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"This is a joke right."

The joke, such as it is, is suggesting our only choice is to trust the bureaucrats or trust the politicians.

I'd suggest we tell politicians and bureaucrats to limit their actions to duties enumerated in the Constitution.

We need an Army, we don't need an NSA.

We need a Treasury, we don't need an EPA.

We need a Federal Court System, we don't need a Disinformation Bureau.

You catch the drift yet?
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Whiskey Pete
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FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

"it takes time. Many times, longer than an elected cycle"

And this is part of the problem. Necessary changes either don't get made, or are made so incrementally and slowly that they fail.

And let's not forget that some changes are made very fast, such as new regulations limiting what Americans may buy with their money or do with their own resources.

A lot of those agencies need to be HQ'd somewhere other than D.C. That's also a huge part of the problem
A totally simplistic view, especially as new technology is being integrated with legacy equipment. The impacts of these items are wide ranging and impact many industries. There is a reason for that, the answers are not black and white. There are always trade-offs.

I am not familiar with that. I am speaking about what I know and see, mostly transportation and tech related. A lot of what we have in place serves a purpose and is not stuff just anyone can do. I would imagine DOE is similar, there are very few in the Nation that can speak intelligently about nuclear power or even the electric grid. It is not popular on this site, but I don't want a real estate agent that wins an election determining safety issues. There is a reason that an individual Congressman can't operate on their own.

As for your other point, agree 100%. I have no issue with that.
Holy cow... you speak about your fear about Trump becoming a dictator, but yet you would trust a lifelong unelected bureaucrat with no accountability to the public to make decisions on behalf of the American people.

Wow, just wow. Oligarch much?

Congress doesn't operate based an individual Congressman.
You want elected officials, whose qualifications are nothing more than winning an election, determining if plane travel is safe? Determining how to run an electric grid? Or, whether or not traffic signals are reliable?

You do realize that most elected officials are attorneys. They have no idea how often planes should be maintained or how close they can fly to each other. Most could not tell you how a traffic signal controller works or even what it does. or anyone of literally thousands of decisions that impact safety and health. Yet, they should decide because they are accountable 4 years from now. This is a joke right.

You've already argued that politicians just tell the agencies what to do anyway, so how about we demand that the politicians vote on the rules and regulations that they're telling the alphabets to implement, for you know, transparency and accountability.

It's kind of hard to have a government by the people for the people when the unelected crats are not accountable to, you know, the people.
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Oldbear83 said:

"Trump needs to embrace it, because it is necessary. But he won't"

Exactly wrong. Trump correctly understands that the sheer bureaucracy of federal agencies has reached obscene hardship on businesses and many Americans, especially the poor who cannot afford the legal resources needed to work out a rational arrangement.

As one anecdotal account, my brother has Parkinson's and cannot use either leg nor his left arm. He therefore applied for Social Security benefits and Medicaid. After ignoring his application for two months, an SSA agent finally agreed to an interview, but demanded my brother appear in person at the downtown office on a Monday morning to satisfy this agent's skepticism regarding his despite sworn affidavits from multiple doctors.

My brother's doctor chose to show up in person and all but shouted at the agent's callous disregard for the hardship his demand would impose on a disabled person, especially since the rules made clear that medical documents were sufficient. The SSA hack was completely unsuited to the role of his job.

Consider the fact that the IRS gives out the wrong advice about 15% of the time to taxpayers, but still penalizes taxpayers for the IRS' own mistake.

IRS Advice Isn't Always Right - CBS News

Consider why so many Americans support Trump in the classified documents case. For all the noise, this boils down to a disagreement between clerks at the Archive and a former elected President of the United States, and a double-standard application of the law out of what looks more and more like pure political spite.

My point is that sooner or later, almost everyone will be abused by this monolith of a federal government, and God help anyone who offends the pride of someone in a government job.

