Xi and China

9,775 Views | 94 Replies | Last: 14 days ago by Redbrickbear
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

you have the intellect of a 5th grader, good sir. Get out more.
Ahh J.R., once again you are falling back on personal insults. Yet somehow you are not the grade school malcontent?

ah, I believe you started this one calling me an Atheist whatever. not cool.
Wrong. I said your posts sounded like an Atheist from New Jersey. And that was after you popped off at someone else, implying an insult about their beliefs and culture.

If you cannot tell the difference between tweaking someone's posts and insulting the person, I find it hard to imagine you have had decent working conditions with your staff or contractors.
Atheist from New Jersey...you don't consider that an insult ? Actually a Presbyterian from Dallas. but, thanks
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

you have the intellect of a 5th grader, good sir. Get out more.
Ahh J.R., once again you are falling back on personal insults. Yet somehow you are not the grade school malcontent?

ah, I believe you started this one calling me an Atheist whatever. not cool.
Wrong. I said your posts sounded like an Atheist from New Jersey. And that was after you popped off at someone else, implying an insult about their beliefs and culture.

If you cannot tell the difference between tweaking someone's posts and insulting the person, I find it hard to imagine you have had decent working conditions with your staff or contractors.
Atheist from New Jersey...you don't consider that an insult ? Actually a Presbyterian from Dallas. but, thanks
At least you're not salsa from New York City.
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EatMoreSalmon said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

you have the intellect of a 5th grader, good sir. Get out more.
Ahh J.R., once again you are falling back on personal insults. Yet somehow you are not the grade school malcontent?

ah, I believe you started this one calling me an Atheist whatever. not cool.
Wrong. I said your posts sounded like an Atheist from New Jersey. And that was after you popped off at someone else, implying an insult about their beliefs and culture.

If you cannot tell the difference between tweaking someone's posts and insulting the person, I find it hard to imagine you have had decent working conditions with your staff or contractors.
Atheist from New Jersey...you don't consider that an insult ? Actually a Presbyterian from Dallas. but, thanks
At least you're not salsa from New York City.
true dat!
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Mitch Blood Green
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Redbrickbear said:

ron.reagan said:

Redbrickbear in my head is an emo native american living in new mexico and hangs out at coffee shops that have the soviet hammer and sickle stickers plastered all over the walls. Never misses a chance to ***** about capitalism….

I'm a White male Baptist Conservative from East Texas.

I don't think one single thing I have ever posted about modern China has been positive or in their favor.

And I certainly know I have never said anything positive about Marxism/communism.

Did you take your meds today little Ron?

Me too. Carthage. Where you from?
Mitch Blood Green
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

ron.reagan said:

Redbrickbear in my head is an emo native american living in new mexico and hangs out at coffee shops that have the soviet hammer and sickle stickers plastered all over the walls. Never misses a chance to ***** about capitalism….

I'm a White male Baptist Conservative from East Texas.

I don't think one single thing I have ever posted about modern China has been positive or in their favor.

And I certainly know I have never said anything positive about Marxism/communism.

Did you take your meds today little Ron?
Baptist Conservative from E. Texas explains a lot!
That potshot sounds like J.R. is an Atheist RINO from East New Jersey.

I am. Mt Laurel. No Allah for me.
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Sam Lowry
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Redbrickbear said:

Why compete when it's easier to destroy?

American hegemonic mindset in a nutshell.
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Redbrickbear said:

If we had outsourced jobs to the Soviet Union, given it MFN status, and made it our biggest supplier of imports it would have outlasted us as well.

