How To Get To Heaven When You Die

335,933 Views | 3892 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by Oldbear83
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Realitybites said:


suppose that for 1600 years leftism took over the U.S. and the Constitution was abused and interpreted far, far away from the original intent of the original drafters.

God never said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the United States. You and I both know what the test of a prophet of God is and what the implication is of an ecclesiastical history that says the church became corrupted in 400 AD and remained in that state for 1200 years until Gutenberg and the Reformers came along to restore it.

Not that I blame Luther's motivations; 550 years after its founding Roman Catholicsm had reached a deplorable state. But the correct response to looking at your denomination and realizing that it has gone off the rails isn't let me grab a bible and forge yet another one in my own image. The correct response is we have to go back.

The Trail of Blood is a work of fiction. It basically collects a list of heretics, including the Albigensians, Cathars, Paulicians, Arnoldists, Henricians, and others. These groups would not be eligible to join a Baptist church of the 20th century. For example the Cathars and Albigensians taught that Christ was an angel with a phantom body, whose death and resurrection were only allegorical and the Incarnation impossible. It relies on the historical ignorance of the reader for acceptance.

It is also a historical fact that the institution known as the Roman Catholic church did not exist in that form prior to its founding in 1054 A.D and the excommunications of the Great Schism when the Church of Rome began its departure from Christianity.
It's irrelevant that God never said the gates of Hell wouldn't prevail against the United States. You seem to have lost track of your argument. You said "Nothing founded a millenium and a half after Christ's ministry on earth can claim to be the original preserved faith of the apostles. That's a simple chronological fact." You're making two errors here: 1) first, your're arguing that if the church lost its way for a very long time, it means it could never return to the original faith. But time doesn't matter. Just as with the example with the Constitution, even if the the church strayed from its original state for hundreds or even thousands of years, it is still possible for it to return to the original. There isn't some kind of chronological time barrier that makes this impossible; 2) your second error is your strangely obstinate and logically flawed viewpoint that a return to the original faith after a long period time is somehow a "founding" of a new, distinct church. Just as a return to the original intent of the Constitution after a thousand years is not a founding of a "new" Constitution, the same goes for the church returning to its original faith.

You are also making the flawed argument that the church's departure from its original faith would necessarily make Jesus a false prophet for claiming his church would never be defeated by Satan. But a corrupted church that eventually rights itself is NOT indicative of "the gates of Hell" prevailing against it. If Satan had prevailed against it, it would have never righted itself. It would have been destroyed completely, and true Christianity would have disappeared forever.

I must emphasize that up to this point, all you've done to support your claim that Protestantism can NOT be the original faith is argue that the Reformation didn't take place until the 16th century. You've only argued about time. But has time corrupted the Protestant view? The proof is in the pudding. If your claim is true, then you should be able to provide clear, concrete examples of what Protestantism believes or teaches that is NOT in accord with the original faith. But despite my repeated requests, you've conspicuously avoided doing so. Why? Give us an example so we can hash out whether there is any validity to your claim. I've already provided you with at least one example of how Orthodoxy is NOT the original faith - the veneration of icons. Can you provide an example regarding Protestantism?
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

You are also making the flawed argument that the church's departure from its original faith would necessarily make Jesus a false prophet for claiming his church would never be defeated by Satan. But a corrupted church that eventually rights itself is NOT indicative of "the gates of Hell" prevailing against it. If Satan had prevailed against it, it would have never righted itself. It would have been destroyed completely, and true Christianity would have disappeared forever.

Your argument is based on the protestant reformation "righting" the church. First, righting does not constitute preserving. There is a difference between taking a future classic off the showroom floor, pickling it, and preserving it and restoring a barn find that has been destroyed by the ravages of time. So on its face, chronology refutes the "preservation" argument.

So now that we've addressed the preservation vs restoration issue, it impossible to make the case that the church that Christ founded, that He promised would not be overcome by the gates of hell, would be taken captive by the devil for around *40 biblical generations* and that this would require restoration without Christ being a false prophet.

The promise to Abraham was unconditional. The promise to Israel was conditional. The promise to the church was unconditional. You can see the unconditional nature of the promise to Abraham in the DNA of all the peoples of the middle east. You can see the conditional nature of the promise to Israel in the destruction of the temple and the expulsion of the Jews. For Christ not to be a false prophet, the church he founded *must* have had a continued existence on earth from the time he founded it to the present, and not just in some "i agree with these ideas" sense.

The protestant churches have not even managed to preserve what they were supposedly restoring. There are women in the pulpit, trannies in the pulpit, gays getting married, the hymns of the faith have been tossed in favor of Mariah Carey, the buildings themselves are utilitarian gymnasiums, and the institutions are run like corporations. The Bible bans women from the pulpit. The Bible says "male and female he created them" while the prevaling voices in protestantism want us to use the pronouns. The Bible gives very specific directions on how the Ark of the Covenant was designed, and how the Temple of Solomon was designed.

Sacrifice has always been integral to the worship of the God of the Bible since the fall whether it was the sacrifices of the OT, Christ's sacrifice on the cross, or his command for us to pick up our cross and follow him. The Bible says that the sacrifice of Able was accepted, and that of Cain was rejected. How we worship is just as important as Who we worship and what we believe. All these things matter, and even from a strictly Biblical standpoint, the churches of the reformation (once again I'll give special appreciation to confessional non-ELCA Lutherans who are at least trying to preserve the earliest surviving form of Western Christian worship in their Divine Service) have failed miserably in this before our eyes.


