Waco1947 said:
Waco1947 said:
if they expect to win in 2024. I abhor abortion. But I still think a woman should be allowed to have one before 15 weeks. And later if rape, incest, or danger to the mother is a factor.
My stance has changed on abortion. Based on what I have seen these last 2 1/2 years, any registered Democrat voter or anyone that claims they voted for Joe Biden should be given an exemption, regardless of their state law. They should be granted an abortion, no questions asked up to full gestation. It is in the best interest of our country to limit the number of Liberal Democrats in the future. We are talking about the long-term survival of our country. This is a win/ win except for the unborn that will give their lives for a better future for all of us.
What say you Liberal Democrats? Isn't this what you want? Let's light this candle. Common ground.
So sacrifice a fetus because of a political affiliation?
So the fetus should be saved? You can't seem to make up your mind.
Thats your position
I have made my position very clear. No abortions after 15 weeks except for risk to the mother, rape, incest, or the detection of severe birth defects.
If you are a liberal progressive Loony Tune, you can have abortion on demand up to birth. Progressive women will have a card stamped. Upon your third abortion, you get a free toaster. After getting your card stamped for a fourth abortion, you will receive a case of condoms and a large bottle of aspirin.
You must admit, this is a great compromise! Both parties get their way. And at the same time we can limit populating the planet with Joe Biden brain dead Democrats. Everybody wins!!!!! To get the exception, just show your voter registration showing you're a Democrat. In the event you have multiple voter registration cards (fairly common these days), just use any one of them. It really does not matter.
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