Where Trump should do better, is to bring up abuses against other people by those same government hacks. Trump would also do well to offer concrete suggestions on reforming those unelected roles. To me at least, there are few government offices which would not be made better by tying job cuts to complaints by citizens.

Our federal government has become a dystopian nightmare: Orwellian, Randian, Huxleyan, Collinsian, or whatever. Probably elements of each. Our cities sometimes resemble the Hunger Games in an urban landscape with gang members "competing" for the prize. Our corrupt leaders have even brought in fresh blood by opening the borders to M13 & other foreign gangs. Who knows what hidden motives the thousands of Chinese nationals might have who "Clueless Joe" has allowed in.

“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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FLBear5630 said:

historian said:

The bureaucrats create rules & regulations, which have the force of law, and then enforce them, often ruthlessly and with extreme bias. Some of these federal agencies have their own police forces with military gear, not just the ATF. The IRS is adding 87,000 enforcers. Apparently, those hiring them wanted them to be willing to use deadly force.

While it is true that Congress authorized this gross injustice & does nothing to stop it (another reason for congressional term limits), it's the bureaucrats who are often guilty of grotesque crimes & grossly illegal & unconstitutional behavior. Meanwhile, we the people lose our money to the bloated leviathan & lose our freedoms one by one.

No wonder the fascists want to disarm us: they are more tyrannical than the British were in 1776!
It would be much worse without.

I have no issues with overreaches being dealt with up to and including prosecution. But, you have to do it.

In addition, you say that enforcement is bias and ruthless. Then the standard needs to change, that is on Congress. Hard to say someone is doing their job wrong when they are within the laws on the books. Change it.

You can't run a Nation of 365 million without some level of professional civil service. It will be Fed or State. There will be a leviathan, there is no getting around it. You are not cutting the Fed in half. You will actually pay the private e. sector more and have more risk of corruption.

The U.S. managed fine for decades with a much smaller government. Probably at least half of the federal government serves no legitimate purpose. Most government agencies are parasitical and arguably unconstitutional as well.

I'm not suggesting anarchy is an acceptable alternative but I would love to see a real leader follow the example of Milliel in Argentina, chainsaw and all! Cut the government in half, at least, removing every unnecessary agency and keeping only the essential. Then cut the staff of each in half. If I could have my dream, we would repeal the 16th amendment and would no longer need the IRS.

Also, every government agency needs to be audited regularly and every government should be held to a higher standard. If they cannot or will not do their jobs serving the people, then fire them. Those found to have committed crimes should be punished to the full extent of the law.

We would be better off having more government functions performed at the state & local level, just as the Founding Fathers envisioned. Those functions that can be privatized should be. It's easier to hold private individuals & corporations accountable than government bureaucrats.

“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

historian said:

The bureaucrats create rules & regulations, which have the force of law, and then enforce them, often ruthlessly and with extreme bias. Some of these federal agencies have their own police forces with military gear, not just the ATF. The IRS is adding 87,000 enforcers. Apparently, those hiring them wanted them to be willing to use deadly force.

While it is true that Congress authorized this gross injustice & does nothing to stop it (another reason for congressional term limits), it's the bureaucrats who are often guilty of grotesque crimes & grossly illegal & unconstitutional behavior. Meanwhile, we the people lose our money to the bloated leviathan & lose our freedoms one by one.

No wonder the fascists want to disarm us: they are more tyrannical than the British were in 1776!
In addition, you say that enforcement is bias and ruthless. Then the standard needs to change, that is on Congress. Hard to say someone is doing their job wrong when they are within the laws on the books. Change it.
It needs to change, that's why we've been arguing for it, the change. Trump is more likely try to change this than Biden or any other Democrat (or many Republicans who are in DC now). Our elected "leaders" are perfectly fine not having their vote tied to anything


You will actually pay the private sector more and have more risk of corruption.
LOL... yeah, because the government, especially bureaucrats accountable to no voter is less corrupt than private business that's accountable to their stock holders and their customers/clients
Not tied to anything? I am losing you here.

