Why Are We in Ukraine?

686,855 Views | 8730 Replies | Last: 9 min ago by FLBear5630
Sam Lowry
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Doc Holliday said:

sombear said:

Doc Holliday said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Obvious JD didn't bother reading the article. Highlights:

* it's not a huge surprise we can't track every weapon inside a war zone.

* it's $ 1 billion of equipment out of $45 billion.

Oh good just a billion..no biggie

1 out of 45 in a freaking war zone. Not only no biggie, but impressive. Post something when we see it's reported that it ends up in the hands of someone else. I'll eat all the available crow.

You are very calm about the possibility that billions in weaponry might end up on the black market while DC insiders spend the tax payer credit card on a stupid proxy war in a part of the world that is not important to our actual citizens.

I'm not an int'l weapons trade expert, but I know enough to know that it would be exceedingly difficult to discreetly trade in this kind of U.S. weaponry. We give and sell weapons all over the world. There is a reason they hardly ever make the black market or end up in enemy hands. Of course, we can be our own worst enemy at times - e.g,, Afghanistan, Iraq. But it's virtually unprecedented for a receiving country to misappropriate. Again, I'll eat crow if there is another chapter to this story.
Would you pro warhawks be cool paying an extra 20% in income taxes to fund more wars?

Just curious how much you're willing to give up for war.

Also curious how you're not pissed off after watching us fund over $8 trillion in the last 20 years for war but we can't fix our own roads, build a border wall or make living affordable?

I've posted numerous times that I totally understand the spending concern. I share that concern. I evaluate all foreign military assistance on a case-by-case basis. I think Ukraine is a good investment, and I'm willing to pay a few hundred dollars to support it at this time.

I've also posted that I think it is silly in this context to argue, "why are we spending $ on ___, when we can't even do __. " You can say that about every dollar we spend, and it's a fool's errand. That is why I evaluate everything on its own merits. If we were not supporting Ukraine, we still would not be securing the border.
I think our track record and failure in Afghanistan is evidence that our spending in Ukraine is a bad investment.

Wars of the past had a clear winner, today they don't.

I don't trust that our government and military actually know what they're doing on a macro level. Leaving $80B worth of military equipment in Afghanistan and wasting $7 trillion on a failed war takes an extreme level of incompetence to achieve. The same people responsible for that are making decisions about Ukraine.

If we actually learned our lesson, people would be fired left and right. They're still here. They paid no price for an absolute fu ck up job.

I was told by many pro war guys on here that it wouldn't last as long as it already has. Media said Russia was weak and it's freaking 2024…
"Russia will break."

"It happens slowly, then quickly."

"We'll know a lot more in six weeks."
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Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

sombear said:

Doc Holliday said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Obvious JD didn't bother reading the article. Highlights:

* it's not a huge surprise we can't track every weapon inside a war zone.

* it's $ 1 billion of equipment out of $45 billion.

Oh good just a billion..no biggie

1 out of 45 in a freaking war zone. Not only no biggie, but impressive. Post something when we see it's reported that it ends up in the hands of someone else. I'll eat all the available crow.

You are very calm about the possibility that billions in weaponry might end up on the black market while DC insiders spend the tax payer credit card on a stupid proxy war in a part of the world that is not important to our actual citizens.

I'm not an int'l weapons trade expert, but I know enough to know that it would be exceedingly difficult to discreetly trade in this kind of U.S. weaponry. We give and sell weapons all over the world. There is a reason they hardly ever make the black market or end up in enemy hands. Of course, we can be our own worst enemy at times - e.g,, Afghanistan, Iraq. But it's virtually unprecedented for a receiving country to misappropriate. Again, I'll eat crow if there is another chapter to this story.
Would you pro warhawks be cool paying an extra 20% in income taxes to fund more wars?

Just curious how much you're willing to give up for war.

Also curious how you're not pissed off after watching us fund over $8 trillion in the last 20 years for war but we can't fix our own roads, build a border wall or make living affordable?

I've posted numerous times that I totally understand the spending concern. I share that concern. I evaluate all foreign military assistance on a case-by-case basis. I think Ukraine is a good investment, and I'm willing to pay a few hundred dollars to support it at this time.

