Why Are We in Ukraine?

362,218 Views | 6026 Replies | Last: 3 hrs ago by Redbrickbear
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It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

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Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So 80% is our own weapons (and a kick back for the MIC and defense lobbyists in Northern Virginia)


What's the other 20% for?
It's really hard to prove out any graft in that other than what would normally occur at the defense portion of the public trough.

we are giving Ukraine old systems and munitions scheduled for replacement.

Well interesting that you admit some of its going to graft like that is not something to worry about.

And your fall back position is that is all just money being spent on old systems and munitions...but its far more than that.

[The USA has already spend a vast fortune on this proxy war. And so have our European allies.

Yet its never enough....right after we send the cash we are again hit with endless media reports about how Ukraine is running out of money and needs more and more.

To date, Congress has passed four spending packages in response to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine $113 billion in total. The $113 billion spans agencies and bureaus and provides for much-needed support in areas including military equipment, migration and refugee assistance, energy, and countering disinformation.]


[The UK is one of the leading donors to Ukraine, alongside the US and Germany. The UK has pledged almost 12 billion in overall support to Ukraine since February 2022, of which 7.1 billion is for military assistance. 2.3 billion was provided in each of the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24 and on 12 January 2024, the Government announced a further 2.5 billion of funding for 2024/25.

The European Union is also providing non-lethal and lethal arms and training through its European Peace Facility (EPF). This is the first time the bloc has, in its history, approved the supply of lethal weapons to a third country. To date, the EU has committed 11.1 billion of EPF funding for military support to Ukraine, including 5 billion for a dedicated Ukraine Assistance Fund which was agreed in March 2024.]

[As this chart shows, thanks chiefly to the 77.2 billion in pledged financial aid, European Union institutions are the largest aid donors to Ukraine. This is based on data from the IfW Kiel Ukraine Support Tracker which currently covers the period January 24, 2022 to January 15, 2024.

Ukraine's largest military aid partner since the start of the war, the United States, has committed... Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark have been the next most significant pledgers of aid.]

Graft, corruption, malfeasance, etc......are part of the human condition. If you have government, you WILL have all of those things and more. That is not to say they don't matter or that there shouldn't be relentless efforts to constrain them. But to refuse to have government itself because of them is not terribly serious. Not building an interstate highway system because a contractor might overbill a few points on a stretch of hightway somewhere, or because a bureaucrat might get a kickback from a union for favorable regulatory rulings, or an elected official gets a relative hired in order to direct funding a certain direction, etc...... That is simply going to happen. All you can do is play whack-a-mole enough to suppress it.

it's like taxes = a cost of doing business. The thing to focus on is.....can it succeed, and is that success worth the spend. In the case of using Ukraine to degrade Russian imperial ambitions, the answer is, clearly, yes and yes.
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KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.
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sombear said:

The_barBEARian said:

boognish_bear said:

They were there to protect the Christian Armenians.

Pure usual the Christians are being completely abandoned as lambs to the slaughter.

There is nothing triumphant about this.

Not true. Armenia wants the Russians out also.
and Russia needs troops and armor for Ukraine.

This is not a sign of throwing Christians to the lions. it's a sign that Russia has over-extended itself.
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Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.
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whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
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Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So 80% is our own weapons (and a kick back for the MIC and defense lobbyists in Northern Virginia)


What's the other 20% for?
It's really hard to prove out any graft in that other than what would normally occur at the defense portion of the public trough.

we are giving Ukraine old systems and munitions scheduled for replacement.

Well interesting that you admit some of its going to graft like that is not something to worry about.

And your fall back position is that is all just money being spent on old systems and munitions...but its far more than that.

[The USA has already spend a vast fortune on this proxy war. And so have our European allies.

Yet its never enough....right after we send the cash we are again hit with endless media reports about how Ukraine is running out of money and needs more and more.