You may want to do a little research on how the Professional Civil Service came about and how Teddy Roosevelt (Conservative enough?) championed Civil Service reform away from what you describe. There is a reason that it developed like it did.

As for the Private Sector, what you describe IS the reason you can't have the Private Sector in charge of Government. They are beholden to the Stock Holder, not the public good. This is American National Government 101 stuff... What you describe is a nightmare of political spoils.
Tied to public record. Too many politicians are more than willing to allow a bureaucrat in DC make decisions that they themselves should be deciding. Much easier to allow the CDC to try an unsurp property rights instead of they themselves voting for an eviction moratorium.

Let me spell this out for you... the alphabets should not have the power to issue regulations and rules that are treated like law. The alphabets should issue their findings/recommendations/guidelines/etc... to Congress and let our elected leaders (that's held accountable by the voter) vote on such rules/regs that are treated like a law and affect the everyday lives of Americans.

I"m pointing out that it's absurd for you to think that private businesses, which are actually held accountable by stock holders AND the public - you know, their clients/customers, that you think they're more likely to be corrupt than lifelong DC bureaucrats who are NOT held accountable by the public.

But hey, since you're for the power that the alphabets wield and you believe they take orders from politicians anyway, then you shouldn't have an issue with Trump (if he won) calling up the FTC and telling them to issue a new rule that bans any products sold America that are not made in America.

This is an excellent idea: use essential government agencies as advisory bodies but with no authority to create rules or regulations.

But more reforms are necessary: everything the government dies should be completely open & transparent. Obama & others claimed to do that but they had all kinds of secret meetings making major decisions behind closed doors that impact everyone and the records have been sealed to protect the guilty from prosecution.

I believe we will only see real change when significant numbers of these corrupt individuals in government begin long prison terms.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Harrison Bergeron said:

The reality is bureaucracies get way to big whether public or private, but the public sector lacks the profit motive than can keep private bureaucracies in check.

There are likely several departments that should close or be reduced.

I really like the idea of moving the physical locations across the country.

Half should be shut down permanently, the rest should be reduced in size by at least 50%. No one in government should get an automatic raise or pension, especially elected officials or top level executive officials. Only core institutions should be in the Washington area. The FBI most definitely does not need a new HQ! It's one of those agencies that should be eliminated.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Changes take years? Obama of Biden signs an executive order & new regulations are imposed almost immediately! If bureaucracies can become more powerful that quickly, gutting them should be fine more quickly.

Who is more likely to successfully reduce the deep state: a Washington insider with cozy relationships with many of them or an outsider like Trump? I don't like him but I think he has a greater chance of "draining the swamp" than almost anyone.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Has anyone else noticed how the insane "Green New Deal" (more like a raw deal) has been quietly imposed on this country although Congress voted against it? These insane policies are one of the primary drivers behind Bidenflation.

Domestic oil production is down and gas prices are significantly higher, and going up. By this summer, they might again be close to twice what they were when we had a real president who cared about America. Diesel fuel prices are particularly high, because of government rules.

Here's a thought experiment: when is the last time you bought anything from any source that was not transported by container ship, railroad, or semi trailer for at least part of its voyage? Probably nothing unless you bought produce from a local farmers market or the like. Every single one of those modes of transportation runs on diesel fuel. That's one reason for insane grocery prices (& everything else).
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

Has anyone else noticed how the insane "Green New Deal" (more like a raw deal) has been quietly imposed on this country although Congress voted against it? These insane policies are one of the primary drivers behind Bidenflation.

Domestic oil production is down and gas prices are significantly higher, and going up. By this summer, they might again be close to twice what they were when we had a real president who cared about America. Diesel fuel prices are particularly high, because of government rules.

