Campus Protests

74,342 Views | 1163 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by Redbrickbear
Forest Bueller_bf
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Jack Bauer said:

The rise of Naziism is upon us.

Palestine is just a convenient excuse.
Forest Bueller_bf
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Jack Bauer said:

"Fatties for a Free Palestine" - take THAT, Zionists!!

Well if they do, that could be one long ass hunger strike, so long as they hydrate properly.
Forest Bueller_bf
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boognish_bear said:

The dude getting out jumping all over their ass sounds and looks to be from the middle east.

He is correct, they are just causing people to hate them, which means and I think he understands the situation, they are cause some people to dislike him, out of association.
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Shows you how easy it was for people to turn against the Jews in WW2. Look at all the crazies doing it already to Jews that have nothing to do with what is going on in Gaza. Crazy
Frank Galvin
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Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

Mothra said:

Frank Galvin said:

Also, this thread is not big on free speech. What is the difference between the First and Second Amendments?
Big difference between "free speech," as you call it, and the heckler's veto. The latter is what is taking place at Columbia, with pro-Hamas students harassing people for merely being Jewish. Yesterday, they formed a human chain to specifically prevent Jewish students from entering buildings.

Instead of "free speech," it is something more akin to this:

I am certain both types of speech are happening. Anyone preventing access to public buildings is disturbing the peace. Someone who threatens the person or property of another with intent to follow through is making a criminal threat. If someone lays hands on another, it is assault. Arrest and remove them, which it sounds like the school is doing.

Offensive speech like Death to America and war criminal or flag burning is protected. It has to be for the First Amendment to have any meaning.
Saying "death" to a country is not protected free speech. Maybe you should learn what the first amendment is first.
It is a political statement which gets the most protection under the First Amendment. On the other hand it is anti-American. The relevant precedent is Bradenburg v. Ohio where SCOTUS phrased the test this way:

Government cannot censor anti-government speech unless it is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." College kids chanting is not specifc enough to say there is imminentn lawless action and is not likely to produce that action. It is most certanly free speech protected by the First Amendement just as burning American flags is.

Of course Columbia is not the government and it can do whatever it feels appropriate to student chanters.
"Death to America" and "Death to Israel" are chants that are widely known to be associated with actual physical violence to American and Israeli people, so it can not be viewed simply as political speech.
"Heil Hitler" is even more widely known to be speech associated with torturing and killing Jews. We protect the right to say that.

There has to be a danger the offensive speech will be acted on for it to be censored.
A Nazi salute is not a call for the death of a specific group. You know the difference here, you're just a shameless apologetic for the left.
I have explained the reasoning and cited the Supreme Court case that provides it. You have called me names.

BTW, ask a Jew if if the Nazi salute is not a call for the death of a specifc group. If the salute means one thing it means people who give the salute are willing to execute Jews. Similarly did we prosecute the Charlottesville fine people who marched with fire chanting "Jews will not replace us" or "Blood and Soil"? Same thing-reference to abhorrent, offensive concepts is still free speech unless it is intended to be acted on and there is chance it will be acted on.
No, I didn't call you names, I just stated what I believe to be fact, that leftists like yourself don't live in the same reality as rational people.

A Nazi salute may indicate a person who may agree to a call for the death of Jews, but it is not itself a specific call for the death of Jews. Just like a wearing a white hood and blacks. There is an easy difference to grasp here between a salute and the wearing of a white hood and the actual speech that calls for the death of a specific group.
You called me a "shameless apolegetic (sic) for the left"

And the reality I live in is that the Supreme COurt defines the parametrs of the First Amendment.

Finally defending Nazii salutes and white hoods as harmless while contending pro-Palestinian chants are criminal threats is seriously weird.

Klan hoods and terrorist masks should both be treated the same and not be allowed. Both are not only offensive but threatening. Chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" are not acceptable. It is concerning to me that you think they are.

They are not "acceptable." They are legal.

Jack Bauer
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Jack Bauer said:

Good for her. Hopefully prospective employers will do the same thing to her resume'.
"Never underestimate Joe's ability to **** things up!"

-- Barack Obama
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Jack Bauer said:

Apparently she and I agree on the value of the "education " she received there.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
Jack Bauer
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Jack Bauer said:

Good for her. Hopefully prospective employers will do the same thing to her resume'.