As far as fertility problems, let's not try and solve that problem for the Chinese as well. Please keep on with the 1.0 TFR as long as you want.
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J.R. said:

Atheist from New Jersey...you don't consider that an insult ? Actually a Presbyterian from Dallas. but, thanks

Same difference these days. UMC: watch this. PCUSA: hold my beer. SBC: hold my flask with Coke. Yeah that's it, just Coke. No Rum in there at all, because that would make me a pirate. RC: Ok. All of you all get in a single file line behind Frank and we are going to walk to the Temple of Moloch. No running or you miss recess.
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Realitybites said:

Redbrickbear said:

If we had outsourced jobs to the Soviet Union, given it MFN status, and made it our biggest supplier of imports it would have outlasted us as well.

Very good point
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[Here is a must-watch recent interview with a former top Singaporean diplomat. You can get it by clicking here, on Arnaud Bertrand's tweet about it, or you can see it by clicking here, to go to the YouTube page. Below, Bertrand summarizes Yeo's remarks:


If you want to understand Asian geopolitics today, this is an absolute must-watch. This is George Yeo, who was a Singaporean cabinet minister during 21 years, including Minister for Foreign Affairs during 7 years. In my humble opinion, very few people out there have such a subtle understanding of geopolitics in Asia as he does. Here's a quick summary of what he says:

The US has little knowledge of China He says that "the US political system is decentralized and because of the need to win votes, it goes through emotional phases and is entering such a phase now where China is demonized out of mass emotion. There's some manipulation behind the scenes, but it's not based on knowledge." To him, the US "don't understand the nature of China", the fact that China "is constantly building walls around itself because it is happy in its own homogeneity". He says it is wrong for the US to believe that "China wants to displace them as the top dog in the world" and "trying to contain China, even pull it down" as a result. Not only is this a wrong understanding of China's objectives but the US "may exhaust itself in the process and I don't think it will succeed". He says that with its tariffs and sanctions the US risks making the same mistake as China's Qing dynasty and "become very weak".

He believes the primacy of the US dollar will break, and that US actions are "bringing forward that day" He says that "the key event will be when the primacy of the US dollar breaks. We all know it's going to break sometime or other because it's abnormal. If it is 30 years from now, well, let's drink and be merry. But if it's five years, well, we've got to calculate, right? Do we know when the cookie will crumble? We don't know. But the way the US is moving is bringing forward that day." It's "bringing forward that day" because "they try to control countries by sanctions" and as a result more and more countries put counter-measures in place, putting themselves out of the grasp of the US.

China is not in trouble and "overcapacity" is "information warfare" He says "there's information warfare against China" and that he "doesn't think" China is in trouble. "Look at the factories, look at the EVs, look at how terrified the Europeans are, accusing China of having overcapacity. I mean, how can you blame China for overcapacity when you have, when you're taking liberties with yourself, having long summers and working short hours and you say no, no, no, no, no, you are working too hard! There are consequences. If families take liberties with their children, with themselves, there's consequences."

He believes that Asian societies' "wholesomeness" is an advantage versus the West "Look at Asia, look at China, look at Southeast Asia, look at India. There are people who are hardworking, who are obsessed over their children, who want to have of them a higher education, in order that the kids will have a better education, better health, a better life. [...] They'll do well and we're lucky to be in the part of the world where strange values have not taken over societies. [...] Why is America such a big market for drugs today? And I was watching the Eurovision contest... [...] Parts of it, almost satanic. But it's now part of the fashion in most of Europe. What is happening? PM Lee talked about how we should keep all these woke things away from us as much as possible. I fully agree with him. Keep our societies wholesome. Keep our families intact. I mean, AI is very important, but AI cannot answer moral questions for us. In the end, it is every individual, every child who must make the choice. Be immersed in technology. Make use of it. But have our own sense of what it means to be a human being. So if we use that as a template to judge human society, I say we are very lucky to be in a part of the world where society is by and large wholesome and will do well."

