446,079 Views | 8591 Replies | Last: 10 hrs ago by historian
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I hate it but this is probably accurate statement

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Redbrickbear said:

I hate it but this is probably accurate statement

just trying to vibe v. just trying to pay for gas/groceries/rent/mortgage
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Jack Bauer said:

Redbrickbear said:

I love how we are living in a country where the liberal over class routinely threatens to use military grade violence against the American people.

"Respecting norms and shoring up democratic governance" and all that stuff

If Trump said this....MSM would soil themselves.

Trump threatens citizens!!!!!!

Some of them seem to soil themselves regularly: every time Trump gains in the polls, every time there are indications of blacks & Hispanics (& others) supporting Trump in growing numbers, every time Trump gets any kind of boost from events, every time the Americans people indicate that they are NOT following the Leftist propaganda line (on the economy, on immigration, on Israel, on trans issues, on crime, etc), and so on. If Trump wins again in November, their meltdowns will likely be epic. 2016 on steroids!
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Guess he's been listening to some crypto bros

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Redbrickbear said:

Pretty severe TDS there. And some pretty severe projection by the Left.

In his first term Trump did nothing of the kind. However, over the past several years the fascists have been quite active in trying to censor various news outlets, colluding with Big Tech to silence many voices for speaking independently. You know, that pesky free speech thing. Just think of all the doctors and scientists who were prevented from having an honest discussion about treatments for COVID and everyone who was silenced for suggesting that it originated in the Wuhan lab. Plausible theories were silenced that later proved to be fact. The same is true for many other issues. And it was Obama, not Trump, who suggested that the government should have an operative in every news room.

Every time the fascists project on just about any issue, they reveal their own guilt and display their true colors.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Whiskey Pete
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historian said:

Redbrickbear said:

Pretty severe TDS there. And some pretty severe projection by the Left.

In his first term Trump did nothing of the kind. However, over the past several years the fascists have been quite active in trying to censor various news outlets, colluding with Big Tech to silence many voices for speaking independently. You know, that pesky free speech thing. Just think of all the doctors and scientists who were prevented from having an honest discussion about treatments for COVID and everyone who was silenced for suggesting that it originated in the Wuhan lab. Plausible theories were silenced that later proved to be fact. The same is true for many other issues. And it was Obama, not Trump, who suggested that the government should have an operative in every news room.

Every time the fascists project on just about any issue, they reveal their own guilt and display their true colors.
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historian said:

Redbrickbear said:

Pretty severe TDS there. And some pretty severe projection by the Left.

Its sad that we have a Media system spreading such obvious disinformation.

A President of the United States does not have the right under the Constitution to shut down the Media or arrest media talking heads.

And the Federal Judiciary would not let him even if he wanted to do so.

Again the Media that warns us about disinformation is again found to be the group spreading it over the airwaves.
Jack Bauer
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Redbrickbear said:

You guys should read Eric Lawson's "The Demon of Unrest" about the pre-civil war and Ft Sumter.

Very interesting with all the talk of polarization, Jan 6th and taking the Nation back.
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FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

You guys should read Eric Lawson's "The Demon of Unrest" about the pre-civil war and Ft Sumter.

Very interesting with all the talk of polarization, Jan 6th and taking the Nation back.

I would love to check it out.

I hope it's something other than the standard "white Southerners bad" narrative we get a lot with post 2008 civi war books

Google review does not look promising:

[I've read all of Erik Larson's books but this one left me disappointed. I felt like Erik or his publisher had a political agenda and that agenda took away from his narrative. Starting with the January 6 comparison and then continually capitalizing "Black" but not "white" as if one skin color is somehow superior to another. Divisive at best, and felt as though Erik was looking through a 2024 prism at 1860 events..]

[Probably be my last Larson book. Starts the book with a pearl clutching comparison between the events on January 6th and the Civil war. With the amount of research he put into this book, there are no perspectives from the enslaved peoples in the south or freemen in the north (save for Frederick Douglass). There are diary entries galore and many of them are not germane to the book and almost seem like filler. I half expected to see grocery lists from the era. Boring book.]