I've also posted that I think it is silly in this context to argue, "why are we spending $ on ___, when we can't even do __. " You can say that about every dollar we spend, and it's a fool's errand. That is why I evaluate everything on its own merits. If we were not supporting Ukraine, we still would not be securing the border.
Doc's point is relevant because it's the same point that Democrats use as an excuse not to secure the border. See for example their refusal to fund the border wall at the "excessive" cost of $50 billion. You can't have it both ways. If the budget was a priority then, it should be a priority now.

It was always such a goofy argument….

Congress: "We can't possibly afford to spend $50 billion on a wall to defend the USA!"

Congress 4 years later: "We are spending $200 billion on a proxy war on the other side of the world…something that does not effect our actual citizens"

Talk about an out of control and frankly illegitimate Federal government.
Seriously, how many actually make that argument?

The arguments I hear are:

Blame the other party
Throw things into immigration bills that are poison pills
Support of open borders
Ineffectiveness of walls

I can't think of any politician who has said they 100% support securing the border, but we can't afford it. And if there are any, I wouldn't believe them.
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

How long do you want to ignore this user?

Doc Holliday
How long do you want to ignore this user?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.

Well he did not say that.

He just pointed out the large cultural differences that exist between civilizations.

We have deep military alliances with S. Korea and Japan who are not part of Western civilization.

But trying to integrate in a non-Western State with serious corruption problems was always going to be hard (see Romania) and there was always a high probability of sparking conflict with Russia.

Just like if we were trying to do the same with Vietnam it would most likely spark problems with China.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.

Well he did not say that.

He just pointed out the large cultural differences that exist between civilizations.

We have deep military alliances with S. Korea and Japan who are not part of Western civilization.

But trying to integrate in a non-Western State with serious corruption problems was always going to be hard (see Romania) and there was always a high probability of sparking conflict with Russia.

Just like if we were trying to do the same with Vietnam it would most likely spark problems with China.
What? You are speaking out of both sides with this one. It is no harder to work with Ukraine than it would be to work with Japan, Korea, India, China, and most of the world. Hell, Ukraine treats us better than Canada and Trudeau!
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.

Well he did not say that.

He just pointed out the large cultural differences that exist between civilizations.

We have deep military alliances with S. Korea and Japan who are not part of Western civilization.

But trying to integrate in a non-Western State with serious corruption problems was always going to be hard (see Romania) and there was always a high probability of sparking conflict with Russia.

Just like if we were trying to do the same with Vietnam it would most likely spark problems with China.
What? You are speaking out of both sides with this one. It is no harder to work with Ukraine than it would be to work with Japan, Korea, India, China, and most of the world. Hell, Ukraine treats us better than Canada and Trudeau!
Japan is a non-corrupt 1st world nation with a stable political system that has long been in the USA alliance network.

Not to mention that starting a relationship with Japan did not spark off a conflict with a local rival.

I think you have to see that.

Ukraine has none of those advantages


We are not in a deep alliance with India and China
How long do you want to ignore this user?
boognish_bear said:

I pray this is true and for peace
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.

Well he did not say that.

He just pointed out the large cultural differences that exist between civilizations.

We have deep military alliances with S. Korea and Japan who are not part of Western civilization.

But trying to integrate in a non-Western State with serious corruption problems was always going to be hard (see Romania) and there was always a high probability of sparking conflict with Russia.

Just like if we were trying to do the same with Vietnam it would most likely spark problems with China.
What? You are speaking out of both sides with this one. It is no harder to work with Ukraine than it would be to work with Japan, Korea, India, China, and most of the world. Hell, Ukraine treats us better than Canada and Trudeau!
Japan is a non-corrupt 1st world nation with a stable political system that has long been in the USA alliance network.

Not to mention that starting a relationship with Japan did not spark off a conflict with a local rival.

I think you have to see that.

Ukraine has none of those advantages


We are not in a deep alliance with India and China

We don't trade and interact with China and India? You may not like Ukraine, that doesn't mean there is no value in supporting them. Just the fact that we are helping a Nation that was invaded is a positive to our allies. We are allowed to still have those right? Or do they offend you as well? Ko
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.

