446,481 Views | 8593 Replies | Last: 32 min ago by boognish_bear
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Not if he sleeps 12-18 hours per day!
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Whiskey Pete
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whiterock said:

Whiskey Pete said:

historian said:

Ideally the 16th amendment will be repealed and there will be no income taxes at all. The Founding Fathers were correct on that one, as with so many other important issues. However, I don't think it is likely alto happen ever. Too many states have income taxes and spend upon them to pay for their hair-brained schemes to rip off the people. Repealing an amendment would require a new amendment & 75% of states would need to ratify for it to happen. We would be lucky if we could get 30-40% of the states to go along with it.

Trump's idea about tips is brilliant because it helps ordinary people at the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum and wouldn't really harm anyone. It wouldn't even reduce government revenues much because I cannot imagine the govt gets very much from taxes on tips. It could even give service industries a boost as waiters, etc would be incentivized to provide better service & thus earn more tips. I see it as a win win scenario.

I'm pleased that Sen. Ted Cruz and other members of Congress are already on board to make it law should Trump win. This could be part of a new Contract with America.
I tend to agree with almost everything you say, but I'm going to disagree on this one.

I don't feel that we should carve out groups of people that don't need to pay their fair share. Don't care what kind of job they have or how much they make.
ya gotta win elections, too, or your ideas will never even get voted on.

The tips proposal is about the young person vote. It's historically always been a strongly blue demographic with very low turnout numbers. Mail-in voting changes that. Trump lost it by typically large number in 2020 (25pt margin), but more importantly the turnout grew in every state over 2018 and was over 50% turnout in all the swing states.

That has changed in 2024. Polls show Biden has only a 2pt lead with young voters, but more importantly, a third are backing some third party candidate. Very high third party voting means dissatisfaction with mainstream candidates, and that usually bodes for lower overall turnout. Add in white hot negative campaigning for both sides, which tends to turn off voters and drive down turnout, and Trump could actually win this demographic.

Winning a national election is all about putting together a coalition, an equation of winning a large enough percentage of enough demographics to prevail. When running against an incumbent, you have to eat away at his coalition. You don't necessarily have to win any of the demographics that are part of his equation. You just have to nibble away enough in enough places while growing your own coalition. Biden has lost over 20% points with the youth vote, and the very high 3rd party support shown in polling suggest we will see lower turnout levels in the youth vote. So Biden is at risk of getting a drastically smaller percentage of a lower overall turnout in this demo. That is very, very bad math in a close election. He has to make it up somewhere else. And he can't easily do that. He's at risk of losing the hispanic vote outright, and somewhere between 10-30pts in the black vote. in addition, amidst Biden's struggles with the hispanic and black votes, we see most of his trouble is with the male demographic and the YOUNGER demographic. It's black males and black youth that are abandoning the Democrat party, etc....

That's the context in which the tip proposal occurs. Who lives on tips? Mostly young people.

I think you can also safely assess the proposal about green cards for illegals with college degrees in the same light. Who are illegals with college degrees? Mostly young people who've been here in mainstream society for a good long while. And what do college students tend to have? An active social life. Friends. Threatening to deport a boyfriend or girlfriend or good friend or best friend or popular classmate? Good way to lose votes in the youth demographic.

We are seeing the Trump campaign engage in good strategic targeting of blue demographics to destroy Democrats victory math.

Sorry man, I'm not going to give a pass on something I wholeheartedly disagree with just because I'd rather have Trump win than Biden.

I'm still voting from Trump, but I'm still going to call out what I don't like. And I don't like carving out a group of people that don't need to pay their fair share of federal income tax.

I think charities should be taxed, churches should be taxed the NFL taxed too. I think everyone company, every organization and every person should be treated equally. I'm had my fill of this group or that group doesn't need to pay for this or pay that.

Frankly, I'm sick and tired of politicians writing legislation (or loopholes) for votes. I understand he's trying to win an election, but I don't like pandering.
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FLBear5630 said:

he is a con-man. If anyone is the "Swamp" it is Bannon. He is literally everything you guys hate. Look at his background: Harvard, Georgetown, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood. He is the coastal elite. He is using your frustrations to make millions and worse to direct power.