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boognish_bear said:

Guess he's been listening to some crypto bros

Ya, he's been listening to crypto bros like Larry Fink at Blackrock. The banks want bitcoin and they're loving the etfs. All of wall street was against it until they had their bags packed and were able to custody it which they now can so they're for it.

Oh, and I also love bitcoin mining just like Trump. Him saying that is fantastic for my portfolio. These BTC miners are about to make a historic run. They're a leverage play on BTC and will do a 8-15x from current levels.
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Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

You guys should read Eric Lawson's "The Demon of Unrest" about the pre-civil war and Ft Sumter.

Very interesting with all the talk of polarization, Jan 6th and taking the Nation back.

I would love to check it out.

I hope it's something other than the standard "white Southerners bad" narrative we get a lot with post 2008 civi war books

Google review does not look promising:

[I've read all of Erik Larson's books but this one left me disappointed. I felt like Erik or his publisher had a political agenda and that agenda took away from his narrative. Starting with the January 6 comparison and then continually capitalizing "Black" but not "white" as if one skin color is somehow superior to another. Divisive at best, and felt as though Erik was looking through a 2024 prism at 1860 events..]

[Probably be my last Larson book. Starts the book with a pearl clutching comparison between the events on January 6th and the Civil war. With the amount of research he put into this book, there are no perspectives from the enslaved peoples in the south or freemen in the north (save for Frederick Douglass). There are diary entries galore and many of them are not germane to the book and almost seem like filler. I half expected to see grocery lists from the era. Boring book.]

On page 12. So far mostly about Ft Sumter, which I find interesting. Haven't really delved into the social stuff yet. The little I have seen about the culture, outside of menus looks interesting and explains some behaviors. But you may be right, I do find the polarization comparison interesting.
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Jack Bauer
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They are going to literally drag him to Election Day then will dispose of him..

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No matter how one arranges the details of this election process.

Trump is going to lose.

One way or another.

Dems didn't raid his house, invent damages of hundreds of millions of dollars , and alter state laws to find a 'crime'……

just to play nice in November when it matters most.

And 90% of the media will dare the American people to do anything about it.
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KaiBear said:

No matter how one arranges the details of this election process.

Trump is going to lose.

One way or another.

Dems didn't raid his house, invent damages of hundreds of millions of dollars , and alter state laws to find a 'crime'……

just to play nice in November when it matters most.

And 90% of the media will dare the American people to do anything about it.
I disagree about the outcome, although I agree about the plan.

The dirty tricks by the Democrats goes all the way back to 2016, from Obama's DOJ finding excuses to bug Trump's tower, to the shoddy 'dossier', to a media which tried everything it could to falsely show Trump as a racist and misogynist who was 'too dangerous' to be allowed power as POTUS.

It continued with a Republican Congress which was far more interested in their friendship with Democrats than in keeping campaign promises or listening to their constituents, basically the same hypocrisy we have seen which drove support for the TEA Party and which has undermined confidence by Americans in the GOP since 1988.

It continued further when a Democrat-controlled Congress impeached Trump for suggesting Biden's interference in his son's business dealings - now more than confirmed - should be investigated. Ironically, at that time the Democrats made a great deal of noise about the unethical character of interfering with a political campaign just before an election, the kind of behavior which Democrats committed to a far greater degree in their attacks on Trump's campaign this year.

The Democrats clearly hoped to smear Trump's name with a flood of indictments and attacks, hoped to drain his money and energy through court cases, and to put Trump behind bars right before the GOP convention.

From an objective perspective, it's amazing to see how poorly this has worked out for the Democrats. It's impressive to observe that the public has seen through all this to an amazing degree, Especially among independent voters.

For Biden's part, his slide into late-stage dementia was a feature, not a bug, for the Democrats for a long time. if you go back to the winter of 2020, Biden was pulling all of 29% support, and that among Democrats. The only reason that makes sense for the DNC to effectively hand Biden and Harris the nomination, was that both agreed to basically be puppets for the DNC, which explains a lot of the policies we have seen under Biden.

