Netanyahu said "we are at war,"

575,631 Views | 6935 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by TinFoilHatPreacherBear
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ATL Bear said:

Jews have a longer history in the region than Europeans do in North America. So let's stop making stupid arguments about history of presence. They've won and earned their independence in the region and have fought to defend it ever since.

We conquered a much weaker enemy, mass immigrated our way to expansion, defeated them with superior weapons, and have subjugated their ancestors into third world hell holes (their choice not ours).

And yet none of that explains why Israel gets to flout international law by continuing to militarily occupy the West Bank….

People ask this question and the response is…"Jews had a Bronze Age Kingdom" or "Israel has a right to exist"

Specious justifications
ATL Bear
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Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Jews have a longer history in the region than Europeans do in North America. So let's stop making stupid arguments about history of presence. They've won and earned their independence in the region and have fought to defend it ever since.

We conquered a much weaker enemy, mass immigrated our way to expansion, defeated them with superior weapons, and have subjugated their ancestors into third world hell holes (their choice not ours).

And yet none of that explains why Israel gets to flout international law by continuing to militarily occupy the West Bank….

People ask this question and the response is…"Jews had a Bronze Age Kingdom" or "Israel has a right to exist"

Specious justifications
So you do like law fare. Who'da thunk it…
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ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Jews have a longer history in the region than Europeans do in North America. So let's stop making stupid arguments about history of presence. They've won and earned their independence in the region and have fought to defend it ever since.

We conquered a much weaker enemy, mass immigrated our way to expansion, defeated them with superior weapons, and have subjugated their ancestors into third world hell holes (their choice not ours).

And yet none of that explains why Israel gets to flout international law by continuing to militarily occupy the West Bank….

People ask this question and the response is…"Jews had a Bronze Age Kingdom" or "Israel has a right to exist"

Specious justifications
So you do like law fare. Who'da thunk it…

Two State solution is the general world agreement…

[The solution favored by the United States, the European Union, most of the world's democracies, and the United Nations has long been the two-state solution. This formula calls for two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side],peacefully%20with%20security%20for%20both.
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Again, the Palestinians have had the option of a two solution solution multiple times for decades and every single time they reject it. That's on them as are every single one of their other problems because they are obsessed with genocide of Jews and refuse to behave like a civilized people. They are reaping what they have sown.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Jews have a longer history in the region than Europeans do in North America. So let's stop making stupid arguments about history of presence. They've won and earned their independence in the region and have fought to defend it ever since.

We conquered a much weaker enemy, mass immigrated our way to expansion, defeated them with superior weapons, and have subjugated their ancestors into third world hell holes (their choice not ours).

And yet none of that explains why Israel gets to flout international law by continuing to militarily occupy the West Bank….

People ask this question and the response is…"Jews had a Bronze Age Kingdom" or "Israel has a right to exist"

Specious justifications
So you do like law fare. Who'da thunk it…

Two State solution is the general world agreement…

[The solution favored by the United States, the European Union, most of the world's democracies, and the United Nations has long been the two-state solution. This formula calls for two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side],peacefully%20with%20security%20for%20both.
will never happen.
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historian said:

Again, the Palestinians have had the option of a two solution solution multiple times for decades and every single time they reject it. That's on them as are every single one of their other problems because they are obsessed with genocide of Jews and refuse to behave like a civilized people. They are reaping what they have sown.
Give them a 2 State solution, they will attack Israel and lose it... Maybe a small area at first. I don't know maybe the size of Gaza, and let's see what they can make of it...

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FLBear5630 said:

historian said:

Again, the Palestinians have had the option of a two solution solution multiple times for decades and every single time they reject it. That's on them as are every single one of their other problems because they are obsessed with genocide of Jews and refuse to behave like a civilized people. They are reaping what they have sown.
Give them a 2 State solution, they will attack Israel and lose it... Maybe a small area at first. I don't know maybe the size of Gaza, and let's see what they can make of it...