To date, Congress has passed four spending packages in response to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine $113 billion in total. The $113 billion spans agencies and bureaus and provides for much-needed support in areas including military equipment, migration and refugee assistance, energy, and countering disinformation.]


[The UK is one of the leading donors to Ukraine, alongside the US and Germany. The UK has pledged almost 12 billion in overall support to Ukraine since February 2022, of which 7.1 billion is for military assistance. 2.3 billion was provided in each of the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24 and on 12 January 2024, the Government announced a further 2.5 billion of funding for 2024/25.

The European Union is also providing non-lethal and lethal arms and training through its European Peace Facility (EPF). This is the first time the bloc has, in its history, approved the supply of lethal weapons to a third country. To date, the EU has committed 11.1 billion of EPF funding for military support to Ukraine, including 5 billion for a dedicated Ukraine Assistance Fund which was agreed in March 2024.]

[As this chart shows, thanks chiefly to the 77.2 billion in pledged financial aid, European Union institutions are the largest aid donors to Ukraine. This is based on data from the IfW Kiel Ukraine Support Tracker which currently covers the period January 24, 2022 to January 15, 2024.

Ukraine's largest military aid partner since the start of the war, the United States, has committed... Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark have been the next most significant pledgers of aid.]

What we've spent is minor compared to what we will have to spend to up-arm to face a larger, stronger Russia closer to Nato borders, and it is a pittance compared to what the cost of actual conflict with Russia would be.

you should step outside of the willful obtusity cloud for a moment and look around a bit.
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Realitybites said:

whiterock said:

We are literally paying more money to scrap Bradleys than it costs to ship them to Ukraine and let them get destroyed killing Russians.

Now that's a Christian viewpoint. Send obsolete military hardware to an "ally" because it is cheaper to kill people than scrap it.

LOL you have a reading comprehension problem.

I said it's cheaper, wiser, more beneficial to us to let Ukraine use them and have the fleet degraded doing necessary work it was designed for than to just blow it all up in the Nevada desert to avoid storage costs.

If you are worried about killing people, then you should be talking to Russia. If they'd quit invading, there'd be n more killing in Ukraine.
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Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So it's not the horrific war they being forced a gun point to fight that is demoralizing the Ukrainian soldiers…

It's that pesky American Congress debating on if it should be fleecing the taxpayers for billions.

God I get such a kick out of the Media
More obtusity. Nothing demoralizes a soldier quite like running out of ammo, which is the limiting factor in their ability to fight at this time, not demographic disparity.

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KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

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Roads are a legitimate function of government. In general, the maintenance of domestic public infrastructure is. Water supply, sewage, etc also are.

Running up 35 trillion in debt heading on its way to 50 trillion within a decade as the standard of living of citizens is continually degraded and then shipping another 60 billion to country halfway around the world that's involved in an unnecessary war is not.

It is your *opinion* that degrading the Russian military is necessary. You have consistently failed to make a case that the modern Russian state poses any military threat to the west. The majority of the country disagrees with you.

Whiterock is part of - or at least a defender of - that government-american class who can go to the CIA, go on an overseas posting for 5 years, and retire at 40 with a full pension while the majority of Americans have no access to a pension period. He is as big a part of the problem we face as Biden, BLM, and woke academics.
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whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

We can have a long discussion about that but any partial benefits we got from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan were off set by the costs.

Vietnam especially really harmed this country is some serious ways….we have not been the same since it took place.
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Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So it's not the horrific war they being forced a gun point to fight that is demoralizing the Ukrainian soldiers…

It's that pesky American Congress debating on if it should be fleecing the taxpayers for billions.

God I get such a kick out of the Media
Russian, Ukrainian, and countless other sources (including Russian milbloggers) haven't agreed on much; however, they have marched in unison in concluding that Russia's recent successes have been almost exclusively due to (1) Russia's overwhelming ammo advantages (estimates from 10 - 1 to 20 - 1) and (2) Ukraine's depleted air defenses.