She is probably going to indoctrinate, I mean teach, 1st graders based on the way things have been going lately...
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Those girls have a little too much skin showing for Islam. Cover up them ankles ladies!
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Wangchung said:

Jack Bauer said:

Apparently she and I agree on the value of the "education " she received there.

Regardless of the pro or anti-Israel drama…it's amazing how there seem to be literal zero old school north eastern WASPs graduating from the Ivy League.

It's names like Chen and Kamra

What a change since 1980 when those schools are still their strongholds
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They know better, they come down south to schools like Baylor now
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Solid, thorough. Spot. On.

Commentary Magazine
MAY 2024

The Woke Jihad

by Abe Greenwald
In April, a long-haired flower child on the campus of Princeton University was captured on camera. The picture, posted on social media, shows him sitting on his guitar case, guitar in hand, ready to play. Spread on the grass before him, completing this otherwise faithful portrait of hippiedom, is not a peace sign or a tie-dyed bedsheet but the flag of the terrorist organization Hezbollah. Look closer, and you'll spot the keffiyeh around his neck. But what is incongruous about the picturethe pairing of hippie garb and jihadist imageryis nothing of the sort in real life. This tree-hugging terrorist supporter is the moronic face of a harmonious marriage.

In the first decade of the 21st century, the United States was attacked by jihadists who drew the country into a yearslong, multifront war. At the start of the third decade, we were attacked in a far different fashion, from within. Left-wing radicals embarked on a violent campaign to upend the cultural and political order of the nation. Both attacks changed us in significant ways, but neither one broke us. In 2023, seizing on Hamas's October 7 massacre of Israelis, the jihadists and the left-wing radicals explicitly joined forces. They first launched a street campaign against Israel and in support of jihadist terror. Then they occupied university campuses, where they began harassing Jewish students, continued calling for death to Israel and America, and amplified their praise for jihad. All, naturally, in the name of peace.

We don't know what this hybrid enemy of the West will do next. But we know that it won't stop soon, as it is well funded and impressively organized. Moreover, its two halves enjoy a valuable symbiotic relationship. They need each other.

First, a sampling of the movement's fruits so far.

Khymani James, a leading figure of Columbia University's pro-Hamas encampment, and a gay African American in exquisite standing with the social-justice left, says, "Zionists don't deserve to live." At UCLA, Eli Tsives, a Jewish student wearing a Magen David necklace, is physically blocked on his way to class by keffiyeh-clad protesters. At Stanford University, a protester is photographed wearing a Hamas headband and face covering while he scrolls through his phone. At George Washington University, a statue of Washington himself is draped in a keffiyeh and a Palestinian flag. Elsewhere on the campus, students hold a "people's tribunal" and sentence the school's president and others to death amid cheers of "Guillotine, guillotine!" On campus after campus, left-wing activists call for "intifada revolution" or proclaim, "We are Hamas" under banners bearing the jihadist rallying cry for Jewish extermination, "From the river to the sea," or the Islamist paean to holy suicide bombers, "Glory to all our martyrs."

The union of radical leftism and jihadism on display across American campuses is a marriage born of necessityand of love. The necessity is reciprocal. Three-plus years after the George Floyd revolution, the left had found itself adrift. With the liberal rank and file no longer interested in police-defunding, the public turning against DEI schemes, whistleblowers revealing the horrors of "gender-affirming care" for trans kids, and the term woke a source of liberal embarrassment, what was there to constitute the vital work of social justice? A revolutionary cannot live on microaggressions alone. The left needed a new animating theme, and jihadist fury would prove more than bracing enough.

For their part, the jihadists needed the American left for tactical purposes: to propagandize for their cause and fit anti-Semitic terroristsalongside gays, the transgendered, and African Americansinto the intersectional left's pantheon of victims. As one coordinator of a Vancouver-based "pro-Palestinian" organization counseled Columbia University students in March: "There is nothing wrong with being a member of Hamas, being a leader of Hamas, being a fighter in Hamas. These are the people that are on the front lines defending Palestine." If average Americans are shocked at how ardently the woke took to Islamist thinking, it's because they don't know the left as well as jihadists do.

The love between the two camps, however, is not reciprocal. Leftists love the jihadists. They love them for their ferocity and exoticism as much as for their bottomless self-pity. Those are the constituent elements of social justice. It's why we see protesters trying to shape-shift into war-ravaged Palestinians, asking for humanitarian aid, claiming chemical attacks on students, grasping to bask in the reflective glow of the nobly oppressed. But no properly chauvinistic jihadist could feel anything but disgust for the unchecked females, sexual libertines, heathens, and even Jews he's been forced to instrumentalize in the cause of Islamist domination.

