Coke Bear said:
BusyTarpDuster2017 said:
Roman Catholicism: "Yes, we pray to her, sings hymns to her, kiss pictures and statues of her, bow to statues of her, constantly think of her, say her name ten times as much as we say God's name, hold hundreds of festivals for her every year, and consider her a glorified being in heaven to whom we make supplications.......
....... but no, no, it's all about JESUS, not Mary! Get that through your thick skull!"
I guess that protestants shouldn't sign songs about Moses, Joseph, Joshua, angels, etc. either.
Once again, you twist what you don't understand because it doesn't fit your biases. You have to keep resulting to this. I and several others have mentioned that there is nothing wrong about kissing a picture - i.e. kissing a picture or likeness of a spouse. Bowing - I took a knee to asked my wife's hand in marriage. Nothing says that I am worshiping her.
I say my wife's names many times a day. It doesn't mean that I'm worshiping her.
Our country holds festivals MLK, Presidents' Day, Authors, Historical Figures, etc. It doesn't mean that we worship them.
I guess that protestants shouldn't sign songs about Moses, Joseph, Joshua, angels, etc. either."
.....No, we can sing songs
about them, but not TO them, and especially not HYMNS in CHURCH. And we can't in addition pray to them, have images and statues of them that we bow to and kiss, hold hundreds of festivals a year for them, or consider them a glorified being to whom we petition. Because then that'd be worship.
..there is nothing wrong about kissing a picture - i.e. kissing a picture or likeness of a spouse. Bowing - I took a knee to asked my wife's hand in marriage." ......But are you bowing to and kissing them or their image with the belief they are glorified beings to whom you spiritually petition for salvation, and also praying to them, singing hymns to them in church, and holding hundreds of festivals every year for them?
I say my wife's names many times a day."
......But are you praying to her, bowing to and kissing her image or statue in church, holding hundreds of festivals a year for her, and holding her as a glorified being to whom you petition for salvation? Do you call her "Queen"? Do you call her "sovereign", "salvation of the universe", and do you "place your salvation in her hands"? Is she your "mediatrix"?
Our country holds festivals MLK, Presidents' Day, Authors, Historical Figures, etc"
......But do we hold
hundreds of festivals
all year for them, pray to them, bow to and kiss their image in church, or consider them glorified beings in heaven to whom we petition for salvation? And do we take out Jesus and God in the Psalms and insert them in their place?
Can you finally get it??