Now, you can take that and say you don't care, it's not our business. But you can't accuse "the media" of lying about it.

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Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

We can have a long discussion about that but any partial benefits we got from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan were off set by the costs.

Vietnam especially really harmed this country is some serious ways….we have not been the same since it took place.
Come on. This is not Viet Nam. Viet Nam was not being invaded, it was a civil war. We do not have American troops there and there is no draft. The South Vietnamese were never this vested as a Nation to fight.

Ukraine was clearly invaded. You can opine on how Putin was justified or the CIA dropped leaflets, but the bottomline is Putin rolled tanks over a sovereign Border in Europe. THAT IS WAY DIFFERENT.

Either the US is a leader in the World or not. You like your standard of living? You like the options you have here, which are still better than anywhere else. Then being a leader goes with it. The Dollar as the world currency came about AFTER we were the leader.

Basically, this whole endeavor is upgrading our military force sending older ammo and systems and replacing with newer for our troops.

Sorry, there are things that no one wants to do, but it goes with the job. Supporting Ukraine is one of those. This is Putin's war, not the US. Want to stop spending, beat Putin.
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FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

We can have a long discussion about that but any partial benefits we got from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan were off set by the costs.

Vietnam especially really harmed this country is some serious ways….we have not been the same since it took place.
Come on. This is not Viet Nam. Viet Nam was not being invaded, it was a civil war. We do not have American troops there and there is no draft. The South Vietnamese were never this vested as a Nation to fight.

Ukraine was clearly invaded. You can opine on how Putin was justified or the CIA dropped leaflets, but the bottomline is Putin rolled tanks over a sovereign Border in Europe. THAT IS WAY DIFFERENT.

Either the US is a leader in the World or not. You like your standard of living? You like the options you have here, which are still better than anywhere else. Then being a leader goes with it. The Dollar as the world currency came about AFTER we were the leader.

Basically, this whole endeavor is upgrading our military force sending older ammo and systems and replacing with newer for our troops.

Sorry, there are things that no one wants to do, but it goes with the job. Supporting Ukraine is one of those. This is Putin's war, not the US. Want to stop spending, beat Putin.
You are arguing with clowns not intelligent enough to get past Kremlin propaganda. There is only one reason they are fixated on foreign aid to Ukraine (who is in a major defensive war with our most hostile adversary) and not all the other aid we sprinkle across this planet.
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whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

You are a lunatic.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed.
Hundreds of thousands more were wounded. Many of those permanently crippled.

Doc Holliday
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whiterock said:

Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.
Tax dollar purchases for services and goods from the private sector should have a threshold profit percentage that's marginally over cost of production, not tenfold. I think it's fair for a company to charge whatever…unless it's tax dollars being used.

I'm not solely talking about military either, everything.

Really it's a national security problem: if a huge economic disaster hit, like global depression, we're facing insolvency. If this overspending continues, at some point, America will likely face bankruptcy. Exactly when is hard to say, but it will happen unless Congress gets a handle on its excessive spending.

Would you support the income tax rate doubling or tripling to make up for insane government spending? If you're not willing to say "we gotta problem" and just continue as we currently are then this is where we're headed.

If global hegemony domination means we turn into a quasi socialist country made of wage slaves forking over financial freedom…then what is the point of global hegemony?
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Doc Holliday said:

whiterock said:

Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.

If global hegemony domination means we turn into a quasi socialist country made of wage slaves forking over financial freedom…then what is the point of global hegemony?

Great point
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ron.reagan said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

We can have a long discussion about that but any partial benefits we got from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan were off set by the costs.

Vietnam especially really harmed this country is some serious ways….we have not been the same since it took place.
Come on. This is not Viet Nam. Viet Nam was not being invaded, it was a civil war. We do not have American troops there and there is no draft. The South Vietnamese were never this vested as a Nation to fight.

