Why Are We in Ukraine?

680,432 Views | 8690 Replies | Last: 8 hrs ago by historian
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J.R. said:

KaiBear said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.R. said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

You think Trump is a conservative? Trump is for Trump. No different than the Russian Oligarchs. He is for Trump making money and having power. He is nobodies Champion but his own.

Trump isn't conservative. He is transactional...

Honeslty it's the best thing about Trump.

He understands it's a two way relationship with his voters and that he has to do something for them

Vs respectable republicans like Bush and Nikki who do nothing for their voters and actively betray them for the donor class

Fair point.

Trump does try to accommodate his supporters.

If only he could keep his mouth shut while doing it

Trump plays to the Christian crowd more than any other candidate I've seen. He plays us like a piano.

Literally not true.

Poll after poll shows that Trump is more popular with non-committed Christians and those who don't go to church much if at all.

While he has lower levels of approval among committed Christians.

Many serious Christians hold their nose and vote for Trump (because the other party has become a truly radical anti-religious party and anti-white racialist party)

But they do not love Trump and never will.

Trump did better with self-described white evangelicals than W, McCain, and Romney.

But my point was about Trump campaigning for that vote. He surrounded himself with evangelical preachers and other influential members like no candidates before him.
Couldn't never understand why in the hell would ministers support that heathen? I give you the all time evangelical clown,, Robert Jeffress. What an idiot.

1. Because Republican "Christians" like the Bush family have shown themselves to be wolves in sheep's clothing.

They do nothing for their base and just get us into more wars.

2. The Democratic Party is a functionally anti-religious party.

3. Christianity is in institutional decline in the USA. You are seeing with Trump the rise of the post-religious right.

If you hated the old Christian conservative coalition you are really gonna be afraid of the post-religious Right
I'm totally calling bull**** on most of this nonsense and FRWNJ. 1). I know 43 and you can quarrel with his Presidency, however, he is one of the best Christian men you can find. That is a fact.

I don't want to get in a fight with you but George W Bush is a moral monster (and a globalist)

His war of choice in Iraq was in violation of international law and got thousands of Americans killed, trillions in taxpayer money wasted, and somewhere between 300,000 to 1 million Iraqis killed.

He is not a good Christian and he will have a LOT to answer for when he stands before the Lord of Hosts at the end times…..I would not want to be in his shoes at the last judgement
Again Red, we/me can quarrel with wars etc, but again I know him and he is a good human, Christian man.

Agreed, I suspect Bush has far more charisma than Trump. But I have never met either of them.

You know ex president Bush personally ?

How did you come to meet the man ?

yes. My mother ran his campaign in Texas. He officed in the building across from mine in Preston Center. Members of the same clubs. He lives in Dallas where I live. Funny story here. He bought a friend of mine's house. When he moved in, Dan would get calls from him asking where is this that and the other. He has always been really kind. Another funny story...about 4 years ago, my son and 3 buddies were playing golf and here comes 2 carts, one with 2 people in golf attire and another cart with 2 dudes in suits. So my son's grew were like wth? They rolled up on the tee and asked to play through as he only had 2. He walks up on the tee, walks over to my son's crew and asked all of them where they went to HS. What they do. Where are yall going to college? Then, he says, "boys get over here and get a pic. Then he absolutely shanked the tee shot. He turned around and said "boys I suck, hope yall are better. Kinda cool. During his campaign , we had a fundraiser in my parent's backyard where the great Joe Ely played. That is how.

Thank you.

You and I certainly live in different social circles.

Don't know anyone famous ( or infamous ) and spend most of my time with grandchildren , a handful of old friends , wife of 43 years and at events involving our Church.

Suspect I would enjoy meeting ex president Bush.

Donald Trump…..no thanks .
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Redbrickbear said:

J.R. said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

KaiBear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

You think Trump is a conservative? Trump is for Trump. No different than the Russian Oligarchs. He is for Trump making money and having power. He is nobodies Champion but his own.

Trump isn't conservative. He is transactional...

Honeslty it's the best thing about Trump.

He understands it's a two way relationship with his voters and that he has to do something for them

Vs respectable republicans like Bush and Nikki who do nothing for their voters and actively betray them for the donor class

Fair point.

Trump does try to accommodate his supporters.