But just as the GOP has been incredibly tone deaf over the years (what moron ever thought most Americans would be excited by John McCain or Mitt Romney?), the Democrats have sometimes managed to ignore the most obvious boundaries in American opinion.

I was worried at first about the charges against Trump, because I expected the Democrats to do the smart thing, which would be to dismiss charges or at least delay the trial, in order to say whatever they wanted about Trump without having to prove any of it. Instead. the Democrats went ahead on the apparent assumption that Trump would not only lose, but also humiliate himself by his words and actions.

Events proved otherwise.

Trump is a walking outlier. He is no conservative, yet his first term was the best result in conservative goals since Reagan left office. He cannot control his mouth, yet his enemies constantly humiliate themselves.

Donald Trump is a hopelessly narcissistic con man. Yet he may well be the only man standing between a future pursuing Reagan's 'City on a hill' and a dystopian nightmare.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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LFG!!!!!! Best idea ive heard yet.
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Oldbear83 said:

KaiBear said:

No matter how one arranges the details of this election process.

Trump is going to lose.

One way or another.

Dems didn't raid his house, invent damages of hundreds of millions of dollars , and alter state laws to find a 'crime'……

just to play nice in November when it matters most.

And 90% of the media will dare the American people to do anything about it.
I disagree about the outcome, although I agree about the plan.

The dirty tricks by the Democrats goes all the way back to 2016, from Obama's DOJ finding excuses to bug Trump's tower, to the shoddy 'dossier', to a media which tried everything it could to falsely show Trump as a racist and misogynist who was 'too dangerous' to be allowed power as POTUS.

It continued with a Republican Congress which was far more interested in their friendship with Democrats than in keeping campaign promises or listening to their constituents, basically the same hypocrisy we have seen which drove support for the TEA Party and which has undermined confidence by Americans in the GOP since 1988.

It continued further when a Democrat-controlled Congress impeached Trump for suggesting Biden's interference in his son's business dealings - now more than confirmed - should be investigated. Ironically, at that time the Democrats made a great deal of noise about the unethical character of interfering with a political campaign just before an election, the kind of behavior which Democrats committed to a far greater degree in their attacks on Trump's campaign this year.

The Democrats clearly hoped to smear Trump's name with a flood of indictments and attacks, hoped to drain his money and energy through court cases, and to put Trump behind bars right before the GOP convention.

From an objective perspective, it's amazing to see how poorly this has worked out for the Democrats. It's impressive to observe that the public has seen through all this to an amazing degree, Especially among independent voters.

For Biden's part, his slide into late-stage dementia was a feature, not a bug, for the Democrats for a long time. if you go back to the winter of 2020, Biden was pulling all of 29% support, and that among Democrats. The only reason that makes sense for the DNC to effectively hand Biden and Harris the nomination, was that both agreed to basically be puppets for the DNC, which explains a lot of the policies we have seen under Biden.

But just as the GOP has been incredibly tone deaf over the years (what moron ever thought most Americans would be excited by John McCain or Mitt Romney?), the Democrats have sometimes managed to ignore the most obvious boundaries in American opinion.

I was worried at first about the charges against Trump, because I expected the Democrats to do the smart thing, which would be to dismiss charges or at least delay the trial, in order to say whatever they wanted about Trump without having to prove any of it. Instead. the Democrats went ahead on the apparent assumption that Trump would not only lose, but also humiliate himself by his words and actions.

Events proved otherwise.

Trump is a walking outlier. He is no conservative, yet his first term was the best result in conservative goals since Reagan left office. He cannot control his mouth, yet his enemies constantly humiliate themselves.

Donald Trump is a hopelessly narcissistic con man. Yet he may well be the only man standing between a future pursuing Reagan's 'City on a hill' and a dystopian nightmare.

My opinion of Trump has changed after watching him endure weeks of unrelenting attacks.

Dude has some major league guts.
Most billionaire narcissists would have long since quit.

But Trump somehow manages to keep a schedule that would exhaust anyone else currently in government.