Gaza was their first shot at it & they failed miserably. They elected Hamas who then set up a theocracy with terror against Israel as their religion. The "Palestinians" got what Greg w as noted snd are paying the price.

You reap what you sow. They are reaping.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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FLBear5630 said:

historian said:

Again, the Palestinians have had the option of a two solution solution multiple times for decades and every single time they reject it. That's on them as are every single one of their other problems because they are obsessed with genocide of Jews and refuse to behave like a civilized people. They are reaping what they have sown.
Give them a 2 State solution, they will attack Israel and lose it... Maybe a small area at first. I don't know maybe the size of Gaza, and let's see what they can make of it...

I'm still waiting to hear what the plan is if Israel does not let them have a State.

How can Israel hold 5.5 million Palestinians under military occupation forever?

Israel has 9.5 million citizens.

If Ariel Sharon said it was unsustainable 20 years ago is it not even more unsustainable now?

[You cannot like the word, but what is happening is an occupation -- to hold 3.5 million Palestinians under occupation. I believe that is a terrible thing for Israel and for the Palestinians," he said Monday.

Those were stunning words from the longtime hawk and backer of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.

"It can't continue endlessly," Sharon said. "Do you want to stay forever in Jenin, in Nablus, in Ramallah, in Bethlehem? I don't think that's right."]
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muddybrazos said:

whiterock said:

muddybrazos said:

historian said:

I never saw any images of Israelis celebrating 9-11. I do have a distinct memory of Palestinians celebrating, however, although it disappeared within a relatively short time.
Mossad was behind 9/11. There is plenty of evidence. Go read up on Urban Moving Systems and the Bush admin let them all fly out of the country a few days after 9/11. There were something like 100 Israeli spies over here and they were with the hijackers down in Florida where they were going through fheir flight school training. 9/11 was a false flag created by the Israeli Mossad to get America to war in Iraq and to carry aout the Clean Break.

"Netanyahu seems to be the main mover in America's official adoption of the 1996 white paper A Clean Break, authored by him and American fellow neocons, which aimed to aggressively remake the strategic environments of Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. As they say in boxing circles, three down, two to go.",three%20down%2C%20two%20to%20go.
Mossad did 9/11? They recruited and ran UBL to build AQ and attack the twin towers, just to take out Saddam? What have you been smoking?

Why would we NOT want to "remake the strategic environment" of states full of terrorist groups who've killed thousands of Americans over several decades?

You probably know all of this since you were in the CIA but they were definitely involved.

5 Young Israelis, Caught in Net of Suspicion

Here is an amazon book for yoiu
9/11-what did the Israelis know, and when did they know it?
With information culled from mainstream sources, author Justin Raimondo shows in this eye-opening book that Israel's spies in the United States had been watching the 9/11 terrorists. As the terrorists were planning the biggest and deadliest terrorist attack in American history, Israeli agents in the U.S. were watching them 24/7-living literally "next door to Mohammed Atta," according to one account.
Did Israeli intelligence have foreknowledge of 9/11?
As one law enforcement source close to the investigation told Fox News, the real question is: how could they not have known?
But if they knew, then why didn't they tell us?
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ...

1st November 2003

THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.
Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all counts. They were Israelis - and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA.
Their discovery and arrest that morning is a matter of indisputable fact. To those who have investigated just what the Israelis were up to that day, the case raises one dreadful possibility: that Israeli intelligence had been shadowing the al-Qaeda hijackers as they moved from the Middle East through Europe and into America where they trained as pilots and prepared to suicide-bomb the symbolic heart of the United States. And the motive? To bind America in blood and mutual suffering to the Israeli cause.

After the attacks on New York and Washington, the former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was asked what the terrorist strikes would mean for US-Israeli relations. He said: "It's very good." Then he corrected himself, adding: "Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel from Americans."

Yes, I am intimately aware of the dynamics of stuff like that. You are misreading things to fit a pre-determined animus. Israel acts EXACTLY like we do. They collect aggressively against allies. JUST LIKE WE DO. And they pick & choose what to share....JUST LIKE WE DO.