Well he did not say that.

He just pointed out the large cultural differences that exist between civilizations.

We have deep military alliances with S. Korea and Japan who are not part of Western civilization.

But trying to integrate in a non-Western State with serious corruption problems was always going to be hard (see Romania) and there was always a high probability of sparking conflict with Russia.

Just like if we were trying to do the same with Vietnam it would most likely spark problems with China.
What? You are speaking out of both sides with this one. It is no harder to work with Ukraine than it would be to work with Japan, Korea, India, China, and most of the world. Hell, Ukraine treats us better than Canada and Trudeau!
Japan is a non-corrupt 1st world nation with a stable political system that has long been in the USA alliance network.

Not to mention that starting a relationship with Japan did not spark off a conflict with a local rival.

I think you have to see that.

Ukraine has none of those advantages


We are not in a deep alliance with India and China

We don't trade and interact with China and India?

Of course we do.

But neither are in our alliance network.

We are not pledged to defend China or India in a war for instance.

Trying to rip Ukraine out of the Orthodox civilization and convert it to Western civilization…while also trying to place it in NATO and forever tear it away from the Russian sphere of influence is probably a project doomed to failure.

You are literally trying to do two hard tasks at one…and in the face of serious resistance from a regional power.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:








again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
LOL the projection. Your first statement is a patent falsehood. At the time Putin invaded, there was neither an offer nor an application for Nato membership, or Nato partner status.

Seriously, dude. Get help.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times and to state that those 9 are the basis of all interactions seems simplistic to me. He seems to disregard all of history to fixate on barriers. Understanding differences and future goals is the key to forming lasting alliances. As the old saying goes, you can't fix it if you don't know it is broke. I do agree that the West installing Democracies and cultures is not the way today.

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European. Now European Christianity is a barrier that can't be breeched and any move from a Nation that used to be in the Russian Orbit is off limits?

How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

There were just as many calls that Europe's border is the Urals from Peter the Great to Charles De Gaul. Western Russia as a European nation is not a new concept, nor even an unwanted one. The problem is Russia's view as more than a Nation. Hell, they would invite Russia to the EU if they stopped the "elite civlization, expansionist" crap.
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:








again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
LOL the projection. Your first statement is a patent falsehood. At the time Putin invaded, there was neither an offer nor an application for Nato membership, or Nato partner status.

Seriously, dude. Get help.
LOL...you know perfectly well that doesn't disprove my point. Bringing Ukraine into NATO has been our stated objective since the George W. Bush administration. You've endorsed it several times yourself. It's laughably dishonest to suggest otherwise.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

There were just as many calls that Europe's border is the Urals from Peter the Great to Charles De Gaul. Western Russia as a European nation is not a new concept, nor even an unwanted one. The problem is Russia's view as more than a Nation. Hell, they would invite Russia to the EU if they stopped the "elite civilization, expansionist" crap.

Certainly the geographic borders of Europe are the Ural mountains.

But I think Charles de Gaulle was a little foolish to think that the "cultural-civilizational" borders of Europe could every extend that far East.

The modern EU....(the premier Western entity other than the USA)...has show to have the same problems with trying to extend "Europe" the civilizational concept to include Turkey.

Turkey has had trade & military alliances with the West now since the 1950s...and yet still there is serious friction. And no telling if future Islamist type governments in Turkey will continue the process of Western integration.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:








again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
LOL the projection. Your first statement is a patent falsehood. At the time Putin invaded, there was neither an offer nor an application for Nato membership, or Nato partner status.

Seriously, dude. Get help.
LOL...you know perfectly well that doesn't disprove my point. Bringing Ukraine into NATO has been our stated objective since the George W. Bush administration. It's laughably dishonest to suggest otherwise.

Our brilliant VP was repeating the US's desire to enlist Ukraine into NATO even while Putin was moving 200,000 troops toward the Ukrainian border.

One of the biggest diplomatic blunders in US history.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
KaiBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:








again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
LOL the projection. Your first statement is a patent falsehood. At the time Putin invaded, there was neither an offer nor an application for Nato membership, or Nato partner status.