He still loses , but Trump is putting on a epic performance.
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Vote for Trump anyway. It's what Tom Paine would do.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Good for Trump

Trump Endorses Larry Hogan for Senate

Former president Donald Trump on Thursday endorsed former Maryland governor Larry Hogan for the state's open Senate seat.
Asked by Fox News reporter Aishah Hasnie whether he'd support Hogan's bid, Trump replied: "I'd like to see him win. I think he has a good chance to win. . . . I know other people made some strong statements, but I can just say from my standpoint, I'm about the party and I'm about the country. And I would like to see him win."
Trump's surprising sudden approval of Hogan comes after the Senate GOP nominee defended a New York jury's recent conviction of the former president in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case.
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Local Church Hosting Fun 'Jan 6'-Themed VBS This Summer
LEXINGTON, KY Children of devout congregants are in for a treat later this month as a local church announced it would host a fun "Jan 6"-themed edition of Vacation Bible School this summer.
Abundant River Church promised to recreate all the most beloved and exciting features of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, giving kids the opportunity to "storm the church" and experience what it was like on the day democracy itself came under attack by unarmed protesters.
"Stage an 'insurrection' for Jesus this year!" said VBS coordinator Stacy Jenkins. "On the morning of the first day, every child will receive a red MAGA baseball cap and a small American flag to wave as they gather outside the church building. From there, the doors will be opened and the kids will be welcomed and waved in by VBS volunteers dressed as U.S. Capitol Police officers!"
Children of Abundant River Church are eager to spend the week engaging in seditious behavior. "It's going to be so much fun!" said fourth-grader Daniel Langford. "I heard there will be grown-ups posing as kids outside the church riling up the crowd and urging all the kids to enter the building. And once we get inside, we'll get to calmly stroll through the halls of the church, pose for selfies, and carry around the pastor's pulpit! I can't wait!"
At publishing time, Jenkins confirmed that children caught misbehaving at VBS would be placed in solitary confinement without any due process, just like the real Jan 6 protesters.
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Osodecentx said:

Good for Trump

Trump Endorses Larry Hogan for Senate

Former president Donald Trump on Thursday endorsed former Maryland governor Larry Hogan for the state's open Senate seat.
Asked by Fox News reporter Aishah Hasnie whether he'd support Hogan's bid, Trump replied: "I'd like to see him win. I think he has a good chance to win. . . . I know other people made some strong statements, but I can just say from my standpoint, I'm about the party and I'm about the country. And I would like to see him win."
Trump's surprising sudden approval of Hogan comes after the Senate GOP nominee defended a New York jury's recent conviction of the former president in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case.
Trump has either changed his campaign advisors or is finally listening to the ones he has.

As recently Trump has been saying something helpful to his campaign rather than his usual self destructive bull *****

Probably too little too late though.
4th and Inches
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KaiBear said:

Osodecentx said:

Good for Trump

Trump Endorses Larry Hogan for Senate

Former president Donald Trump on Thursday endorsed former Maryland governor Larry Hogan for the state's open Senate seat.
Asked by Fox News reporter Aishah Hasnie whether he'd support Hogan's bid, Trump replied: "I'd like to see him win. I think he has a good chance to win. . . . I know other people made some strong statements, but I can just say from my standpoint, I'm about the party and I'm about the country. And I would like to see him win."
Trump's surprising sudden approval of Hogan comes after the Senate GOP nominee defended a New York jury's recent conviction of the former president in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case.
Trump has either changed his campaign advisors or is finally listening to the ones he has.

As recently Trump has been saying something helpful to his campaign rather than his usual self destructive bull *****

Probably too little too late though.
he doesnt need to change that many minds to win.. he is gaining ground in many voter demographic areas.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

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HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

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Gotta love Babylon Bee!!
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Biden and the Dems have helped Trump so much already. If they keep it up, he might win by a landslide!
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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"This dismissal along with Hunter Biden's conviction based on evidence taken from the laptop is a vindication for Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Costello as well as all of the media outlets who broke the laptop story in 2020 and suffered orchestrated censorship by social media, the leftist mainstream media, and others who engaged in election interference," Giuliani's attorney Joe Sibley said n a statement to The Post.
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KaiBear said:

No matter how one arranges the details of this election process.