Netanyahu's statement is exactly Churchill's sentiment on Pearl Harbor. And in neither case does it mean that our ally WANTED us to be attacked or to lose, or helped anyone do it. The evidence Israel was involved in 9/11 attacks is ZERO, zip, nada, totally crackpot conspiratorial BS.

Israeli intelligence operations are done very well, daringly and desperately so, as one would expect for a nation engaged in existential struggle. They will not reveal ANYTHING to us which would put at risk their sources and methods. Neither would we. We actually pass up opportunities worth chasing so that we will not have to reveal any product to allies, choosing instead to work targets from less advantageous positions that more often than not forestall or delay success.

If you have a first-class seat a business trip abroad on any "national" airlines, do not discuss proprietary information. It's not a question of "can my comments be collected" but rather "are they collecting it." That was a current capability 30 years ago, and the forward march of technology only makes it easier. Nato allies have collected thusly against us. And how do we know this? Because we have collected against Nato allies, too......
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Redbrickbear said:

whiterock said:

Redbrickbear said:

ShooterTX said:

This is all BS.
Jews have lived in the land for thousands of years. Now they are the majority, and they have established a stable democracy... but according to you, they need to be expelled .

Did I ever say Israel did not have a right to exist or that "Jews should be expelled"? Of course not

Why do you feel the need to lie about what I have said?


In 1890 there were only around 42,000 Jews living in the area. Compared to 57,000 Christians and 432,000 Muslims.

They had not been a majority in the area for 2,000 years.

They were not even the 2nd largest ethnic group…that was Arab Christians

A important historical point to keep in mind….

But the reality is, they are there now. And they not only outnumber everyone else combined, they have superior demographics for the future. Palestinians in Israel have full legal/political rights, and there are areas set aside for Palestinian self-rule, and a Jordanian state that is majority Palestinian (the distinction between "jordanian" and "palestinian" is quite artificial.....). Yet, still there is no peace. Is that because Israel continually attacks Palestinians, or because Palestinians refuse to accept reality and live in peace as equals with Jews. The Jews actually do that, every day, in the territory they control. It's the Palestinians who reject peace, every day, in the territories they control and beyond.

Some interesting points.

But it still does not answer the question of how Israel can afford to keep 5.4 million Palestinians under military occupation forever?

Even Ariel Sharon 20 years ago was saying this was simply not possible long term

LOL there is a solution to that problem. It is being implemented. It's called "settlement." Israel has presented the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank with a stark choice - accept peace with Israel or Israel is going to own the West Bank. Israel is going to continue the process of settlements until it has an electoral majority in the West Bank that will forestall the ability of the Palestinians to gain power for the purpose of attacking Israel.

Israel has no choice in that matter, as long as the Palestinians continue to reject peace.
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Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Jews have a longer history in the region than Europeans do in North America. So let's stop making stupid arguments about history of presence. They've won and earned their independence in the region and have fought to defend it ever since.

We conquered a much weaker enemy, mass immigrated our way to expansion, defeated them with superior weapons, and have subjugated their ancestors into third world hell holes (their choice not ours).

And yet none of that explains why Israel gets to flout international law by continuing to militarily occupy the West Bank….

People ask this question and the response is…"Jews had a Bronze Age Kingdom" or "Israel has a right to exist"

Specious justifications
Israel occupies the West Bank because it won several wars in which it was attacked from the West Bank. It will continue to occupy the West Bank until the political authority in the West Bank acknowledges Israel's right to exist. And if that political authority continues to refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist, Israel is going to keep growing Jewish settlements in the West Bank until it has absolute demographic control to dictate events.

You would do exactly the same thing if you were in the same circumstances.
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Redbrickbear said:

FLBear5630 said:

historian said:

Again, the Palestinians have had the option of a two solution solution multiple times for decades and every single time they reject it. That's on them as are every single one of their other problems because they are obsessed with genocide of Jews and refuse to behave like a civilized people. They are reaping what they have sown.
Give them a 2 State solution, they will attack Israel and lose it... Maybe a small area at first. I don't know maybe the size of Gaza, and let's see what they can make of it...