Yet while the love is not reciprocal, it is in other aspects mutual, or shared. The leftists and jihadists both love violence and victimhood. They both love destroying the good things of the West. And they both love anti-Semitism. Up until recently, most of the anti-Semitic left was inclined to costume its Jew-hatred in anti-Zionism. Their alliance with plainly exterminationist jihadists has changed that. This shift can be heard in the common protest chant "We don't want no two states. We want all of it."

In pursuit of these shared passions, the protesters have been known to find guidance in a pamphlet titled "De-arrest Primer," which encourages them to assault police officers and create their own "micro-intifada which can spread and inspire others until we may finally shake off this noxious ruling order all together."

Maybe you're not convinced. Perhaps you're inclined to agree with former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who tweeted in May, "Hamas has nothing in common at all with liberal or progressive values." If you think he has a point, look more closely at those protesting in sympathy with Hamas. You'll find every color in the identity rainbow. Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ groups, intersectional feminist organizations, and others salute October 7 as righteous resistance and condemn the Israeli response as genocide. If you still find it strange that people nominally committed to the defense of minorities, women, and the transgendered are supporting a racist, male-supremacist, anti-gay terrorist regime, you've missed the purpose of social justice: to "finally shake off this noxious ruling order all together." This necessarily means destroying the Jewish state, laying waste to the U.S. as we know it, and deifying the enemies of both.

The first thing to understand about any left-wing protest movement is that its nominal cause is irrelevant. Black Lives Matter isn't about saving black lives. Trans activism isn't about protecting trans children. And intersectionality isn't about the suffering of the diverse disaffected. Never were, never will be. Underneath their particular brands, social-justice movements are assorted fronts in a radical war against the good. And so it is for the "pro-Palestinian" encampments.

Would a group trying to save black lives have seized on a statistically tiny number of police killings as justification to rid black neighborhoods of police? That's what Black Lives Matter did. And by the time the cops were hobbled, and violent crime spiked precisely where police were most needed, the movement's leaders were using corporate donations to buy safe suburban palaces. BLM was an attack on law enforcement, because law enforcement maintains the good working order of the United States. Undermine that and you're left with chaos, which is the objective.

And celebratory chaos is precisely the goal of the radical trans movement. Consider Rose Montoya, the trans activist who went topless on the South Lawn of the White House during a Pride Month celebration. How does that viral stunt protect trans kids or evoke empathy for an outcast demographic? Every aspect of the movement is designed to undo our common appreciation for a safe and sane way of life. Denying solid biological reality, throwing kids into emotional disarray, scaring the hell out of parents, endorsing ruinous medical procedures for minors, and trolling everyone who's not convincedthat's the game. And just as BLM leaders got rich, trans stars are furnished with endorsements and media deals once they've done their part to tear down the edifice of stability.

Intersectional ideology has infiltrated our lives mostly through the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training programs at work and school. To conquer, you must first divide. That's the DEI trainer's remitsplitting formerly cohesive groups into racial, ethnic, and gender camps, highlighting their differences and coaxing out ugly resentments. Not surprisingly, DEI work increases bigotry. As one DEI theorist recently admitted to the Wall Street Journal, "People often leave diversity training feeling angry and with greater animosity toward other groups." Because that's what it's supposed to do, especially regarding Jews. Soon after October 7, Tabia Lee, the disenchanted former head of DEI at California's De Anza College, told the New York Post that she was called a "dirty Zionist" for bringing Jewish speakers to campus. And school administrators refused her request to issue a condemnation of anti-Semitism. Lee says, "I was told in no uncertain terms that Jews are 'white oppressors' and our job as faculty and staff members was to 'decenter whiteness.'" Of the left's postOctober 7 bigotry, she writes, "This outpouring of antisemitic hatred is the direct result of DEI's insistence that Jews are oppressors."

Yes, there are well-meaning individuals who support civil rights, gay rights, and gender equality. And if these well-meaning people are still supporting social-justice campaigns because they believe their stated aims, then they'll support anyone.

But the performative lunatics who turned identity fanaticism into a national pastime are enemies of Israel, the Jews, the United States, and human decency itself. That makes them natural allies of terrorists, whatever their do-good cover stories.