If only he could keep his mouth shut while doing it

Trump plays to the Christian crowd more than any other candidate I've seen. He plays us like a piano.

Literally not true.

Poll after poll shows that Trump is more popular with non-committed Christians and those who don't go to church much if at all.

While he has lower levels of approval among committed Christians.

Many serious Christians hold their nose and vote for Trump (because the other party has become a truly radical anti-religious party and anti-white racialist party)

But they do not love Trump and never will.

Trump did better with self-described white evangelicals than W, McCain, and Romney.

But my point was about Trump campaigning for that vote. He surrounded himself with evangelical preachers and other influential members like no candidates before him.
Couldn't never understand why in the hell would ministers support that heathen? I give you the all time evangelical clown,, Robert Jeffress. What an idiot.

1. Because Republican "Christians" like the Bush family have shown themselves to be wolves in sheep's clothing.

They do nothing for their base and just get us into more wars.

2. The Democratic Party is a functionally anti-religious party.

3. Christianity is in institutional decline in the USA. You are seeing with Trump the rise of the post-religious right.

If you hated the old Christian conservative coalition you are really gonna be afraid of the post-religious Right
The post religious right. I think we've seen that movie before. Even now...
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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trey3216 said:

Realitybites said:

FLBear5630 said:

You think Trump is a conservative? Trump is for Trump. No different than the Russian Oligarchs. He is for Trump making money and having power. He is nobodies Champion but his own.

Trump isn't conservative. He is transactional. The same could be said about most politicians and business people. The question is, what are the guardrails to someone like that behaving in a purely transactional manner to the detriment of America? Love of country, religious faith, what exactly?

Someone like Biden has no guardrails. He is perfectly willing to watch the world burn for his self interest and will sign a deal with the devil to make it happen. You are living through that right now.

Despite not being a "conservative" or having a deep religious faith Trump's guardrail is a love of country. Given where most CEOs and politicians have none, that's a win, and a big one.

Frankly, "conservative" as a political term is a dead letter because forty years post Reagan there is nothing left to conserve. What you need is a disruptor candidate, an Anti-Obama.

RDS, Trump, and RFK are the only three this cycle that fit that description.
I think Trump's "love of country" is as convenient as his current wife. He throws whatever it takes out there to secure the commitment, but whatever winds of change that are blowing at some point down the road, in his favor, is where his 'heart' is at.
Trump loves power. Unfortunately, he learned the Presidency is THE most powerful position. He is like a heroin addict, will to do ANYTHING to get that power again. He will never go away.
ATL Bear
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Sam Lowry said:

ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Realitybites said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

nothing surprising about that, nor objectionable. WHEN is the key question. My timeframe is decades. I want to see political stability and institutionalization of western order.

Here's the irony for those who oppose Nato membership for Ukraine: The only way to avoid it is to restore the pre-2014 territorial integrity of Ukraine. The greater the level of dismemberment of Ukraine, the weaker the viability of argument of neutral status for the remnant state.

So. Choose your poison.

What about those of us who think that it's time NATO needs to be dismembered because it has turned into a destabilizing force for peace?

The pre-2014 territorial intergrity of Ukraine as a neutral state is off the table at this point.

What is on the table is Ukraine west of the Dniper as a military neutral non-NATO member that's free to trade with the EU. The harder NATO pushes to get what is left of Ukraine into NATO, the smaller what is left of Ukraine will be and the larger the DMZ will be.
NATO is destabilizing, not the guy that took Crimea in 2014 and rolled 200k troops and tanks across the Ukraine border. He is just a nice guy...

And the CIA was involved in Ukraine long before that and helped launch a coup against the old government leading directly to a separatist war in the East and the secession/occupation of Crimea

Just because you keep repeating a lie, doesn't make it real, even though the social media echo chamber makes it seem so.
Wise words. You should heed them.
Well, I'm no Putin, but I'll take that under advisement.
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boognish_bear said:

He needs to focus on fixing Argentina. If he doesn't, the Peronistas will be back in power in the next election.
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I think Trump's "love of country" is as convenient as his current wife. He throws whatever it takes out there to secure the commitment, but whatever winds of change that are blowing at some point down the road, in his favor, is where his 'heart' is at.