I've already provided you with at least one example of how Orthodoxy is NOT the original faith - the veneration of icons. Can you provide an example regarding Protestantism?

See above. Regarding iconography, I've already shown you evidence that a Jewish synagogue was filled with it. So your assertion that it is not the original faith based on icons is false.

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xfrodobagginsx said:

Realitybites said:

""The deeds of our Savior were always before you, for they were true miracles; those that were healed, those that were raised from the dead, who were seen, not only when healed and when raised, but were always present. They remained living a long time, not only whilst our Lord was on earth, but likewise when he had left the earth. So that some of them have also lived in our times."

This is an extremely interesting observation by Eusebius (260-340 AD), indicating that those who Christ raised from the dead went on to live unnaturally long earthly lives sort of like the patriarchs from Genesis. So he literallly left living proof of his miracles for several hundred years.
If you are able to verify any of this, it would be amazing. Check it out and get back with me please.

Unfortunately it is impossible for anyone to go back 1700 years and verify this, particularly after the destruction of the library in Alexandria. He is recording that at that time, some of his contemporaries were people Christ raised from the dead. But if you want to reject it, you're working from the assumption that a Christian historian is deliberately bearing false witness in his record and lying to you and that scientism is correct about what we see as the average lifespan today being a universal constant. So I'm willing to take it at face value, particularly given the long lives recorded in Genesis. The reality is that raising people from the dead is a bigger miracle than if those people go on to live for several hundred years.

...and if you think about it, it makes sense. At the time of his trial before the Sanhedrin, Jewish accusations against Jesus included that he was a sorcerer. So to refute the accusation that he had used necromancy to reanimate the dead, having them continue to live unnaturally long lives after he ascended would be the thing to do.
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

The Eucharistic "miracles" can be tricks from the devil, or just plain tricks/deception from man. If Eucharistic "miracles" draw people closer to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, then no, they are not drawing people closer to God, they are drawing them closer to idolatry and heresy, which is what Satan wants.
Satan wants people in the Catholic Church? The same Church that created the university and hospital system that we have today? The same Church that spread the gospel to the new world? When people come for exorcisms of demons, whom do they go to? They go to the Catholic Church to obtain an exorcist.

"And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?"

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

The healings at Lourdes may all be actual miracles from God. Or some may be, and some not. Or, all are not. True healings are from God, yes. But we don't know if these are true healings or if they are demonic counterfeits. Regardless, what matters isn't whether miracles actually happen or not - we all know God can perform them. We have to discern what their fruits are. If their fruits promote a belief that is anti-biblical, then we know they are tricks from Satan.
Yes, true healing are from God. Once again, the devil cannot heal.

What matters here is that people are going to an authentic Marion Shrine and getting healings FROM GOD. Why would God allow these healing to continue "heresy and idolatry"?

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

The answer to question #2, which you didn't answer, is YES. Jesus specifically told us that there will be miraculous signs and wonders from false prophets and the antichrist (Matthew 24:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:9, Revelation 13:3). When this happens, are you going to believe them? Ask yourself your own question - what miracle would you need from them to believe??
I don't need miracles to believe. I'm already a believer.
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Do you truly, honestly not know the difference between calling your dad "father" and calling your religious leader "HOLY FATHER"???!!!
Why is wrong to call him Holy Father? Holy means literally, that it is set apart, consecrated for a sacred purpose. The Church has holy water, holy salt, holy oils, etc. Each pope is the successor to Peter, who was made the leader of the Church by Jesus. I'd say that Pope is set apart.

You're concern over this title is Jack Chick-level paranoia.

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

It is ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING how blinded and deceived you are by Roman Catholicism. It is actually quite alarming, and quite heartbreaking, to be honest.
It's ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING how you wont take an honest look at the Church.
It is actually quite alarming that you have such an anti-Catholic bias that you can't see the truth in front of you.
It is quite heartbreaking. I do pray for you twice a day.
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Paul corrected the belief of the "Judaizers" who believed that justification came first by obeying the Law (circumcision) and then having faith in Jesus. He even corrected Peter for promoting this belief. Your supposed first pope.
You are, once again, misunderstanding the scripture. Peter never promoted the "Judaizers" belief. He baptized Gentiles like Cornelius and his whole household without having to circumcise anyone.

Paul calls out a moment of inconsistency in Peter's behavior.

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Jesus definitely corrected the beliefs and practices of several churches, giving harsh rebuke to them. So your belief that his church engaging in error means that Satan defeated his church is absolutely wrong. You aren't dealing with this fact.
The birthday of the Catholic Church is Pentecost. I don't remember Jesus having any post-Ascension visitations other than Paul in Acts. If you meant "Paul", then yes Paul wrote letters to admonish bad behaviors of the people, not the Church itself.

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

You continue to make the error in believing that Jesus' one church is the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus' church is the entire body of true believers, not an organizational rule. And what's extremely sad is how you can't see how the Roman Catholic Church's outright heresy and idolatry make it quite clear that they are not part of his church. They are in serious, serious error, as I have been making clear throughout this forum.
The Catholic Church is the "original franchise" since 33 AD. It is the Church that Jesus founded. Look it up on Google, Siri, Alexa, Encyclopedia Britannica, Wiki, etc. They all say the same. Protestants broke away from the Church in the 16th century.