As with previous left-wing campaigns, the "pro-Palestinian" movement offers nothing in support of its supposed purpose. It sides with Gaza's governing terrorists, who start wars with the express goal of producing a surplus of dead Gazans. American Hamas supporters chant "Cease-Fire now" as Hamas refuses every cease-fire offer that Israel and the U.S. put on the table. Why? Because a cease-fire means no more dead Gazans, and dead Gazans are Hamas's chief natural resource and most valuable export. It's what brings in the billions of aid money that's used to build tunnels where Hamas hideswhile civilians absorb the blows overhead. If Israel were to stop short of eradicating Hamas, as the protesters want, many more Gazans would die in the future wars that Hamas has vowed to instigate.

No, the encampments aren't pro-Palestinian. They're the latest expression of the social-justice left's impulse to destroy the virtuous and raise up the wicked.

But that's not all they are. What the jihadists of Hamas and other groups want from the protesters is not to save Palestinian lives but to further rally world opinion against Israel and pressure institutions to boycott, divest from, and sanction it. From their perspective, the encampments are both a psychological operation, or psyop, and a means of economic warfare against the State of Israel. In both respects, the protesters have been dutiful in trying to advance jihadists' aims. But they are merely the end products of long-running, highly developed propaganda and finance networks developed to press them into service. And even a cursory look at the parties behind these networks gives you a sense of their interest in peace.

Consider the organization American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), founded in 2005. As Commentary contributing editor Jonathan Schanzer testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee in April, AMP is "arguably the most important sponsor and organizer for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which is the most visible arm of the BDS campaign on campuses in the United States." AMP supplies SJP with "speakers, training, printed materials, a so-called Apartheid Wall, and grants" to activists. Moreover, "AMP even has a campus coordinator on staff whose job is to work directly with SJP and other pro-BDS campus groups across the country."

Whom does AMP employ? From Schanzer's testimony: "At least seven individuals who work for or on behalf of AMP have worked for or on behalf of organizations previously shut down or held civilly liable in the United States for providing financial support to Hamas." One of these individuals, Salah Sarsour, did eight months behind bars in Israel for "Hamas activity." Little surprise that attendees of AMP's 2014 annual conference were invited to "come and navigate the fine line between legal activism and material support for terrorism." AMP has also received donations from businesses and foundations with one or two degrees of separation from terrorist funders.

Schanzer also testified about a pro-BDS group called alternately "The U.S. Coalition to Boycott Israel" or "Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine." He said, "The organization's president is Ghassan Barakat, a consular notary for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) who has been identified by the Palestinian Expatriates Affairs Department website as a member of the Palestine National Council (PNC)." Group coordinator Senan Shaqdeh was once, according to the PLO itself, a "'fighter in the ranks of the mountain brigade' for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine," a PLO faction designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States. According to Shaqdeh, he is also a co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine.

The above describes only one stream of support for the protests. Another financial stream comes from well-known, big-money Democratic donors. Over the past five years, according to Politico, the Tides Foundation has given half a million dollars to the anti-Zionist group Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). Along with IfNotNow, also a Tides Foundation recipient, JVP is one of the central organizing forces behind pro-Hamas protests at Columbia and beyond. Additionally, Tides contributes to the Adalah Justice Project, another Columbia protest participant, and Palestine Legal, a legal defense fund that claims to help "students mobilizing against genocide." The Tides Foundation is heavily supported by George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Susan and Nick Pritzker.

Mega-donors often give to an array of such groups and watch the activism trickle down. The Pritzkers, for example, additionally support Solidaire and the Libra Foundation, which then disperse funds to more specialized organizations such as Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, both of which have been involved in the protests. Soros also funds Students for Justice in Palestine, which has organized protests at Harvard, Yale, and elsewhere. The New York Post reports that the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) "received at least $300,000 from Soros's Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019." For an eight-hour organizing shift, USCPR pays its community-based "fellows" as much as $7,800 and its campus-based fellows between $2,880 and $3,660. The fellows are trained, according to USCPR literature, to "rise up, to revolution."

One such fellow, Malak Afaneh, co-president of the Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine, rose up and crashed a dinner party thrown by the dean of Berkeley Law School, Erwin Chemerinsky. In Chemerinsky's backyard, Afaneh took to a smuggled-in microphone to preach against Israel. When Chemerinsky's wife tried to get her to leave, Afaneh accused the hostess of assault.