Here's a thought experiment: when is the last time you bought anything from any source that was not transported by container ship, railroad, or semi trailer for at least part of its voyage? Probably nothing unless you bought produce from a local farmers market or the like. Every single one of those modes of transportation runs on diesel fuel. That's one reason for insane grocery prices (& everything else).
I agree with you. Green New Deal is insane.
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One America News, a right-wing cable news network, on Monday retracted a report claiming that Donald J. Trump's former fixer had been the person who actually had an affair with the porn star whose claims of a sexual relationship with Mr. Trump are key to his criminal trial.

The retraction came after the fixer, Michael D. Cohen, hired a leading defamation lawyer to address the false report, which was posted on the network's website on March 27.
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Expect this to be a key issue in the fall…..moving in Trump's direction.


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Oldbear83 said:

we don't need an EPA.

We need a Federal Court System

You catch the drift yet?

Do we? It seems as if the Federal Court System is increasingly a place where .gov pursues political goals of the left instead of doing things like enforcing immigration law. Perhaps we dont need a DOJ or Federal Court System, just a Supreme Court to arbitrate disputes between states.
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Oldbear83 said:

"This is a joke right."

The joke, such as it is, is suggesting our only choice is to trust the bureaucrats or trust the politicians.

I'd suggest we tell politicians and bureaucrats to limit their actions to duties enumerated in the Constitution.

We need an Army, we don't need an NSA.

We need a Treasury, we don't need an EPA.

We need a Federal Court System, we don't need a Disinformation Bureau.

You catch the drift yet?
So the EPA has done nothing of value. We would be in the exact same place, even better without them relying on the private sector. They would just volunteer to spend more money.

Oh, the courts would take care of it. Using what standards or laws? How will you determine what is in those laws? Hire the private sector to tell the Courts? Will there be a standard or will it be based on what study you can hire? Afterall, we know water and air stop at jurisdictional boundaries.

The NSA provides nothing? We need an Army, but no intel. If we need intel the CIA can do it, so let's expand the authority of the CIA to include comms and signal, that will things better.

Whether you like it or not, these Departments serve purposes. It is the reality of being the USA, China, India, Russia, GB vs Iceland.
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Polling in specific trial outcomes. None are dispositive. Counterintuitively, the federal trials seem to have the least impact.

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Dude, we had more than a dozen official intelligence agencies before the NSA was set up.

Pop quiz: Do you even know the difference between the responsibilities of the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Director of the National Security Agency?

Can you, without looking it up, tell me the difference between the NSA and the NNSA?

Point is the monster has grown beyond absurd proportions, to the point that even people in the IC are sometimes confused about who has control of an activity, if anyone.

And that of course ignores little ventures like the ISA or contracting drone strikes to third-party NGOs.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

Dude, we had more than a dozen official intelligence agencies before the NSA was set up.

Pop quiz: Do you even know the difference between the responsibilities of the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Director of the National Security Agency?

Can you, without looking it up, tell me the difference between the NSA and the NNSA?

Point is the monster has grown beyond absurd proportions, to the point that even people in the IC are sometimes confused about who has control of an activity, if anyone.

And that of course ignores little ventures like the ISA or contracting drone strikes to third-party NGOs.
The world has grown to absurd proportions, much more technical and smaller at the same time. Margin of error is almost non-existent. Yet, you choose situational awareness in the world where you want to cut?

You will be the first to scream and applaud for cutting NSA, say others can do it and then ***** about Government employee incompetence when signal intel gets missed. They perform different missions, different agencies exist for different reasons. We are talking a Nation of 365 million.

Just the fact that you are going by initials shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

NSA and NNSA have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. You want a signal/commo guy managing our nuclear national security? I would bet that the NSA doesn't have anyone that can work on nuclear propulsion for the Navy.

You are a perfect example of the MAGA, yell and want action based on little information and not know what the ramifications will be.

God, I hope that people like this never get in power.
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The problem boyo is not me, but all those unelected tyrants you are so comfy holding power over everything.