Look at what he says and how much actually comes to pass. When called on it, he moves the goal posts. Sorry, the guy is using you and the Whiterocks of the world to make his money and play the man behind the curtain.

He pulls cliches and turns them into war cries for the frustrated. We are talking full out Goebbels and Ulrich stuff here. That is why I think he is a clown.

If he is everything you say he is, then he is an exceptionally poor con man in light of the federal prison sentence he is facing. People like Hannity and his "tick tock" shtick are the real con men.

Desantis has those same roots - and a military background to boot.
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Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

he is a con-man. If anyone is the "Swamp" it is Bannon. He is literally everything you guys hate. Look at his background: Harvard, Georgetown, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood. He is the coastal elite. He is using your frustrations to make millions and worse to direct power.

Look at what he says and how much actually comes to pass. When called on it, he moves the goal posts. Sorry, the guy is using you and the Whiterocks of the world to make his money and play the man behind the curtain.

He pulls cliches and turns them into war cries for the frustrated. We are talking full out Goebbels and Ulrich stuff here. That is why I think he is a clown.

If he is everything you say he is, then he is an exceptionally poor con man in light of the federal prison sentence he is facing. People like Hannity and his "tick tock" shtick are the real con men.

Desantis has those same roots - and a military background to boot.
DeSantis isn't making a living being a bomb-thrower on the internet. DeSantis never called to burn it down. Big difference.

You really think Bannon thought he was going to have to serve that sentence? He is still trying to weasel out. He quotes Civil Disobedience and our rights to go against the Govt but he leaves out the consequences part. It should all go his way, he should be able to thumb his nose at Congress, but when the time comes to take the consequences where is he? Thomas Paine went and did his prison term. The Viet Nam draft dodgers left the US. That is Civil Disobedience, you break the law you pay the price. Bannon doesn't think that way because he doesn't believe what he says. It is a show to make money. To get people like you riled up and send money.

You want to follow Bannon have at it. Just don't tell me he is some how legit and an American hero...
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FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

According to FOX, Biden is up by 2.

Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May | Fox News
I like to see polls, but rarely give them any weight this far out. The funny thing about this latest Fox News poll is that it has Biden beating Trump among rural voters, which we both know ain't happening.

Whiterock's showing Trump is winning are welded as fact. Anything showing Biden winning, we know that ain't happening...

Don't tell me, if Biden wins it was stolen. It couldn't be that there are a fair number of people that wouldn't trust Trump holding their coat, never mind in power. You guys went with the Primary numbers that this thing is a lock for Trump. Hell, Whiterock say 2/3 of the US is in line with Bannon! You are underestimating the number of people that are either liberal OR hate Trump. This is not going to be a landslide win for Donald. The closer we get the more the status quo will play in.

About 25% of the population is liberal, smaller than either liberals or moderates.

I'm posting stuff from a lot of polling units, some GOP and some less so. Most of it favorable to Trump, like this from NYT:

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whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

According to FOX, Biden is up by 2.

Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May | Fox News
I like to see polls, but rarely give them any weight this far out. The funny thing about this latest Fox News poll is that it has Biden beating Trump among rural voters, which we both know ain't happening.

Whiterock's showing Trump is winning are welded as fact. Anything showing Biden winning, we know that ain't happening...

Don't tell me, if Biden wins it was stolen. It couldn't be that there are a fair number of people that wouldn't trust Trump holding their coat, never mind in power. You guys went with the Primary numbers that this thing is a lock for Trump. Hell, Whiterock say 2/3 of the US is in line with Bannon! You are underestimating the number of people that are either liberal OR hate Trump. This is not going to be a landslide win for Donald. The closer we get the more the status quo will play in.

About 25% of the population is liberal, smaller than either liberals or moderates.