There's another, more insidious, channel of support that bears mentioning: the vast sums of money that foreign governments give to American colleges. The country most relevant here is Hamas's patron, Qatar. A 2022 study by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) found that Qatar gave, in the form of "gifts" or "restricted agreements," $4.7 billion to multiple American colleges and universities between 2001 and 2021. Since 2015, Qatar has given an astounding $1.5 billion just to Cornell, where history professor Russell Rickford was caught on camera telling students that the October 7 attack on Israel was "exhilarating" and "energizing," and where Jewish students were warned to avoid the kosher dining hall because of anonymous threats to blow up the building.

There is a statistically robust link between the money and the Jew-hatred. ISGAP's study found that, between 2015 and 2020, schools that accepted money from Qatar (and other Middle Eastern donors) averaged 300 percent more anti-Semitic incidents than those that did not. And Qatar-funded campuses were also more resistant to traditional democratic norms such as free speech. Qatar's investment allows it to influence universities by organizing conferences and joint-research projects where Qatari administrators and researchers can indirectly relay Doha's agenda to their Western counterparts.

And they could hardly enjoy a more receptive audience. It is on the rotting foundations of Western academia itself that the woke jihad built its home. Dominant academic trends such as intersectionality, critical race theory, anti-racism, and anti-colonialism have turned millions of young minds into a moral fun-house mirror in which racists are reflected back as angels, colorblindness as racism, one sex as the other, democracy as tyranny, tyranny as paradise, freedom as bondage, refugees as colonialists, Jews as white oppressors, and terrorists as saints.

At this late date, it's no longer profitable to tease out the subtleties of one neo-Marxist theory or another. In their totality, they amount to a categorical inversion of the good and the bad. And without that, no Islamist psyop, donor network, or activist alliance could have delivered the campus Hamasniks and Judenrein quads we see today. By the time those forces got involved, the student acolytes of the identarian left had been hollowed out of anything that might have made them resistant to indoctrination. On a slew of campuses, they now evangelize for terrorism, standing side-by-side with the professors who prepped them for this moment.
Appropriately, it will be the universities that suffer most when the woke jihad winds down. The donor divestment and the drop in student applications that hit schools when the protests began are certain to increase as the full flowering of the encampments' depravity becomes ever clearer.

Academic thought has been so thoroughly siloed from common experience for so long that it became unaccountable to itself and undetectable to most of the country. Not only was dethroned Harvard president Claudine Gay unaware that the unacceptability of genocidal incitement is not context-dependent; most Americans were unaware that she or any other academic didn't know that. The past seven months have exposed for all the full catalogue of grotesquery that is American higher education.

Which is why a backlash against the pro-Hamas encampments has come more swiftly than the one that followed the defund-the-police campaign. In the 21st century, there is a predictable arc to a radical movement's progress. First, a significant segment of the public embraces it. Next, the liberal establishment responds by incorporating its ideas in policy. Then, the policy produces tragic results. And, eventually, the public turns on the movement. Such was the case with police-defunding. But polls indicate that the public is already opposed to the pro-Hamas encampments, just by virtue of their existence. Meanwhile, the fraternity brothers who hoisted an American flag at the center of a pro-Hamas rally at the University of Chapel Hill have received more than half a million dollars from appreciative patriots.

And, really, how could it be otherwise? In joining forces, the woke and the Islamists may have compounded their resources, but they've also compounded the disgust that the public already harbored for each group individually. The spectacle of their blended pathologies will be, and already is, their discrediting and their undoing. Not ours.

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Jinx has been surpassed once and for all.
Harrison Bergeron
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I honestly cannot understand the uber-rich Elite in the West funding terrorists that will kill them in a moment.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

I honestly cannot understand the uber-rich Elite in the West funding terrorists that will kill them in a moment.
LARP for morons.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Harrison Bergeron said:

I honestly cannot understand the uber-rich Elite in the West funding terrorists that will kill them in a moment.

There is a segment of our population so wrapped up in this oppressor/oppressed horse hockey that they have become blinded to just about anything else. They are also insanely naive.

Same with queers for Palestine, like how stupid can you possibly be. That's like the steak manufacturers for veganism. Completely counter to your interests.
Jack Bauer
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"campus" "protests".