And we both know you looked up the NNSA. You probably don't know why the NNSA is not in charge of the NEST teams (before you google it it's the Dept of Energy runs those boys). I do, because in my work I have met some of them. But go ahead and pretend I am just some bumpkin because it makes you feel like a big guy when you can pretend your ego means something.

You just love you some Establishment, the bigger the better. Very East Germany of you, son.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

The problem boyo is not me, but all those unelected tyrants you are so comfy holding power over everything.

And we both know you looked up the NNSA. You probably don't know why the NNSA is not in charge of the NEST teams (before you google it it's the Dept of Energy runs those boys). I do, because in my work I have met some of them. But go ahead and pretend I am just some bumpkin because it makes you feel like a big guy when you can pretend your ego means something.

You just love you some Establishment, the bigger the better. Very East Germany of you, son.
Love? Feelings don't enter into it. It is need beyond having enough money for yourself. It takes a lot or resources to make sure drinking water is safe wherever you go in the US. It takes a lot to provide energy. I can go down the list.

Short sighted people that have no idea of the effort and scale of what the US/State and Local Govts do everyday cause problems. They think they know, but in reality have no idea. But, seem to be the loudest in their contempt and arrogance that they are right.

I have no idea of the complexity of managing National intelligence and security, I NEVER would tell them what they need to get it done. Saying whole Agencies should be done away with because the acronym is similar??? A new level of idiocy. Yet, would never admit it was a stupid comparison. This is the **** that scares the hell out of me about Trump's followers they are all like you.

We have educated people here saying that all rules and regulations in 2024 should only be determined by elected people. The experts that spend their lives working on these areas, really have no role. You getting on a plane if that goes into effect?
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Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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And broad-brushing tens of millions of voters does not make you look smart or enlightened, it just makes you a bigot.

For example, I probably know more about the NNSA than you do, because I have worked with international contracts that had to pass Export Compliance rules, including the maze of nuclear energy infrastructure. Even though my group dealt with Valves & Measurement and had nothing to do at all with fissile material, we still had to be compliant with directives from multiple agencies, and in that effort I came across people in government roles who were sometimes brilliant and on the ball, and far more often useless mandarins who had no clue of how the tools were to be used, but they served as useful bullies who protected their department's budget, even though nothing they did had anything to do with Safety, Security or the performance of our product.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.

Doc Holliday
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KaiBear said:

historian said:

All too often the bureaucrats cannot handle it, especially when they are not held accountable.

Some bureaucrats despise entrepreneurs because they instinctively realize they did not they have the guts or brains to succeed in the private sector.

Once had a fed bureaucrat blatantly attempt to deny my operation participation in a federal herd reduction program because he couldn't stand the thought of a 27 year old owner getting more compensation over a 3 year period than he would acquire in salary in over a decade.

While still in his office I simply called the assistant secretary of agriculture and got accepted.

The local slob was furious to get overruled.

40 years later I still remember his name.

That's awesome!
Doc Holliday
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FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
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Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
I agree. We can always make it more efficient. We actually have a problem in Public Service attracting good people to stay. There is an aspect of working for a Govt Agency where you can make a real difference. I worked on getting a small community in the Panhandle water purification and remediation from Benzene in the 90's. Those 450 people were better off after we did that. Building roads, parks, infrastructure can make a difference for generations, which is why I stay in it.

But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.

Actually, getting a PhD in this subject for when I am done. We need people teaching that focus on project delivery and how to actually turn these policies into tangible, real assets. Sorely lacking in the younger generations, we need more people that take pride in standing on a 290 million dollar bridge and knowing they helped make it happen. Too many people looking to cash out and don't care. More interested in investments than leaving the place better. Rant over...
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More polling on the impact of the trials….

Whiskey Pete
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FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
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Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
That is a different issue.

I agree. If they are not doing their jobs and not providing factual information they should be replaced. Public sector needs same level of performance as private.

