Coke Bear:
"These are MY rules. The teachings of the Church have been established and developed over 2000 years since Jesus created it."Indeed you are applying rules you created. I note you have another post further down the page where you said these were
not your rules, but I submit your first post here is more honest.
Now your second sentence reveals the problem.
Christ established His Church in His life and through the Holy Spirit granted to believers. It is
human interference with the Gospel which has created false teachers and heresies. The Roman church is in no way immune to this sin, and many people have protested evils done in the name of the Church.
That's not to say the Protestants are free from that evil. Satan has corrupted many religious leaders, as Jesus' harsh words to the Pharisees and Scribes documents.
But the problem starts when someone abandons Scripture and trusts his own opinion in its place.
Coke Bear:
"He gave Peter (Matthew 16:19) the 'keys to the Kingdom' symbolizing this authority and the ability to bind and loose. He gave Peter the ability to make decisions in matters of Church discipline and doctrine.He then extends this power to the apostles in Matt 18:18."No, Christ spoke of the 'rock' of Faith, and commended Peter because he depended on faith rather than his own opinions. Keep in mind that shortly after praising Peter for this show of faith, Christ
also rebuked Peter for losing hold of that faith, to the point that Jesus referred to him as 'Satan'.
Would you agree that Peter lost his place because his faith wavered? That would be the logical conclusion of your claim, but in fact Peter simply showed both faith and doubt at different times, and Christ loved him and brought Peter to the way which made him the servant God planned for him to be.
Pretending the Roman Catholic Church is superior to other Christian communities is sinful. Do you not recall how Paul warned about those who claimed to follow him or Apollo, instead of focusing on Christ?
That is what you do, when you disparage Protestants as inferior to your Roman sect.
Coke Bear:
"Please research what the power to 'bind and loose' in the Jewish tradition according to Jewish scholars. They will they you that it meant that they had the power to establish what is forbidden or allowed."You
do recall that the 'Jewish Tradition' you praise here
REJECTED Christ as their Messiah, right?
Coke Bear: "
Contrast this to your comment with modern-day protestants. What happens when in a Baptist (or protestant) church when a group of folks disagree with Baptist Bob's interpretation(s)? They leave and start a new church led by Baptist Bill. What happens when down the line, some people begin to disagree with Baptist Bill? They leave and start a new church led by Baptist Bryan.This is exactly what has happened since Luther walked away from the Church. Protestants are playing by THEIR rules, not God's. Look at how many different of Protestantism and churches are in the world today. None of them have the same beliefs.Jesus prayed for us to be one."All your little story does there, Coke Bear, is display your arrogance and pride. The Roman Catholic Church has a long bloody history of violence against people who dared to point out their evils. In fact, take a good look sometime at the people now named as 'Saints'; a fairly large number of them were persecuted and unjustly attacked ... by the Roman Catholic Church which now claims them as a mascot.
Again, I am in
no way pretending that Protestant churches are intrinsically superior to Roman Catholics. We have seen how money, power, sex, revenge and all manner of temptation has corrupted priests, pastors, preachers and ministers. Just a reminder on why we must trust Christ and no human for our soul's journey.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier