Campus Protests

74,348 Views | 1163 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by Redbrickbear
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boognish_bear said:

The apocalypse may soon be upon us. Hillary is a voice of reason.
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Waco1947 said:

Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Waco1947 said:
A more nuanced look at BLM
$4B in damage and 20+ murders.

We really have an anti-fact, anti-intellectual contingent in 'Murica.

That vile movement also came with mass support from the DC political class, the universities, Wall St, and most of the culture forming institutions of power in the USA

But to people like ATL the real danger is not Marxist revolution (in the streets or in the the Federal Government) it's always those dreadful White Christian nationalists…
So I was asked a question and answered and that means I think Christian Nationalism is a bigger threat than Marxism? Incredible. Learn to have some nuance, and maybe understand life isn't binary. You can have thoughts and opinions across a spectrum.

The point is that Christianity is total collapse in the USA

Whites have been driven down to less than 63% of the population and declining fast.

And in all US power centers (DC, Hollywood, Academia, silicon valley, and Wall St) Christianity is openly despised or seen as a hopelessly out of fashion

The whole of idea of "White Christian nationalism" is a bogeyman and media Agitprop.

No one can be treated as serious who even brings up the idea that it's a real thing.

If the concept itself was a flight of fantasy in 1954 it is absolutely impossible and ridiculous to bring up in 2024

Now racial-cultural Marxism….that has the possibility of real power now and in the future.

Mike Johnson made it clear that he is "a Bible-believing Christian." When Fox News' Sean Hannity asked in an interview for Johnson's positions on issues, he responded, "Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it that's my worldview. That's what I believe, and so I make no apologies for it." Iowa City Press

Is having a Biblical world view "Christian nationalism"?

"Now I will avow, that I then believed, and now believe, that those general Principles of Christianity, are as eternal and immutable, as the Existence and Attributes of God: and that those Principles of Liberty, are as unalterable as human Nature and our terrestrial, mundane System" -President John Adams

[From his Headquarters in New York, July 9, 1776, Washington issued a General Order which read, in pertinent part, "The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary but especially so in times of public distress and danger- The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man, will endeavour so to live, and act, as becomes a Christian Soldier defending the dearest Rights and Liberties of his country."

Throughout his life, Washington spoke of the Christian religion…

In a 1779 letter to a Delegation of Native Indian leaders Washington said: "You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are. Congress will do every thing they can to assist you in this wise intention; and to tie the knot of friendship and union so fast, that nothing shall ever be able to loose it."

Washington referenced Jesus as the "divine Author of our blessed Religion" in his "Circular Letter to the Governors" of 1783 in the following prayer:
"I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field, and finally, that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion"
Forest Bueller_bf
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JERUSALEM, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found.

The Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research (PCPSR)

Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer.

Hamas, which is sworn to Israel's destruction, has ruled Gaza since splitting with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 2007. The PA exercises limited governance in the West Bank.
Here is what students or anybody is/are supporting with pro "Palestine" riots/protests.

Hamas has training camps set up in the Gaza strip training young teenage boys to hate Israel and to battle against Israel. It will never end.
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whitetrash said:

boognish_bear said:

The apocalypse may soon be upon us. Hillary is a voice of reason.
It is likely that young Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza don't really have a grasp of the history of the region as well, hence the hatred beyond the pale.

If not for the three wars against Israel by their Arab neighbors, Israel would not be as "big" as it is now.
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boognish_bear said:

What difference does it make now!?
Harrison Bergeron
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whitetrash said:

boognish_bear said:

The apocalypse may soon be upon us. Hillary is a voice of reason.

Isn't she a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY because she still claims the 2016 election was stolen.
ATL Bear
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Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Waco1947 said:
A more nuanced look at BLM
$4B in damage and 20+ murders.

We really have an anti-fact, anti-intellectual contingent in 'Murica.

That vile movement also came with mass support from the DC political class, the universities, Wall St, and most of the culture forming institutions of power in the USA

But to people like ATL the real danger is not Marxist revolution (in the streets or in the the Federal Government) it's always those dreadful White Christian nationalists…
So I was asked a question and answered and that means I think Christian Nationalism is a bigger threat than Marxism? Incredible. Learn to have some nuance, and maybe understand life isn't binary. You can have thoughts and opinions across a spectrum.

The point is that Christianity is total collapse in the USA

Whites have been drive down to less than 63% of population and declining

And in all US power centers (DC, Hollywood, Academia, silicone valley, and Wall St) Christianity is openly despised and seen as a hopelessly out of fashion

The whole of idea of "White Christian nationalism" is a bogeyman.

No one can be treated as serious who even brings up the idea that it's a real thing.

If the concept was a flight of fantasy in 1954 is absolutely impossible and ridiculous to bring up in 2024

Now racial-cultural Marxism….that has real power

I think you're proving my point that it is a "thing". Your comments made it both ethno and religious…


But it's not a thing

It's a made up internet discussion topic and hobby horse of the Media-Academic complex

It's not real

There is no political party or major U.S. power center out there in the real world advocating for it.

And even if there was….in an America where Christianity is in collapse and Whites account for less of a percentage of the population every year there is no pathway for it to be realized.

Its about as real as American monarchism.

At this point anyone saying it's real is suspect

It makes no sense to make an argument about majorities when the minority positions are being blamed as "taking control". Power dynamics don't require majorities, only power.

I listed examples of groups that are starting to sound and identify as Christian Nationalist. We have a world leader and its official church playing the religious nationalism angle, and many, including several replying on this topic, cheering it on or assigning virtue to it. It is a thing, even if its threat level on a practical level is low right now in America. But then so was open homosexuality (gay pride) when it just became "a thing".
ATL Bear
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ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

ATL Bear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

sombear said:

Osodecentx said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

D. C. Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

D. C. Bear said:

The_barBEARian said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

Wangchung said:

ATL Bear said:

Strange days.

Islamic Radicals
Liberal Extremists
Right Wing Christian Nationalists

Islamic radicals behead people, rape and kill children.
Liberal extremists want to indoctrinate children into the rainbow cult and also support the Islamic extremists. Rightwing Christian nationalists don't want you to kill your unborn children, don't want the rainbow cult in schools and love their country.
And don't like the Jews, are sympathetic to Gaza, talk about ZOG, Zionist supremacy, etc.
Christian Nationalists is a BS creation of the leftwing nutjobs.

It is a label used to describe anyone who believes in God, or believes the Bible, or loves America, or voted for Trump, or doesn't like Joe Biden... or any combination of those.

In other words... anyone who is not a full supporter of Joe Biden is labeled as a "dangerous Christian Nationalist". It is just another stupid ploy by the uni-party, to keep the people behind Joe Biden, in power.

The very idea that a "right wing" person, or a Christian, or someone who believes in "America first" would have ANY common ground with either a Islamic Radical or a Liberal Extremeist... that is just ridiculous.

Islamic Extremists hate America and want to completely destroy the West. That is the polar opposite of a right winger, a Christian and the basic idea of "America first".

Liberal Extremists hate the founding of our nation, the Constitution as written, the Bible, Christianity, Capitalism, and the free exchange of ideas (especially on X). These are all polar opposite positions of right wingers, Christians and the "America first" crowd.
There are intersections on lots of issues. Don't be blind. I'm pointing out the intersection on this specific topic. I mean are you seeing some of the comments getting thrown around on this and related threads?

There is a new popularity of Christian nationalism that has nothing to do with Conservative or evangelical Christianity, which used to be the target of the left, or pro America patriotism, or even right wing. In fact this new breed has anti-capitalist leanings masking it in anti-globalism and/or pro labor anti-corporations that mimic the left (remember Occupy Wall Street?), and even anti-freedom as they seek not to reverse liberal trends of suppression (something I completely agree is occurring), but wanting to mirror their tactics in areas they support. An honest assessment of what's being argued and advocated would see the intersection of what would seemingly be ideological opposites.

If you want to define it under a different name because you think it disparages Christianity or patriotism, I'm open to whatever label you wish to apply. But unlike the left, I'm following a specific and known identity of Christian nationalism that dates back a long time. Even the "America first" label is being co-opted and abused as a cover for ulterior motives.
If you really want to explain this position, give an example. Who is a perfect example of a "Christian Nationalist", and then explain how they embody that label.
BarBearian. It's self explanatory so to speak.

You know what... I'll accept that title.

I genuinely don't see anything wrong with being labeled a Christian Nationalist.

You guys mean it as a slur, but I'll take it as a badge of honor.

This country desperately needs more Christianity and Nationalism.

Christianity and nationalism are not particularly compatible.
please explain further

Nationalism implies a loyalty to the nation and placing the nation's interests above the interests of other groups. One of those "other groups" would be the Church. Christianity, on the other hand, tends to call for loyalty to Christ, and Christ alone.
So you do not believe it is possible to be a Christian, but also believe that the nation's interests should be above all other interest groups... except for Christ?
I am a Christian first, and an American second... but i do believe that the interest of America should come before all other groups, except for Christ. It is really funny that you think that Nationalists can only be called Nationalists if they put the nation above Christ. That's just silly.

I suppose someone couldn't be a Baylor fan and also a Christian? How can one be a fan of Baylor without placing Baylor above their devotion to Christ? LOL
You seem to align God and country as one, or advocate a joint loyalty of both to the exclusion of others. That's the issue. And I can tell you family comes in the slot between God and country for me, and I believe most do as well.

I spend too much time in places where religious nationalism creates nothing but turmoil domestically and internationally to stand by and not say something when I see some of the rhetoric going on. I feel as if the whole Putin/Russian church unholy alliance has emboldened a dangerous sentiment, having nothing to do with yes/no to Ukraine War support.
I think you are arguing with someone in high school, maybe a college freshman. The bar for entering into this forum is low, i.e. anyone can come. If we were meeting in person to discuss this, we probably wouldn't pay any attention to about half the folks weighing in

I think Christian Nationalism is a fair and important subject of discussion. It is difficult to find an extensive critique of Evangelicals and/or Christian Conservatives without an accusation of Christian Nationalism.

I probably agree with Atl more than anyone posting here and strongly disagree with many positions of those on the other side. But I don't chalk any of it up to Christian Nationalism. Heck, I'm still not sure it means or what it covers. I often disagree with Shooter, but he posed fair questions.
I genuinely don't know what is Christian Nationalism. It feels like another mythical bogeyman created by the extreme left to demonize Christians. Honest question - not being hyperbolic:
1. What specifically is Christian Nationalism? Is it a group? A set of ideas? Is there a membership role?
2. What are the tenets of Christian Nationalism? What must one believe to become a "Christian Nationalist?"
3. Can anyone share examples of Christian Nationalists? Who are the leaders? Where are their meetings?

My radical LWNJ friends always bloviate about Christian nationalists while excusing callas for Jewish genocide, so I sort of think it might be made up to get the left-wing noise machine content to fire up the crazy base.
Fair questions, so I'll give it a shot.

First for what Christian Nationalism is NOT, which is what the left way overplays applying the label.

It is not just having a belief in conservative Christian ideology.
It is not because one supports traditional Christian values.
It is not having a deep patriotic sentiment about America.
It is not defined by being opposed to the LGBTQ political and social agenda, or being anti-abortion.
It isn't because you support the Republican Party or Donald Trump.

Someone can check some or all those boxes and not be a "Christian Nationalist" regardless of whether the leftist opinion is otherwise.

What it is is an ethno religious philosophy that supports/advocates an expanding role of religion in all facets of society, and tries to frame God/Christianity in the context of specific national identity. In the Islamic world it manifests as a religious theocracy with harsh autocratic boundaries. We have the laws in this nation which limit that extreme. But the hyper powerful nature of the executive branch creates autocratic avenues for abuse. The left certainly uses those avenues.

In the U.S. we are in the sentiment/public advocacy phase. The ideas are able to gain some broader traction primarily due to the power and reach of social media. But the "Holy War" rhetoric is not lost on me.

Where do we see it? I fully support addressing the border as a policy, but when I see rallies calling people "God's Army" with a specific God/Country/Politician alignment, it's disheartening and cheapens our faith. It also smacks of Christian Nationalism. You're not fighting God's cause. You're fighting for the secular cause of a sound policy for a sovereign country with economic, social, security, and legal concerns.

I see the seven mountain mandate gaining traction, and the twisting of Washington's famous "An Appeal to Heaven" symbols. I believe Charlie Kirk and TPUSA are fomenting religious nationalist sentiment well beyond the cultural appeals of Reagan or Bush. Marjorie Taylor Greene and others even identified themselves as such.

Framing spiritual warfare around secular policy conflict is simply trying to channel God's authority to a political purpose, and the rhetoric of "good vs evil" in the religious context has gained tremendous traction and a national/political call to arms.

Finally, the strange affinity for Putin has shaken out of the bush sentiments and people who view him as some leader of a Christian cause against the decadence of the West. It's as if the alignment of an autocrat and a supportive Christian church deserves our empathy and ignoring of the decidedly un-Christian actions of the despot. Who would have thought?
I am sort of tracking with you ... but my question remains ... who is the leader of the group? Where is the headquarters? When is its convention? When was its last march?

What acts of violence have been carried out by so-called "Christian nationalists?" What discrimination has been carried out by so-called "Christian nationalists?" To compare them to Muslim terrorists feels really immature and anti-intellectual.

Christian leaders have been calling for spiritual revival in the U.S. for 250 years. It's silly to think one's faith would not inform one's political ideas.
Who's comparing them? I simply pointed out the shared position on Gaza from the hard cores. That obviously set off the tailspin.

And I wouldn't compare this current wave to something like Billy Graham's revival for America or Washington's proclamation of providence. I'm all for the appeal to personal faith to guide us. It's when it becomes an advocacy for institutional purpose when I get a little worried.
I suppose you are unaware of the insane levels of attack against ALL Christian values in America today. Maybe if you were aware, you could understand the rise in rhetoric among Christians. The slippery slope has turned into a shear cliff. Christians are openly attacked with words, policies, lawsuits and violence... all over America. The nation is on a quick road to hell... so yeah, it is totally normal to see more and more outspoken Christians in that context.

I have yet to see any actual examples of someone calling themselves "God's Army". I imagine such examples would be about as prevalent as the Westboro Church group. The media made it seem like the Westboro nutjobs were everywhere, when in reality they had barely 2 dozen members.

Don't be fooled. The term Christian Nationalism is being used to attack ALL Christians who do not get on board with LGBTQ ideology and Soviet style socialism. Maybe you are not doing that, but the majority of folks who use the term are targeting anyone who reads & follows the Bible.
Christianity has been under attack since its inception. Sometimes it was external, other times internal. I'd say in the scheme of history, we're in a mild phase of value and moral dilemmas and the cultural struggle around it.

I may be controversial here, but I believe the loss of faith and traction of Christianity in this nation stems more from the selfish nature of society today, which hedonistic behaviors are a mere symptom of, than any political agenda. So when I see the calls to rally the secular power institutions of man to bring balance to bear, I'm as suspect of its purpose as I am of the leftist efforts in action today.
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ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

ATL Bear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

sombear said:

Osodecentx said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

D. C. Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

D. C. Bear said:

The_barBEARian said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

Wangchung said:

ATL Bear said:

Strange days.

Islamic Radicals
Liberal Extremists
Right Wing Christian Nationalists

Islamic radicals behead people, rape and kill children.
Liberal extremists want to indoctrinate children into the rainbow cult and also support the Islamic extremists. Rightwing Christian nationalists don't want you to kill your unborn children, don't want the rainbow cult in schools and love their country.
And don't like the Jews, are sympathetic to Gaza, talk about ZOG, Zionist supremacy, etc.
Christian Nationalists is a BS creation of the leftwing nutjobs.

It is a label used to describe anyone who believes in God, or believes the Bible, or loves America, or voted for Trump, or doesn't like Joe Biden... or any combination of those.

In other words... anyone who is not a full supporter of Joe Biden is labeled as a "dangerous Christian Nationalist". It is just another stupid ploy by the uni-party, to keep the people behind Joe Biden, in power.

The very idea that a "right wing" person, or a Christian, or someone who believes in "America first" would have ANY common ground with either a Islamic Radical or a Liberal Extremeist... that is just ridiculous.

Islamic Extremists hate America and want to completely destroy the West. That is the polar opposite of a right winger, a Christian and the basic idea of "America first".

Liberal Extremists hate the founding of our nation, the Constitution as written, the Bible, Christianity, Capitalism, and the free exchange of ideas (especially on X). These are all polar opposite positions of right wingers, Christians and the "America first" crowd.
There are intersections on lots of issues. Don't be blind. I'm pointing out the intersection on this specific topic. I mean are you seeing some of the comments getting thrown around on this and related threads?

There is a new popularity of Christian nationalism that has nothing to do with Conservative or evangelical Christianity, which used to be the target of the left, or pro America patriotism, or even right wing. In fact this new breed has anti-capitalist leanings masking it in anti-globalism and/or pro labor anti-corporations that mimic the left (remember Occupy Wall Street?), and even anti-freedom as they seek not to reverse liberal trends of suppression (something I completely agree is occurring), but wanting to mirror their tactics in areas they support. An honest assessment of what's being argued and advocated would see the intersection of what would seemingly be ideological opposites.

If you want to define it under a different name because you think it disparages Christianity or patriotism, I'm open to whatever label you wish to apply. But unlike the left, I'm following a specific and known identity of Christian nationalism that dates back a long time. Even the "America first" label is being co-opted and abused as a cover for ulterior motives.
If you really want to explain this position, give an example. Who is a perfect example of a "Christian Nationalist", and then explain how they embody that label.
BarBearian. It's self explanatory so to speak.

You know what... I'll accept that title.

I genuinely don't see anything wrong with being labeled a Christian Nationalist.

You guys mean it as a slur, but I'll take it as a badge of honor.

This country desperately needs more Christianity and Nationalism.

Christianity and nationalism are not particularly compatible.
please explain further

Nationalism implies a loyalty to the nation and placing the nation's interests above the interests of other groups. One of those "other groups" would be the Church. Christianity, on the other hand, tends to call for loyalty to Christ, and Christ alone.
So you do not believe it is possible to be a Christian, but also believe that the nation's interests should be above all other interest groups... except for Christ?
I am a Christian first, and an American second... but i do believe that the interest of America should come before all other groups, except for Christ. It is really funny that you think that Nationalists can only be called Nationalists if they put the nation above Christ. That's just silly.

I suppose someone couldn't be a Baylor fan and also a Christian? How can one be a fan of Baylor without placing Baylor above their devotion to Christ? LOL
You seem to align God and country as one, or advocate a joint loyalty of both to the exclusion of others. That's the issue. And I can tell you family comes in the slot between God and country for me, and I believe most do as well.

I spend too much time in places where religious nationalism creates nothing but turmoil domestically and internationally to stand by and not say something when I see some of the rhetoric going on. I feel as if the whole Putin/Russian church unholy alliance has emboldened a dangerous sentiment, having nothing to do with yes/no to Ukraine War support.
I think you are arguing with someone in high school, maybe a college freshman. The bar for entering into this forum is low, i.e. anyone can come. If we were meeting in person to discuss this, we probably wouldn't pay any attention to about half the folks weighing in

I think Christian Nationalism is a fair and important subject of discussion. It is difficult to find an extensive critique of Evangelicals and/or Christian Conservatives without an accusation of Christian Nationalism.

I probably agree with Atl more than anyone posting here and strongly disagree with many positions of those on the other side. But I don't chalk any of it up to Christian Nationalism. Heck, I'm still not sure it means or what it covers. I often disagree with Shooter, but he posed fair questions.
I genuinely don't know what is Christian Nationalism. It feels like another mythical bogeyman created by the extreme left to demonize Christians. Honest question - not being hyperbolic:
1. What specifically is Christian Nationalism? Is it a group? A set of ideas? Is there a membership role?
2. What are the tenets of Christian Nationalism? What must one believe to become a "Christian Nationalist?"
3. Can anyone share examples of Christian Nationalists? Who are the leaders? Where are their meetings?

My radical LWNJ friends always bloviate about Christian nationalists while excusing callas for Jewish genocide, so I sort of think it might be made up to get the left-wing noise machine content to fire up the crazy base.
Fair questions, so I'll give it a shot.

First for what Christian Nationalism is NOT, which is what the left way overplays applying the label.

It is not just having a belief in conservative Christian ideology.
It is not because one supports traditional Christian values.
It is not having a deep patriotic sentiment about America.
It is not defined by being opposed to the LGBTQ political and social agenda, or being anti-abortion.
It isn't because you support the Republican Party or Donald Trump.

Someone can check some or all those boxes and not be a "Christian Nationalist" regardless of whether the leftist opinion is otherwise.

What it is is an ethno religious philosophy that supports/advocates an expanding role of religion in all facets of society, and tries to frame God/Christianity in the context of specific national identity. In the Islamic world it manifests as a religious theocracy with harsh autocratic boundaries. We have the laws in this nation which limit that extreme. But the hyper powerful nature of the executive branch creates autocratic avenues for abuse. The left certainly uses those avenues.

In the U.S. we are in the sentiment/public advocacy phase. The ideas are able to gain some broader traction primarily due to the power and reach of social media. But the "Holy War" rhetoric is not lost on me.

Where do we see it? I fully support addressing the border as a policy, but when I see rallies calling people "God's Army" with a specific God/Country/Politician alignment, it's disheartening and cheapens our faith. It also smacks of Christian Nationalism. You're not fighting God's cause. You're fighting for the secular cause of a sound policy for a sovereign country with economic, social, security, and legal concerns.

I see the seven mountain mandate gaining traction, and the twisting of Washington's famous "An Appeal to Heaven" symbols. I believe Charlie Kirk and TPUSA are fomenting religious nationalist sentiment well beyond the cultural appeals of Reagan or Bush. Marjorie Taylor Greene and others even identified themselves as such.

Framing spiritual warfare around secular policy conflict is simply trying to channel God's authority to a political purpose, and the rhetoric of "good vs evil" in the religious context has gained tremendous traction and a national/political call to arms.

Finally, the strange affinity for Putin has shaken out of the bush sentiments and people who view him as some leader of a Christian cause against the decadence of the West. It's as if the alignment of an autocrat and a supportive Christian church deserves our empathy and ignoring of the decidedly un-Christian actions of the despot. Who would have thought?
I am sort of tracking with you ... but my question remains ... who is the leader of the group? Where is the headquarters? When is its convention? When was its last march?

What acts of violence have been carried out by so-called "Christian nationalists?" What discrimination has been carried out by so-called "Christian nationalists?" To compare them to Muslim terrorists feels really immature and anti-intellectual.

Christian leaders have been calling for spiritual revival in the U.S. for 250 years. It's silly to think one's faith would not inform one's political ideas.
Who's comparing them? I simply pointed out the shared position on Gaza from the hard cores. That obviously set off the tailspin.

And I wouldn't compare this current wave to something like Billy Graham's revival for America or Washington's proclamation of providence. I'm all for the appeal to personal faith to guide us. It's when it becomes an advocacy for institutional purpose when I get a little worried.
I suppose you are unaware of the insane levels of attack against ALL Christian values in America today. Maybe if you were aware, you could understand the rise in rhetoric among Christians. The slippery slope has turned into a shear cliff. Christians are openly attacked with words, policies, lawsuits and violence... all over America. The nation is on a quick road to hell... so yeah, it is totally normal to see more and more outspoken Christians in that context.

I have yet to see any actual examples of someone calling themselves "God's Army". I imagine such examples would be about as prevalent as the Westboro Church group. The media made it seem like the Westboro nutjobs were everywhere, when in reality they had barely 2 dozen members.

Don't be fooled. The term Christian Nationalism is being used to attack ALL Christians who do not get on board with LGBTQ ideology and Soviet style socialism. Maybe you are not doing that, but the majority of folks who use the term are targeting anyone who reads & follows the Bible.
Christianity has been under attack since its inception. Sometimes it was external, other times internal. I'd say in the scheme of history, we're in a mild phase of value and moral dilemmas and the cultural struggle around it.


Solzhenitsyn argued it was easier to be a Christian under the old Soviet system because the evil was right out in the open and you knew where the light was…he said it was harder in the modern West.

[In 1978, Solzhenitsyn caused great controversy when he criticized the secularism and hedonism of the West in his famous commencement address at Harvard University. Condemning the nations of the so-called free West for being morally bankrupt, he urged that it was time "to defend not so much human rights as human obligations."

The emphasis on rights instead of responsibilities was leading to "the abyss of human decadence" and to the committing of "moral violence against young people, such as motion pictures full of pornography, crime, and horror." At the root of the modern malaise was the modern philosophy of "rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy," which declared the "autonomy of man from any higher authority above him." Such a view "could also be called anthropocentrity, with man seen as the centre of all."]
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Waco1947 said:

Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Waco1947 said:
A more nuanced look at BLM
$4B in damage and 20+ murders.

We really have an anti-fact, anti-intellectual contingent in 'Murica.

That vile movement also came with mass support from the DC political class, the universities, Wall St, and most of the culture forming institutions of power in the USA

But to people like ATL the real danger is not Marxist revolution (in the streets or in the the Federal Government) it's always those dreadful White Christian nationalists…
So I was asked a question and answered and that means I think Christian Nationalism is a bigger threat than Marxism? Incredible. Learn to have some nuance, and maybe understand life isn't binary. You can have thoughts and opinions across a spectrum.

The point is that Christianity is total collapse in the USA

Whites have been driven down to less than 63% of the population and declining fast.

And in all US power centers (DC, Hollywood, Academia, silicon valley, and Wall St) Christianity is openly despised or seen as a hopelessly out of fashion

The whole of idea of "White Christian nationalism" is a bogeyman and media Agitprop.

No one can be treated as serious who even brings up the idea that it's a real thing.

If the concept itself was a flight of fantasy in 1954 it is absolutely impossible and ridiculous to bring up in 2024

Now racial-cultural Marxism….that has the possibility of real power now and in the future.

Mike Johnson made it clear that he is "a Bible-believing Christian." When Fox News' Sean Hannity asked in an interview for Johnson's positions on issues, he responded, "Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it that's my worldview. That's what I believe, and so I make no apologies for it." Iowa City Press
No wonder you hate the guy.

Johnson is a practicing Christian.
ATL Bear
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Redbrickbear said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

ATL Bear said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

sombear said:

Osodecentx said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

D. C. Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

D. C. Bear said:

The_barBEARian said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

ShooterTX said:

ATL Bear said:

Wangchung said:

ATL Bear said:

Strange days.

Islamic Radicals
Liberal Extremists
Right Wing Christian Nationalists

Islamic radicals behead people, rape and kill children.
Liberal extremists want to indoctrinate children into the rainbow cult and also support the Islamic extremists. Rightwing Christian nationalists don't want you to kill your unborn children, don't want the rainbow cult in schools and love their country.
And don't like the Jews, are sympathetic to Gaza, talk about ZOG, Zionist supremacy, etc.
Christian Nationalists is a BS creation of the leftwing nutjobs.