You call "heresy and idolatry" what you refuse to understand.
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Elders are the same as "bishops" in the church of Acts. There were only elders and deacons in Acts.
"Bishop" (episcopos) is in Acts 1:20.
"Priests" or "presbyters" (presbuteroi) are mentioned in Acts 15:6, 23.
Deacons (diakonoi) are introduced in Acts 6:1-6.

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Apostolic succession is not biblical. Neither is baptismal regeneration or the real presence. Confession is towards God/Jesus, not a priest.
Apostolic succession - In Mattias' appointment in Acts, "let another man take is office."
Baptismal regeneration Acts 22:16 and 2:38. Throw in a touch of 1 Pet 3:15 as well.
Real Presence Bread of Life Discourse John 6
Confession John 20:21-23 coupled with James 5:16 "confess your sins to one another."

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Offices and apostolic succession has nothing to do with salvation. If baptismal regeneration and the Real Presence are true, then how was the thief on the cross saved? How did he get water baptized and how did he eat Jesus' flesh? The only answer you can give is that "God is not bound by his sacraments" but that is a cop out answer, and it would mean that Jesus is false ("unless you eat my flesh, you have NO LIFE in you"). So how then did the thief on the cross eat Jesus' flesh? That thief will always be a problem for Roman Catholic beliefs.
So you are saying that God cannot give salvation outside what's ordinarily required?
Your logic is very contradictory. You stated that God could impregnate a virgin without her consent, but he can't give salvation to someone without being baptized.
Coke Bear
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xfrodobagginsx said:

The Non Catholic Church was driven under ground by the Catholic Church for Centuries, losing essential Doctrine because they refused to conform to the false Doctrine of the Catholic Church upon penalty of death and torture. So, the Catholic Church had the backing of the Government. That doesn't make them the correct Church. The correct church is the one who's believes most closely lines up with sound biblical doctrine. The Bible writings were the original apostles writings and Doctrine given by the Holy Spirit not the Catholic Church. There is a reason why the Catholic Church would not allow its members to read the Scriptures. They did not want people to believe anything contrary to what they were teaching. There are many churches that were underground during those centuries. Anabaptists are one such group. But they were many more.
Much of this information is chronicled in the book foxes Christian book of Martyrs and another book called The trail Of blood.
Please locate a true scriptural scholar working in academia that believes the "Non Catholic Church was driven under ground by the Catholic Church for Centuries". There is NO evidence for this. No true scholar today believe that.

You lost everyone with "Foxes Book of Martyrs". That book has so many falsehoods, exaggerations, lies and biases, few take it seriously.

Have people in the Church committed atrocities? Yes. Every communities has sinners in it that fail to live up to their beliefs.
Coke Bear
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Oldbear83 said:

For me, it's simple.

Christ supports the Catholic Church, but not the Roman Catholic denomination.
Help me please. I really don't understand your post here.

The Catholic Church is not a denomination; rather, they are part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ.

The Latin or Western Rite (called (pejoratively) the Roman Catholic Church) is the largest rite of the 23 distinct rites in the Church which include Byzantine, Alexandrian, Armenian, African, Chaldean, and others.
Coke Bear
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xfrodobagginsx said:

It's definitely not physical, it may be literal, but it is Spiritual. Jesus said so.

John 6:63 (KJV)

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Incorrect again. The "flesh" he is speaking about is "human nature". He didn't say, "MY flesh is of no avail."
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Does not the RCC teach that the Eucharist is necessary for salvation based on the literal interpretation of "unless unless you eat my flesh...."?
Nope. The only things Necessary for salvation 1) Repent, 2)Believe, 3)Be Baptized.

We are obligated to take communion at least once a year.
BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

And does it not teach that water baptism is also necessary for salvation? You'd also have to claim that the thief on the cross also somehow got water baptized.
Mentioned it several times. God can work outside the sacraments, we can't.

For all we know, the thief could have been baptized and it not been recorded.
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Coke Bear said:

Oldbear83 said:

For me, it's simple.

Christ supports the Catholic Church, but not the Roman Catholic denomination.
Help me please. I really don't understand your post here.

The Catholic Church is not a denomination; rather, they are part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ.

The Latin or Western Rite (called (pejoratively) the Roman Catholic Church) is the largest rite of the 23 distinct rites in the Church which include Byzantine, Alexandrian, Armenian, African, Chaldean, and others.
Look at your posts, Coke Bear. Over and over you imply that the RCC is a better version of Christianity than the Protestants. For his part, BusyTarpDuster takes the position that the RCC is at best a weaker, failed part of the Church.

For my part, I see individuals in both who are great servants of Christ, and some who defile their pretended faith through greed, ambition and jealousy.

That is my point. It will not find much popularity, as it requires each of us to be honest about whether we are following Christ or just our egos at times.
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Coke Bear said:

xfrodobagginsx said:

It's definitely not physical, it may be literal, but it is Spiritual. Jesus said so.

John 6:63 (KJV)

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Incorrect again. The "flesh" he is speaking about is "human nature". He didn't say, "MY flesh is of no avail."
He said, "The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life" After His Disciples were troubled by His Words. To me, that means that He is not talking about a Physical eating of His flesh (Obviously, the Disciples didn't eat His flesh). It is a Spiritual thing that happens when we place our Faith and Trust in Christ. I don't think He is even talking about Communion/Sacraments.
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Realitybites said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

You are also making the flawed argument that the church's departure from its original faith would necessarily make Jesus a false prophet for claiming his church would never be defeated by Satan. But a corrupted church that eventually rights itself is NOT indicative of "the gates of Hell" prevailing against it. If Satan had prevailed against it, it would have never righted itself. It would have been destroyed completely, and true Christianity would have disappeared forever.