Ukraine was clearly invaded. You can opine on how Putin was justified or the CIA dropped leaflets, but the bottomline is Putin rolled tanks over a sovereign Border in Europe. THAT IS WAY DIFFERENT.

Either the US is a leader in the World or not. You like your standard of living? You like the options you have here, which are still better than anywhere else. Then being a leader goes with it. The Dollar as the world currency came about AFTER we were the leader.

Basically, this whole endeavor is upgrading our military force sending older ammo and systems and replacing with newer for our troops.

Sorry, there are things that no one wants to do, but it goes with the job. Supporting Ukraine is one of those. This is Putin's war, not the US. Want to stop spending, beat Putin.
You are arguing with clowns not intelligent enough to get past Kremlin propaganda. There is only one reason they are fixated on foreign aid to Ukraine (who is in a major defensive war with our most hostile adversary) and not all the other aid we sprinkle across this planet.

I am happy to end that "aid" as well

Just come and admit you're a socialist Ron who thinks American tax payers should be giving money to 3rd worlders in the name of "equity" and "leveling the playing field"

You are such a leftist it disgusts me

Sam Lowry
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Realitybites said:

whiterock said:

We are literally paying more money to scrap Bradleys than it costs to ship them to Ukraine and let them get destroyed killing Russians.

Now that's a Christian viewpoint. Send obsolete military hardware to an "ally" because it is cheaper to kill people than scrap it.

I don't want to suggest that anything Whiterock's saying is true. The truth is that we were already scraping the bottom of the barrel for ammo and equipment a year ago, and the situation has only gotten worse.

But imagine the implications if it were true. Russia's army has more than recovered from any losses and is now stronger than in 2022. They're producing ammo at least three times and probably closer to seven times as fast as the US and Europe combined. Ukraine is critically short of both ammo and manpower. Even mainstream Western media are admitting that they're on the verge of defeat. If we still have nothing but scraps to throw to them, then what is the point? We clearly have no serious plan for winning the war.
Sam Lowry
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sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So it's not the horrific war they being forced a gun point to fight that is demoralizing the Ukrainian soldiers…

It's that pesky American Congress debating on if it should be fleecing the taxpayers for billions.

God I get such a kick out of the Media
Russian, Ukrainian, and countless other sources (including Russian milbloggers) haven't agreed on much; however, they have marched in unison in concluding that Russia's recent successes have been almost exclusively due to (1) Russia's overwhelming ammo advantages (estimates from 10 - 1 to 20 - 1) and (2) Ukraine's depleted air defenses.

Now, you can take that and say you don't care, it's not our business. But you can't accuse "the media" of lying about it.

Couldn't be further from the truth. Alternative media have long known about the manpower problem. Now mainstream media are beginning to acknowledge it too:

Ukraine digs defenses, fears it could lose war without U.S. aid as Russia steps up attacks

Ukraine has been left exposed on the front lines -- running out of ammunition and men -- while its energy system now faces an onslaught that is exposing its depleted air defenses.

Sam Lowry
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ron.reagan said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

We can have a long discussion about that but any partial benefits we got from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan were off set by the costs.

Vietnam especially really harmed this country is some serious ways….we have not been the same since it took place.
Come on. This is not Viet Nam. Viet Nam was not being invaded, it was a civil war. We do not have American troops there and there is no draft. The South Vietnamese were never this vested as a Nation to fight.

Ukraine was clearly invaded. You can opine on how Putin was justified or the CIA dropped leaflets, but the bottomline is Putin rolled tanks over a sovereign Border in Europe. THAT IS WAY DIFFERENT.

Either the US is a leader in the World or not. You like your standard of living? You like the options you have here, which are still better than anywhere else. Then being a leader goes with it. The Dollar as the world currency came about AFTER we were the leader.

Basically, this whole endeavor is upgrading our military force sending older ammo and systems and replacing with newer for our troops.