Congress DOES pass laws. Executive Branch has regulatory authority, not laws. Can't tell you it is illegal to build a car, but can tell you the performance standards to use it on the roads. There will always be push and shove on those standards. Let me be clear, the standards have to be for everyone. Ford can't operate under a different set of rules as GM.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Whiskey Pete
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
That is a different issue.

I agree. If they are not doing their jobs and not providing factual information they should be replaced. Public sector needs same level of performance as private.

Congress DOES pass laws. Executive Branch has regulatory authority, not laws. Can't tell you it is illegal to build a car, but can tell you the performance standards to use it on the roads. There will always be push and shove on those standards. Let me be clear, the standards have to be for everyone. Ford can't operate under a different set of rules as GM.
Problem is though that these regulations and rules are all too often treated like law. These administrations have become too powerful and too big for their britches (see CDC thinking they have authority over private property rights). Too many of these bureaucrats have become lazy, agenda driven and powerful. They've become lifelong D.C.ers that are out of touch, live in a bubble full of lobbyists and special interest.

Too many of our politicians are too comfortable with letting the alphabets issue rules and regulations so they don't need to put their name on a vote.

Rules and regulations should be (at least) approved by Congress. But like I said, our political "leaders" are way too comfortable with authorizing these agencies to have the power to create rules and regs, it's easier that way. The electeds don't have to put their name on a vote that way.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
That is a different issue.

I agree. If they are not doing their jobs and not providing factual information they should be replaced. Public sector needs same level of performance as private.

Congress DOES pass laws. Executive Branch has regulatory authority, not laws. Can't tell you it is illegal to build a car, but can tell you the performance standards to use it on the roads. There will always be push and shove on those standards. Let me be clear, the standards have to be for everyone. Ford can't operate under a different set of rules as GM.
Problem is though that these regulations and rules are all too often treated like law. These administrations have become too powerful and too big for their britches (see CDC thinking they have authority over private property rights). Too many of these bureaucrats have become lazy, agenda driven and powerful. They've become lifelong D.C.ers that are out of touch, live in a bubble full of lobbyists and special interest.

Too many of our politicians are too comfortable with letting the alphabets issue rules and regulations so they don't need to put their name on a vote.

Rules and regulations should be (at least) approved by Congress. But like I said, our political "leaders" are way too comfortable with authorizing these agencies to have the power to create rules and regs, it's easier that way. The electeds don't have to put their name on a vote that way.
CDC is tough. Disease and its spread makes it difficult. Supreme Court has ruled in the Govt's favor on health and welfare. These are usually backed by law. I am on the fence. I get it of why they have those powers, but watching COVID play out was frustrating. In FL we were lucky. DeSantis had common sense. MA where my daughter lives was devastated by the restrictions. She has still not recovered health-wise. Not COVID, the live style she had to live and its effects.

I get that we need standards on how clean water should be. How planes should operate and be maintained. Those things. Some of the others, we are not far off...
Whiskey Pete
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
That is a different issue.

I agree. If they are not doing their jobs and not providing factual information they should be replaced. Public sector needs same level of performance as private.

Congress DOES pass laws. Executive Branch has regulatory authority, not laws. Can't tell you it is illegal to build a car, but can tell you the performance standards to use it on the roads. There will always be push and shove on those standards. Let me be clear, the standards have to be for everyone. Ford can't operate under a different set of rules as GM.
Problem is though that these regulations and rules are all too often treated like law. These administrations have become too powerful and too big for their britches (see CDC thinking they have authority over private property rights). Too many of these bureaucrats have become lazy, agenda driven and powerful. They've become lifelong D.C.ers that are out of touch, live in a bubble full of lobbyists and special interest.

Too many of our politicians are too comfortable with letting the alphabets issue rules and regulations so they don't need to put their name on a vote.