I'm posting stuff from a lot of polling units, some GOP and some less so. Most of it favorable to Trump, like this from NYT:

From what I am seeing and reading, Trump should win this thing. Biden really does not have a story to tell, besides Trump negatives from 2020. Trump is now in what he does very well, talk to people. He is very effective. If I were in his Admin, I would have a 1/2 hour every week on TV and do fireside/beachside chats. He would knock that out of the park. If he keeps talking to the WHOLE nation, not just MAGA, he will win. He is doing much better. It is like the Court case experience helped him as a candidate on how to do this...

What I find interesting is the Biden Admin struggling to explain positives. Never seen that before, like they have no ideal what is going on. Mainly on the economy, there have been positives but Biden can't get the message. It is like they don't understand it themselves... Strange.
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Lots of demo cross tabs to analyze, showing considerable erosion for Biden from 2020 performance. ,

Whiskey Pete
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FLBear5630 said:

Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

he is a con-man. If anyone is the "Swamp" it is Bannon. He is literally everything you guys hate. Look at his background: Harvard, Georgetown, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood. He is the coastal elite. He is using your frustrations to make millions and worse to direct power.

Look at what he says and how much actually comes to pass. When called on it, he moves the goal posts. Sorry, the guy is using you and the Whiterocks of the world to make his money and play the man behind the curtain.

He pulls cliches and turns them into war cries for the frustrated. We are talking full out Goebbels and Ulrich stuff here. That is why I think he is a clown.

If he is everything you say he is, then he is an exceptionally poor con man in light of the federal prison sentence he is facing. People like Hannity and his "tick tock" shtick are the real con men.

Desantis has those same roots - and a military background to boot.
DeSantis isn't making a living being a bomb-thrower on the internet. DeSantis never called to burn it down. Big difference.

You really think Bannon thought he was going to have to serve that sentence? He is still trying to weasel out. He quotes Civil Disobedience and our rights to go against the Govt but he leaves out the consequences part. It should all go his way, he should be able to thumb his nose at Congress, but when the time comes to take the consequences where is he? Thomas Paine went and did his prison term. The Viet Nam draft dodgers left the US. That is Civil Disobedience, you break the law you pay the price. Bannon doesn't think that way because he doesn't believe what he says. It is a show to make money. To get people like you riled up and send money.

You want to follow Bannon have at it. Just don't tell me he is some how legit and an American hero...

Are we talking about the same Bannon that Trump fired?

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In the clip he calls RFK "a total fake"

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Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

he is a con-man. If anyone is the "Swamp" it is Bannon. He is literally everything you guys hate. Look at his background: Harvard, Georgetown, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood. He is the coastal elite. He is using your frustrations to make millions and worse to direct power.

Look at what he says and how much actually comes to pass. When called on it, he moves the goal posts. Sorry, the guy is using you and the Whiterocks of the world to make his money and play the man behind the curtain.

He pulls cliches and turns them into war cries for the frustrated. We are talking full out Goebbels and Ulrich stuff here. That is why I think he is a clown.

If he is everything you say he is, then he is an exceptionally poor con man in light of the federal prison sentence he is facing. People like Hannity and his "tick tock" shtick are the real con men.

Desantis has those same roots - and a military background to boot.
DeSantis isn't making a living being a bomb-thrower on the internet. DeSantis never called to burn it down. Big difference.

You really think Bannon thought he was going to have to serve that sentence? He is still trying to weasel out. He quotes Civil Disobedience and our rights to go against the Govt but he leaves out the consequences part. It should all go his way, he should be able to thumb his nose at Congress, but when the time comes to take the consequences where is he? Thomas Paine went and did his prison term. The Viet Nam draft dodgers left the US. That is Civil Disobedience, you break the law you pay the price. Bannon doesn't think that way because he doesn't believe what he says. It is a show to make money. To get people like you riled up and send money.

You want to follow Bannon have at it. Just don't tell me he is some how legit and an American hero...

Are we talking about the same Bannon that Trump fired?