Sorry, there are things that no one wants to do, but it goes with the job. Supporting Ukraine is one of those. This is Putin's war, not the US. Want to stop spending, beat Putin.
You are arguing with clowns not intelligent enough to get past Kremlin propaganda. There is only one reason they are fixated on foreign aid to Ukraine (who is in a major defensive war with our most hostile adversary) and not all the other aid we sprinkle across this planet.
There's plenty to be concerned about besides Russia. Our so-called aid has been like a cancer spreading abuse and oppression around the world for decades.
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ATL Bear
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Redbrickbear said:

ron.reagan said:

FLBear5630 said:

Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

It's totally insane giving tens of billions of dollars ( we don't actually possess ) to a country that has never been strategically or economically important to the United States.

That is a true statement. It just doesn't apply to Ukraine.

Our 'representatives' must have just given 60 BILLION dollars to someone else then.

But hey it's just paper anyway right ? Won't increase our debt, won't contribute to inflation.

And God knows we don't have any needs here in the US.

Let's act as if WW1 , WW2 , Korea, Vietnam , Iraq, and Afghanistan were all great investments in money and blood.
Actually, each one of those things you cited were all or partly beneficial to the American people.

We can have a long discussion about that but any partial benefits we got from wars in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan were off set by the costs.

Vietnam especially really harmed this country is some serious ways….we have not been the same since it took place.
Come on. This is not Viet Nam. Viet Nam was not being invaded, it was a civil war. We do not have American troops there and there is no draft. The South Vietnamese were never this vested as a Nation to fight.

Ukraine was clearly invaded. You can opine on how Putin was justified or the CIA dropped leaflets, but the bottomline is Putin rolled tanks over a sovereign Border in Europe. THAT IS WAY DIFFERENT.

Either the US is a leader in the World or not. You like your standard of living? You like the options you have here, which are still better than anywhere else. Then being a leader goes with it. The Dollar as the world currency came about AFTER we were the leader.

Basically, this whole endeavor is upgrading our military force sending older ammo and systems and replacing with newer for our troops.

Sorry, there are things that no one wants to do, but it goes with the job. Supporting Ukraine is one of those. This is Putin's war, not the US. Want to stop spending, beat Putin.
You are arguing with clowns not intelligent enough to get past Kremlin propaganda. There is only one reason they are fixated on foreign aid to Ukraine (who is in a major defensive war with our most hostile adversary) and not all the other aid we sprinkle across this planet.

I am happy to end that "aid" as well

Just come and admit you're a socialist Ron who thinks American tax payers should be giving money to 3rd worlders in the name of "equity" and "leveling the playing field"

You are such a leftist it disgusts me

Just wait until you review what economic groups receive the most government aid inside the U.S. Now we're talking real money!
Doc Holliday
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Redbrickbear said:

Doc Holliday said:

whiterock said:

Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.

If global hegemony domination means we turn into a quasi socialist country made of wage slaves forking over financial freedom…then what is the point of global hegemony?

Great point

I kind of see it like selling our soul. We're willing to drop trillions on Ukraine and any other war/s in order to supposedly dominate Russia or other countries that pose a threat to western dominance and in process of doing so we print trillions further devaluing the dollar by creating insane inflation.

We "succeed" in war efforts at the cost of destroying our middle class, in effect it's like we're becoming that which we're fighting against.
ATL Bear
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Doc Holliday said:

Redbrickbear said:

Doc Holliday said:

whiterock said:

Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.

If global hegemony domination means we turn into a quasi socialist country made of wage slaves forking over financial freedom…then what is the point of global hegemony?

Great point

I kind of see it like selling our soul. We're willing to drop trillions on Ukraine and any other war/s in order to supposedly dominate Russia or other countries that pose a threat to western dominance and in process of doing so we print trillions further devaluing the dollar by creating insane inflation.

