Redbrickbear said:
whiterock said:
Redbrickbear said:
FLBear5630 said:
Redbrickbear said:
whiterock said:
Here's what they did to her. Poster is wrong on ID. See tattoos….
Yea whiterock…it's a vicious savage race war over there.
The Israelis killed a little Arab boy just the other day.
The whole thing is terrible.
A pox on both their houses

You see no difference between an accidental shooting and raping, killing and parading in the back of a pickup? They are both the same to you?
Don't be obtuse.
I see what the whole world sees…an intractable ethnic-tribal conflict that has gone on for nearly the entire 20th century.
Both sides commit what any reasonable and moral person would call war crimes all the time.
A horrific conflict that no other nation should want anything to do with.
The Israelis have been occupying the West Bank against international law and oppressing the Palestinians for 70 years.
The Palestinians respond with savage terrorists attacks.
Neither side are heros….there are no "good guys" to root for in this human tragedy.
It is intractable because of islamic worldview.
Let's say that you right and that is correct.
(Leaving out the possibility that your simply engaging in gross Islamophobia)
What do you intended to do about it?
Keep millions of Palestinians as 2nd class citizens under Israeli military occupation forever?
Even former PM of Israel Ariel Sharon said this was not possible.
And as you are criticizing Arab beliefs….where does Jewish messianic religious beliefs and racial doctrines of superiority come into play in this conflict? Do they get a pass because they think God promised them the land and that they have a right to inflict violence against anyone else living there?
I have lived in the islamic world. Have attended mosque. Spent thousands of hours in the homes of "moderate" muslims (who say the most shockingly immoderate things) in a milieu they control and are comfortable. Handled them as agents. Ate with them as friends. (wonderful hosts). You are ignorant of just how much you are ignorant about. That is not unusual in this country. It is politically correct to think the best of islam. But when you open up the lid and look inside.....hoo-boy. The gulf between what ordinary American presume about islam and what islam actually is.....well, it's shocking.
In the islamic worldview, Jerusalem is the 3rd most holy city of the faith. People often say that is because it's where Muhammad ascended to heaven, but that's instructively off-the-mark, as it leads most Christians to think "went to heaven after death." Yes, the Koran does say Muhammad ascended to heaven, but only for a single night. More importantly, the Koran does not actually say Muhammad ascended FROM Jerusalem. It's later islamic literature that imputed Jerusalem as the site. (have to parse "Al-Aqsa" to understand that confusion, but for the sake of brevity will leave for another time). But that did not prevent Caliph Umar (the greatest of the "rightly guided" ones, in my estimation) from building a house of worship right smack dab on top of the holiest site in Judaism. That mosque was improved, renovated after an earthquake, etc...later becoming the "Dome of the Rock" we see today. Was it genocidal to usurp a holy site like that? Knowing Umar (author of the "pact of Umar"), yes. He clearly did it for political reasons, not theological reasons. He was not influenced by any poetry. He rode in battle beside Muhammad. And Umar was ruthless, relentless, the best of the rightly guided caliphs. Without him, islam may not survive. He built that first Dome of the Rock mosque to subjugate and then destroy Judaism. That should not surprise anyone. The Koran itself is genocidal. It instructs muslims to engage in behavior which fits the definition of the word, to force conversions, either at the point of the sword (for polytheists) or under extreme pressure (primarily Christians and Jews - "Peoples of the Book"). Read the Pact of Umar. It's purpose is clear. To render Syrian Christians into a second class of citizenship so onerous that most would convert to islam. That is the context of the Blue craft a narrative to elevate islamic tradition above all others, then via law (shariah) to slowly press down and squeeze out all others. It worked. The middle east in Muhammad's day was a Judeo-Christian world. So where are all the Christians and Jews today? Answer: Islam is genocidal. That statement is not islamophobic. It is documented fact. (note that I can admire islamic leaders for their effectiveness, by the standards of their day, not ours, even though I detest the value system they built, which survives to this day largely intact.)
That is the context in which the Arab-Israeli conflict occurs. Jews had scattered all over Europe, to escape islamic oppression. (Think about that for a moment.....Jews ran to medieval Christian Europe to escape islam.) Then, out of WWII and the holocaust came Zionism, a movement which had support far beyond Judaism. It was a way to find Jews a place to live where they could finally be safe - the place from which they had originally come. The Jews were prepared to live among Arabs (quite clear historically), but quickly discovered (in a series of wars they (save one) did not start) such would not be possible. And thru it all, the islamic structure remained - Palestine is part of the islamic world. And for part of the islamic world to pass outside of sharia is an affront to islamic worldview which simply cannot be tolerated, as anathemetic to islamic sensibilities as Christiantiy without Christ (insert Anglican joke here).
So this conflict has nothing to do with Palestinians. It has to do with Arabs preferring to die rather than live as equals with Jews, who of course are not just willing to grant citizenship to Palestinians, but to inaugurate them into seats in the Knesset. You cannot see that, because your perspective on the question has been framed by ignorance and instructed by pro-Palestianian propaganda. and all that fits neatly into your artificially constructed American Empire, of which Israel is an outpost. (silliest argument of them all).
Islamophobia is not real. It is a meme to defend islam from critique.
Anti-Semitism is real. It has a name. islam.