Yes the one that lasted all of 6 months when he had a chance to make a real difference not just talk about it.
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Whiskey Pete
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boognish_bear said:

Good. He should walk it back, it's a stupid idea. Glad to see he's able to he's capable of ditching a dumb idea instead of doubling down on it - like his opponent.
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boognish_bear said:

If he keeps this up, in January he can write a book titled "The Idiot's Guide To Losing An Election". Let's see who the VP pick is, and whether or not they incarcerate him next month.
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Whiskey Pete said:

boognish_bear said:

Good. He should walk it back, it's a stupid idea. Glad to see he's able to he's capable of ditching a dumb idea instead of doubling down on it - like his opponent.

Headline says his "campaign" walks it back....not necessarily Trump himself. If it comes up at the debate he may get the chance to walk it back himself.
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boognish_bear said:

Whiskey Pete said:

Headline says his "campaign" walks it back....not necessarily Trump himself. If it comes up at the debate he may get the chance to walk it back himself.

I guarantee a CNN moderator is going to bring this up. Whatever answer Trump gives, he either depresses turnout amongst his voters, or encourages turnout on the left. This "debate" has two goals. One I just mentioned, the other is to test drive Biden to see if they need to replace him before November.
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I'd also add that Trump should never have agreed to debate.

He simply should have said: "Debates are theoretical. Both I and my opponent have a four year track record. If you like inflation, war, and mass illegal immigration you should vote for him."
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I understand the reasoning in the main but I like Trump's proposal because it makes economic sense. It's a tax cut for the bottom of the pay scale only. They are the people who need it most, especially under Bidenflation. I do not agree that taxes & charities should be taxed. Many do important things & better than when the govt tries to.

Your overall point illustrates why the Founding Fathers were wise to ban income taxes altogether and why we should go back to that. But I don't see it ever happening.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Biden doesn't have any positives. All the ones he claims are lies or deceptions. For examples, prices might be a bit lower then a couple months ago but they are still much higher than under Trump. Gasoline is 20 cents a gallon lower than in the Spring but still more than a dollar a gallon higher than January 2021. Milk, cereal, eggs, etc are still significantly higher and orange juice just went up quite a bit. Bidenflation is real and everyone knows it.

One reason gas prices have declined is that Biden has dipped into our Strategic Reserves again. They are already dangerously low but he never replenished them so that we are vulnerable if & when a crisis strikes. And Biden seems determined to create crises. Biden's weaknesses embolden Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. Biden's economic policies have been almost universally terrible. Forcing the rest of us to pay off student loans for rich Leftists is a clear example. Talk about pandering!

Most important to many, Biden has opened the border up to illegal aliens adding to the Leftist-caused crime wave. We see these illegals raping & murdering Americans across the country & the Leftist authorities in places like New York & California do nothing or worse, release them back into the public repeatedly so they can rampage more. Biden is the greatest coyote in history and the cartels control our border. And Biden's criminal schemes are blatantly transparent: it's obvious that the fascists want these illegals in America to steal elections. They are openly pushing for giving them the vote and govt agencies are handing out voter registration cards like Halloween candy.

The fascists keep proving Trump correct: many of the illegals are thugs & gang bangers & the 2020 election was stolen. It's scary to think how many illegals might be terrorists. Or how many are members of China's army. We cannot forget that the ChiComs are Biden's paymasters. The many ways the Dems are openly trying to steal 2024 leads to the obvious conclusion, bolstered by abundant evidence, that they did so in 2020. Biden is a crook and a traitor while Trump was only convicted because the entire trial was an unconstitutional sham.

Trump led us in a time of peace and relative prosperity. Biden is the opposite. The American people are not as stupid as the Left assumes.

Biden's focus is on perversion and destruction: he wants to kill more babies in the womb, mutilate more children, and generally push the trans & pervert agenda. Most Americans agree more with the people who did donuts on the rainbow street murals.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

he is a con-man. If anyone is the "Swamp" it is Bannon. He is literally everything you guys hate. Look at his background: Harvard, Georgetown, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood. He is the coastal elite. He is using your frustrations to make millions and worse to direct power.

Look at what he says and how much actually comes to pass. When called on it, he moves the goal posts. Sorry, the guy is using you and the Whiterocks of the world to make his money and play the man behind the curtain.