Seriously, dude. Get help.
LOL...you know perfectly well that doesn't disprove my point. Bringing Ukraine into NATO has been our stated objective since the George W. Bush administration. It's laughably dishonest to suggest otherwise.

Our brilliant VP was repeating the US's desire to enlist Ukraine into NATO even while Putin was moving 200,000 troops toward the Ukrainian border.

One of the biggest diplomatic blunders in US history.

And also completely unnecessary...with the inclusion of the Baltic States, Turkey, and now Finland into NATO....Moscow is surrounded.

NATO troops can attack Russia via multiple invasion routes....and be in St. Petersburg (Russia's 2nd most important city) in just a few hours driving time. Narva Estonia to St. Petersburg is like Waco to DFW in travel time.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

KaiBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:








again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
LOL the projection. Your first statement is a patent falsehood. At the time Putin invaded, there was neither an offer nor an application for Nato membership, or Nato partner status.

Seriously, dude. Get help.
LOL...you know perfectly well that doesn't disprove my point. Bringing Ukraine into NATO has been our stated objective since the George W. Bush administration. It's laughably dishonest to suggest otherwise.

Our brilliant VP was repeating the US's desire to enlist Ukraine into NATO even while Putin was moving 200,000 troops toward the Ukrainian border.

One of the biggest diplomatic blunders in US history.

And also completely unnecessary...with the inclusion of the Baltic States, Turkey, and now Finland into NATO....Moscow is surrounded.

NATO troops can attack Russia via multiple invasion routes....and be in St. Petersburg (Russia's 2nd most important city) in just a few hours driving time. Narva Estonia to St. Petersburg is like Waco to DFW in travel time.


NATO forces will never initiate a ground assault into Russia.

The Cold War is over.

The immigration wars have only just begun.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

There were just as many calls that Europe's border is the Urals from Peter the Great to Charles De Gaul. Western Russia as a European nation is not a new concept, nor even an unwanted one. The problem is Russia's view as more than a Nation. Hell, they would invite Russia to the EU if they stopped the "elite civilization, expansionist" crap.

Certainly the geographic borders of Europe are the Ural mountains.

But I think Charles de Gaulle was a little foolish to think that the "cultural-civilizational" borders of Europe could every extend that far East.

The modern EU....(the premier Western entity other than the USA)...has show to have the same problems with trying to extend "Europe" the civilizational concept to include Turkey.

Turkey has had trade & military alliances with the West now since the 1950s...and yet still there is serious friction. And no telling if future Islamist type governments in Turkey will continue the process of Western integration.

No one has ever said that Turkey is a European culture, Turkey was a desperate act for both sides. My enemies, enemy. Turkey has always been the cross-roads and more Asia/Middle East than European. North West Russia, including St Petersburg, Moscow and Murmansk (Kola Peninsula) is much more European than Turkey. Ukraine is much more European than Turkey! There will always be a border/crossroads area, that will never change. To just punt that area because it is harder to exist there is not good policy...
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

There were just as many calls that Europe's border is the Urals from Peter the Great to Charles De Gaul. Western Russia as a European nation is not a new concept, nor even an unwanted one. The problem is Russia's view as more than a Nation. Hell, they would invite Russia to the EU if they stopped the "elite civilization, expansionist" crap.

Certainly the geographic borders of Europe are the Ural mountains.

But I think Charles de Gaulle was a little foolish to think that the "cultural-civilizational" borders of Europe could every extend that far East.

The modern EU....(the premier Western entity other than the USA)...has show to have the same problems with trying to extend "Europe" the civilizational concept to include Turkey.

Turkey has had trade & military alliances with the West now since the 1950s...and yet still there is serious friction. And no telling if future Islamist type governments in Turkey will continue the process of Western integration.

No one has ever said that Turkey is a European culture, Turkey was a desperate act for both sides. My enemies, enemy. Turkey has always been the cross-roads and more Asia/Middle East than European. North West Russia, including St Petersburg, Moscow and Murmansk (Kola Peninsula) is much more European than Turkey. Ukraine is much more European than Turkey! There will always be a border/crossroads area, that will never change...

