FLBear5630 said:
Redbrickbear said:
Frank Galvin said:
Sam Lowry said:
Frank Galvin said:
KaiBear said:
Redbrickbear said:
But Dem partisans can't / won't comprehend the consequences of the actions of their 'team'.
They understand exactly what would happen if they reached a border agreement without agreement on Ukraine.
Ha, yeah…they'd save a lot of lives and get nothing but a more secure border in return. Hard to see any benefit from that.
Guess you don't consider the freedom and wishes of 40 million people a benefit.
A good number of that 40 million does not even consider itself ethnic Ukrainian….and many in Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk have been fighting for almost a decade to be free of Kyiv

So the groups in CA that want SoCal to be part of Mexico have the right to ask Mexico to invade the US and annex Southern Calf.
No doubt mass immigration is going to cause all kinds of problems for the USA over the next 100 years…
But it interesting that DC always seems to support secessionist movements around the world (Kosovo, East Timor, South Sudan, etc)
Not not when it benefits Russia or if it's here at home in the good ole USA
One might almost think DC does not have set rules…but makes them up as they go along.
I actually support secessionist movements in general.
No central government has the right to use force to keep people in an artificial political union.
Southern California belongs to the people of Southern California….Crimea belongs to the people that live there…and they both have the right to choose who they want to be in a political relationship with