Your argument is based on the protestant reformation "righting" the church. First, righting does not constitute preserving. There is a difference between taking a future classic off the showroom floor, pickling it, and preserving it and restoring a barn find that has been destroyed by the ravages of time. So on its face, chronology refutes the "preservation" argument.

So now that we've addressed the preservation vs restoration issue, it impossible to make the case that the church that Christ founded, that He promised would not be overcome by the gates of hell, would be taken captive by the devil for around *40 biblical generations* and that this would require restoration without Christ being a false prophet.

The promise to Abraham was unconditional. The promise to Israel was conditional. The promise to the church was unconditional. You can see the unconditional nature of the promise to Abraham in the DNA of all the peoples of the middle east. You can see the conditional nature of the promise to Israel in the destruction of the temple and the expulsion of the Jews. For Christ not to be a false prophet, the church he founded *must* have had a continued existence on earth from the time he founded it to the present, and not just in some "i agree with these ideas" sense.

The protestant churches have not even managed to preserve what they were supposedly restoring. There are women in the pulpit, trannies in the pulpit, gays getting married, the hymns of the faith have been tossed in favor of Mariah Carey, the buildings themselves are utilitarian gymnasiums, and the institutions are run like corporations. The Bible bans women from the pulpit. The Bible says "male and female he created them" while the prevaling voices in protestantism want us to use the pronouns. The Bible gives very specific directions on how the Ark of the Covenant was designed, and how the Temple of Solomon was designed.

Sacrifice has always been integral to the worship of the God of the Bible since the fall whether it was the sacrifices of the OT, Christ's sacrifice on the cross, or his command for us to pick up our cross and follow him. The Bible says that the sacrifice of Able was accepted, and that of Cain was rejected. How we worship is just as important as Who we worship and what we believe. All these things matter, and even from a strictly Biblical standpoint, the churches of the reformation (once again I'll give special appreciation to confessional non-ELCA Lutherans who are at least trying to preserve the earliest surviving form of Western Christian worship in their Divine Service) have failed miserably in this before our eyes.


I've already provided you with at least one example of how Orthodoxy is NOT the original faith - the veneration of icons. Can you provide an example regarding Protestantism?

See above. Regarding iconography, I've already shown you evidence that a Jewish synagogue was filled with it. So your assertion that it is not the original faith based on icons is false.

Jesus never said his church would be "preserved" through a continued existence throughout time. He only said that the "gates of Hell" would not prevail against it. Other translations say "withstand" against it. This simply means that the power of evil will not be strong enough to stop it. Again, here you are obstinantly taking the unnecessary view that if the church didn't continuously exist without error, then it automatically means that evil "prevailed" against it, or was able to "withstand it". The fact that the church (his body of believers, not a structural organization, remember?) still exists (with or without error), and that the gospel of faith is still preached, is proof that none of this has happened.

You are also insisting that no true believers in the original faith of the apostles existed in continuous fashion in spite of the corrupt teachings of the RCC throughout time, which you can't possibly know. So, in this sense you can't even claim that the church wasn't "preserved" either. So in either sense - preservation or prevailing - you have no basis on which to claim that Jesus' prophecy was untrue. You are already accepting this conclusion, and you're stuck trying to fit the very faulty logic in afterwards - that Jesus meant "preservation" which necessarily *must* mean continued existence (which you can't even falsify!)

The examples you gave (gays, trannies, women) are not taught by Protestantism. They are a corruption of not just Protestantism, but of Christianity in general. You are making another faulty argument that those corrupt protestant churches = Protestantism. Protestantism teaches that the bible is the infallible authority for all faith and doctrine. If they are promoting unbiblical ideas, which I fully agree with you that they are, then they are in violation of what Protestant teaches. The important thing to note here, though, is that Protestantism does NOT teach infallible leadership, therefore there is a foundation for constant self-checking, analysis, and correction of error and removal of heretical churches like the ones you mentioned. This ability does not exist in the RCC. Protestantism agrees with Orthodoxy in that there are no infallible leaders like the pope and the magisterium and that we must rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us. But unlike Orthodoxy, Protestantism relies on being guided by Scripture, not tradition. Tradition is the result of fallible man while Scripture is the infallible word of God.

You are conflating "veneration of icons" with "having icons (pictures) in a church building". Iconography that involves veneration of the images, as Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Church do, is NOT the same as merely having religious artwork displayed in a church. Do you truly not understand what icon veneration is and how it's different? This is yet another one of your very flawed, specious arguments. Or, perhaps it's just ignorance.

Finally, sacrifice comes from a believer's heart through obedience. Samuel 15:22 - " obey is better than sacrifice". Proverbs 21:3 - "To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice".There isn't a set way to do it that we're supposed to follow. It's also not a salvivic issue, because the one true sacrifice for salvation (Jesus) has already been done. Similarly, what matters in worship is what's in the believer's heart. There is no set way to do it that we have to follow. And this is not salvivic either. None of this, which is what Protestantism (i.e. Scripture) teaches, is inconsistent with the original faith given to us by the apostles, because Scripture IS the original faith of the apostles.
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Realitybites said:

Oldbear83 said:

"You'd also have to claim that the thief on the cross also somehow got water baptized."

Maybe it rained that afternoon?

Blood is 80% water. No need for rain. A martyr for Christ or foxhole convert who has not been baptized brings his own water to the occasion with him.