He pulls cliches and turns them into war cries for the frustrated. We are talking full out Goebbels and Ulrich stuff here. That is why I think he is a clown.

If he is everything you say he is, then he is an exceptionally poor con man in light of the federal prison sentence he is facing. People like Hannity and his "tick tock" shtick are the real con men.

Desantis has those same roots - and a military background to boot.
DeSantis isn't making a living being a bomb-thrower on the internet. DeSantis never called to burn it down. Big difference.

You really think Bannon thought he was going to have to serve that sentence? He is still trying to weasel out. He quotes Civil Disobedience and our rights to go against the Govt but he leaves out the consequences part. It should all go his way, he should be able to thumb his nose at Congress, but when the time comes to take the consequences where is he? Thomas Paine went and did his prison term. The Viet Nam draft dodgers left the US. That is Civil Disobedience, you break the law you pay the price. Bannon doesn't think that way because he doesn't believe what he says. It is a show to make money. To get people like you riled up and send money.

You want to follow Bannon have at it. Just don't tell me he is some how legit and an American hero...

Are we talking about the same Bannon that Trump fired?

Yes the one that lasted all of 6 months when he had a chance to make a real difference not just talk about it.
he's had way more influence outside than inside of government. That's true for a lot of people. In a very real sense, the media IS the main arena of politics and the electeds are just functionaries.
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FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Whiskey Pete said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

According to FOX, Biden is up by 2.

Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May | Fox News
I like to see polls, but rarely give them any weight this far out. The funny thing about this latest Fox News poll is that it has Biden beating Trump among rural voters, which we both know ain't happening.

Whiterock's showing Trump is winning are welded as fact. Anything showing Biden winning, we know that ain't happening...

Don't tell me, if Biden wins it was stolen. It couldn't be that there are a fair number of people that wouldn't trust Trump holding their coat, never mind in power. You guys went with the Primary numbers that this thing is a lock for Trump. Hell, Whiterock say 2/3 of the US is in line with Bannon! You are underestimating the number of people that are either liberal OR hate Trump. This is not going to be a landslide win for Donald. The closer we get the more the status quo will play in.

About 25% of the population is liberal, smaller than either liberals or moderates.

I'm posting stuff from a lot of polling units, some GOP and some less so. Most of it favorable to Trump, like this from NYT:

From what I am seeing and reading, Trump should win this thing. Biden really does not have a story to tell, besides Trump negatives from 2020. Trump is now in what he does very well, talk to people. He is very effective. If I were in his Admin, I would have a 1/2 hour every week on TV and do fireside/beachside chats. He would knock that out of the park. If he keeps talking to the WHOLE nation, not just MAGA, he will win. He is doing much better. It is like the Court case experience helped him as a candidate on how to do this...

What I find interesting is the Biden Admin struggling to explain positives. Never seen that before, like they have no ideal what is going on. Mainly on the economy, there have been positives but Biden can't get the message. It is like they don't understand it themselves... Strange.
unpopular incumbents typically have no positives that matter. The main issues of importance to movement liberals and movement conservatives never change much. Politics is a matter of principle for them. But for that bunch in the middle......the issues that matter change a lot from cycle to cycle. And right now, the ones that matter to the bunch in the middle are all CAUSED by Democrat policies that liberals believe are true and just. So Biden is quite limited on what he can do.....other than beat up on Trump, who of course has already been beat up for years. Problem with that is, Trump has a cast iron floor (none of his supporters will leave him) and many of the objectionable things about him play well IN THIS CYCLE given the issues at play IN THIS CYCLE.

That's why you see Dems apparently lining up to run this election on "Trump is a threat to democracy" and abortion (rather than issues that matter far more to the electorate at this point in time). They can't say their candidate(s) is(are) better than Trump on the issues that matter most. They have to try to change voters minds on the set of issues that matter most. That is doable, at least in theory, but not easy to accomplish.