Trump's love of country is probably genuine, as it sees the America of the 80s and 90s as irrevocably tied to his personal wealth and success. It's probably far more genuine than his feelings for his current wife or God. While this may not make him a good person, this does make him a convenient tool.

Still, he has as big an age issue as Biden. If he is elected, he will instantly be a lame duck who enters office at 78 and leaves at 82.

RFK 2024.
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Realitybites said:


I think Trump's "love of country" is as convenient as his current wife. He throws whatever it takes out there to secure the commitment, but whatever winds of change that are blowing at some point down the road, in his favor, is where his 'heart' is at.

If he is elected, he will instantly be a lame duck who enters office at 78 and leaves at 82.

Excellent point.

Another reason Republicans should have found the political courage to dump Trump.
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Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

And he fails to explain how and why the CIA would plant this now. His ostensible theory makes no sense - "If we stop funding, the CIA will have to pull back its Ukraine defense ops." If anything, this would further encourage the GOP anti-Ukraine wing to hold fast. I've read a fair amount from this guy. He has been way off lately.

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Realitybites said:

boognish_bear said:

He needs to focus on fixing Argentina. If he doesn't, the Peronistas will be back in power in the next election.

Exactly right .

Argentina does not have a penny to waste on Ukraine.

Of course the United States doesn't either.

But the federal printing press churns on anyway.
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sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interested in that?

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Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
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Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
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Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

I just don't buy into conspiracies suggesting they have far more impact than they actually do.

And I recognize the obvious, that Russian and other intel are just as bad and often worse than ours.
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

I just don't buy into conspiracies suggesting they have far more impact than they actually do.

And I recognize the obvious, that Russian and other intel are just as bad and often worse than ours.
I have learned that many on here buy into conspiracy theories. They will go through great mental gymnastics to support them. The FBI is behind January 6th, the Courts in 4 states are conspiring against Trump, the CIA overthrew Ukraie 10 years ago in preparation for today. Watch, you will be wrong for supporting the more straight forward answer, even if it held up in court. After all the Courts are in cahoots with the left.
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Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
What do you mean trust them in Ukraine? I trust the Ukrainian people and military with assistance from us and our allies. And, yes, I think our intel helps.

I don't agree our middle east policy has been an abysmal failure. We haven't suffered a major terrorist attack since 9/11. Israel is strong. We have strong Arab allies. We have mostly limited ISIS geographically.

And no matter how many times you say it, it is not true that we launched a coup in Ukraine.
ATL Bear
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
What do you mean trust them in Ukraine? I trust the Ukrainian people and military with assistance from us and our allies. And, yes, I think our intel helps.

I don't agree our middle east policy has been an abysmal failure. We haven't suffered a major terrorist attack since 9/11. Israel is strong. We have strong Arab allies. We have mostly limited ISIS geographically.

And no matter how many times you say it, it is not true that we launched a coup in Ukraine.
Appreciate the effort, but it's pearls to swine. We have unaccountable social media echo chambers feeding narratives without factual support.
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....

And no matter how many times you say it, it is not true that we launched a coup in Ukraine.

No matter how many times you deny it…color revolutions and coups are part of DC statecraft.

(I'm not even against it in principle…I just deny it's a wise choice sometimes)
Sam Lowry
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Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

Did we get VY elected?

If so, did we somehow know he was going to do a 180 and choose Russia over EU?

Or, better yet, did we for some reason actually coerce him to do the 180?

Did we know exactly when he would do the 180 and have hundreds of thousands of protestors just lying in wait?

Did we somehow coerce the entire Ukraine government, including every member of VY's own party, to vote against him?

Do you admit that Russia was using direct economic and threatened military pressure to influence VY to choose Russia over the EU?

Do you admit that, as of 2014, Ukraine's intel was infested with Russian spies?

If so, how could the CIA have conspired with Ukrainian intel?

Did we rig the election after VY fled to Russia?

If so, did we change our mind and rig the next election in Zelensky's favor?

If so, why?

Do you admit that the $5 billion we spent on Ukraine started in 2001, and the vast majority of that $ was spent in the first 5 years?

Do you believe it was wrong for the U.S. and the EU to try and influence new Ukraine government in 2014? If so, why?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

Did we get VY elected?

If so, did we somehow know he was going to do a 180 and choose Russia over EU?

Or, better yet, did we for some reason actually coerce him to do the 180?