We "succeed" in war efforts at the cost of destroying our middle class, in effect it's like we're becoming that which we're fighting against.
You guys are distracted. In 2022 we spent $4.5 Trillion on medical services of which 90% was paid for by private insurance (highly subsidized/regulated industry) or the preponderance by Medicare and Medicaid. A number that rises at a 4-8% clip annually regardless of inflation. Check it out. How much of your income goes toward Ukraine versus the healthcare costs of others from your private insurance to your Medicare tax to your income tax that gets allocated to Medicaid? If there's a "MIC" you're a wage slave to it's the Medical/Healthcare Industrial Complex.

That is if we want to have an honest conversation about fiscal concerns.
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Sam Lowry said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So it's not the horrific war they being forced a gun point to fight that is demoralizing the Ukrainian soldiers…

It's that pesky American Congress debating on if it should be fleecing the taxpayers for billions.

God I get such a kick out of the Media
Russian, Ukrainian, and countless other sources (including Russian milbloggers) haven't agreed on much; however, they have marched in unison in concluding that Russia's recent successes have been almost exclusively due to (1) Russia's overwhelming ammo advantages (estimates from 10 - 1 to 20 - 1) and (2) Ukraine's depleted air defenses.

Now, you can take that and say you don't care, it's not our business. But you can't accuse "the media" of lying about it.

Couldn't be further from the truth. Alternative media have long known about the manpower problem. Now mainstream media are beginning to acknowledge it too:

Ukraine digs defenses, fears it could lose war without U.S. aid as Russia steps up attacks

Ukraine has been left exposed on the front lines -- running out of ammunition and men -- while its energy system now faces an onslaught that is exposing its depleted air defenses.


I suggest reading the article you post rather than just the headlines. The entire article is about equipment and ammo shortages being the problem.
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Redbrickbear said:

So was she not patriotic before she changed her mind 2 weeks ago?
Sam Lowry
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sombear said:

Sam Lowry said:

sombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

boognish_bear said:

So it's not the horrific war they being forced a gun point to fight that is demoralizing the Ukrainian soldiers…

It's that pesky American Congress debating on if it should be fleecing the taxpayers for billions.

God I get such a kick out of the Media
Russian, Ukrainian, and countless other sources (including Russian milbloggers) haven't agreed on much; however, they have marched in unison in concluding that Russia's recent successes have been almost exclusively due to (1) Russia's overwhelming ammo advantages (estimates from 10 - 1 to 20 - 1) and (2) Ukraine's depleted air defenses.

Now, you can take that and say you don't care, it's not our business. But you can't accuse "the media" of lying about it.

Couldn't be further from the truth. Alternative media have long known about the manpower problem. Now mainstream media are beginning to acknowledge it too:

Ukraine digs defenses, fears it could lose war without U.S. aid as Russia steps up attacks

Ukraine has been left exposed on the front lines -- running out of ammunition and men -- while its energy system now faces an onslaught that is exposing its depleted air defenses.


I suggest reading the article you post rather than just the headlines. The entire article is about equipment and ammo shortages being the problem.
That's why I said they're beginning to acknowledge it. If they were covering it in detail, I'd have posted an example of that. Main point is that it's been a big theme in alternative media for a long time.
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ATL Bear said:

Doc Holliday said:

Redbrickbear said:

Doc Holliday said:

whiterock said:

Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.

If global hegemony domination means we turn into a quasi socialist country made of wage slaves forking over financial freedom…then what is the point of global hegemony?

Great point

I kind of see it like selling our soul. We're willing to drop trillions on Ukraine and any other war/s in order to supposedly dominate Russia or other countries that pose a threat to western dominance and in process of doing so we print trillions further devaluing the dollar by creating insane inflation.

We "succeed" in war efforts at the cost of destroying our middle class, in effect it's like we're becoming that which we're fighting against.
You guys are distracted. In 2022 we spent $4.5 Trillion on medical services of which 90% was paid for by private insurance (highly subsidized/regulated industry) or the preponderance by Medicare and Medicaid. A number that rises at a 4-8% clip annually regardless of inflation. Check it out. How much of your income goes toward Ukraine versus the healthcare costs of others from your private insurance to your Medicare tax to your income tax that gets allocated to Medicaid? If there's a "MIC" you're a wage slave to it's the Medical/Healthcare Industrial Complex.