That line of reasoning is why I have been saying that the election is likely to be close, but if it does yawn open in one direction or the other, it's more likely to move Trump's direction than Biden's. It's just hard to put much weight on scenarios where Biden opens up the big lead. Too many factors weighing against him. At the same time, the stage appears far better set for the appeals of a populist candidate.
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This is only one city but emblematic off the Left in general:

“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

Biden doesn't have any positives. All the ones he claims are lies or deceptions. For examples, prices might be a bit lower then a couple months ago but they are still much higher than under Trump. Gasoline is 20 cents a gallon lower than in the Spring but still more than a dollar a gallon higher than January 2021. Milk, cereal, eggs, etc are still significantly higher and orange juice just went up quite a bit. Bidenflation is real and everyone knows it.

One reason gas prices have declined is that Biden has dipped into our Strategic Reserves again. They are already dangerously low but he never replenished them so that we are vulnerable if & when a crisis strikes. And Biden seems determined to create crises. Biden's weaknesses embolden Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. Biden's economic policies have been almost universally terrible. Forcing the rest of us to pay off student loans for rich Leftists is a clear example. Talk about pandering!

Most important to many, Biden has opened the border up to illegal aliens adding to the Leftist-caused crime wave. We see these illegals raping & murdering Americans across the country & the Leftist authorities in places like New York & California do nothing or worse, release them back into the public repeatedly so they can rampage more. Biden is the greatest coyote in history and the cartels control our border. And Biden's criminal schemes are blatantly transparent: it's obvious that the fascists want these illegals in America to steal elections. They are openly pushing for giving them the vote and govt agencies are handing out voter registration cards like Halloween candy.

The fascists keep proving Trump correct: many of the illegals are thugs & gang bangers & the 2020 election was stolen. It's scary to think how many illegals might be terrorists. Or how many are members of China's army. We cannot forget that the ChiComs are Biden's paymasters. The many ways the Dems are openly trying to steal 2024 leads to the obvious conclusion, bolstered by abundant evidence, that they did so in 2020. Biden is a crook and a traitor while Trump was only convicted because the entire trial was an unconstitutional sham.

Trump led us in a time of peace and relative prosperity. Biden is the opposite. The American people are not as stupid as the Left assumes.

Biden's focus is on perversion and destruction: he wants to kill more babies in the womb, mutilate more children, and generally push the trans & pervert agenda. Most Americans agree more with the people who did donuts on the rainbow street murals.
True, but as with any President if the economy does better, whether their doing or not, they get credit.

There are some social things, you may not agree, that many of the younger voters do think are good.

Even the open border will appeal to those with families trying to get here, the promise of amnesty would be viewed as a positive.

Just because you don't agree doesn't mean there is not a case to be made. Biden is doing horribly at it. He has negatives a mile high and he can't even make a case for what Dems would consider positives.
Whiskey Pete
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historian said:

I understand the reasoning in the main but I like Trump's proposal because it makes economic sense. It's a tax cut for the bottom of the pay scale only. They are the people who need it most, especially under Bidenflation. I do not agree that taxes & charities should be taxed. Many do important things & better than when the govt tries to.

Your overall point illustrates why the Founding Fathers were wise to ban income taxes altogether and why we should go back to that. But I don't see it ever happening.
Baylor sits on how many millions of dollars worth or property? They pay zero in property taxes. That's not right, when everyday homeowner's property taxes goes up year after year after year after year - yes, I realize that's more a state issue and less a federal issue, but it's still a tax.

You say churches and charities do good, the next American make think they don't. Take Planned Parenthood for example, they're a charity.

If we want a free and equal country, everything, every company, every person, every organization needs to be treated exactly the same. Too many people get carved out of paying their fair share or carved out exemptions for other types of law - it's not right.

Take California for instance, fast food minimum wage raised to $20 per hour, except Panera Bread (big contributor to Gavin Newsom) gets an exemption because they make bread - is that right?

Trump wants to not tax tips? Great, then raise the standard deduction so that everyone is treated the same. Let's say that an average worker who relies on tips for their wages, earns an average $35,000 per year, if they are poor, then everyone who earns $35,000 a year is poor (regardless if their income is salary or tips). Great, then raise standard deduction to $35K so that everyone is treated equally.