You are merely giving commentary on my point.

Why attempt through political coups/proxy wars/and conflict to try and convert another country to the Western cultural bloc? When its quite obvious that attempt is leading to a long bloody war?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

KaiBear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:








again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.
LOL the projection. Your first statement is a patent falsehood. At the time Putin invaded, there was neither an offer nor an application for Nato membership, or Nato partner status.

Seriously, dude. Get help.
LOL...you know perfectly well that doesn't disprove my point. Bringing Ukraine into NATO has been our stated objective since the George W. Bush administration. It's laughably dishonest to suggest otherwise.

Our brilliant VP was repeating the US's desire to enlist Ukraine into NATO even while Putin was moving 200,000 troops toward the Ukrainian border.

One of the biggest diplomatic blunders in US history.

And also completely unnecessary...with the inclusion of the Baltic States, Turkey, and now Finland into NATO....Moscow is surrounded.

NATO troops can attack Russia via multiple invasion routes....and be in St. Petersburg (Russia's 2nd most important city) in just a few hours driving time. Narva Estonia to St. Petersburg is like Waco to DFW in travel time.


NATO forces will never initiate a ground assault into Russia.

The Cold War is over.

The immigration wars have only just begun.

A good point....another reason our DC leadership class is out of touch with average Americans.

They are dreaming of ground invasions of Russia while the actual United States is invaded to the tune of 200,000 combat ready males per month.

At a certain point you have to ask how their priorities go so screwed up.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

There were just as many calls that Europe's border is the Urals from Peter the Great to Charles De Gaul. Western Russia as a European nation is not a new concept, nor even an unwanted one. The problem is Russia's view as more than a Nation. Hell, they would invite Russia to the EU if they stopped the "elite civilization, expansionist" crap.

Certainly the geographic borders of Europe are the Ural mountains.

But I think Charles de Gaulle was a little foolish to think that the "cultural-civilizational" borders of Europe could every extend that far East.

The modern EU....(the premier Western entity other than the USA)...has show to have the same problems with trying to extend "Europe" the civilizational concept to include Turkey.

Turkey has had trade & military alliances with the West now since the 1950s...and yet still there is serious friction. And no telling if future Islamist type governments in Turkey will continue the process of Western integration.

No one has ever said that Turkey is a European culture, Turkey was a desperate act for both sides. My enemies, enemy. Turkey has always been the cross-roads and more Asia/Middle East than European. North West Russia, including St Petersburg, Moscow and Murmansk (Kola Peninsula) is much more European than Turkey. Ukraine is much more European than Turkey! There will always be a border/crossroads area, that will never change...

You are merely giving commentary on my point.

Why attempt through political coups/proxy wars/and conflict to try and convert another country to the Western cultural bloc? When its quite obvious that attempt is leading to a long bloody war?
I thought that what these Boards were about, giving commentary on people's points...

Where we seem to differ is that I have no problem with Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Greece and the Greece Lights (Macedonia, etc...) having different cultures and values. We can be in an economic, military and diplomatic alliances. No issue, let Ukraine in. You seem to see it as a Hadrian's Wall..

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FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

whiterock said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Bizarre response. You are the one disregarding the strong majority of Ukrainians. Obviously nobody can speak for every Ukrainian. Brutal straw man there. Strange that it bothers you so much that they want to fight for their country.

I'd like to think I'd fight to defend my country. Would you?

And what do dodgers have to do with anything. That's the case in all wars. It's as old as time.

You are shilling for a war in Eastern Europe when your own country is being invaded right now.

200,000 illegal invaders over the borders monthly.

A war our own intelligence agencies in large part helped to start by overthrowing the last government in Kyiv and helping to scuttle any peace deals since.

lol give me a freaking break

you give us a freaking break with the freaking false dilemmas. If we shut down the Ukraine show tomorrow, it will have no impact on the border whatsoever.

We have to engage and win on BOTH problems.

One of those issues is a possible existential problem for the USA and its future survival as a nation-state.

At best it will determine if the USA will be ruled by a political coalition of progressive coastal liberals and destitute 3rd worlders for the foreseeable future.

