ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
Redbrickbear said:
ATL Bear said:
We were brought to our knees by people living in caves from all purposes 4th world countries .
Not even close to being true
The USA was and remained the greatest military and economic power on earth after the 9/11 attacks.
America then easily crushed Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and drove the Taliban from power.
When even easily invaded a decent size country like Iraq and toppled its Baathist government
(The long decades insurgent war to remake Afghanistan & Iraq being a different issue)
You really do seem to think that the USA and America power is a fragile thing
You are such a simpleton. We literally lost Trillions, have put significant restraints around our personal freedoms, built giant security apparatuses,
And you are such a flip flopping jerk who loves wars aboard and the massive security State.....(as well as proxy wars with Russia) and then turns around dares complain about the cost!
Hypocrite you are!
And while I hate the trillions well as thousands of dead Americans in this wars....that was because of the long term wars of occupation and "nation-building" that your side loves.
That was not the direct result of 9/11....the initial conflicts were short and mostly inexpensive...(.the wars of occupation were part of utopian fantasies and a deliberate choice from our Neo-Con and Liberals elites who thought they could transform Middle Eastern Muslim tribal peoples in to Manhattan progressives )
And while our leaders in DC (who you trust now on the Ukraine war) led us into disaster in the long term occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.....they did no fundamentally long term harm the USA
The United States in 2025....just as in 2001....remains the richest and most militarily powerful Nation on Earth.
Despite the failure of the Iraq and Afghan occupation/re-construction wars
Al Qaeda and its attacks no more changed that than did Sioux attacks on the frontier in the 1860s
Perhaps you forgot the massive military downsizing that was occurring in the 90s through 9/11. We became the wealthiest most powerful military and economy in conjunction with our ramp up post 9/11 and the reality of a unipolar world.
You think I'm a hypocrite, but I'm worried about the macro position we put ourselves in and the necessity to maintain it now or risk significant economic and geopolitical risk. When that balance is altered, Americans will lean into overbearing government even more.
But you still don't understand and I can't explain it any clearer. You are focused on a disparate micro evaluation. The repercussions of our actions went well beyond our defeat of al Qaeda (who is still very active FYI) or ISIS. And the struggle for power has never ceased with Iran, Russia, or China. And once again, I wasn't even referencing our nation building dalliances. That's completely separate.
Our elites are driving us into debt no doubt….but that is an internal problem of our corrupt political class
Has very little to do with external adversaries
9/11 hurt us becomes of our leaders….nothing Al Qaeda could do could really hurt us
You don't understand that the problem is internal and not external.
The people who can bring down the USA are not hiding in caves in Afghanistan or in Moscow
They are in DC (and the other USA power centers)
That's the myth you tell yourself. Internal political corruption and dysfunction are real concerns (not to mention standard fare in democracies), but they do not rise to the level of existential threats posed by powerful foreign adversaries, including non state actors. Russia.
Russia is not an existential threat to the USA
That is almost as crazy a thing to say as your contention that Al Qaeda "brought the USA to its knees"
But I am coming to understand your extremist view on promoting war with Russia over Ukraine.
You honestly think somehow Russia is an existential threat to America
They have an equivalent nuclear arsenal and an adversarial relationship with us. Heck, you and your ilk have argued to not escalate the Ukraine War due to that very existential threat! Who's crazy again??
1. Is every country that has nukes an existential threat to the USA?
How about Israel?
The idea that a country we have never had a war with....and one that we actually were allied in two different world wars now an "existential threat" is a scary idea your are pushing.
2. I have also never used the term "existential threat" with russia or nuclear war.....I did say it was beyond stupid to fight a proxy war with Russia over a long time client state of theirs.....a war that could turn nuclear an be a disaster for us and Western Civilization. Not worth the risk at all.
I would feel the same about fighting a nuclear war with France over the Belgium
You are ok with the risk because you have already predetermined that the Russian Federation already posses some kind of "existential threat" to the United States
1. I specifically said an adversarial relationship. If Israel, France, UK, etc. became adversarial they would be viewed as an existential threat, especially with a history of waving the threat of nuclear strike at us.
And let's not memory hole the fact we've fought many wars with Russia; big, small, and non military. But you'll be intentionally obtuse and say it wasn't a massive direct battle. We fought alongside China against Japan. Does that mean they shouldn't be considered an existential threat?
2.You either don't understand what existential threat means, or you're dug too deep into your opinion to admit that's what you're positing, regardless of whether you have or have not used the words.
Russia does pose an existential threat to the U.S. How we manage that risk is the debate, not whether they are or aren't. And it's not as if that can't be changed (Germany and Japan were once). Maybe Trump will succeed at quelling that where others have failed.
1. You again act like its a forgone conclusion that conflict with Russia is needed or unavoidable
And even if Israel became adversarial to us and our interests that does not mean they form an "existential threat" to the powerful United States
2. We have never fought any wars against the Russian Federation (until this very stupid proxy war that Obama and Biden got us into)
You constantly conflate the Soviet & Communist USSR to the modern nationalist Russian Federation....two different entities, two very different economic systems, two very different State ideologies
Of course you do this to try and pull on the narrative that somehow we have had a long history of conflict with the Russian people and need to continue to view them as enemies and "an existential threat"
3. I think is been proven on here you have no idea what "existential threat" means or at least no idea how to use it correctly in English.....every State that has nukes is not an existential threat to the USA...and you have not proven in any way that Russia desires the complete destruction of the USA or is even attempting it
So far they are simply trying to hold on to their long term sphere of influence around their border lands.
If you think Russian is an existential threat to the USA.....gosh what must they feel like as they see a hostile Military alliance led by DC come creeping up on their borders and see a Nation on the other side of the world fund a proxy war against them?