We need to stop carving out people that aren't bound by current laws or taxes.
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It's generally true that the president gets credit or blame for the economy depending upon how good is doing. However Obama got credit even when the economy wasn't doing well. It helps if all the media and Big Tech in much of corporate America is on your side.

Biden is such a bumbling idiot & the economy is such an obvious disaster, it's not working gif him. All gif propagandists in the media look like idiots themselves when trying to promote the corrupt, incompetent, old pervert.

I knows plenty of people think it's ok to kill babies or mutilated the bodies if children. They are flat out wrong and nothing will change that. I still believe most Americans know better. As for the border, more and more Americans agree with Trump and this could be the issue that wins the election for him. Significant numbers of blacks and Hispanics are supporting him because of this and the economy. Once solid blue states, like Minnesota & New York, are in play because of it. Once again, common sense is prevailing over propaganda & hyper-pettiness by the Left.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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I do like the idea of a higher standard deduction. No one making less than $20k should pay income taxes. Ultimately, the goal is to eliminate income taxes completely.

Property taxes should be frozen at some point. Cities, counties, & states need to learn to economize the same as the federal government. Every entity with pension funds should be required to maintain them at a certain level. This is a huge problem hanging over everyone's heads because the amount of money promised to people (real entitlements) far exceeds our insane national debt. Almost 600%:


“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

I do like the idea of a higher standard deduction. No one making less than $20k should pay income taxes. Ultimately, the goal is to eliminate income taxes completely.

Property taxes should be frozen at some point. Cities, counties, & states need to learn to economize the same as the federal government. Every entity with pension funds should be required to maintain them at a certain level. This is a huge problem hanging over everyone's heads because the amount of money promised to people (real entitlements) far exceeds our insane national debt. Almost 600%:


Agree, except cities are being required to provide more services and rebuild infrastructure that is well beyond the property tax revenue potential. User fees are coming, more than just tolls. In transportation, the gas tax played a huge role and that is in decline. What replaced that to stay even? People do not realize the cost of providing public services and I infrastructure 365/24/7 at a public safety level. It is not like retail, this stuff has to work every time or someone is injured or dies. A traffic signal goes out it is back operational in hours, not weeks. Trash pick up, you want to see disease and other issues? Let trash go.

Most all local governments are part of the State retirement or ICMA, very few maintain their own retirement and those that do want out of that mess!
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FLBear5630 said:

historian said:

I do like the idea of a higher standard deduction. No one making less than $20k should pay income taxes. Ultimately, the goal is to eliminate income taxes completely.

Property taxes should be frozen at some point. Cities, counties, & states need to learn to economize the same as the federal government. Every entity with pension funds should be required to maintain them at a certain level. This is a huge problem hanging over everyone's heads because the amount of money promised to people (real entitlements) far exceeds our insane national debt. Almost 600%:


Agree, except cities are being required to provide more services and rebuild infrastructure that is well beyond the property tax revenue potential. User fees are coming, more than just tolls. In transportation, the gas tax played a huge role and that is in decline. What replaced that to stay even? People do not realize the cost of providing public services and I infrastructure 365/24/7 at a public safety level. It is not like retail, this stuff has to work every time or someone is injured or dies. A traffic signal goes out it is back operational in hours, not weeks. Trash pick up, you want to see disease and other issues? Let trash go.

Most all local governments are part of the State retirement or ICMA, very few maintain their own retirement and those that do want out of that mess!
All those seem like great reasons to cut out a lot of the non-essential items.

Bond elections, even with crazy low voter turnout, is a great way to let the citizens decide what is important.
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interesting poll here showing Dems have done a great job of elevating "threats to Democracy" as an issue, to #2 overall. Unfortunately, they are on the wrong side of that issue. More voters are concerned about the Dem lawfare than the Rep riots on federal property. (...smile...)

Trump is up by 7pts at 48-41, and Rep enthusiasm is well ahead of Dem enthusiasm (suggesting higher percentages of GOP turnout).

Poll also infers that RFKJR will get the lion's share of undecided votes, which would be a nail in the coffin for the Democrats.

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