Realitybites said:
The problem is that you are the first protestants. 1054 A.D., the Patriarchate of Rome walked away from those of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and all the others in the Chrsitian world to follow the pope.
This history can no longer be concealed. The modern Roman Catholic Church dates from 1054 A.D., not 33 A.D.
We have preserved the liturgy, you have not. We have preserved the faith, you have stacked innovation upon innovation.
Dude, you are so misinformed.
I've been hesitant to bring up your serious misunderstanding of the Church as we have been working in tandem on other fronts, but I can't hold back any longer.
Doctrine develop over time when the Church is contested by heresy. This is why we have beliefs in the hypostatic union, the Trinity, Jesus is consubstantial with the Father, Mary is the Mother God, etc. If you call anything that was officially defined after 1054 as in "innovation" then you must call those previously listed doctrines as innovation as well.
Please check your facts. In 1054, the true Catholic Church NEVER left. How many Councils have the Orthodox had since the Great Schism? Zero!
The Orthodox Churches can't agree on the time of day.
Look what they accept now. They allow for three marriages and divorces. This goes STRICTLY against what Christ taught. Some of the Churches allow for Contraception within marriage. Pope Paul VI made it very clear that this was not permissible.
There is no biblical or traditional evidence to deny that Peter was the first Pope. The Orthodox will agree that Peter was the prince and head of the apostles. The Orthodox Church acknowledges Peter as "first among equals" or "primus inter pares," granting him a primacy of honor but not of jurisdiction.
This Orthodox view allows for no central leader to lead Christ's Church. Look the confusion and disunity that this has caused in Orthodoxy today.
The Catholic Church can list all 267 popes (in an unbroken succession) dating back to Peter. Please list your patriarchs dating back to Peter. You can't.
Having said that, I do agree with JPII in a desire to unify the Churches to paraphrase his "breathing with both lungs" comment.
Quite frankly, were not that far apart. We agree on SO much the canon of scripture, apostolic succession, transubstantiation, all 7 sacraments.
I understand that talks are happening concerning the dating of Easter. The filioque clause is a matter of semantics that has nearly been resolved already. The leavened vs. unleavened bread shouldn't be that difficult to work out.
The real issue is the papacy. Hopefully in 100 years or so, that can be resolved as well.
You mentioned that "history can no longer be concealed", I would offer you to investigate
Michael Loften's book, Answering Orthodoxy, A Catholic's Response from Attacks from the East. He is a former Orthodox who came home to the Church that spent a great deal of time researching Church documents and history.
Realitybites said:
The shroud is a matter of archelogy, not an object of faith. If true, it strengthens the Biblical account. If a forgery, it does not impeach them.
I do believe that the Shroud is a matter of archelogy, but one has to have faith that it is authentic. But it doesn't matter if it is a forgery.
My faith in Christ's resurrection is not because of the Shroud, it's because of the man in the Shroud.