Rules and regulations should be (at least) approved by Congress. But like I said, our political "leaders" are way too comfortable with authorizing these agencies to have the power to create rules and regs, it's easier that way. The electeds don't have to put their name on a vote that way.
CDC is tough. Disease and its spread makes it difficult. Supreme Court has ruled in the Govt's favor on health and welfare. These are usually backed by law. I am on the fence. I get it of why they have those powers, but watching COVID play out was frustrating. In FL we were lucky. DeSantis had common sense. MA where my daughter lives was devastated by the restrictions. She has still not recovered health-wise. Not COVID, the live style she had to live and its effects.

I get that we need standards on how clean water should be. How planes should operate and be maintained. Those things. Some of the others, we are not far off...
We can not have a country where unelected bureaucrats can make rules and regulations without first getting approval from elected representatives. You can not have a country by the people and for the people when the people are unable to hold bureaucrats accountable for their actions.

Add to that, so many of the Dregs of DC are given their jobs, not because they're an expert, but because they have the right political connections. Many are also bought and paid for by special interest groups and lobbyists.

Are you for a gov't that's not accountable to its people or something?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
That is a different issue.

I agree. If they are not doing their jobs and not providing factual information they should be replaced. Public sector needs same level of performance as private.

Congress DOES pass laws. Executive Branch has regulatory authority, not laws. Can't tell you it is illegal to build a car, but can tell you the performance standards to use it on the roads. There will always be push and shove on those standards. Let me be clear, the standards have to be for everyone. Ford can't operate under a different set of rules as GM.
Problem is though that these regulations and rules are all too often treated like law. These administrations have become too powerful and too big for their britches (see CDC thinking they have authority over private property rights). Too many of these bureaucrats have become lazy, agenda driven and powerful. They've become lifelong D.C.ers that are out of touch, live in a bubble full of lobbyists and special interest.

Too many of our politicians are too comfortable with letting the alphabets issue rules and regulations so they don't need to put their name on a vote.

Rules and regulations should be (at least) approved by Congress. But like I said, our political "leaders" are way too comfortable with authorizing these agencies to have the power to create rules and regs, it's easier that way. The electeds don't have to put their name on a vote that way.
CDC is tough. Disease and its spread makes it difficult. Supreme Court has ruled in the Govt's favor on health and welfare. These are usually backed by law. I am on the fence. I get it of why they have those powers, but watching COVID play out was frustrating. In FL we were lucky. DeSantis had common sense. MA where my daughter lives was devastated by the restrictions. She has still not recovered health-wise. Not COVID, the live style she had to live and its effects.

I get that we need standards on how clean water should be. How planes should operate and be maintained. Those things. Some of the others, we are not far off...
We can not have a country where unelected bureaucrats can make rules and regulations without first getting approval from elected representatives. You can not have a country by the people and for the people when the people are unable to hold bureaucrats accountable for their actions.

Add to that, so many of the Dregs of DC are given their jobs, not because they're an expert, but because they have the right political connections. Many are also bought and paid for by special interest groups and lobbyists.

Are you for a gov't that's not accountable to its people or something?
Geez, they are accountable. Who do you think approves the budgets and sets the laws? The Executive Branch is accountable to who is elected. The Executive Branch controls a lot of Agencies, which is Constitutional. Rules and Regs are ALWAYS challenged by the Courts. You make it sound like they can take your property by Eminent Domain on a whim. There are only 2 types of cases in the State of Florida that requires a full Jury - Capital Murder and Eminent Domain. It is serious and taken very seriously.

What do you think gets approved with no oversight? I am curious.
Whiskey Pete
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Doc Holliday said:

FLBear5630 said:

Oldbear83 said:

Look, I understand that the success of the show Fallout has made 50's retro seem cool again, but these aren't the days of 'government serving the public'. It's much more a flood of overreach and abuse by people who are completely immune to consequences.

No one is saying don't use qualified people in appropriate support roles. But unelected goons should not be making policy, and I can't think of even one department which does not need some deep budget cuts.

Come on, you have to know there is no 1 answer. We need a much larger Govt than most MAGA are comfortable with to protect US interests in 2024.