"If any man receive not Baptism, he has not salvation; except only Martyrs, who even without the water receive the kingdom. For when the Savior, in redeeming the world by His Cross, was pierced in the side, He shed forth blood and water; that men, living in times of peace, might be baptized in water, and, in times of persecution, in their own blood. For martyrdom also the Savior is wont to call a baptism, saying, "Can you drink the cup which I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with" [Mark 10:38]? And the Martyrs confess, by being made a spectacle unto the world, and to Angels, and to men [cf. 1 Corinthians 4:9."

- Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
The thief on the cross was not a martyr. So how was he water baptized?
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Satan wants people in the Catholic Church? The same Church that created the university and hospital system that we have today? The same Church that spread the gospel to the new world? When people come for exorcisms of demons, whom do they go to? They go to the Catholic Church to obtain an exorcist.

"And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?"

How does any of this erase the fact that the Roman Catholic Church teaches a false gospel, and promotes idolatry and heresy? I mean, look at how it's made you completely incapable of recognizing the problem with calling a man "Holy Father" and calling Mary "Co-Mediatrix" who is the "glory of Heaven", "sovereign", "the peacemaker between sinners and God", "our strength and our refuge", "God of this world", and to say to her "In thy hands I place my eternal salvation; to thee I entrust my soul...."


*** If you can't recognize this for the blatant and egregious idolatry and heresy that they are, then make absolutely no bones about it - you do NOT have the Holy Spirit, and you are NOT a Christian, or in the absolute least you are a VERY, VERY deceived one *** Isn't this precisely what Satan wants?

"You will know them by their fruits." I implore every person who reads this thread to look at how the Roman Catholic Church promotes everything I just said above. There simply can't be any other conclusion than the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is false, and a tool of Satan. And that's not even getting into the false gospel they promote.
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Yes, true healing are from God. Once again, the devil cannot heal.

What matters here is that people are going to an authentic Marion Shrine and getting healings FROM GOD. Why would God allow these healing to continue "heresy and idolatry"?

It is astounding how you can't even recognize how going to a "Marion Shrine" is not promoting heresy and idolatry. Absolutely astounding.


I don't need miracles to believe. I'm already a believer.
Then why do you ask me what miracle I need in order to believe??
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The examples you gave (gays, trannies, women) are not taught by Protestantism. They are a corruption of not just Protestantism, but of Christianity in general. You are making another faulty argument that those corrupt protestant churches = Protestantism...

...Again, here you are obstinantly taking the unnecessary view that if the church didn't continuously exist without error, then it automatically means that evil "prevailed" against it, or was able to "withstand it". The fact that the church (his body of believers, not a structural organization, remember?)

The "no true protestant church would" argument doesnt hold water. Those beliefs have been adopted wholesale. Even Janet Parshall was on the radio last year advocating for using the pronouns. Which simply makes my point that protestantism has not preserved the faith once created by its founders, much less the faith once delivered to the saints. Once again we arrive at the place where we see that "sola scriptura" is in fact "sola opinionata" when we discard the clear teaching of the Bible on morality to accomodate modern ethics, the form of our worship matters to accomodate modern trends in that worship, or we dismiss the clear teaching of the Bible about head coverings to accomodate femism.

If the Church Jesus founded disappeared for 40 generations, then the gates of hell did prevail against it.

Even if you accept the idea that it is merely an invisible body of believers and not an institution (I don't), where does a sincere Christian go to church in 1500 AD? In 1000 AD? In 500 AD? How did this sincere Christian learn about Christ? Assuming he can read, where does he go to get a copy of the Bible? What does his Sunday Service look and sound like?

Those years constitute 3/4ths of the history of the gospel on earth...years during which it spread across the earth and became the world's largest religion. All before widespread printing and distribution of the Bible.

Coke Bear
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Oldbear83 said:

Coke Bear said:

Oldbear83 said:

For me, it's simple.

Christ supports the Catholic Church, but not the Roman Catholic denomination.
Help me please. I really don't understand your post here.

The Catholic Church is not a denomination; rather, they are part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ.

The Latin or Western Rite (called (pejoratively) the Roman Catholic Church) is the largest rite of the 23 distinct rites in the Church which include Byzantine, Alexandrian, Armenian, African, Chaldean, and others.
Look at your posts, Coke Bear. Over and over you imply that the RCC is a better version of Christianity than the Protestants. For his part, BusyTarpDuster takes the position that the RCC is at best a weaker, failed part of the Church.

For my part, I see individuals in both who are great servants of Christ, and some who defile their pretended faith through greed, ambition and jealousy.

That is my point. It will not find much popularity, as it requires each of us to be honest about whether we are following Christ or just our egos at times.
Fair enough and thanks for the clarification. I would never say better, but I would say that the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth and grace because it has all seven of the sacraments that Christ instituted.

Obviously, you and BTD disagree with my premise.

Catholics and Protestants have a great deal in common share many of the same beliefs.
Coke Bear
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xfrodobagginsx said:

He said, "The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life" After His Disciples were troubled by His Words. To me, that means that He is not talking about a Physical eating of His flesh (Obviously, the Disciples didn't eat His flesh). It is a Spiritual thing that happens when we place our Faith and Trust in Christ. I don't think He is even talking about Communion/Sacraments.
The Greek word for "spirit," pneuma, is not a synonym for symbol.

Why would ALL of his disciples leave him even though he said it was "a symbol"?