Did we know exactly when he would do the 180 and have hundreds of thousands of protestors just lying in wait?

Did we somehow coerce the entire Ukraine government, including every member of VY's own party, to vote against him?

Do you admit that Russia was using direct economic and threatened military pressure to influence VY to choose Russia over the EU?

Do you admit that, as of 2014, Ukraine's intel was infested with Russian spies?

If so, how could the CIA have conspired with Ukrainian intel?

Did we rig the election after VY fled to Russia?

If so, did we change our mind and rig the next election in Zelensky's favor?

If so, why?

Do you admit that the $5 billion we spent on Ukraine started in 2001, and the vast majority of that $ was spent in the first 5 years?

Do you believe it was wrong for the U.S. and the EU to try and influence new Ukraine government in 2014? If so, why?

"You see Sombear, it started in 482 AD..."
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

Did we get VY elected?

If so, did we somehow know he was going to do a 180 and choose Russia over EU?

Or, better yet, did we for some reason actually coerce him to do the 180?

Did we know exactly when he would do the 180 and have hundreds of thousands of protestors just lying in wait?

Did we somehow coerce the entire Ukraine government, including every member of VY's own party, to vote against him?

Do you admit that Russia was using direct economic and threatened military pressure to influence VY to choose Russia over the EU?

Do you admit that, as of 2014, Ukraine's intel was infested with Russian spies?

If so, how could the CIA have conspired with Ukrainian intel?

Did we rig the election after VY fled to Russia?

If so, did we change our mind and rig the next election in Zelensky's favor?

If so, why?

Do you admit that the $5 billion we spent on Ukraine started in 2001, and the vast majority of that $ was spent in the first 5 years?

Do you believe it was wrong for the U.S. and the EU to try and influence new Ukraine government in 2014? If so, why?

It's no wonder you're waiting...anyone would have a hard time catching up after that Gish gallop.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
I've asked the generic question several times without response, so trying very straightforward specific questions. But I'm not holding my breath on answers.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

I've asked the generic question several times without response, so trying very straightforward specific questions. But I'm not holding my breath on answers.

Any accurate ones anyways.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

"Explain in detail the in depth operations of the CIA and its secret classified programs in Eastern Europe"- Sombear

It will take decades for the operation specifics to come out....but one day it will.

Just like CIA operations in Latin America and Southeast Asia during the 1960s are now known.

Needless to say Nuland has already given us an broad outline....the State Department and CIA have admitting to pouring billions of taxpayer money in Ukraine to influence their political and economic system well before the 2014 coup/revolution.

One day it will be interesting to see what else they did in our name....

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

"Explain in detail the in depth operations of the CIA and its secret classified programs in Eastern Europe"- Sombear

It will take decades for the operation specifics to come out....but one day it will.

Just like CIA operations in Latin America and Southeast Asia during the 1960s are now known.

Needless to say Nuland has already given us an broad outline....the State Department and CIA have admitting to pouring billions of taxpayer money in Ukraine to influence their political and economic system well before the 2014 coup/revolution.

One day it will be interesting to see what else they did in our name....

Can you at least provide a detailed theory that comports with the timeline and events?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

"Explain in detail the in depth operations of the CIA and its secret classified programs in Eastern Europe"- Sombear

It will take decades for the operation specifics to come out....but one day it will.

Just like CIA operations in Latin America and Southeast Asia during the 1960s are now known.

Needless to say Nuland has already given us an broad outline....the State Department and CIA have admitting to pouring billions of taxpayer money in Ukraine to influence their political and economic system well before the 2014 coup/revolution.

One day it will be interesting to see what else they did in our name....

Can you at least provide a detailed theory that comports with the timeline and events?
Here is Nuland gushing on camera about the protests/coup in 2014....she really seem to be exited about the coup/protests in Kyiv.

She also then went to talk about how much money we had spent there...odd that she would mention that...almost like it had an effect.

Almost like our money was setting the stage for a change in regime there.

[Protests originally erupted in November 2013 after Yanukovych refused to sign the association agreement with the EU at a meeting of the Eastern Partnership.., choosing closer ties with Russia instead. Prime Minister Mykola Azarov had asked for 20 billion (US$27 billion) in loans and aid. The EU was willing to offer 610 million ($838 million) in loans, but Russia was willing to offer $15 billion, as well as cheaper gas prices. In addition, the EU demanded major changes to Ukraine's regulations and laws, but Russia did not stipulate regulatory or legal adjustment of such nature or scale.

