sombear said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
sombear said:
Mothra said:
sombear said:
Whiskey Pete said:
Mothra said:
sombear said:
MT_Bear said:
historian said:
Yes, Trump is weak & a coward! Here is those characteristics on display recently:

He's a whiny ***** that some one here claim has "guts" because he found the bravery to answer some journalists' questions. He's a coward who ducked the military with bone spurs. He's a snowflake who can't take the tiniest criticism without having a full-on meltdown.
You want to vote for him, do so. I support you. But this worshipping of a man with absolute dog**** for character isn't the example we should be setting for our kids.
You're on a roll, and I love it. Truth. And now that he sees he's losing (again) it will only get worse.
MT's absolutely correct. But what you NT's fail to see is the forest through the trees.
What's your alternative, if you are an actual conservative? Stand on "principle," which will lead to 4, and potentially 8 years of a Harris admin? 8 years of disastrous policies? Losing the Supreme Court? Foreign wars, and potentially war with Russia? Open borders? Racking up trillions in debt? 4 to 8 years of woke social policies? Legislation mandating the right to an abortion?
Can't stand Trump. But when the alternative for conservatives is to put a gun to their head and pull the trigger, I'll take DT every time.
Eh, he hates Trump more than he loves America.
I hate Trump because I love America. We're better than him. He's everything I was raised not to be and that I raise my boys not to be.
You're a smart poster, and we probably agree 95% of the time, but your logic here is truly baffling.
I am a dad of three boys, and I likewise raised my boys to be good and decent men. In that regard, there isn't a single president in their lifetimes that I've held up as role models or someone to emulate. To the contrary, every single one of them had significant character flaws.
The real questions you should be asking yourself is this: Will a Kamala presidency be better for my boys? Will her decisions and policies be better for their futures?
My answers to these questions is why I believe that as a conservative, the only ethical and moral vote is Trump. And I say that as someone who agrees with you on Trump. It galls me that he is the only viable option for me and my family.
Here's the thing. I totally get your position. Heck, it was my position in '16 and '20. It remains the position of my parents and my sister, my wife, her parents and brothers, and our two sons (though one is waffling). My daughter and I are all alone in Now Never Trump Land . . . but I could no longer look her or my sons in the eye and justify Trump support.
And it's all a matter of degree. It's a balancing of Trump's lack of character with short and long term consequences of the Dems winning in '24. In my and my daughter's view, that balance now militates against Trump. I can no longer support him and truly believe we'll be better off in the long run if we wash our hands now - rip the band aid off.
You say there's not a single President . . . . But I have a different standard. I obviously don't expect perfection or near perfection. Or a choir boy. Just a basic level of decency. I think other than Trump only one or two candidates in my lifetime (I'm 55) fail that test.
I became interested in politics late in college because I was appalled that a draft-dodging, philandering, lying Slick Willy could beat Bush Sr, a war hero, family man, with character.
And some of it I understand was probably wishful thinking, but I always considered the GOP as the party who took character seriously. Who stood for traditional Judeo Christian values and what is good and right. Trump has completely taken that away.
Nah, "can't look them in the eyes" is just BS thinking imo. Sorry to be blunt, you're a great poster. You're just making an emotional response to not liking Trump and trying to "hyper-spiritualize" your vote.
You live in a secular society. As Christians we're not going to always get candidates we like. If we have to vote for Christian men or women only, we may be sitting out all elections. That'd be bad for us and society. And the vote is not an endorsement of everything about an individual. You are pretending that it is, but you KNOW it is not. Likewise we make consumer transactions in our society, not everyone of them is with great companies... or politicians if we're talking voting. Christians are called to be good stewards with things, your vote is one of those things. If Trump had done a bad or immoral job as president, you'd be somewhat justified, but the objective reality is that Trump was a very effective president. But that's not enough for those like you that falsely make your vote a sacrament. It's not, it's just a vote for best path forward given two options. The vote is clear, thankfully there are Christians who don't abdicate the privilege of voting.
Now, you've backed yourself up into a corner and youre stuck because you can't back down at this point. So you'll waste your vote on legalistic and false premises.
All fair points. No doubt some of it is emotional. But "look into it my daughter's eyes" isn't just figurative. She's my pride and joy, and she really has asked me about my support for Trump several times going way back to his "grab them by the P" line - when she was at Baylor. And she's also said something to the effect of "dad he represents everything you're not." I admit that has affected me.
My daughter called me last weekend to complain about the recent stories of Vance's "childless cat lady" comments, since she is a childless cat lady. I explained to her calmly and rationally that he wasn't talking about her, and she knew that. I then told her to sack up - the most important thing to remember in politics is to recognize when your opponent is trying to get you mad or ashamed and to throw it right back at them. The world of feelings is the realm of leftists and losers. They're just trying to drag you there, which of course requires you to quit thinking and start supporting policies that do great harm to everyone.
Collectivism is the greatest evil of mankind. If it is not resisted, it will crush humanity, one human being at a time. It must be fought, with rusty knives and slingshots if necessary, whether it's fun or not, whether your allies are Reagan, Thatcher, Churchill......or Stalin.
Sack up, dad. You owe it to her to Fight! Fight!! FIGHT!!! even if she doesn't understand. Even if she hates you for it.
(I forgot to reminder that, technically, she is not a childless cat lady, since the cat is actually staying with us here at the farm due to transport complications. My wife and each go to the guest house and let that cat sit in our lap for a few minutes each day, to keep it from going bonkers. The things we do for your kids......)