It is a label used to describe anyone who believes in God, or believes the Bible, or loves America, or voted for Trump, or doesn't like Joe Biden... or any combination of those.

In other words... anyone who is not a full supporter of Joe Biden is labeled as a "dangerous Christian Nationalist". It is just another stupid ploy by the uni-party, to keep the people behind Joe Biden, in power.

The very idea that a "right wing" person, or a Christian, or someone who believes in "America first" would have ANY common ground with either a Islamic Radical or a Liberal Extremeist... that is just ridiculous.

Islamic Extremists hate America and want to completely destroy the West. That is the polar opposite of a right winger, a Christian and the basic idea of "America first".

Liberal Extremists hate the founding of our nation, the Constitution as written, the Bible, Christianity, Capitalism, and the free exchange of ideas (especially on X). These are all polar opposite positions of right wingers, Christians and the "America first" crowd.
There are intersections on lots of issues. Don't be blind. I'm pointing out the intersection on this specific topic. I mean are you seeing some of the comments getting thrown around on this and related threads?

There is a new popularity of Christian nationalism that has nothing to do with Conservative or evangelical Christianity, which used to be the target of the left, or pro America patriotism, or even right wing. In fact this new breed has anti-capitalist leanings masking it in anti-globalism and/or pro labor anti-corporations that mimic the left (remember Occupy Wall Street?), and even anti-freedom as they seek not to reverse liberal trends of suppression (something I completely agree is occurring), but wanting to mirror their tactics in areas they support. An honest assessment of what's being argued and advocated would see the intersection of what would seemingly be ideological opposites.

If you want to define it under a different name because you think it disparages Christianity or patriotism, I'm open to whatever label you wish to apply. But unlike the left, I'm following a specific and known identity of Christian nationalism that dates back a long time. Even the "America first" label is being co-opted and abused as a cover for ulterior motives.
If you really want to explain this position, give an example. Who is a perfect example of a "Christian Nationalist", and then explain how they embody that label.
BarBearian. It's self explanatory so to speak.

You know what... I'll accept that title.

I genuinely don't see anything wrong with being labeled a Christian Nationalist.

You guys mean it as a slur, but I'll take it as a badge of honor.

This country desperately needs more Christianity and Nationalism.

Christianity and nationalism are not particularly compatible.
please explain further

Nationalism implies a loyalty to the nation and placing the nation's interests above the interests of other groups. One of those "other groups" would be the Church. Christianity, on the other hand, tends to call for loyalty to Christ, and Christ alone.
So you do not believe it is possible to be a Christian, but also believe that the nation's interests should be above all other interest groups... except for Christ?
I am a Christian first, and an American second... but i do believe that the interest of America should come before all other groups, except for Christ. It is really funny that you think that Nationalists can only be called Nationalists if they put the nation above Christ. That's just silly.

I suppose someone couldn't be a Baylor fan and also a Christian? How can one be a fan of Baylor without placing Baylor above their devotion to Christ? LOL
You seem to align God and country as one, or advocate a joint loyalty of both to the exclusion of others. That's the issue. And I can tell you family comes in the slot between God and country for me, and I believe most do as well.

I spend too much time in places where religious nationalism creates nothing but turmoil domestically and internationally to stand by and not say something when I see some of the rhetoric going on. I feel as if the whole Putin/Russian church unholy alliance has emboldened a dangerous sentiment, having nothing to do with yes/no to Ukraine War support.
I think you are arguing with someone in high school, maybe a college freshman. The bar for entering into this forum is low, i.e. anyone can come. If we were meeting in person to discuss this, we probably wouldn't pay any attention to about half the folks weighing in

I think Christian Nationalism is a fair and important subject of discussion. It is difficult to find an extensive critique of Evangelicals and/or Christian Conservatives without an accusation of Christian Nationalism.

I probably agree with Atl more than anyone posting here and strongly disagree with many positions of those on the other side. But I don't chalk any of it up to Christian Nationalism. Heck, I'm still not sure it means or what it covers. I often disagree with Shooter, but he posed fair questions.
I genuinely don't know what is Christian Nationalism. It feels like another mythical bogeyman created by the extreme left to demonize Christians. Honest question - not being hyperbolic:
1. What specifically is Christian Nationalism? Is it a group? A set of ideas? Is there a membership role?
2. What are the tenets of Christian Nationalism? What must one believe to become a "Christian Nationalist?"
3. Can anyone share examples of Christian Nationalists? Who are the leaders? Where are their meetings?

My radical LWNJ friends always bloviate about Christian nationalists while excusing callas for Jewish genocide, so I sort of think it might be made up to get the left-wing noise machine content to fire up the crazy base.
Fair questions, so I'll give it a shot.

First for what Christian Nationalism is NOT, which is what the left way overplays applying the label.

It is not just having a belief in conservative Christian ideology.
It is not because one supports traditional Christian values.
It is not having a deep patriotic sentiment about America.
It is not defined by being opposed to the LGBTQ political and social agenda, or being anti-abortion.
It isn't because you support the Republican Party or Donald Trump.

Someone can check some or all those boxes and not be a "Christian Nationalist" regardless of whether the leftist opinion is otherwise.

What it is is an ethno religious philosophy that supports/advocates an expanding role of religion in all facets of society, and tries to frame God/Christianity in the context of specific national identity. In the Islamic world it manifests as a religious theocracy with harsh autocratic boundaries. We have the laws in this nation which limit that extreme. But the hyper powerful nature of the executive branch creates autocratic avenues for abuse. The left certainly uses those avenues.