I'm still waiting to hear what the plan is if Israel does not let them have a State.

How can Israel hold 5.5 million Palestinians under military occupation forever?

Israel has 9.5 million citizens.

If Ariel Sharon said it was unsustainable 20 years ago is it not even more unsustainable now?

[You cannot like the word, but what is happening is an occupation -- to hold 3.5 million Palestinians under occupation. I believe that is a terrible thing for Israel and for the Palestinians," he said Monday.

Those were stunning words from the longtime hawk and backer of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.

"It can't continue endlessly," Sharon said. "Do you want to stay forever in Jenin, in Nablus, in Ramallah, in Bethlehem? I don't think that's right."]
20 year old quotes have been overtake by events. After 07 October, there is no chance Israel will ever give control of the West Bank back to a Palestinian authority. None whatsoever. At least, not in your lifetime or mine. The settlements will accelerate.

There will be a lot of job opportunities rebuilding Gaza. I would imagine Israel will offer substantial cash incentives for West Bank Palestinians to move there for better opportunities.
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And the smart ones will take advantage of them.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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boognish_bear said:

Too bad this is no longer an option for them:

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whitetrash said:

boognish_bear said:

Too bad this is no longer an option for them:

Oh it might be….

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boognish_bear said:

Its crazy how back a few years ago when BLM and antifa were shutting down any conservative voices on campuses nobody really cared at all but as soon it effected Jews laws start passing and people start losing thier jobs (eg Harvard pres).
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muddybrazos said:

boognish_bear said:

Its crazy how back a few years ago when BLM and antifa were shutting down any conservative voices on campuses nobody really cared at all but as soon it effected Jews laws start passing and people start losing thier jobs (eg Harvard pres).

Some groups are more special than others

And the Republican party will never speak up and defend its own voters…
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US trying to overthrow Netanyahu's government, senior Israeli official says

It appears as if the usual suspects are trying for Maidan 2.0.
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muddybrazos said:

boognish_bear said:

Its crazy how back a few years ago when BLM and antifa were shutting down any conservative voices on campuses nobody really cared at all but as soon it effected Jews laws start passing and people start losing thier jobs (eg Harvard pres).

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boognish_bear said:

Good grief. Any way to get rid of our entire Department of State leadership now?
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Probably not until January. If Trump wins.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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COOKED: Chris Rufo and Luke Rosiak Show DEI Plagiarism Epidemic Has Now Poisoned the Fed
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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This was probably posted a week or two ago (& 1,000 posts!) but it's a useful reminder of the situation.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Go Bears!
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This is for the Hamas apologists who like to repeat their lies as talking points:
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Iran launches massive drone and missile attack against Israel.

No one should be surprised.

Meanwhile the US continues to be nominally led by an old dementia sufferer .

Historic events continue to evolve in the same old pattern .

In possibly the biggest surprise was the actions of JORDAN shooting down several of the missiles as they crossed their airspace .

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The United States actively shot down dozens of Iranian missiles and drones .

Of course the obvious question now presents itself .

Will Iran consider such US actions as an act of war ?

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Sounds as if the Iranians intended this as a limited response to the bombing of their embassy, and the attack did little damage.

"In a post on X, Tehran says that its "military action" came in response to Israel's "aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus."

"The matter can be deemed concluded," the post adds."

Meanwhile, from DC:

"Behind the scenes: Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to the White House official.

"You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.

The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood."

So barring an Israeli response this should go back to the status quo.

What the lack of response would mean for Netenyahu's political future, I dont know. But this administration wants him out anyway.
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Biden will NEVER be forgiven for funding the Iranian regime. These funds were under our control, but Biden decided to give them back to the regime that has funded and committed violent acts against our nation and our allies for decades.

There is NO legit defense for giving this money to the Iranians. It is literally no different than funding Hitler after he began the Battle of Britain.

Biden is PURE EVIL.
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