Yanukovych was widely disliked in Ukraine's west but had support in the east and south, where his native Russian is much more widely spoken.]

So the State Department & CIA poured billions into the country...though various NGOs...and made deep inroads in the political and economic system. (no debate about that...they have admitted it)

Then protests break out right after the government in Kyiv signs a longer term partnership with Russia and agrees to let the Russians extend the Black sea naval base lease in Crimea out until the 2040s

Then DC spooks and apparatchiks celebrate the protests/coup like it was an operation they personally planned.

Its all very very interesting....

Like I said maybe one day in about 40 years we will get some declassified docs released to the public letting us know the behind the seen story.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

sombear said:

Another tweet from a guy who has no idea - or does and lies - how DC works.

Congress has known about our joint intel ops from day 1. So has the NYT by the way.

But did the American people?

Are most aware that the Goobers at the State Department (when not pushing abortion and LGBTQ ideology around the world) have been trying to overthrow regional governments around Russia since before 2014?

Are most Americans aware of the deep links DC has with Kyiv (we basically own it and direct it)?

We know Congress has no problems with having a corrupt Vassal state in Eastern Europe & fighting for it with Russia....are most Americas aware of that or interesting in that?

With due respect to all of my American bros and sis, any American who does not know that our intel works closely with intel in friendly countries and that Russia does the same and more probably should not be discussing or debating any of this.

I think most Americans would in fact be shocked how deeply the CIA and our State Department is imbedded in other nations.

And I think they would be shocked that the CIA is sponsoring coups in their name.
I hold my fellow Americans in much higher regard

Not if you think they want unaccountable spy agencies killing people and overthrowing governments in their name.

The American people are far more moral than the DC psychopaths you seem to love.


25 years of failure in the middle east should have at least knocked some of the shine off your trust in our alphabet agencies and DC bureaucrats ...they have been constantly wrong and led us into disaster after disaster.
Who said I trusted them? I don't. Far from it.

You just trust them on the war in Ukriane.

A pretty impressive record of failure over the past 25 years in the middle east...and now we are supposed to let them launch coups and fund proxy wars against a nuclear armed state on the doorstep of Europe?

What could go wrong....
We're supposed to let them do it, we're just not supposed to talk about it. That's the difference between a loyal American and a conspiracy theorist.
I'm still waiting for someone - anyone - to explain how we planned the 2014 coup. Please answer the following:

"Explain in detail the in depth operations of the CIA and its secret classified programs in Eastern Europe"- Sombear

It will take decades for the operation specifics to come out....but one day it will.

Just like CIA operations in Latin America and Southeast Asia during the 1960s are now known.

Needless to say Nuland has already given us an broad outline....the State Department and CIA have admitting to pouring billions of taxpayer money in Ukraine to influence their political and economic system well before the 2014 coup/revolution.

One day it will be interesting to see what else they did in our name....

Can you at least provide a detailed theory

A little off topic but close enough...here a good little video of the past 100 years of successful coups that DC has launched.

Some that I was not even aware of.

ATL Bear
How long do you want to ignore this user?
sombear said:

I've asked the generic question several times without response, so trying very straightforward specific questions. But I'm not holding my breath on answers.
The hard reality is that Euro Maiden gave perfect cover for Russia to execute on plans they'd been making since 2004. Frankly instead of the CIA being some complicit instrument in a coup, they were caught flat footed. Granted they had some real distractions happening in the Middle East that decade before the Crimea invasion, but to the contrary the CIA played a lot of catch up after the Russians advanced on Crimea and kicked off Donbas. That hurry up is the fodder the conspiracy folks are twisting from the NYT article.

Yanukovych really gave them (Russia) the keys to the kingdom. It's why they were able to take Crimea without ever really firing a shot, and easily gained a strong position in Eastern Ukraine.

The Nuland angle is almost humorous in its absurdity. If anything she was playing politician by trying to take credit for events she had little to do with. The Obama admin didn't really care about Russia until they were forced to. Barack himself made that plain for all to see even in his debate with Romney.
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