compassionate conservatism."
Recall the rhetoric from the left during the Reagan years ("fascist," "loose canon," gonna get us nuked....")
Democrats do not play nice.
Anybody who does not agree with is deplorable.
The caucus of "people like you" (not terribly ideological) in the Democrat Party is vanishingly small, and declining, but more important.....they invariably appreciate the radicals in their caucus, see them as allies, are glad that someone else has to do the unseemly part of politics (throwing bombs at the other side), and work together them in tandem, motte & bailey and/or good cop/bad cop.... How many lefties on this board have ever criticized anyone on their side AT ALL much less the way it is fashionable for Republicans to criticize Donald Trump.

Wake up. Politics is a polarizing business for the left. It's what they do. And it's going to go on for at least 4 more years, because the two nominees are BOTH polarizing people.

I'm sure you heard in your uniform days the phrase "if you're taking flak, you're over the target." Trump is both flawed and undisciplined, but the primary reason he takes flak is because he's over the target. Democrats fear him not because of his flaws but because they know he is fearless and will NOT back down. They can't bully him to get the big compromise (like Bush 41 agreeing to a tax increase). So they have to bully all his supporters to abandon him. Don't fall for it. They'll do the same thing to you no matter how nice you are.

If Democrats are not squealing like stuck pigs over your nominee, you nominated the wrong person.
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whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Standing behind the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history? No thanks. Trump has no business being in public office. HOW ABOUT YOU STANDING BEHIND HALEY? She can actually Govern.
I will if she gets the nomination.

I do agree, however, that Biden is the most polarizing, destructive politician in our history.
Same with Trump. If he is the option, I will vote for him over Biden or any of the Dems. BUT, the question is still open. He is not the nominee. Attacking those that support Haley, DeSantis or Christie as being Neo Cons, closet liberals or any other derogatory label doesn't paint Trump/MAGA as a great uniter. It reenforces the Authoritarian/Facist fears some have about Trump, just like the idiots on Jan 6th storming the Capital. Didn't help...
Hate to tell you this, but your liberal friends were quite convinced that you are deplorable (if somewhat more benignly so than others) long before Donald Trump arrived on the scene. Remember the Iron Law of Woke Projection = anything they accuse you of is something they are already doing. Their own intolerant authoritarianism shapes their interpretation of the acts and motives of others. NEVER let people like that dictate parameters to you.

I'm probably going to vote for Vivek in the primary. He won't win it, of course, but nobody on the stage does a better job of explaining what healthy social contract looks like and that needs to be rewarded.
You keep mistaking my position has anything to do with liberal friends or whether they like me. My position is purely pragmatic. We can't have 4 more years of this crap.

If Trump wins it will be a constant slog of attacks against him. He will ensure EVERY Dem AND Independent that hates him is active and working to ensure he gets nothing done. He is unable to Govern, period. He needs to become the next Rush Limbaugh and use the media, along with his rallies, to get his message out. He is a non-starter as a Public Official and the Libs will see he never wins.

If Biden wins we are done, it will be almost impossible to recover from 4 more years of these policies. He is the worst thing that has happened to the US.

Because of those 2 suppositions, we need someone that may not be as far right as Trump, but can Govern. Haley fits that mold. She is still right of Center, but will give on some issues Dems care about more than the Avg GOPer. Media likes her and so does Industry. That means she can win and get things done. Sign me up.

No more of this polarized politics. I could care less if Libs like me or not. I see a China train coming that we are not prepared to defend.
Here are the faulty assumptions in your argument::

1) that Democrats will be nice to anyone else on the stage
2) that the MSM is going to ever let the GOP message get out
3) that the Democrats want what you want (divisive politics to end).
Reality is the opposite of all three.

Recall departing approval #"s for Bushes: "Kinder, Gentler politics." "Compassionate conservatism."
Recall the rhetoric from the left during the Reagan years ("fascist," "loose canon," gonna get us nuked....")
Democrats do not play nice.
Anybody who does not agree with is deplorable.
The caucus of "people like you" (not terribly ideological) in the Democrat Party is vanishingly small, and declining, but more important.....they invariably appreciate the radicals in their caucus, see them as allies, are glad that someone else has to do the unseemly part of politics (throwing bombs at the other side), and work together them in tandem, motte & bailey and/or good cop/bad cop.... How many lefties on this board have ever criticized anyone on their side AT ALL much less the way it is fashionable for Republicans to criticize Donald Trump.

Wake up. Politics is a polarizing business for the left. It's what they do. And it's going to go on for at least 4 more years, because the two nominees are BOTH polarizing people.

I'm sure you heard in your uniform days the phrase "if you're taking flak, you're over the target." Trump is both flawed and undisciplined, but the primary reason he takes flak is because he's over the target. Democrats fear him not because of his flaws but because they know he is fearless and will NOT back down. They can't bully him to get the big compromise (like Bush 41 agreeing to a tax increase). So they have to bully all his supporters to abandon him. Don't fall for it. They'll do the same thing to you no matter how nice you are.

If Democrats are not squealing like stuck pigs over your nominee, you nominated the wrong person.

Nice has nothing to do with anything. Nor like or any of the other warm fuzzy words you are using to undermine my position. It has to do with Governing.