Jesus said it 6 times in the Bread of Life discourse. He reaffirms in at the Last Supper. Paul testifies to it at least twice in 1 Corinthians (10:16 & 11:27-30.)

It is also what has believed and practiced since the beginning of the Church.
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:


Yes, true healing are from God. Once again, the devil cannot heal.

What matters here is that people are going to an authentic Marion Shrine and getting healings FROM GOD. Why would God allow these healing to continue "heresy and idolatry"?

It is astounding how you can't even recognize how going to a "Marion Shrine" is not promoting heresy and idolatry. Absolutely astounding.


I don't need miracles to believe. I'm already a believer.
Then why do you ask me what miracle I need in order to believe??
What's wrong with having a shrine to Mary, the most holy human person in the world?

Miracle - I asked you what type of miracle would i it take for you to believe in the Real Presence.

I believe in some of those miracles that I listed. I just don't need them for my belief.
Coke Bear
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

How does any of this erase the fact that the Roman Catholic Church teaches a false gospel, and promotes idolatry and heresy? I mean, look at how it's made you completely incapable of recognizing the problem with calling a man "Holy Father" and calling Mary "Co-Mediatrix" who is the "glory of Heaven", "sovereign", "the peacemaker between sinners and God", "our strength and our refuge", "God of this world", and to say to her "In thy hands I place my eternal salvation; to thee I entrust my soul...."
Holy Father I've already shown that Christ himself and Paul used the term "father" to describe a spiritual father. I've also demonstrated that the term "holy" merely means "set apart." They is nothing heretical using the term.

Co-mediatrix the Church is steering away from that terminology because it confuses people, like you, The prefix "co-" comes from the Latin preposition cum, and cum does not necessarily mean "equal." It can just mean "with."

The other items are "The Glories of Mary" that you have brought up ad nauseum, which I've stated many times are one prayer from St. Alphonsus Liguori written almost 275 years ago in a completely different era in the way people talked. No Catholic is required to agree with or say that prayer. It's a private devotion.

But, hey, no worries You'll bring it up again for me to type the same thing AGAIN.

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

*** If you can't recognize this for the blatant and egregious idolatry and heresy that they are, then make absolutely no bones about it - you do NOT have the Holy Spirit, and you are NOT a Christian, or in the absolute least you are a VERY, VERY deceived one *** Isn't this precisely what Satan wants?
What Satan wants is a divided church. Martin Luther started in the 1517. Satan rejoiced on that day. He rejoiced every split after that. He rejoiced with Zwingli, Calvin, Tyndale, Knox, Russell, White, Smith, Smythe, etc.

Christ prayed for the Church to be one. It's not.

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

"You will know them by their fruits." I implore every person who reads this thread to look at how the Roman Catholic Church promotes everything I just said above. There simply can't be any other conclusion than the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is false, and a tool of Satan. And that's not even getting into the false gospel they promote.
"You will know them by their fruits." Correct! The Catholic church is responsible for the creation of the hospitals, university system, and orphanages. It has influenced Western philosophy, art, science, music, law, etc. Corporately, it does more charity than any organization around the world.
I, respectfully, implore anyone that has a question about the Church or her teachings to do research, but do so with authentic Catholic teaching. Please visit Catholic Answers They don't provide opinion. They provide clear doctrinally sound, biblically based teachings of the Church.

After reading about your question, you may not ACCEPT what the Church teaches, but you'll understand WHY we believe what we believe.

Finally, I extend an honest invite to anyone who would like to cuss or discuss any Catholic teaching with me. Please feel free to PM me. I would love to hear your objections and will do my best to answer with clarity and charity.
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"Martin Luther started in the 1517. Satan rejoiced on that day."

This is a damnable lie.
Coke Bear
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Oldbear83 said:

"Martin Luther started in the 1517. Satan rejoiced on that day."

This is a damnable lie.
How so?

Christ prayed for us to all be one in John 17:11. We're not, sadly.

The Orthodox split in 1054, but they still contain all 7 sacraments.

Luther split from the Church because he "knew" his views were correct even though they were contrary to the last 1500 years of teachings. He was actually offended when others began to split from his views. Now we have 100's, if not 1000's of denominations of Christianity that all believe different things. Protestantism has accepted evils of same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia, birth control, IVF. So yes, I would say that the devil rejoiced when Luther separated from the Church.

Finally, please don't take this as an outright condemnation of Protestants, in general. There are many fine individuals that are doing their best to led people to Christ in the best way they know how. There are many outspoken Protestants that stand against abortion, same-sex marriage, and euthanasia. There are many that lead better Christian lives that I do. I try my best, but as a sinner, I often fail.

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Realitybites said:


The examples you gave (gays, trannies, women) are not taught by Protestantism. They are a corruption of not just Protestantism, but of Christianity in general. You are making another faulty argument that those corrupt protestant churches = Protestantism...

...Again, here you are obstinantly taking the unnecessary view that if the church didn't continuously exist without error, then it automatically means that evil "prevailed" against it, or was able to "withstand it". The fact that the church (his body of believers, not a structural organization, remember?)

The "no true protestant church would" argument doesnt hold water. Those beliefs have been adopted wholesale. Even Janet Parshall was on the radio last year advocating for using the pronouns. Which simply makes my point that protestantism has not preserved the faith once created by its founders, much less the faith once delivered to the saints. Once again we arrive at the place where we see that "sola scriptura" is in fact "sola opinionata" when we discard the clear teaching of the Bible on morality to accomodate modern ethics, the form of our worship matters to accomodate modern trends in that worship, or we dismiss the clear teaching of the Bible about head coverings to accomodate femism.