The other is a rusting out ex-Soviet state that has never been an ally of ours or in our sphere of influence.

It's not a problem for Americans at all really.

again, you are just defining away Russia as a non-threat, instead of looking at current realities, history, geo-politics, etc.....

And Russian actions in Ukraine was the galvanizing force. Nato is supporting Ukraine, too, as well as starting to rebuild their armies....because they see exactly what you ignore = Russian expansionism is a current threat…

And yes, Russian expansionism against Nato is every bit as great a threat as what is happening on the Southern border. .

if you had no strawman, you'd have no argument at all.

Russia does not have to invade a Nato nation to destablize it. Slovakia already has a pro-Russian PM (head of a small party leading a coalition govt.

Oh gotta democracy is destabilizing huh?

You really do sound like you work for some DC neo-con
/liberal interventionist outfit.

Democracy is bad in other countries when it comes to conclusions DC does not like

If the Slovaks want to be a good terms with Russia it's not actually "destabilizing" anymore than if a party gets elected that follows an opposite policy

Your arguments basically boils down to "Russia exists so it's a threat"

again, you revert to genetic fallacy rather than deal with facts and geo-political realities.

And those facts are = Nato exists. Voluntarily. Not one nation was forced to join. Not one nation has even been forced to make their pledged annual contribution. But all member nations, including the USA, have agreed to common defense, to include nuclear exchange, should the alliance be attacked. So rising threats to the Nato alliance are relevant. (a point you studiously avoid).

It is true that invasion of Nato by Russia appears neither likely nor imminent at this time, given the limits of Russian abilities on their best day, degraded over time by years of war. But Russia has miscalculated in Ukraine. Badly. How can we blithely assume they would not do so at some point in the future re Nato? (we can't.)

And invasion is not the only threat. I've laid it out many, many times for you. The pendulum swings in democracy. Political coalitions rise and fall. Right now, pro-EU forces are ascendant all across Europe. At some point, forces more favorable to Russia will win an election. The template is partially formed in Slovakia, although barely so (but it does show I'm not contriving unrealities). The proximity of Russian armies to those dynamics is a VERY material factor (yet another one you ignore). Nothing would strengthen pro-Russian dynamics in a European democracy more than a Russian army just across the border. Such would cause pro-EU forces to equivocate, to hedge bets. And it would cause pro-Russia forces to be more confident, aggressive. The scales of influence over time would time more toward Russia...... Just basic geopolitics 101. Gunboat diplomacy has a wiki page, ya know.....

How does Russian victory in Ukraine benefit the USA?
How does Russian victory in Ukraine lead to more rather than less stability?
(i could go on for a while with pertinent questions like that. and the answer for all of them is "it doesn't.")

You have no geopolitical policy at all except to do nothing, particularly where Russia is concerned. yours is the worldview that disengages to let forces find their own equilibrium, sleeps like a baby for a decade or so, then wakes up one morning to news videos of an general in an Eastern Europe Nato member announcing (while flanked by known, plain-clothed Russian military advisors) that he is now the head of state, after weeks of tumultuous and ultimately unsuccessful efforts by various parties to put together a shaky ruling coalition. ("shaky coalitions" are a problem - if do you not think domestic politics in Israel affected the timing of the Hamas decision to launch an attack, you are not thinking clearly). you look down at your desk and see frantic traffic from Foggy Bottom saying that other Nato states area all reporting that their liaison officers in that country have been restricted to house arrest, pending investigations of corruption. And now, your fear is.....will those Russian armies in Ukraine (or Belarus) be invited across the border to help stabilize the new government? And at that moment we will not be able to drive a sixteen-penny nail up your ass with a sledgehammer.

Dude, that is exactly how the next world war is GOING to start. Only questions are when, and WHERE. At this moment in time, we have a lot more influence right now over "where" than we do "when." That question is being argued as we speak on the Black Sea coast east of the Dnieper River. Our policy should be to keep those Russian armies in Russia, and if they step across borders, support anyone who will oppose them. IT is a very limited and cheap policy, even if lightweights refuse to understand it.