It's critical for ASEAN to stick together and not be balkanized, which is what the US is trying to do with the Philippines "If we [ASEAN] don't stick together, we'll be balkanized and instead of becoming neighbours, become clients of big powers. Instead of using them, they make use of us. There's always a threat. Look at the Philippines now. The Philippines have legitimate disputes with China. Both sides have their cases. The Americans see an opportunity there. And jump in, and bring in the Japanese. And now Philippine politics is caught up in this [...] [China and the Philippines] had an agreement, a gentleman's agreement with Duterte, which Marcos has repudiated. So OK, so they must find a new way to equilibrium. And make use of the Americans and not be made use of by the Americans. But it's very difficult when you try to make use of a big power, you end up being made use of by them."

Most countries in ASEAN do not want China to be an enemy For instance he says "Vietnam has made a very important decision to go with China": "it was not well reported, but Vietnam has agreed that Hanoi will be linked to Kunming and Nanning by high-speed rail. This is big because each connection is tens of billions of dollars. And will change the topological configuration of logistics and supply chain and human movement for decades to come." Same with Indonesia, noting that "Prabowo's first visit [was] to China" and that when he met Xi Jinping "it was Xiao Di talking to Da Ge. A little brother talking to big brother. But when we went to Japan, then it's brother talking to brother." He adds: "Look at the other countries, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei. No one wants China to be an enemy. And the Americans don't understand this, yet. That because China is getting bigger and bigger for us, all of us want the Americans to be in the room. But if the Americans say no, you have to choose between China and us, then they say no, we can't. How can we choose? I mean, China is where our bread is buttered, you know."
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Redbrickbear said:

An amazing slaughter that even the CIA was unaware of for many years.

And Mao did it intentionally.

Trading Chinese food supplies to the Soviet block in exchange for nuclear weapon technology.

Hard to comprehend such cynical brutality.
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[Beijing's use of consumer data, biometric information, GPS tracking coordinates, facial recognition, DNA, and other forms of data harvesting has turned, and continues to turn, China into a beast never before seen worldwide, not even under Mao or Stalin. In China, the tools of surveillance capitalism are employed by the surveillance state to administer the so-called social credit system, which determines who is allowed to buy, sell, and travel, based on their social behavior.

"China is about to become something new: an AI-powered techno-totalitarian state," writes journalist John Lanchester. "The project aims to form not only a new kind of state but a new kind of human being, one who has fully internalized the demands of the state and the completeness of its surveillance and control. That internalization is the goal: agencies of the state will never need to intervene to correct the citizen's behavior, because the citizen has done it for them in advance."

He is talking about Beijing's pioneering use of artificial intelligence and other forms of digital data gathering to create a state apparatus that not only monitors all citizens constantly but also can compel them to behave in ways the state demands without ever deploying the secret police or the threat of gulags (though those exist for the recalcitrant), and without suffering the widespread poverty that was the inevitable product of old-style communism.

The great majority of Chinese pay for consumer goods and services using smartphone apps or their faces, via facial recognition technology. These provide consumer convenience and security, making life easier for ordinary people. They also generate an enormous amount of personal data about each Chinese individual, all of which the government tracks.

The state has other uses for facial recognition technology. Television cameras are ubiquitous on Chinese streets, recording the daily comings and goings of the nation's people. Beijing's software is so advanced that it can easily check facial scans against the central security database. If a citizen enters an area forbidden to him a church, say or even if a person is merely walking in the opposite direction of a crowd, the system automatically records it and alerts the police.

In theory, police don't have to show up at the suspect's door to make him pay for his disobedience. China's social credit system automatically tracks the words and actions, online and off, of every Chinese citizen, and grants rewards or demerits based on obedience. A Chinese who does something socially positive helping an elderly neighbor with a chore, or listening to a speech of leader Xi Jinping receives points toward a higher social credit score. On the other hand, one who does something negative letting his or her dog poop on the sidewalk, for example, or making a snarky comment on social media suffers a social-credit downgrade.