If the Church Jesus founded disappeared for 40 generations, then the gates of hell did prevail against it.

Even if you accept the idea that it is merely an invisible body of believers and not an institution (I don't), where does a sincere Christian go to church in 1500 AD? In 1000 AD? In 500 AD? How did this sincere Christian learn about Christ? Assuming he can read, where does he go to get a copy of the Bible? What does his Sunday Service look and sound like?

Those years constitute 3/4ths of the history of the gospel on earth...years during which it spread across the earth and became the world's largest religion. All before widespread printing and distribution of the Bible.

- It isn't a "no true scotsman" argument. It's a "an Irishman isn't a true Scotsman" argument. Protestantism is the rejection of the anti-biblical teachings of the Catholic Church and the return to biblical teaching. If a rogue protestant church then becomes corrupt and promotes anti-biblical teaching, then that particular church has become apostate. That church does not define Protestantism. Rather, it has become precisely what Protestantism has turned against. You are essentially making the argument - "if a person wears a kilt and plays the bagpipes, then he is a true Scotsman". This is about as ridiculous of an argument that I've heard on this forum.

- the beliefs and teachings of an apostate church do not prove that Sola Scriptura is false. It only highlights the importance of it.

- If you knocked something down, but not out, then you did not "prevail".

- Jesus himself said his kingdom is not from this earth. Hence, his true church is a spiritual body of believers that will be guided by him (Holy Spirit), not necessarily an earthly institution that his believers have to be members in order to be counted as belonging to him.

- If the Pharisees were corrupt for many generations, then where did a sincere Jew go to learn about/honor/worship God? The bible shows that many times throughout history God has been patient with his people, waiting for them to repent from their error and change. He knows all the people who are true in heart, in spite of the corruption of their leaders who are leading them. This is the remnant he saves. Yes - there are many who were misled by the errors of those leaders throughout the many years, sadly. But God can still sow his seed of the gospel in the hearts of the people of His choosing, despite the failings of men in charge of spreading the seed.
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Coke Bear said:

xfrodobagginsx said:

He said, "The Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life" After His Disciples were troubled by His Words. To me, that means that He is not talking about a Physical eating of His flesh (Obviously, the Disciples didn't eat His flesh). It is a Spiritual thing that happens when we place our Faith and Trust in Christ. I don't think He is even talking about Communion/Sacraments.
The Greek word for "spirit," pneuma, is not a synonym for symbol.

Why would ALL of his disciples leave him even though he said it was "a symbol"?

Jesus said it 6 times in the Bread of Life discourse. He reaffirms in at the Last Supper. Paul testifies to it at least twice in 1 Corinthians (10:16 & 11:27-30.)

It is also what has believed and practiced since the beginning of the Church.
All his disciples didn't leave him. Because Jesus allowed many to leave him, does not mean what he said was literal. That is a non sequitur. He allowed his disciples to be mistaken with the symbolic meaning of what he had said before.

Repetition doesn't make it literal - another non sequitur.

And again, if it were literal, then how did the thief on the cross get saved? If it's because "God is not bound by His Sacraments", then what Jesus said - "unless you eat my flesh, you have NO LIFE within you" - is false. Also, if it is literal, then after eating his flesh in the Eucharist, you HAVE eternal life according to Jesus: "Whoever eats my flesh HAS eternal life" - and so there can be no such thing as mortal sin after the Eucharist. Also, it would relegate the entirety of salvation to the mere act of eating something, which we know can't be true. These are your very significant problems with your literal interpretation, among others, like how could Jesus command his disciples to break the Torah by drinking blood? That would have made Jesus a sinner, and thus an insufficient sacrifice for sin.

The early church believed and wrote that it was symbol.
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Coke Bear said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:


Yes, true healing are from God. Once again, the devil cannot heal.

What matters here is that people are going to an authentic Marion Shrine and getting healings FROM GOD. Why would God allow these healing to continue "heresy and idolatry"?

It is astounding how you can't even recognize how going to a "Marion Shrine" is not promoting heresy and idolatry. Absolutely astounding.


I don't need miracles to believe. I'm already a believer.
Then why do you ask me what miracle I need in order to believe??
What's wrong with having a shrine to Mary, the most holy human person in the world?

Miracle - I asked you what type of miracle would i it take for you to believe in the Real Presence.

I believe in some of those miracles that I listed. I just don't need them for my belief.
Mary the most holy human person in the world? Yet more words from you that directly contradict Jesus. Jesus said "among those born of women none is greater than John (the baptist)". And any christian would know that it's wrong to make shrines to people. And you Catholics say you don't worship Mary? Unbelievable.

Miracle - and the antichrist will ask you what miracle would it take for you to believe him. What will you say?
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Coke Bear said:

What Satan wants is a divided church. Martin Luther started in the 1517. Satan rejoiced on that day. He rejoiced every split after that. He rejoiced with Zwingli, Calvin, Tyndale, Knox, Russell, White, Smith, Smythe, etc.

Christ prayed for the Church to be one. It's not.
What Satan wants is a church united in damnable error. Division of his true people from those in error is what Jesus wants. Jesus prayed for his true believers to be united as one, AWAY from false believers. And it will be so.
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During the Tribulation period, satan (The anti christ) actually declares war on the Apostate Church because, although they are a false Church, satan (The anti christ) will demand that the world actually worship him.
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- If the Pharisees were corrupt for many generations, then where did a sincere Jew go to learn about/honor/worship God?