Your second point is much more reasonable, of course EVERY Department can use reform and possibly funding reallocation. But, it depends on the mission and our priorities. Now is not the time to be reducing air safety, infrastructure, border, intel and defense. Should Education, Health & Human Services, Labor and some others go to the States? I agree it needs looking at even justification. No problem. Going in with a pre-conceived number not based on data and needs, no way.
I think you should look at it in a different manner. We don't need a larger government, we need an efficient, frugal and not bought and paid for government.

They've become racketeering outfits. Our tax dollars are a piggy bank or cookie jar to well connected people and they demand more taxes. The strings of bureaucracy are pulled to the tune of banks and corporations, not the people these services are supposed to be for.

We all supply enough tax dollars and wealth to the government to have more than enough welfare. It's a blend of incompetence, mismanagement, corruption and greed.
But, yes. There are those that are counting to retirement from the day they are hired. There are the zealots that are trying to push an agenda. There are the political players. No different than any other business. But to say a Nation of 365 million's elected offices don't need the expertise of these people is naive. Can we do it better? I am all for it.
The experts in the alphabets need to provide factual information, submit their analysis of it and make recommendations to congress. Congress is tasked for writing laws that affect the citizens and the country.

Really, it's true. Even says so in Article1 Section 1 of the United State Constitution
That is a different issue.

I agree. If they are not doing their jobs and not providing factual information they should be replaced. Public sector needs same level of performance as private.

Congress DOES pass laws. Executive Branch has regulatory authority, not laws. Can't tell you it is illegal to build a car, but can tell you the performance standards to use it on the roads. There will always be push and shove on those standards. Let me be clear, the standards have to be for everyone. Ford can't operate under a different set of rules as GM.
Problem is though that these regulations and rules are all too often treated like law. These administrations have become too powerful and too big for their britches (see CDC thinking they have authority over private property rights). Too many of these bureaucrats have become lazy, agenda driven and powerful. They've become lifelong D.C.ers that are out of touch, live in a bubble full of lobbyists and special interest.

Too many of our politicians are too comfortable with letting the alphabets issue rules and regulations so they don't need to put their name on a vote.

Rules and regulations should be (at least) approved by Congress. But like I said, our political "leaders" are way too comfortable with authorizing these agencies to have the power to create rules and regs, it's easier that way. The electeds don't have to put their name on a vote that way.
CDC is tough. Disease and its spread makes it difficult. Supreme Court has ruled in the Govt's favor on health and welfare. These are usually backed by law. I am on the fence. I get it of why they have those powers, but watching COVID play out was frustrating. In FL we were lucky. DeSantis had common sense. MA where my daughter lives was devastated by the restrictions. She has still not recovered health-wise. Not COVID, the live style she had to live and its effects.

I get that we need standards on how clean water should be. How planes should operate and be maintained. Those things. Some of the others, we are not far off...
We can not have a country where unelected bureaucrats can make rules and regulations without first getting approval from elected representatives. You can not have a country by the people and for the people when the people are unable to hold bureaucrats accountable for their actions.

Add to that, so many of the Dregs of DC are given their jobs, not because they're an expert, but because they have the right political connections. Many are also bought and paid for by special interest groups and lobbyists.

Are you for a gov't that's not accountable to its people or something?
Geez, they are accountable. Who do you think approves the budgets and sets the laws? The Executive Branch is accountable to who is elected. The Executive Branch controls a lot of Agencies, which is Constitutional. Rules and Regs are ALWAYS challenged by the Courts. You make it sound like they can take your property by Eminent Domain on a whim. There are only 2 types of cases in the State of Florida that requires a full Jury - Capital Murder and Eminent Domain. It is serious and taken very seriously.

What do you think gets approved with no oversight? I am curious.

Non-elected bureaucrats issuing edicts that are then treated like law are not accountable to the people.

When was the last time you voted for the head of the FTC or the ATF or the CDC or what the hell ever?

Just admit that you a big gov't fan, that you think more gov't is the answer to everything
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