Speaking of straw men. Acknowledging a Russian sphere of influence is not "disengagement." It was an integral part of our policy until the unprecedented overreach of the last couple of decades.
There is a consistent theme in your arguments: "Often wrong, never in doubt."

"Sphere of influence" is a thing. But it's not "sphere of influence" when you invade it to subsume it into your state. In such a case, your "sphere of influence" doesn't just go away. It moves further out. It moves into the "sphere of influence" of others. (note your argument is premised on that concept....) And when you try to move your sphere of influence into that of others.......conflict occurs. The conflict in Ukraine is an effort to keep the Russian sphere of influence from becoming the eastern tier of Nato states.

In Political Geography, "spheres of influence" are called "shatter zones." The term itself belies the reality that spheres of influence always overlap. Where they overlap, they conflict. The goal is to keep that conflict political, economic...to seek influence rather than control, as control inherently invites military action. And if military action occurs, the goal is to keep it between proxies. That conflict over time ebbs & flows. If a major power miscalculates, it can expect to see its position in the shatter zone deteriorate, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not.

Nato would have been quite happy to have let Ukraine continue to be Ukraine, a corrupt buffer state between Nato and Russia. But Russia wasn't happy with that. So Russia invaded. And here we are. The appropriate response for Nato is not to say "oh, well. Russia deserves Ukraine. Let 'em have it. Russian armies moving 600mi closer to our capitals will have no impact on our security whatsoever..." because that is a quaintly Pollyanna take on geo-politics.

The fatal flaw in your analysis is stasis = it presumes that Russia is entitled to the sphere of influence it had in 1990. It further assumes a number of things downstream from that - that the events of 1991 are irrelevant, that Nato has a duty to stand back and let Russia reconstitute its former glory, that the states within the shatter zone have no agency in the course of affairs.

Only a Russian nationalist could reasonably expect such to be so. It's just not the way things work....have ever worked or will ever work. The Russian sphere of influence in 1990 was a historic maximum. It was also unsustainable. Patently, as history has demonstrated = Russia had a cataclysmic collapse in 1991. The state itself dissolved and got smaller. That by definition changed the location of the shatterzone. In central Asia, Turkey and Iran and China moved in to contest Russian influence, which is partly or wholly gone, depending on the state in question. Similarly, it's position in eastern Europe also collapsed. The shatterzone moved eastward several hundred miles, to Belarus and Ukraine. Russia was not content with a 600mi buffer between itself and Nato. So it invaded. That was an incredibly foolish thing to do. They are going to pay dearly for it. As they should. If they want their former glory back, they are going to have to earn it.

"Delusions of grandeur"
"Champaign taste on a beer budget"
"Biting off more than one can chew"
"Appetite exceeding arsehole"
Just a few of the ways to describe Russian nationalism.
At some point, they have to reminded that they have a lot of growing up to do.
Same is true for your foreign policy analysis, btw....

Your analysis begins with a patent falsehood and goes downhill from there. If we'd been content with Ukraine as a buffer state, we never would have tried to bring them into NATO.

Of course moving the line 600 miles to the west is dangerous. This is too obvious to mention. Yet with all your efforts, you cannot begin to fathom that moving it 600 miles to the east might be just as dangerous.

Not only that..but Ukraine is not even part of the Western world. (At least not according to Samuel Huntington)

It's gonna be hard enough for NATO/The West to ever truly integrate Bulgaria and Romania. Much less Ukraine

Well, if Sam Huntington says so we should abandon our positions and allies around the world...

Don't you think that the desire for those Nations to integrate play into that equation? Using your logic and that map, we would only trade with Europe.
Huntington is a smart fellow. His "Clash of CIvilizations" is a seminal work which has greatly shaped my worldview.

To portray Orthodox Christianity is completely incompatible with Western Civilization is quite a reach, certainly no fatal barrier to military alliance. As your subsequent post notes, we have a strong and enduring military alliance with Japan and North Korea (and others) despite far greater cultural differences than that which exists between the western and orthodox worlds.