As I mentioned in my post, the Old Covenant was conditional, was fulfilled, and is no longer relevant. We see the conditional nature of the Mosaic covenant through Israel's repeated captivity and restoration culminating in the destruction of the Temple. So lets stick to what is relevant, and the question I asked.

So, with regards to the very different unconditional promise Christ made about his church, where did Christians go to church in 500 AD, 1000 AD, and 1500 AD? What did their church service look and sound like?

Or is it your opinion that church worship is optional?
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Coke Bear said:

Co-mediatrix the Church is steering away from that terminology because it confuses people, like you, The prefix "co-" comes from the Latin preposition cum, and cum does not necessarily mean "equal." It can just mean "with."

There is no "with". There is no co-redemptrix, co-mediatrix, or co-anything. There are no shrines to Mary. There is only one mediator between God and man, that is Christ.

1st Timothy 2:5.

That is why in Orthodox churches, the icon of Christ is central on the inside of the dome (representing heaven), looking down on the congregation and the icons of the rest of the family of God surrounding the congregation (the great cloud of witnesses). He may have a place of prominence on the iconostasis, representing his earthly ministry as well, typically the Christ pantocrantor icon taken from the image on the Mandylion (John 20:7).

Saint Mary is referred to quite precisely as the "Theotokos", the God-Bearer, to specify the divine nature of the child she carried and her role in the incarnation.
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Satan started laughing as soon as he fooled some of the Israelite priests, and there are more than a few popes who served Satan far more faithfully than Christ, so don't pretend Martin Luther was anything like what you implied.

That's why it's a damnable lie, because you did and are claiming a moral superiority for the RCC where it simply does not exist.

Must I remind you that no human can pretend to being holy? Consider why Jesus, within minutes of praising Peter because the Holy Spirit had shown him that Jesus was the Christ, also called Peter 'Satan' for saying 'God forbid' that Christ serve as the sacrifice God intended.

No, Mary was not holy, although she was blessed for her faith in God. It's very important not to be deceived by the powerful desire to see oneself as important to God - that way lies a grave sin.

The Catholics, like the Baptists, Methodists or any sub-group of the Christian world, are no more pleasing to the Holy Spirit or offensive to Him than other such groups. What pleases God is faith, hope, love.

Leave one-upping the other groups out of it.
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Realitybites said:


- If the Pharisees were corrupt for many generations, then where did a sincere Jew go to learn about/honor/worship God?

As I mentioned in my post, the Old Covenant was conditional, was fulfilled, and is no longer relevant. We see the conditional nature of the Mosaic covenant through Israel's repeated captivity and restoration culminating in the destruction of the Temple. So lets stick to what is relevant, and the question I asked.

So, with regards to the very different unconditional promise Christ made about his church, where did Christians go to church in 500 AD, 1000 AD, and 1500 AD? What did their church service look and sound like?

Or is it your opinion that church worship is optional?
The conditionality of the Mosaic covenant with Israel has nothing to do with it. I don't know why you even think that it does. The point was that in the same way that God still had his true believers during the time of the corrupted Pharisees, God also knew who were His true believers during the time of church error (Just as the Israelites were still able to go to the Temple and learn about the Law in spite of the corrupt Pharisees, people were still able to be given the gospel by the corrupted Church, and Jesus knew who truly believed in him in SPITE of the church's errors.

If you want to look at unconditional covenants, then look at the Abrahamic covenant. Did Satan "prevail" against God's unconditional promise when the Israelites were defeated, captured, and exiled to other lands?

There just isn't any reason to believe that the RCC's errors represented neither a break in continuity ("preservation") nor a kind of "prevailing" against Jesus' true church (yes, his body of individual believers). It seems as if you are insistent on believing that this must be the case, which is completely unnecessary and a complete non sequitur. It seems as if both RCC and Orthodoxy is based on a whole lot of non sequitur thinking.

Is it your opinion that church worship is salvivic? Jesus didn't come to establish liturgy. He came to establish a faith that saved.
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Oldbear83 said:

Satan started laughing as soon as he fooled some of the Israelite priests, and there are more than a few popes who served Satan far more faithfully than Christ, so don't pretend Martin Luther was anything like what you implied.

That's why it's a damnable lie, because you did and are claiming a moral superiority for the RCC where it simply does not exist.

Must I remind you that no human can pretend to being holy? Consider why Jesus, within minutes of praising Peter because the Holy Spirit had shown him that Jesus was the Christ, also called Peter 'Satan' for saying 'God forbid' that Christ serve as the sacrifice God intended.

No, Mary was not holy, although she was blessed for her faith in God. It's very important not to be deceived by the powerful desire to see oneself as important to God - that way lies a grave sin.

The Catholics, like the Baptists, Methodists or any sub-group of the Christian world, are no more pleasing to the Holy Spirit or offensive to Him than other such groups. What pleases God is faith, hope, love.

Leave one-upping the other groups out of it.
Agree with most of what you said. But God DOES indeed find certain groups superior and more pleasing than others, as Jesus showed in his letters to the churches in Revelation. Don't you think that God would be more pleased with those who are biblical, and put their faith and trust in Jesus over those who put their faith and trust on Mary, the saints, and their own works?
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You are lost in mythology. You are a mammal never in need of saving. These are facts now not some made up stories to prop up a belief system. Fear and ignorance allow religion to thrive. Go educate your self with real facts.
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