Trump is going to lose.

One way or another.

Dems didn't raid his house, invent damages of hundreds of millions of dollars , and alter state laws to find a 'crime'……

just to play nice in November when it matters most.

And 90% of the media will dare the American people to do anything about it.
I'd run that scenario differently, because it presumes the Republic is already over. We're close, but I don't think we're quite there yet. Too many things Dems still do not control completely enough. But, if I'm wrong about that, here's what you should worry most about.

I've talked often about the "margin of fraud" = 3%. Dems can pull that many votes out of the woodwork. Beyond that, it gets increasingly difficult to hide the mathematical anomalies that result from stuffing ballot boxes. As long as the system can respond to prevent or remedy obvious "anomalies," it's pointless to go to the effort to steal one outside that 3% margin. You lose the election and in the process you lose your "infrastructure and technology."

but what if Dems assess that the system can no longer recognize or remedy voter or election fraud? What if they control, or at least have enough influence in enough of the right places to ensure the judicial and law enforcement apparatus will either allow or outright abet the fraud? Then the Dems have incentive to go for the kill shot: steal one right out in the open. Let their opponents flail about trying to remedy the situation legally, hoping.....hoping....HOPING.....their opponents will take to the street. Once they do, Dems have their Reichstag Fire moment and pounce. No question Dems want to do that. No question they have the ability to do it in blue jurisdictions. We've been watching it happen over a very close election outcome.

The only real question is, do they have the stones to do that on a national basis over a NOT very close election, say a popular vote loss to a GOP candidate who significantly exceeded his 304EV win in 2016? Just trot out completely improbable election results in swing states and dare anyone to contest them. Seek to criminalize every protest, no matter how small. Even a Facebook post asking questions about the outcome will bring the FBI to your door for an interview. Even criminalize your opponents lawsuits as part of the conspiracy to steal an election. That allows you to round up your opposition. At least, it allows you to round up the most effective ones, the grassroots leaders, the fundraisers, etc..... Decapitation of your entire political opposition central nervous system.

If this election keeps trending toward Trump, as it should, the Dems are going to be terrified of accountability and reforms that degrade their ability to game the system. That will sorely temp them to steal one regardless of margin. They definitely have the infrastructure to do it. But will they? Whether or not they do is simply a matter of will - are they willing to deal with the consequences of doing so? What if all the J6 investigations and Trump lawfare is a defacto trial run.

If you are correct about Dems not allowing Trump to win, no matter what, you should be worrying about a helluva lot more than another 4 years of Biden. You should be worried about calamity leading to one-party state.
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KaiBear said:

Osodecentx said:

Good for Trump

Trump Endorses Larry Hogan for Senate

Former president Donald Trump on Thursday endorsed former Maryland governor Larry Hogan for the state's open Senate seat.
Asked by Fox News reporter Aishah Hasnie whether he'd support Hogan's bid, Trump replied: "I'd like to see him win. I think he has a good chance to win. . . . I know other people made some strong statements, but I can just say from my standpoint, I'm about the party and I'm about the country. And I would like to see him win."
Trump's surprising sudden approval of Hogan comes after the Senate GOP nominee defended a New York jury's recent conviction of the former president in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case.
Trump has either changed his campaign advisors or is finally listening to the ones he has.

As recently Trump has been saying something helpful to his campaign rather than his usual self destructive bull *****

Probably too little too late though.
He does have new campaign management. And they are very experienced, very good. His campaign is firing on all cylinders and there's no question he's being a more disciplined candidate. But the Hogan endorsement would have happened anyway. Trump has been quite pragmatic about other electeds - they work with him, he'll work with them. He only goes after the ones who get off the reservation.

Trump knows he needs every vote he can get in the Senate, and Hogan has a chance to win a blue seat. The next two Senate cycles will not afford many pick-up opportunities for the GOP. Trump has to pick up as many as he can now, because we will be playing defense in 2026 & 2028.

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