The divide between Orthodox and Catholic, in isolation, is no greater than the divide between Catholic and Protestant......
I have no issues with Huntington's broader scholarly theories and find them interesting, I am not sure I agree with his findings as absolute. Seems too simplistic and absolute. These civilizations have bordered, aligned, and traded for a millennium. Religion has changed numerous times…

Ukraine has bordered Europe and dealt with Russia forever. They have traded with Europe, Russia and Asia forever. Russia west of the Urals has always tied itself to Europe and believed itself to be European. As late as 2008:

"Europe's problems won't be solved until its unity is established, an organic wholeness of all its integral parts, including Russia." Medvedev identified the United States, the European Union, and Russia as the "three branches of European civilization."

Doesn't sound like Russia, the most Orthodox Nation on Earth, believed it was a barrier. As far back as Peter the Great Russia identified as European.

[The Two Faces Of Russia And Germany's Eastern Problems
An address delivered on February 14, 1922, at the Rhenish-Westphalian Business Convention in Essen
First published in Sp*****r, Politische Schriften (Munich, 1932)

The occasion for which Sp*****r composed his lecture entitled "The Two Faces of Russia and Germany's Eastern Problems" was a convention of captains of industry in the heart of the Ruhr district in early 1922. Before audiences such as this one he naturally indulged his penchant for oracular predictions; his remarks about "the coming religion of Russia" might strike us as amusing now that we have witnessed Soviet developments from Stalin to Khrushchev and beyond. But there is enough depth and insight to this speech to make one suppose that Sp*****r may, allowing the Russian people enough time to come to itself, carry the day after all.

"We are easily deceived by the geographic concept of "Europe," ..The real Europe ends at the Vistula river" ]

There were just as many calls that Europe's border is the Urals from Peter the Great to Charles De Gaul. Western Russia as a European nation is not a new concept, nor even an unwanted one. The problem is Russia's view as more than a Nation. Hell, they would invite Russia to the EU if they stopped the "elite civilization, expansionist" crap.

Certainly the geographic borders of Europe are the Ural mountains.

But I think Charles de Gaulle was a little foolish to think that the "cultural-civilizational" borders of Europe could every extend that far East.

The modern EU....(the premier Western entity other than the USA)...has show to have the same problems with trying to extend "Europe" the civilizational concept to include Turkey.

Turkey has had trade & military alliances with the West now since the 1950s...and yet still there is serious friction. And no telling if future Islamist type governments in Turkey will continue the process of Western integration.

No one has ever said that Turkey is a European culture, Turkey was a desperate act for both sides. My enemies, enemy. Turkey has always been the cross-roads and more Asia/Middle East than European. North West Russia, including St Petersburg, Moscow and Murmansk (Kola Peninsula) is much more European than Turkey. Ukraine is much more European than Turkey! There will always be a border/crossroads area, that will never change...

You are merely giving commentary on my point.

Why attempt through political coups/proxy wars/and conflict to try and convert another country to the Western cultural bloc? When its quite obvious that attempt is leading to a long bloody war?

Where we seem to differ is that I have no problem with Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Greece and the Greece Lights (Macedonia, etc...) having different cultures and values. We can be in an economic, military and diplomatic alliances. No issue, let Ukraine in. You seem to see it as a Hadrian's Wall..

Not at all.

Just wanting some rationality in the constant need to forever expand the Western bloc under the leadership of DC into new areas that might not fit culturally or politically.

(and that a course of action that Western diplomats and intelligence officers warned against all the way until the 2000s)

We have to remember that this was all kicked off with a coup back in 2014. Since then hundreds of thousands have died, trillions in damage has taken place, and millions have fled into exile.

Was it all worth it?

For instance pulling Turkey into NATO in the 1950s to threaten the underbelly of the USSR? Worth it

Trying to get pull Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of influence by proxy war in the 2020s? Probably not
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You keep saying we are behind this war. We are just providing what they are asking for.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
FLBear5630 said:

You keep saying we are behind this war. We are just providing what they are asking for.
"We" is not the word I would use....the American people don't have anything to do with this war...now certain factions in our intelligence agencies, government aligned NGOs, and State department? Oh I think they are hands deep in it and have been since Obama was in office.
Sam Lowry
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FLBear5630 said:

You keep saying we are behind this war.
Of course we are.
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