RMF5630 said:I know the book you are talking about, it is one persons view. I think you are missing the Author's point, he was arguing that you can't just compare the two. It was a response to "Bush = Hilter" comparisons, an entertaining comparison of the Roman and American empires. Are you always swayed by one book?Redbrickbear said:RMF5630 said:You are so full of it. Comparing the Civil War to Roman expansion? Yeah, Judea, Gaul and Egypt were comparable to South Caroline, Virginia and Florida?Redbrickbear said:Buddy...we had a war in 1861 that killed close to 700,000+ people when 11 American States tried to leave.RMF5630 said:I think you are confusing protecting trade with empire. I would counter by saying the Roman Alliances could not go against Rome or leave if they chose. In addition, many of these areas felt occupied. Name one Nation in NATO, in Asia or elsewhere that has to go with US demands.Redbrickbear said:whiterock said:if we are to call the American-led liberal order an empire, it would be the first voluntary empire in the world which every single member begged to join, in which not a single member had to be invaded to join.RMF5630 said:Wait a minute. Nations going from Russian-based economic system to the EU/US/Japanese based economic system do much better and the quality of life goes up. So, how is the US "adding another province-vassal" bad for the province-vassal state? You are telling us that Latvia, Lithiuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, and all the rest were better off under Russia's grip? Venezuela is a better place now??? North Korea is a better qualit of life than South Korea? Who are you trying to kid?Quote:Quote:As US citizens, shouldn't that be a good thing that is convenient for us and works out?Quote:It's not entirely an either/or choice between participating in the Western economy and the Russian economy. To the extent that it is a choice, Russia has interests in Ukraine which were undisputed at the time NATO was formed. Those interests didn't disappear with the Soviet Union. Both Russia and the West have made offers to Ukraine. Ukraine was prepared to accept what it considered a better deal from Russia. The 2014 coup changed that, and now of course we recognize the post-coup policy as the only legitimate one. Quite convenient for us, but there's more to it than we like to pretend.Quote:Why is it so bad to admit nations that want to join the Western Economy and have security? Why do they have to pass some moral barometer to be worthy? Being strategically located is not enough? Having more Ag land than the rest of Europe combined doesn't count?Quote:
Obviously not to defend Australian democracy, since partner status entails no such commitment on our part. I'm sure it was meant to provide our operations with financial and other assistance, as well as give us bragging rights to a bigger "international coalition."
A much better question is why we're considering member status for Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt regime known for ethnic, religious, and political persecutions. Defending democracy is hardly a plausible explanation there, either.
Probably depends on if you are in a position to capitalize financially on the USA adding another province-vassal to the empire.
For instance out sourcing our manufacturing base made some Americans insanely wealthy…and impoverished millions more working class men and women.
Mixed bag in the end
Red: The "empire" jargon is straight-up Russian agitprop.
[The Oxford dictionary defines empire as: 'Paramount influence, absolute sway, supreme command or control'; how suiting such terminology is to define the current disposition of the United States. Over the past century the U.S. has risen to be the undisputed world power, with its tentacles of influence sprawled across the globe, leaving almost no state untouched.]
Even if you draw a distinction between American States and Allied foreign States....nothing over the past 40 years has given us any indication that the USA powers that be would allow say Poland to leave the Western sphere and enter into the Russian sphere.
Or would allow say S. Korea to leave the Western bloc and enter the orbit of Red China.
The Empire of the USA is a fact....how you feel about it is up to you.
The Roman empire was build and trade and trust...the same as the modern USA empire. That is part of what made/makes both so strong. Far stronger than its competitors.
Rome was build with trust?
Yes you non-educated googootz ...it was in fact built with trust.
Read the link I gave you and buy a ****ing book.
The Roman Republic and later Empire was built on a foundation of trust and alliance...the conquest part was and is exaggerated.
Had you shown a Roman the Mediterranean sea filled in as red or purple and said that was their empire they would not have known or understood what you were talking about. They had allied and trade partners...but did not consider themselves to have an empire for many many generations into the future. And even then they gave Roman citizenship to all the peoples of their allies in 12 CE, when Caracalla granted citizenship to all free inhabitants of the Empire.
A multi-ethnic, multi-linguist empire that spanned an enormous 5 million square kilometres and spanned from London to Babylon could not have been built and sustained over the centuries on mere conquest alone.
Loved this review: "Americans are famously illiterate in their knowledge of history. This, of course, does not stop them from pontificating noisily about history, and drawing inapt parallels between contemporary events and their supposed historic analogues. The most popular in the last decade is probably "Bush = Hitler," but a hardy perennial is the cry "America is the new Rome!"
We are not an Empire in the terms that Rome was an Empire. Second, Rome was built and maintained through conquest. The Republic grew through war. See below, the map does not agree with your opinion. Each expansion by the Republic, was a war and finally Julius Caesar, not a very warlike guy. A regular Peace-nik!
If you read the book you would know that the Republic grew not only through war...but through the enrollment of allies and trade partners.
Simply saying the Roman world was a product of only military conquest is a simplistic view.
Roman allies even fought not to get out from under Roman rule....but to be more greatly incorporated into the Roman imperium. Read about the Social war 91-87 b.c.
Go read the book...its eye opening. And you are mistaken that Thomas Madden says that the modern American imperium is just a copy of the ancient Roman Empire...he never makes that claim.
He simply discusses the way that great powers built on trust and trade are long enduring.
Again you have a hard time accepting this because you are under the false impression that Rome was built on conquest alone.