In the U.S. we are in the sentiment/public advocacy phase. The ideas are able to gain some broader traction primarily due to the power and reach of social media. But the "Holy War" rhetoric is not lost on me.

Where do we see it? I fully support addressing the border as a policy, but when I see rallies calling people "God's Army" with a specific God/Country/Politician alignment, it's disheartening and cheapens our faith. It also smacks of Christian Nationalism. You're not fighting God's cause. You're fighting for the secular cause of a sound policy for a sovereign country with economic, social, security, and legal concerns.

I see the seven mountain mandate gaining traction, and the twisting of Washington's famous "An Appeal to Heaven" symbols. I believe Charlie Kirk and TPUSA are fomenting religious nationalist sentiment well beyond the cultural appeals of Reagan or Bush. Marjorie Taylor Greene and others even identified themselves as such.

Framing spiritual warfare around secular policy conflict is simply trying to channel God's authority to a political purpose, and the rhetoric of "good vs evil" in the religious context has gained tremendous traction and a national/political call to arms.

Finally, the strange affinity for Putin has shaken out of the bush sentiments and people who view him as some leader of a Christian cause against the decadence of the West. It's as if the alignment of an autocrat and a supportive Christian church deserves our empathy and ignoring of the decidedly un-Christian actions of the despot. Who would have thought?
I am sort of tracking with you ... but my question remains ... who is the leader of the group? Where is the headquarters? When is its convention? When was its last march?

What acts of violence have been carried out by so-called "Christian nationalists?" What discrimination has been carried out by so-called "Christian nationalists?" To compare them to Muslim terrorists feels really immature and anti-intellectual.

Christian leaders have been calling for spiritual revival in the U.S. for 250 years. It's silly to think one's faith would not inform one's political ideas.
Who's comparing them? I simply pointed out the shared position on Gaza from the hard cores. That obviously set off the tailspin.

And I wouldn't compare this current wave to something like Billy Graham's revival for America or Washington's proclamation of providence. I'm all for the appeal to personal faith to guide us. It's when it becomes an advocacy for institutional purpose when I get a little worried.
I suppose you are unaware of the insane levels of attack against ALL Christian values in America today. Maybe if you were aware, you could understand the rise in rhetoric among Christians. The slippery slope has turned into a shear cliff. Christians are openly attacked with words, policies, lawsuits and violence... all over America. The nation is on a quick road to hell... so yeah, it is totally normal to see more and more outspoken Christians in that context.

I have yet to see any actual examples of someone calling themselves "God's Army". I imagine such examples would be about as prevalent as the Westboro Church group. The media made it seem like the Westboro nutjobs were everywhere, when in reality they had barely 2 dozen members.

Don't be fooled. The term Christian Nationalism is being used to attack ALL Christians who do not get on board with LGBTQ ideology and Soviet style socialism. Maybe you are not doing that, but the majority of folks who use the term are targeting anyone who reads & follows the Bible.
Christianity has been under attack since its inception. Sometimes it was external, other times internal. I'd say in the scheme of history, we're in a mild phase of value and moral dilemmas and the cultural struggle around it.


Solzhenitsyn argued it was easier to be a Christian under the old Soviet system because the evil was right out in the open and you know where the light was…he said it was harder in the modern West

[In 1978, Solzhenitsyn caused great controversy when he criticized the secularism and hedonism of the West in his famous commencement address at Harvard University. Condemning the nations of the so-called free West for being morally bankrupt, he urged that it was time "to defend not so much human rights as human obligations."

The emphasis on rights instead of responsibilities was leading to "the abyss of human decadence" and to the committing of "moral violence against young people, such as motion pictures full of pornography, crime, and horror." At the root of the modern malaise was the modern philosophy of "rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy," which declared the "autonomy of man from any higher authority above him." Such a view "could also be called anthropocentrity, with man seen as the centre of all."]

I completely agree. Great nugget BTW. An excerpt from his Gulag treatise (I haven't read the entire thing) really crystallized for me the idea that free people have a greater burden to be refrained from destructive/immoral behavior due to the only guardrails being personal and social constructs like religion, moral codes and ethics, etc. and not legal or punitive force.

The irony is that as free societies eschew those moral constructs, the more the government gets involved either as a means to deal with the social costs of destructive behavior or because its role is to protect rights which manifests in what seems as promotion. Frankly I think both of those occurring in the U.S. is a driver of the frustration that would push some people toward feeling a need for Christian Nationalist solutions, even if quasi in nature.
Jack Bauer
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"Fatties for a Free Palestine" - take THAT, Zionists!!

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Jack Bauer
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boognish_bear said:

This is Florida,not Portland. Why is that cop just standing there instead of slamming them down to the ground and hauling them off.

These people are miserable.
Jack Bauer
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Jack Bauer said:

boognish_bear said:

This is Florida,not Portland. Why is that cop just standing there instead of slamming them down to the ground and hauling them off.

These people are miserable.

I happily stand corrected.

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Amazing how trendy it has become to be anti semitic.

Israel might want to store up with US cash and weapons while they can.

Demographics, they are a changing.
Jack Bauer
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boognish_bear said:

The only tangible thing Jerry Seinfeld has to do with the Israeli-Hamas conflict is he is a Jew.

Imagine a bunch of white kids walking out because there was a black speaker at graduation...that's essentially what is happening here.

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Jack Bauer said:

boognish_bear said:

The only tangible thing Jerry Seinfeld has to do with the Israeli-Hamas conflict is he is a Jew.

Imagine a bunch of white kids walking out because there was a black speaker at graduation...that's essentially what is happening here.