Winning a polarizing war of an election is not going to move the Country forward. It is setting us up for more polarizing war and people who play the zero sum game are fueling it. Trump and this attitude is what brought on the nuclear option we saw in 2020.

You think running him again is going to make things better or worse think he can actually win? He is probably not even going to make it to the election as a candidate. You are going to find the GOP sitting in September with no candidate and having destroyed the only viable Republican running. Backing Trump is very short sighted.
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Ever wonder why the GOP is worthless?

Fyodor explains it all. Dostoevsky's The Possessed reveals the spiritual and intellectual dimensions of this long process and the malevolent spirit behind it.

A conversation between the story's provincial governor, Von Lembke, and the nihilist revolutionary Peter Verkhovensky nicely encapsulates the mentality and path of conservatism in the modern era:

"We have responsibilities, and as a result we also serve the common cause as you do. We are only holding back what you loosen and what without us would scatter in various directions.

We're not your enemies; hardly so. We're saying to you: go forward, make progress, even shatter, that is, everything that is subject to alteration; but when needed, we will keep you within the necessary boundaries and save you from yourselves, because without us you would only send Russia into upheaval, depriving her of a proper appearance, and our duty is to look after proper appearances.

Understand that you and I are mutually necessary to each other. In England Tories and Whigs also need each other. Now then, we're Tories, and you're Whigs…"

"Well, however you like it," murmured Peter Stepanovich. "Nevertheless you are paving the way for us and preparing our success."

Written 150 years ago on the other side of the planet before the Whigs went extinct, the author could easily be discussing the Romneys, McCains, Hannitys, Shapiros, Haleys, and Christies of our modern era...a Republican parasite class that has grown wealthy by making a show of opposing the radical left while silently letting them advance the ball down the field. You can add Mike "I'm going to side with the LGBT lobby for a 40k campaign donation from hospitals" Dewine to that list.
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Jack Bauer
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Redbrickbear said:

CNN headline:

'Infamous brown white supremacist mansplains to innocent hero journalist'
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boognish_bear said:

These two losers…

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The only thing Chris Christie is gonna be leading is the buffet line at Golden Corral.
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.
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Redbrickbear said:

Yes, the huge support from the Left in recent weeks for Nikki Haley tells me something is amiss.

This is my new batting order:

1. Ron DeSantis

2. Donald Trump

3. Nikki Haley (will hold my nose and vote for her because she is not Joe Biden.)
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.
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Redbrickbear said:

Yes, the huge support from the Left in recent weeks for Nikki Haley tells me something is amiss.

This is my new batting order:

1. Ron DeSantis

2. Donald Trump

3. Nikki Haley (will hold my nose and vote for her because she is not Joe Biden.)

Nikki has to be lower than that.

The fact that big democrat money is pouring into her campaign tells me that Christie or Vivek would be better than her
Whiskey Pete
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Redbrickbear said:


Redbrickbear said:

Yes, the huge support from the Left in recent weeks for Nikki Haley tells me something is amiss.

This is my new batting order:

1. Ron DeSantis

2. Donald Trump

3. Nikki Haley (will hold my nose and vote for her because she is not Joe Biden.)

Nikki has to be lower than that.

The fact that big democrat money is pouring into her campaign tells me that Christie or Vivek would be better than her
I'd put RFK Jr. above Nikki Haley
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Redbrickbear said:


Redbrickbear said:

Yes, the huge support from the Left in recent weeks for Nikki Haley tells me something is amiss.

This is my new batting order:

1. Ron DeSantis

2. Donald Trump

3. Nikki Haley (will hold my nose and vote for her because she is not Joe Biden.)

Nikki has to be lower than that.

The fact that big democrat money is pouring into her campaign tells me that Christie or Vivek would be better than her

Funny how she was a Rock Star until she actually has a shot to knock off Trump, now she is a Pariah... Life long Conservative, successfully Governed a pro-work State, did well on World stage and she is not qualified! Yet Vivek who never Governed anything and clearly has no understanding of Government is a viable Candidate? Or Trump who messed it up the first time so much he was impeached twice and is in Court over his actions as President, he is good?

Frigging Bizzarro world!
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Redbrickbear said:

Yes, the huge support from the Left in recent weeks for Nikki Haley tells me something is amiss.

This is my new batting order:

1. Ron DeSantis

2. Donald Trump

3. Nikki Haley (will hold my nose and vote for her because she is not Joe Biden.)

1. DeSantis
2. Haley
3. ( write in )
4th and Inches
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FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:


Redbrickbear said:

Yes, the huge support from the Left in recent weeks for Nikki Haley tells me something is amiss.

This is my new batting order:

1. Ron DeSantis

2. Donald Trump

3. Nikki Haley (will hold my nose and vote for her because she is not Joe Biden.)

Nikki has to be lower than that.

The fact that big democrat money is pouring into her campaign tells me that Christie or Vivek would be better than her

Funny how she was a Rock Star until she actually has a shot to knock off Trump, now she is a Pariah... Life long Conservative, successfully Governed a pro-work State, did well on World stage and she is not qualified! Yet Vivek who never Governed anything and clearly has no understanding of Government is a viable Candidate? Or Trump who messed it up the first time so much he was impeached twice and is in Court over his actions as President, he is good?

Frigging Bizzarro world!

all 3 are viable canidates..

Pour out the blue koolaide

All you have to do is be over 35 and such..
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