- el KKM

pro ecclesia, pro javelina
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So what? Why would they care? They got the money. Maybe they should revoke his degree.
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Cracking heads at UC Irvine. It must feel great to beat the snot out of terror sympathizers.
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"Get off my lawn"....literally

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The state of Michigan is going to be reallllly boned in 15-20 years. Like realllllly boned.
Jack Bauer
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Would have 'accidentally' stepped on the fat ones.
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muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Whiskey Pete
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Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Wonder when they'll be a WLM movement considering cops kill more white people that black people
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Whiskey Pete said:

Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Wonder when they'll be a WLM movement considering cops kill more white people that black people
The media will never tell the useful idiots to be upset over that. Democrats will never community organize marches and riots over that. Democrats will never publicly tell people to harass people in restaurants or wherever they are and tell them "they aren't welcome here anymore" over that. Democrats would never bail out rioters who rioted over that.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Whiskey Pete said:

Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Wonder when they'll be a WLM movement considering cops kill more white people that black people

When public sentiment goes that way. I am not completely on board with blm myself. I think the old way, that nobody is equal until we all are. Blacks, particularly, are being put up on a societal pedestal that is not equal. But to me it isn't so bad, because it isn't really resulting in any big upwards changes. If I really thought that in 50 years blacks would be the overlords of America, and I'd have to kiss their rings... But it is just a normal societal pendulum swing.. Maybe some blacks feel their voices are better heard, but the truly disenfranchised are the blacks in generational poverty, and I doubt blm has statistically changed that at all, despite all thos attention.

Poverty does disproportionately affect American blacks whose ancestors were slaves in America, but that great sin is so far in the past we cannot right it. My preferred way is really going to war with generational poverty in a color blind, equal way. Doesn't matter what color of skin you have, getting out of generational poverty is hard. Most do not have the knowledge or resources to get out of it.

Campus protests a different topic though, I'm not sure why I responded to these personal attacks. Some of you zealots are zealous.
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There's likely no real solution to that problem. If you could fix poverty with money it would have already happened but just about everything on the topic shows money doesn't fix the issue.

Robin Hood in Texas is a great example. In fact, the increased funding resulted in no changes and, in many cases, results went backwards.

If you have an answer for generational poverty I'll surely listen. It has to start with education, imo, and that means there's a large component of personal responsibility and desire/drive.
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Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Obama's rhetoric also contributed to it.
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Porteroso said:

Whiskey Pete said:

Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Wonder when they'll be a WLM movement considering cops kill more white people that black people

When public sentiment goes that way. I am not completely on board with blm myself. I think the old way, that nobody is equal until we all are. Blacks, particularly, are being put up on a societal pedestal that is not equal. But to me it isn't so bad, because it isn't really resulting in any big upwards changes. If I really thought that in 50 years blacks would be the overlords of America, and I'd have to kiss their rings... But it is just a normal societal pendulum swing.. Maybe some blacks feel their voices are better heard, but the truly disenfranchised are the blacks in generational poverty, and I doubt blm has statistically changed that at all, despite all thos attention.

Poverty does disproportionately affect American blacks whose ancestors were slaves in America, but that great sin is so far in the past we cannot right it. My preferred way is really going to war with generational poverty in a color blind, equal way. Doesn't matter what color of skin you have, getting out of generational poverty is hard. Most do not have the knowledge or resources to get out of it.

Campus protests a different topic though, I'm not sure why I responded to these personal attacks. Some of you zealots are zealous.
So, I have to ask -

do you still believe it is racist to believe that BLM pushes a false narrative?

Or did you finally learn something? Did you learn what a "narrative" is? I ask because you became silent after I asked you: WHY does BLM want everyone to acknowledge that black lives matter? In other words, WHY the slogan? I like to think the light bulb finally turned on for you, but due to your past history here, I can't be sure.
Whiskey Pete
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Porteroso said:

Whiskey Pete said:

Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Wonder when they'll be a WLM movement considering cops kill more white people that black people

When public sentiment goes that way. I am not completely on board with blm myself. I think the old way, that nobody is equal until we all are. Blacks, particularly, are being put up on a societal pedestal that is not equal. But to me it isn't so bad, because it isn't really resulting in any big upwards changes. If I really thought that in 50 years blacks would be the overlords of America, and I'd have to kiss their rings... But it is just a normal societal pendulum swing.. Maybe some blacks feel their voices are better heard, but the truly disenfranchised are the blacks in generational poverty, and I doubt blm has statistically changed that at all, despite all thos attention.