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Jack Bauer said:

boognish_bear said:

This is Florida,not Portland. Why is that cop just standing there instead of slamming them down to the ground and hauling them off.

These people are miserable.

They were arrested in 11 minutes
Jack Bauer
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BREAKING NEWS: Israel agrees to a cease fire after Baylor student raises up a "Free Palestine" flag during the graduation commencement
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Just FYI... the fix is in!

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So true
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boognish_bear said:

How can people that would be persecuted and likely executed in Palestine for their sexual orientation claim to support them?
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Walking out of graduation is just stupid. You worked for years to get there and are going to walk out. So what? The ceremony will be a little shorter and no one will notice or care in 4 days, let alone 4 years.

The school still got your money and chances are you will be paying off that loan for years to come.

This is like people burning their sports jerseys, company merchandise, etc. that they have already bought in "protests." The company doesn't care. They have the money from you already.
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cowboycwr said:

boognish_bear said:

How can people that would be persecuted and likely executed in Palestine for their sexual orientation claim to support them?
I might help you understand, once you recognize that someone who identifies as "queer" is already lacking a ton of intelligence, and most likely suffering from mental illness.

Once you recognize that... anything they say/do becomes less shocking.

Crazy/stupid is gonna do crazy/stupid.
Jack Bauer
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Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Fast....until you get hungry.

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Jack Bauer said:

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Fast....until you get hungry.

The ghost of Ghandi laughing himself to tears.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

Mothra said:

Frank Galvin said:

Also, this thread is not big on free speech. What is the difference between the First and Second Amendments?
Big difference between "free speech," as you call it, and the heckler's veto. The latter is what is taking place at Columbia, with pro-Hamas students harassing people for merely being Jewish. Yesterday, they formed a human chain to specifically prevent Jewish students from entering buildings.

Instead of "free speech," it is something more akin to this:

I am certain both types of speech are happening. Anyone preventing access to public buildings is disturbing the peace. Someone who threatens the person or property of another with intent to follow through is making a criminal threat. If someone lays hands on another, it is assault. Arrest and remove them, which it sounds like the school is doing.

Offensive speech like Death to America and war criminal or flag burning is protected. It has to be for the First Amendment to have any meaning.
Saying "death" to a country is not protected free speech. Maybe you should learn what the first amendment is first.
It is a political statement which gets the most protection under the First Amendment. On the other hand it is anti-American. The relevant precedent is Bradenburg v. Ohio where SCOTUS phrased the test this way:

Government cannot censor anti-government speech unless it is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." College kids chanting is not specifc enough to say there is imminentn lawless action and is not likely to produce that action. It is most certanly free speech protected by the First Amendement just as burning American flags is.

Of course Columbia is not the government and it can do whatever it feels appropriate to student chanters.
"Death to America" and "Death to Israel" are chants that are widely known to be associated with actual physical violence to American and Israeli people, so it can not be viewed simply as political speech.
"Heil Hitler" is even more widely known to be speech associated with torturing and killing Jews. We protect the right to say that.

There has to be a danger the offensive speech will be acted on for it to be censored.
A Nazi salute is not a call for the death of a specific group. You know the difference here, you're just a shameless apologetic for the left.
I have explained the reasoning and cited the Supreme Court case that provides it. You have called me names.

BTW, ask a Jew if if the Nazi salute is not a call for the death of a specifc group. If the salute means one thing it means people who give the salute are willing to execute Jews. Similarly did we prosecute the Charlottesville fine people who marched with fire chanting "Jews will not replace us" or "Blood and Soil"? Same thing-reference to abhorrent, offensive concepts is still free speech unless it is intended to be acted on and there is chance it will be acted on.
No, I didn't call you names, I just stated what I believe to be fact, that leftists like yourself don't live in the same reality as rational people.

A Nazi salute may indicate a person who may agree to a call for the death of Jews, but it is not itself a specific call for the death of Jews. Just like a wearing a white hood and blacks. There is an easy difference to grasp here between a salute and the wearing of a white hood and the actual speech that calls for the death of a specific group.
You called me a "shameless apolegetic (sic) for the left"

And the reality I live in is that the Supreme COurt defines the parametrs of the First Amendment.

Finally defending Nazii salutes and white hoods as harmless while contending pro-Palestinian chants are criminal threats is seriously weird.

Klan hoods and terrorist masks should both be treated the same and not be allowed. Both are not only offensive but threatening. Chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" are not acceptable. It is concerning to me that you think they are.

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
Forest Bueller_bf
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Jack Bauer said:

boognish_bear said:

This is Florida,not Portland. Why is that cop just standing there instead of slamming them down to the ground and hauling them off.

These people are miserable.
Free them to Gaza, they would love it.

Gaza is Hamas controlled. Supported by over 70% of the Palestinians living there.
They probably would have a very short shelf life there.

I also see they are spouting the death toll numbers Hamas is feeding the idiots.

So to "Free Palestine" as they are talking about Hamas need to be eliminated and moved out of Gaza.

Since Hamas has a large majority of support in Gaza, even if it happened, the cause of eliminating the Jewish people and Israel would probably still flourish, and the mantle of Hamas would be taken over by some other militant group.

Forest Bueller_bf
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Jack Bauer said:

boognish_bear said:

The only tangible thing Jerry Seinfeld has to do with the Israeli-Hamas conflict is he is a Jew.

Imagine a bunch of white kids walking out because there was a black speaker at graduation...that's essentially what is happening here.

The United States is increasing becoming a very racist country. The target of said racism has changed, but we are certainly going backwards.
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