That is if we want to have an honest conversation about fiscal concerns.

While I agree in principle, at least Medicare has a direct benefit on actual Americans.

Foreign aid has a negligible benefit to Americans and is the most obvious and insulting waste of tax dollars.

Especially in the case of Ukraine, where supporting them turns a Christian Orthodox Russia into an unnecessary enemy.

Putin already said multiple times he is ready to take a peace deal. Was Hitler offering peace deals after he annexed Austria?

It is you psychopaths who support Biden who are perpetrating this war but ofc you are too cowardly and pathetic to actually go fight it yourselves.
Sam Lowry
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Realitybites said:

Roads are a legitimate function of government. In general, the maintenance of domestic public infrastructure is. Water supply, sewage, etc also are.

Running up 35 trillion in debt heading on its way to 50 trillion within a decade as the standard of living of citizens is continually degraded and then shipping another 60 billion to country halfway around the world that's involved in an unnecessary war is not.

It is your *opinion* that degrading the Russian military is necessary. You have consistently failed to make a case that the modern Russian state poses any military threat to the west. The majority of the country disagrees with you.

Whiterock is part of - or at least a defender of - that government-american class who can go to the CIA, go on an overseas posting for 5 years, and retire at 40 with a full pension while the majority of Americans have no access to a pension period. He is as big a part of the problem we face as Biden, BLM, and woke academics.
Hear, hear.
Doc Holliday
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ATL Bear said:

Doc Holliday said:

Redbrickbear said:

Doc Holliday said:

whiterock said:

Doc Holliday said:

You can have your wars…but this BS has got to stop:

add this to the stories of four-digit hammers and five-digit toilet seats...... It's what happens when you place cost controls on the big-ticket parts of the program. It causes allocation of expenses into the margins.

If this was a case of garden-variety bilking, we would not be seeing steady trends of consolidation in our defense industrial base.

If global hegemony domination means we turn into a quasi socialist country made of wage slaves forking over financial freedom…then what is the point of global hegemony?

Great point

I kind of see it like selling our soul. We're willing to drop trillions on Ukraine and any other war/s in order to supposedly dominate Russia or other countries that pose a threat to western dominance and in process of doing so we print trillions further devaluing the dollar by creating insane inflation.

We "succeed" in war efforts at the cost of destroying our middle class, in effect it's like we're becoming that which we're fighting against.
You guys are distracted. In 2022 we spent $4.5 Trillion on medical services of which 90% was paid for by private insurance (highly subsidized/regulated industry) or the preponderance by Medicare and Medicaid. A number that rises at a 4-8% clip annually regardless of inflation. Check it out. How much of your income goes toward Ukraine versus the healthcare costs of others from your private insurance to your Medicare tax to your income tax that gets allocated to Medicaid? If there's a "MIC" you're a wage slave to it's the Medical/Healthcare Industrial Complex.

That is if we want to have an honest conversation about fiscal concerns.
Entitlement programs are absolutely the worst fiscal drain we have. No argument there.

It's the hypocrisy I'm trying to point out.

This was a $77B slush fund in the Ukrainian supplemental ($61B in budget outlays + $16B blank check for drawdowns & loans for any foreign country or intl organization), only $13.8B - somewhat direct military aid. That while we can't get border funding or immigration solved because "it costs too much".

America last is the status quo. Y'all are completely fine with it, and you're in lockstep with the establishment whose responsible for our fiscal disaster of a country.

Look at these psychopaths:
Doc Holliday
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Doc Holliday said:

With all the Russian propaganda spewed over the last 2 years, this is the first I've seen someone actually claim Ukraine declared war on Russia in 2014. Totally unhinged.
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