Poverty does disproportionately affect American blacks whose ancestors were slaves in America, but that great sin is so far in the past we cannot right it. My preferred way is really going to war with generational poverty in a color blind, equal way. Doesn't matter what color of skin you have, getting out of generational poverty is hard. Most do not have the knowledge or resources to get out of it.

Campus protests a different topic though, I'm not sure why I responded to these personal attacks. Some of you zealots are zealous.
The most zealous of all zealots are the left wing zealots who take zelousing to a whole new level.

As far as righting a wrong, it was already righted. Our ancestors went to war, we abolished slavery, we instituted affirmative action and have thrown billions upon billions at blacks. The reparations they're calling for, they're already getting, they just want more.

Like I said before, today, Sunday May 19th, is the best day to be black in America.

People in generational poverty (notice I just didn't say blacks, as it applies to everyone race) will be stuck in generational poverty until they wake the ph*ck up, get an education and/or apply themselves to reach goals higher than just being able to pay the electric bill.

Generational poverty will always exist as long as each generation view themselves as some sort of victim that deserves to be given things at the expense of others.

Sorry, but today, blacks are owed nothing more other than to have their constitutional rights protected and be treated equally as others under the law.

If a black kid is born into the ghetto today, it's not my fault, it's not your fault and it's not because there used to be slaves over 150 years ago. It's because their parents or grand parents or great grand parents didn't see the need to build a better life and get out of the ghetto. That's the cold hard truth.
Whiskey Pete
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nein51 said:

There's likely no real solution to that problem. If you could fix poverty with money it would have already happened but just about everything on the topic shows money doesn't fix the issue.

Robin Hood in Texas is a great example. In fact, the increased funding resulted in no changes and, in many cases, results went backwards.

If you have an answer for generational poverty I'll surely listen. It has to start with education, imo, and that means there's a large component of personal responsibility and desire/drive.
It has to start with education and not having absentee fathers.
Whiskey Pete
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Porteroso said:

Whiskey Pete said:

Porteroso said:

muddybrazos said:


A simple google search proves you wrong.

In 2013, activists and friends Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi originated the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin.

3 angy black lesbians started BLM and one of their stated goals was the destruction of the nuclear family. This is just another Marxist subeversive group that is anti White, anti Christian, anti Family and anti American. People need to start waking up to who and what is really happening in our country. Antifa, BLM, progressivism etc are America's Bolsheviks.

No. A simple Google search may give you the answer you want, but sometimes life is a tad more complicated than a simple Google search. Yes someone hastags everything for the first time, no these 3 angry lesbians did not start a worldwide movement. It was common sentiment, building for decades, sparked by police shootings, that started BLM.
Wonder when they'll be a WLM movement considering cops kill more white people that black people

When public sentiment goes that way. I am not completely on board with blm myself. I think the old way, that nobody is equal until we all are. Blacks, particularly, are being put up on a societal pedestal that is not equal. But to me it isn't so bad, because it isn't really resulting in any big upwards changes. If I really thought that in 50 years blacks would be the overlords of America, and I'd have to kiss their rings... But it is just a normal societal pendulum swing.. Maybe some blacks feel their voices are better heard, but the truly disenfranchised are the blacks in generational poverty, and I doubt blm has statistically changed that at all, despite all thos attention.

Poverty does disproportionately affect American blacks whose ancestors were slaves in America, but that great sin is so far in the past we cannot right it. My preferred way is really going to war with generational poverty in a color blind, equal way. Doesn't matter what color of skin you have, getting out of generational poverty is hard. Most do not have the knowledge or resources to get out of it.

Campus protests a different topic though, I'm not sure why I responded to these personal attacks. Some of you zealots are zealous.
So, I have to ask -

do you still believe it is racist to believe that BLM pushes a false narrative?

Or did you finally learn something? Did you learn what a "narrative" is? I ask because you became silent after I asked you: WHY does BLM want everyone to acknowledge that black lives matter? In other words, WHY the slogan? I like to think the light bulb finally turned on for you, but due to your past history here, I can't be sure.
I'd like to reply to this, but I'm running late. Me and some friends our heading down to few restaurants so we can demand that patron stop eating, pump their fist and say black lives matter.

That'll fix everything. Just trying to do my part.
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