Because digital life, including commercial transactions, is automatically monitored, Chinese with high social credit ratings gain privileges. Those with lower scores find daily life harder. They aren't allowed to buy highspeed train tickets or take flights. Doors close to certain restaurants. Their children may not be allowed to go to college. They may lose their job and have a difficult time finding a new one. And a social-credit scofflaw will find himself isolated, as the algorithmic system downgrades those who are connected to the offender.
The bottom line: a Chinese citizen cannot participate in the economy or society unless he has the mark of approval from Xi Jinping, the country's all-powerful leader.

In a cashless society, the state has the power to bankrupt dissidents instantly by cutting off access to the internet. And in a society in which everyone is connected digitally, the state can make anyone an instant pariah when the algorithm turns them radioactive, even to their family.]
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ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

I remember when China was selling tanks, helicopters, and weapons to Omar al-Bashir of Sudan in exchange for mineral rights which helped his military kill hundreds of thousands in Darfur. China has always conducted an amoral foreign policy.
They make nice shoes and some cool electronics. Some things are worth looking the other way.
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Redbrickbear said:

ron.reagan said:

Redbrickbear in my head is an emo native american living in new mexico and hangs out at coffee shops that have the soviet hammer and sickle stickers plastered all over the walls. Never misses a chance to ***** about capitalism….

I'm a White male Baptist Conservative from East Texas.

I don't think one single thing I have ever posted about modern China has been positive or in their favor.

And I certainly know I have never said anything positive about Marxism/communism.

Did you take your meds today little Ron?
I had lots of family in Henderson and spent many summers on Lake Murval with my grandparents.

I love that part of the country
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

Redbrickbear said:

ron.reagan said:

Redbrickbear in my head is an emo native american living in new mexico and hangs out at coffee shops that have the soviet hammer and sickle stickers plastered all over the walls. Never misses a chance to ***** about capitalism….

I'm a White male Baptist Conservative from East Texas.

I don't think one single thing I have ever posted about modern China has been positive or in their favor.

And I certainly know I have never said anything positive about Marxism/communism.

Did you take your meds today little Ron?
Baptist Conservative from E. Texas explains a lot!
That potshot sounds like J.R. is an Atheist RINO from East New Jersey.
You will only get a potshot from me if you are belligerent. yeah dumbass. Presbyterian (recovering Baptist ). Born in Dallas. Still live here , you moron! RINO my arse. You are a degenerate Trump loving MAGA/RWNJ. I think you have proven that. Hell , I'd go so far to say you are probably a good evangelical who supports Trump even though he does everything yall are against! Good try, idiot.
Nice pile of written excrement there, J.R.

Shows your character along with your level of effort to have a discussion.

You may have money, but boy howdy you are piss-poor in class.
you know nothing about me, pal. Nothing.

You're cruder and crasser than Trump. Certainly less intelligent. You prove it with every post.
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ATL Bear
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Redbrickbear said:

Coal. Something they produce and use in abundance for energy, not to mention its necessity as a material in steel production. If we want to compete with China in steel production and heavy manufacturing we (America) are going to have to ugly up our landscapes, dirty up our air and rivers, and commit to hard, dangerous, and thankless work. Or we can just extol platitudes about "America first".
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Every society has to have opportunities for hard, dangerous, and thankless work. If you eliminate that, you end up with a society that creates apparatchiks with useless degrees sitting in offices seeking rent because they had no opportunity to do what their natural abilities enabled them to do.



He believes the primacy of the US dollar will break, and that US actions are "bringing forward that day" He says that "the key event will be when the primacy of the US dollar breaks. We all know it's going to break sometime or other because it's abnormal. If it is 30 years from now, well, let's drink and be merry. But if it's five years, well, we've got to calculate, right? Do we know when the cookie will crumble? We don't know. But the way the US is moving is bringing forward that day." It's "bringing forward that day" because "they try to control countries by sanctions" and as a result more and more countries put counter-measures in place, putting themselves out of the grasp of the US.

May be the most consequential paragraph posted on this forum within recent memory.
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